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Interview with Higby talks Scale

PC Gamer is on a roll today they have also put up an interview with Matt Higby about the scale of PlanetSide 2.

“We have enormous, enormous gameplay space,” says Higby. Planetside 2’s settings – continents on the planet Auraxis – measure an epic eight kilometres square, with weapons capable of firing a full kilometre in distance. “One of our largest development efforts on this project has been hand crafting every single area of those eight-by-eight kilometre continents,” Higby told us. In this vast space, three factions fight it out: The Terran Republic, The New Conglomerate and The Vanu Sovereignty. And those fights can become pretty vast.

“You’re going to be fighting in battles sometimes when it’s 200 people fighting against 30 people,” said Higby. “Because there’s only 30 people defending that base and then suddenly 200 people log in from the other group and go do it.”

Click here to check out the full interview.

2011-10-26 12:17 PM
Source: PC Gamer
Latest Comments
2011-10-30 04:49 PM
dm Akolyte
Re: PC Gamer UK December Issue & Interview with Higby on Scale

WTF. I don't want to grouped as spec ops to play as a sniper. I'm a fucking marksman, not some psuedo-support wanker.
2011-10-30 05:06 PM
Re: PC Gamer UK December Issue & Interview with Higby on Scale

Originally Posted by dm Akolyte View Post
WTF. I don't want to grouped as spec ops to play as a sniper. I'm a fucking marksman, not some psuedo-support wanker.
Snipers have always been more of a supportive role in team oriented shooters. Get up close and in a real firefight if you don't wanna be lumped in with them.

Hopefully standard rifles won't have such piss poor accuracy this time and you can be a proper marksman as a rifleman.
2011-10-30 05:44 PM
Re: PC Gamer UK December Issue & Interview with Higby on Scale

It was never the accuracy of rifles that got me, but the fact that at the average engagement ranges (75m+) they started doing zilch for damage. You were wasting ammo by 120m, and the tightest cone of the weapon was inaccurate enough. It was salt in the wound doing almost nothing at 190m when that one round did connect.

Counting on bullet drop in PS2 to remove the need for DD over range. I just hope our rounds don't suddenly drop like bricks until at least 200m. We don't need to encourage everyone to pick up a sniper rifle just to hit anything a stones throw away again.
2011-10-30 08:32 PM
Re: PC Gamer UK December Issue & Interview with Higby on Scale

Originally Posted by EASyEightyEight View Post
It was never the accuracy of rifles that got me, but the fact that at the average engagement ranges (75m+) they started doing zilch for damage. You were wasting ammo by 120m, and the tightest cone of the weapon was inaccurate enough. It was salt in the wound doing almost nothing at 190m when that one round did connect.

Counting on bullet drop in PS2 to remove the need for DD over range. I just hope our rounds don't suddenly drop like bricks until at least 200m. We don't need to encourage everyone to pick up a sniper rifle just to hit anything a stones throw away again.
Yes, the huge CoF and the damage degradation at range was simply retarded in PS1.

The only thing limiting you from doing damage at range with a rifle should be accuracy limitations and I'm not talking about not being able to place controlled bursts exactly where you want. Range should ONLY limit a rifle by making it impossible to accurately hit someone while firing in full auto.

Hopefully bullets fall off at a realistic, constant rate so that it becomes harder to adjust for them at range, but they stay effective for quite a long ways.

I'd like to see snipers have to operate at far longer ranges if they hope to avoid being picked off by riflemen in PS2. If snipers have difficulty surviving at ranges closer than 300m, they will be forced to fire from distances so great that bullet drop and travel time (and maybe wind speed) will make it a lot harder to land those head shots, or even body shots.
2011-10-30 09:00 PM
Re: PC Gamer UK December Issue & Interview with Higby on Scale

I will scream bloddy murder if they try to stick us with any form of degradation again. We already know that weapons will have CoF, recoil, bullet drop, and suffer from wind effects all to varying degrees, so there's no need to slap degradation on top of that.

I hope the Max range on all weapons is pushed out a lot farther too. In this PC Gamer article Higby mentions we'll have "weapons capable of firing a full kilometre in distance," so I hope that means all weapons will get a significant range increase, and not just, say the sniper rifle and Primary tank weapons.

Oh, a quick note on scale.... In PS1, each grid square on a cont map measures 400m x 400m, so each 20x20 cont map measures 8km x 8km which is the same size as we've been told the PS2 maps will be.

The only question is whether they got the perceived scale right this time. In PS1 each meter looks like it's only about half as long as it should be. If meters "look" to be more accurate in PS2 than PS1 (EDIT: typo) maps could in fact be much bigger than they are in PS1.
2011-10-30 09:12 PM
Re: PC Gamer UK December Issue & Interview with Higby on Scale

Originally Posted by TRex View Post
Seeing cloakers at 50m+ was more of a bug than a cheat in most cases. If you had advanced targeting on , every now and then you would spot a red name tag with no body ,pinpointing their position. Ironically , this happened more if they stood still.
New engine,new game so hopefully will be gone in new incarnation.
That is my point. That you were being sent location information of the cloaker's whereabouts though you were not being sent any visual information, as far as how he looked.

What I want is NO information to be sent. So you can't take the data, and turn all cloakers into a graphical cheats, such as they are visible, or have their nametag, or whatever visible.

Without ANY data, NONE, being sent, cloakers become TRULY stealthy, not just stealthy to anyone but the players who are cheating/exploiting/whatever.

And, the reason you would get that information may have been because you had a cheating radar hacker nearby, I think, who functionally made it so everyone had Audio Amp, but Audio Amp that showed everyone and everything, whether they were moving or not.
2011-10-31 06:10 AM
Re: PC Gamer UK December Issue & Interview with Higby on Scale

I've sniped cloakers before with improved magnification thing at full range, not through a bug or exploit , but through normal movement giving them away.
Not 'real' cloakers, just the nubs who run around outside knifing /boomering people.
Likewise I once made a new toon , grabbed a mossie and went off to do the exploration merit and en route shot a cloaker in middle of nowhere on an empty continent who had obviously gone afk . Thats why I put it down to a bug.
All this will change .
2011-10-31 07:30 AM
Re: PC Gamer UK December Issue & Interview with Higby on Scale

How did you see him???
2011-10-31 07:46 AM
Re: PC Gamer UK December Issue & Interview with Higby on Scale

like I said , its a bug .sometimes cloakers might as well just have a big arrow above them pointing at their position. other time I cant see cloakers walking 2 steps away from me.
2011-10-31 07:54 AM
Re: PC Gamer UK December Issue & Interview with Higby on Scale

No, I meant, did he look translucent, transparent, uncloaked, 'r what?
2011-10-31 08:32 AM
Re: PC Gamer UK December Issue & Interview with Higby on Scale

I just saw a name tag in red , shoot below it, simple as that
2011-10-31 10:45 AM
Re: PC Gamer UK December Issue & Interview with Higby on Scale

Yup. I think you had a radar or some other hacker nearby. But, who knows.
2011-10-31 11:05 AM
Re: PC Gamer UK December Issue & Interview with Higby on Scale

This stuff has occured every now and then since 2003/4 ,on empty continents or in full firefights . We used to get falling through floors, people flying through ceilings, blacked out basements,and even whole bases turning white or transparent a lot then also . Nothing new , and long before the proliferation of hackers as a norm. But, you never know I guess.
2011-11-06 01:59 AM
Re: PC Gamer UK December Issue & Interview with Higby on Scale

Originally Posted by Canaris View Post
Giant chain guns of death dealing doom..... I approve!

also love the way that old PS style (chain guns and laser sights) is getting mixed into the new style art work direction. Very groovy
I'm glad you are diggin it sir
2011-11-06 01:00 AM
Re: PC Gamer UK December Issue & Interview with Higby on Scale

Originally Posted by basti View Post
More important, theres a NC under the guys feet!
i thought that would be an appropriate detail to add, Smed shed a tear for his fallen comrade though

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