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Light Assault Screenshots

SOE has released 3 new screenshots showing the light assault classes from each empire!

RadarX also announced this will be Light Assault week so there should be more to come. Which one is your favorite? Check Walmart Ad and Home Depot Ad. As always hit up the comments thread!

Update 2/29: The official site has been updated with a Light Assault Comm Link!

The Light Assault’s extreme mobility is their defining trait and allows them to move faster than most other soldiers. Each one of the Light Assault’s various Jumpjet configurations grants them the ability to take on different obstacles, shifting their role in combat. The Standard Jumpjets allow them to make their way over barriers and enemy’s heads alike. They can also equip more specialized configurations, such as the high boost Icarus Jumpjets, to reach walled objectives and perched Infiltrators, or the hovering Glider Jets, to descend on vulnerable ground targets safely.

Check out the full article here.

2012-02-28 02:07 PM
Latest Comments
2012-02-29 04:30 AM
Re: Light Assault Screenshots

Originally Posted by Sabrak View Post
It has been said that visors will be customisable though.
I do'nt know how much, but T_Ray or Higby talked about colors.
And I think that the "Paint" aspect of the VS and NC visors are mostly because they're pitch black, so if it's more purplish or yellowish (depending on the faction), it might be better.

(I still don't like the squary look of the NC visor though)
Yeah, I remember the customizable visors, it was mainly referring to fe. the Pulsar example.

But even then, available customization doesnt mean something else has to look like it was made in paint in 5 seconds

And yea, I guess it's the pitch black + no "outlines" of any kind. Some kind of frames or altering the visor color might do a lot.

And yeah, I too think the NC visors shape could somehow be further altered.
2012-02-29 12:11 PM
Re: Light Assault Screenshots

I agree the TR goggles/helmet dont quite sit right on the face positionally.. Sure they will sort it out come launch.
2012-02-29 12:47 PM
Re: Light Assault Screenshots

Maybe the TR guy is on Amerish. PCGamer said PS2 will have Amerish.
2012-02-29 03:26 PM
Re: Light Assault Screenshots

The TR and NC look like crap and very similar.

Perhaps in game you can customized it and give it a better color like black and red for TR instead of grey which looks horrible and similar to NC.

Vanu one is the only one sporting the real Vanu colors.
2012-02-29 04:40 PM
Re: Light Assault

Originally Posted by Brusi View Post
Is it just me, or does it look like this photo has been edited with a black bar across his eyes to protect this VS light-assault guys identity??

what kinda light assault is he being charged with again?
Some sort of probing, I'm sure.
2012-02-29 05:07 PM
Re: Light Assault Screenshots

Just want to add my voice to the crowd re: the helmets and visors.

They somehow don't sit right.

TR/NC seem different enough to me. The silhouettes are going to look pretty different with those shoulder pads, which is normally what you need. And yeah, you need a fairly neutral canvas apart from that for them to upgrade with your rank, and offer pay for customization on. Was to be expected, doesn't bother me
2012-02-29 05:45 PM
Re: Light Assault Screenshots

Does anyone think that the VS bloke is being kind to us all?

I bet if he lifts his visor twin beams of death and destruction shoot out from his eyes.

ps still think they all look great.
2012-02-29 06:40 PM
Talek Krell
Re: Light Assault Screenshots

Originally Posted by Coreldan View Post
Like, someone liking the old Pulsar model better and someone came with the customization again, sure, but the two weapons shared nothing but the color theme, very unlikely for one to be able to customize the weapon to a whole other thing.
Making the older model available was one of the things they discussed in the last webcast, actually. Which of any given two art assets is "better" is a matter of opinion, which is why we need multiple options.
2012-02-29 07:57 PM
Re: Light Assault Screenshots

Some constructive critique regarding the visors and goggles looking a bit "off", might have to do with them not interacting with the face enough: they're not leaving any cast shadows (at least not at these angles), you can't see through them while there's not much of a gradient visible (makes them look almost flat) and lastly, apart from the TR version, they don't rest on the nose and perhaps because they're retracted a bit compared to the extension of the helmet, at certain angles it make the nose look a bit awkward (I'd say particularly on NC).

For the NC I would suggest looking a bit more at helicopter helmets as these seem very inspired by those. (Can we have an Airwolf helmet, btw? ) For the VS, I would say experiment a bit with green and orange colours on the vizor opposed to the black which reminds of a suspect's black bar. Try to increase the gradient a bit. For TR. Meh those goggles won't ever do anything! (Or will they!? D: )

I also hope the expressions can be tweaked a bit, because these mouths do not exactly express much positive or even neutral emotions. :P In all honesty, they look like they're having some sort of depression. Would be nice to have a look at character customization options.
2012-02-29 11:58 PM
Re: Light Assault Screenshots

Pretty bad ass. Can't wait until the heavy assault debuts.

I kind of miss the round TR goggles more than the new TR "bug" looking goggles. Besides that, they look fantastic.
2012-03-01 07:10 AM
Re: Light Assault Screenshots

I think the TR and NC look rather generic, they need to look more different and none of the helmet or backpack/jetpack (whatever they are) designs looks good. Vanu has it's own unique style but the other two just look very "meh" and that needs to change. When we see the more protective armour types they look different, just the light stuff which needs to change.
2012-03-01 10:49 AM
Re: Light Assault Screenshots

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
I also hope the expressions can be tweaked a bit, because these mouths do not exactly express much positive or even neutral emotions. :P In all honesty, they look like they're having some sort of depression. Would be nice to have a look at character customization options.
You would look depressed too if you went on the battlefield, killed some dudes, got killed by a machine gun burst, were nanitly resurrected and respawned, only to get back on the battlefield and find the same dudes you killed resurrected too and still shooting at you.

That must be pretty horrible psychologically.

(Hey, that could do a Cosmic Comic! Or maybe not?)
2012-03-01 10:56 AM
Re: Light Assault Screenshots

The TR shoulder pads look like Pop Warner gear.

The NC look is more industrial, very stout, but looks too Mech Warrior for my taste.
(NC shoulder pads look like they bolted on a piece of VANGUARD armor)
.....hey, maybe rebels gotta make do with whatever they can find lying around......

The VS shoulder pads are too disco for my taste.

The artists working on this game are amazing. Nothing wrong with organic inspiration.

I'd rather see TR shoulder pads that look like hoseshoe crab shells. NC get dungenous crab inspired shoulder pads. VS get something more like a praying mantis head. Nature has already provided us, via millions of years of evolution, with many sources for armor design/form inspiration.

"Light" Assault by definition can't have much armor. Which is odd because the NC shoulder pads look stout, the VS look like they'd obstruct or deflect a bullet or two......yet, the TR pads look like peewee football knee pads.

I think they could help the LA class more than what just came out......of course, when the bullets fly, I won't care.

Insects are a great source for armor/protective inspiration. It should look effective first, then slick or futuristic 2nd. Function over form with armor - not the other way 'round.

Vanu - being lovers of technology - should have the least "fluff" of any empire. All function - with zero regard to form. That IMHO would be how Vanu designs were always formed.

Instead of Phyical shoulder pads/armor ...... why not have Vanu have mini energy fields/shields ?

Instead of armor or shoulder pads - those lookiing at a VS soldier would see an opaque energy field which served as their armor. This would be great for Vanu infantry - especially with shoulder pads - they could see right thru the energy field armor with zero impingement on line-of-sight. No Dracula collars for Vanu. They should have energyfield-armor. This might also make them much lighter than the other two factions - allowing the Vanu to run a little faster and jump a little higher.

Maybe EMPs would be their achilles heel.....counter/compromise their technology - and they spaz (die easier).

Devs always have to make trade-offs with the other two factions to maintain reasonable balance between the three empires.
2012-03-01 12:11 PM
Re: Light Assault Screenshots

You know the the best thing about sci-fi is, I can say

This is Light assault armour, you'd be like

"No WAI",

Then I'd right a paragraph explaining how in a few years in the future they developed a special type of alloy for armour that makes it super light and super strong. We call it ummm fakeium!

Sci-fi there's nothing it can't do!
2012-03-01 12:15 PM
Re: Light Assault Screenshots

No WAI !

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