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PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

A new PlanetSide 2 Facebook page just appeared with an interesting graphic:

Check Black Friday November and Stater Bros Ad.

Looks like we can expect to hear additional information during the community address on Thursday! As a reminder we will be Live Blogging the event here on PSU. Head on over to this page for more information.

Update: Also there is now a countdown page on! The meta tag contains the following:

PlanetSide 2 is the only first person shooter that delivers truly epic, massive combat on a scale never before seen in stunning, breathtaking detail. Be a part of explosive action in a futuristic world with forces ranging from tactical squads to thousand player armies all taking place in real-time on enormous open-world continents.

2011-07-05 05:20 PM
Latest Comments
2011-07-06 09:15 AM
Re: PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

Originally Posted by DviddLeff View Post
40 hours! It's counting down to the time of the official address isn't it?
Indeed it is also the time of Smed's Community Address/Keynote.
2011-07-06 09:19 AM
The Desert Fox
Re: PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

Hands down best Planetside(2) PR to date lol.
2011-07-06 11:49 PM
Re: PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

Very excited.
2011-07-07 02:12 AM
Re: PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

Well I got to say that they have managed to redeem themselves to a certain extent. I hope they manage to keep the PR up and also reach out to the audience outside the community.
2011-07-07 09:20 AM
Re: PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

Originally Posted by Grimster View Post
Well I got to say that they have managed to redeem themselves to a certain extent.
Why, for doing what they should be doing? Hell no, don't let them off the hook. Demand better service and hold them accountable. Just because they let a bit of information, we're all jumping up and down like Mary Lou just let us feel her boob from outside the shirt.

You're walking along the street and Sally Jane is sitting on the porch in her nice dress and when she walks by she flashes her beaver, so you go up on the porch to say how-do-you-do and she runs inside, giggling, peeking at you from behind the curtains. That's a porch pussy. SOE is a bunch of porch pussies.
2011-07-07 09:36 AM
Re: PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
Why, for doing what they should be doing? Hell no, don't let them off the hook. Demand better service and hold them accountable. Just because they let a bit of information, we're all jumping up and down like Mary Lou just let us feel her boob from outside the shirt.

You're walking along the street and Sally Jane is sitting on the porch in her nice dress and when she walks by she flashes her beaver, so you go up on the porch to say how-do-you-do and she runs inside, giggling, peeking at you from behind the curtains. That's a porch pussy. SOE is a bunch of porch pussies.


Everyone is creaming their collective whitie tighties. After years of non sense we should demand the best out of SOE,

This game can be truely fucking epic, don't let them slack because they made a facebook page and a website with a counter on it...
2011-07-07 09:37 AM
The Desert Fox
Re: PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

Alright Firefly you have to be looking these up in a book or something! Come on man who thinks of it like that lol.
2011-07-07 10:07 AM
Re: PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
Why, for doing what they should be doing? Hell no, don't let them off the hook. Demand better service and hold them accountable. Just because they let a bit of information, we're all jumping up and down like Mary Lou just let us feel her boob from outside the shirt.

You're walking along the street and Sally Jane is sitting on the porch in her nice dress and when she walks by she flashes her beaver, so you go up on the porch to say how-do-you-do and she runs inside, giggling, peeking at you from behind the curtains. That's a porch pussy. SOE is a bunch of porch pussies.
You should be nominated to be PSU's official Poet/Literary Laureate.
2011-07-07 12:01 PM
Re: PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
Why, for doing what they should be doing? Hell no, don't let them off the hook. Demand better service and hold them accountable. Just because they let a bit of information, we're all jumping up and down like Mary Lou just let us feel her boob from outside the shirt.

You're walking along the street and Sally Jane is sitting on the porch in her nice dress and when she walks by she flashes her beaver, so you go up on the porch to say how-do-you-do and she runs inside, giggling, peeking at you from behind the curtains. That's a porch pussy. SOE is a bunch of porch pussies.
I have to say normally i hate everything you say but this was pretty good i must admit.

I agree SOE has let us down in the past let's see what happens before we get too excited about this. They could walk out and say yup we are making PS2 but we sold it to activision so it will be more like WoW. Also here is a picture of a Terran soldier, one of a mosquito, a galaxy and wait for it... a vanguard!
2011-07-07 12:37 PM
Re: PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

Why not get excited? This is cool stuff.

I also really don't like this sense of entitlement I've been reading here. SOE owes us jack shit. They are a company and they are making a product. We as consumers have the choice to purchase that product. This isn't some taxpayer funded program. This isn't some sort of settlement we won in a court case.

We should "demand" the best out of them? Why? Because they are curing cancer? We should encourage the best out of SOE, but we are their customers thats it.

Sure, alot of us are emotionally invested in this new game because of our love for the previous one and that nobody else is making a game like this so we don't have another option at this time. Let's just draw the line at acting like little kids begging for cotton candy and throwing a temper tantrum when we are told "Not until after lunch".
2011-07-07 12:46 PM
Re: PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

Umm i dont think you know how things work. We should demand the best because we are PAYING customers (at least some are and most were at some point). My customer's demand things of me why should they be any different?
2011-07-07 12:55 PM
Re: PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

Because we arn't paying customers. Have you bought the game yet? Then we arn't exactly in the position to demand anything. This is the time when we give our feedback and hopes, they make the game they want, we decide if we want to buy it, THEN we can start demanding things.
2011-07-07 12:59 PM
Re: PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

If SOE had any real competition against the original Planetside, like say, from a company that actually gives a shit. The servers would have been gone years ago, or better yet, the game might have actually done a lot better than it did.

If a company doesn't deliver the service it says it's going to, they deserve to be held accountable for it.

The community of SOE gaming is what pays their salaries you better believe they owe us something.
2011-07-07 01:23 PM
Re: PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

Originally Posted by Logit View Post
If a company doesn't deliver the service it says it's going to, they deserve to be held accountable for it.
I see what you are saying. I guess I just feel we are holding the son responsible for the sins of the father. Yeah it's still the same company, but PS2 is a new game, so we should wipe the slate clean to an extent, but still not forget about the mistakes learned from the original.

I totally agree that companies need to be held responsible for what they do, and thats what was done with regards to PS1. The subscribers dropped considerably to almost nothing while games like WoW are still going strong.
2011-07-07 01:55 PM
Re: PlanetSide 2 Facebook Page and Website

Hey guys I just got off the phone with smed this morning, he says he knows that some of you are unhappy with planetside 2 and he's now going to refund you all every penny you paid for it. You should have your refund by now so no more crying mmmkay?

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