Total Chars | XP | Kills | Deaths | Time Played |
47 | 1011212699 | 939722 | 1032442 | 2641d 17h 8m |
Average BR | Average XP | Average Kills | Average Deaths | Average Time Played |
69 | 21515164 | 19994 | 21967 | 56d 4h 58m |
Online | Online Last 30 Days | Online Last 7 Days | Leaderboard Rank | Download |
1 (2.13%) | 36 (76.60%) | 17 (36.17%) | #180 | Export Roster |
Dangerous Operations Group is a Terran Republic outfit on Mattherson.
Server: Mattherson
Faction: Terran Republic
Focus: Airborne Ranger Light Assault Infantry
Requirements: Age 15+ - Mature Team Oriented Warriors required.
Recruitment: We run Recruitment Squads on a weekly basis.
OPS Nights: Every day either Ops or Training - 8 pm EST to 12 Midnight (2000 hrs to 0000 Hrs 7 days a week.
Server: Mattherson
Faction: Terran Republic
Focus: Airborne Ranger Light Assault Infantry
Requirements: Age 15+ - Mature Team Oriented Warriors required.
Recruitment: We run Recruitment Squads on a weekly basis.
OPS Nights: Every day either Ops or Training - 8 pm EST to 12 Midnight (2000 hrs to 0000 Hrs 7 days a week.