Total Chars | XP | Kills | Deaths | Time Played |
30 | 1204297933 | 1877317 | 757136 | 2785d 10h 58m |
Average BR | Average XP | Average Kills | Average Deaths | Average Time Played |
70 | 40143264 | 62577 | 25238 | 92d 20h 22m |
Online | Online Last 30 Days | Online Last 7 Days | Leaderboard Rank | Download |
0 (0%) | 2 (6.67%) | 1 (3.33%) | #23 | Export Roster |
[F|H] Marauders is a New Conglomerate outfit on Woodman.
The Marauders are a group of gamers who value teamwork, dedication and skill. The outfit is a part of the Forgotten Honor gaming community. Marauders are a European New conglomerate outfit which consists of 3 divisions using combined arms, We play on the Woodman server striving for massive combat and organized coordination.
We are a well organised outfit consisting of the most bad *** soldiers of the NC on Woodman. If you want to be with the best, you go with the Marauders.
[FHM] can provide you with a very friendly gaming environment, highly organised outfit structure, tactics and strategies. We have a public TeamSpeak3 server which we use daily in regular evening-fun games and in the organised operation nights. Forgotten Honor is where the teamwork is at!
Every Friday and Tuesday evening, starting from 2000GMT, our outfit will have operations in the largest scale team-play emphasized battles on auraxis. And just like in all our other campaigns in Forgotten Honor there are many ways to develop your career with ranks, medals and of course your team mates.
The Marauders are a group of gamers who value teamwork, dedication and skill. The outfit is a part of the Forgotten Honor gaming community. Marauders are a European New conglomerate outfit which consists of 3 divisions using combined arms, We play on the Woodman server striving for massive combat and organized coordination.
We are a well organised outfit consisting of the most bad *** soldiers of the NC on Woodman. If you want to be with the best, you go with the Marauders.
[FHM] can provide you with a very friendly gaming environment, highly organised outfit structure, tactics and strategies. We have a public TeamSpeak3 server which we use daily in regular evening-fun games and in the organised operation nights. Forgotten Honor is where the teamwork is at!
Every Friday and Tuesday evening, starting from 2000GMT, our outfit will have operations in the largest scale team-play emphasized battles on auraxis. And just like in all our other campaigns in Forgotten Honor there are many ways to develop your career with ranks, medals and of course your team mates.