AGN Live Broadcast Saturday! - PlanetSide Universe
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AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!

Set your calendars for This Saturday February 12th at 8PM EST I will be broadcasting live on the Auraxis Global Network!

This will be a fairly open format show where I will be playing Music, Talking about PlanetSide Next, taking Guests and playing some of our old school original content. This is your chance to hear the various Empire Commercials and Original Content such as the PlanetSide Dating game.

You can tune in here or here or using the links that will be available on our main page when the show is live.  You can tune in with iTunes (open audio stream) Winamp, Windows Media Player and more. If you would like to join in on the air you will need TeamSpeak 3 and you will also need to send me a PM on the forum.

2011-02-09 02:13 PM
Source: AGN
Latest Comments
2011-02-12 10:46 PM
Re: AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!

2011-02-12 10:59 PM
Re: AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!

Hey, can I get the names of the songs you played at 7:01 and 7:27, they were listed as "pre-show".

One was technoish w/ some string instruments and the second one was in german / technoish / operaish.
2011-02-12 11:02 PM
Re: AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!

12/506 and 30/506 is the listener count and listener limit
2011-02-12 11:02 PM
Re: AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!

Very nice broadcast tonight. I really enjoyed the show and I loved the TeamSpeak interactive use! Thank you so much for hosting this and thank you to everyone who participated. If and when you do another night like tonight, I plan on attending and interacting and bringing a bunch of old school PS junkies with me! I only have two questions: Is there a podcast from tonight that I can download? and When are you doing this again? Thank you all! Ernie aka N3NCY (
2011-02-12 11:04 PM
Re: AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!

Originally Posted by Gryphon View Post
12/506 and 30/506 is the listener count and listener limit
Ahh, it kept changing every time a new song played (I refreshed page) so I thought it had something to do with the song number or something.

Cool broadcast even though I didn't agree with a lot of people's opinions. If there's a next time I might have to join in.
2011-02-12 11:17 PM
Re: AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!

Originally Posted by Bags View Post
Cool broadcast even though I didn't agree with a lot of people's opinions. If there's a next time I might have to join in.
There was a lot of opinions, I thought that was the best part.
agree, disagree, that does not matter...
Many ideas were put on the table and if even a small fraction of them actually make it into PS Next, this will be a win for all of us fans!

Here is one group that really put some thought into PlanetSide ideas:
Please take note SOE!
2011-02-12 11:24 PM
Re: AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!

Yeah I've looked through all of those. Some great, some good, some neutral, some bad, some horrible. cool effort by him though.
2011-02-13 06:04 AM
Re: AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!


With all the suggestions I make I try to keep it balanced across all roles and in the spirit of the game.

However it is just my collection of ideas (and certainly not all my own) which I personally agree with, so it is never going to be to everyones taste.
2011-02-13 06:06 AM
Re: AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!

It's the first time I tuned in to listen to a broadcast Planetside related discussion. As much as I enjoyed listening to the discussion there where many times I wished I could jump in, specially during the talk about customization of vehicles.

Weapon customization on a tank changing it designed role of Heavy armored Anti Vehicle role in to Anti Aircraft or some thing else really made the hairs on my neck jump up. I had to restrain my self from loudly screaming at my monitor "No! you idiots that will screw up balance" at 3~4am in the morning with out waking up anybody else in the house.

I was happy hear when some one else (can't recall the speak his name) took over the discussion and steered in away and in to a more balanced vision.

I hope we will see another Planetside: Next related broadcast in the near future, was fun listening.
2011-02-13 07:10 AM
Re: AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!

I do hope they bring back some day/night cycle to the game , it needs it. I remember Ishundar in particular having that , and it made the game more interesting.Sometimes a Mosquito would fly right over your head, oblivious to your existance if they didnt see a tracer trail. It wasn't fully dark, just a late dusky grey but the effect still added to experience. It also gave people attacking a base a slight edge in that a defender at a door was easily seen under room light.

As for all the heavy vehicle customization , I agree with the guy saying it would spoil balance. Changing a vanguard to be AA,AV, AI just is wrong , the current rock/paper /scissors we have now is better . AA Bfr is a prime example of how not to do things , and I for one will be glad when bfr's dissapear.

The other thing I hoped would be discussed , though hinted on with making the game first person only , is any ideas on limiting the amount of spam weaponry in the game. Since if 3rd person was removed , the arguement of using it to flush out wall humpers would be null.
I used to play on werner , and this was abused to the nth degree. Every base fight was painful to endure , and many friends used to say stuff this, Ill go watch some tv instead. I went to emerald instead , where gen blowing replaced the plasma. Plasma gave way to not wanting to fight anybody. Choice was stare at a green door for next 15 minutes , or stare at an empty base around the cc for 15 minutes.
I do hope they replace the flail with something that cant be fired from miles away tucked away inside a base , or give an instant weapon lock for a few minutes if any grief occurs.

The main thing, howether , that I hope will be sorted out is the netcode and cshd or whatever they use. I'm playing current ps , and just yesterday I was shot dead instantly by an nc from 20m away . I died and then heard the trishot sound through my head phones. Maybe fluke chance, but the guy then killed 3 others all within the next 5 seconds doing the same thing. The mcg is even more dangerous atm, even a few random bullet spray seems to take off half your health and armour within a millisecond at times.
2011-02-13 08:15 AM
Re: AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!

Originally Posted by TRex View Post
As for all the heavy vehicle customization , I agree with the guy saying it would spoil balance. Changing a vanguard to be AA,AV, AI just is wrong , the current rock/paper /scissors we have now is better . AA Bfr is a prime example of how not to do things , and I for one will be glad when bfr's disappear.
I am the one who first proposed a vehicle hard point system (or at least I am the person that has spent the most time thinking about one) and understandably I feel that it is a system worth implementing.

The hard point system can be balanced; the vehicles are still defined by their weapons as they are now (eg the VS dont use Magriders against infantry zergs, they pull a Thresher or an Aurora) its just that the players get to choose what weapons to put on what vehicle.

You mention the AA BFR in particular as being unbalanced and of course it is; its shield makes it all but invulnerable to hit and run aircraft like the Reaver, which is designed to strike armour. If the BFR did not have its shield (see my vehicle overhaul) then Reavers would shred it due to its slow speed, just pop up from behind a hill and unleash a salvo then hide before it locks on. If the BFR crew are good though then they should be able to take out the Reaver; 3 guys with AA weapons should be a tough nut to crack if you are in the air, but in that case use the rock/paper/scissors nature of the game and call in a tank or infantry to take it down.

Even with the hard point system roles in the game would not change; infantry would still dominate in dense terrain, air vehicles would still rely on their speed to strike ground targets, tanks would be great for pushing through defenses and buggies for fast response and scouting.
2011-02-13 10:15 AM
Re: AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!

Why did you guys pick the best party night of the week?
2011-02-13 11:21 AM
Re: AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!

Thanks everyone for the compliments and thanks for listening in despite the technical issues we faced early on! Its been a few years since we have done something like this and I think it went fairly well, learned some things for the next time as well.
2011-02-13 01:08 PM
Re: AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!

Was great to have the discussion. I do have a couple of suggestions. Perhaps have a list of topics ahead of time, but still leave room for open discussion. Try to limit the time there is to discuss a particular topic. Either way, it was really fun. I had so much more to say than I ever got out, but didn't want to step on folks.
2011-02-13 02:33 PM
Re: AGN Live Broadcast Saturday!

I am so game for the next one! I had a great time.

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