- What changes to base and tower defenses would you like to see?
- Potd
- Cant logon!!
- Unused Buddy Keys
- Character class combos
- Changing from NC to TR?
- Mass Sucide for all empires on Emerald
- Stolen Kills/Xp?
- The Emerald Alliance
- Why one play mode?
- New website
- System Query
- Emerald Sat. NC44.4%,TR29.7%,VS17.2%
- Signature test
- Ideas on deployables.
- A one man army?
- HAHA poor TR.
- Game to date?
- Digital Marine's != *******
- Other Stat Signatures Available
- NC with TR weapon ?
- How to lead with a sniper rifle
- Never mess with a Gal pilot on PMS
- They are invisable now
- Ugh, the bad days....
- "But I'm not a hacker..."
- Digital Marines
- CR question
- lag =(
- Your Subscription
- What is everyones Empire-Specific Weapon?
- TR - Great Job on Sunday and Monday
- Vanguard,Prowler,magrider
- vs and vechicals
- Nc vs Tr the battle
- How hard is it finding a good battle?
- Time to find Dirt
- What is your favorite vehicle?
- GriefPoint bug/handicap
- comparison with RL military
- PlanetSide Stats
- Disabling Foliage
- Vehicle tracking
- Sup all?
- getting sick of misuse of Mobil stations?
- Mis-directed Drop Pods
- Sounds like some major changes on the testserver...
- Starfire MAX: Nerf it or Leave it?
- Van Guard any The *other* Medium Tanks
- Hamma Time Under the X Effect
- The zerg, my god the zerg!
- TR Scheduled Raid
- Balance.....why can't we leave it alone?
- Continent Locking
- What is your favorite empire specific weapon?
- What's your favorite weapon cert?
- Terran republic
- best wepon ever
- Command rank five
- Critters
- This is BS
- Slash commands, for Beginners and people too lazy to look for them.
- How to guide, on planetside, for Newbies
- Stat Sigs?
- First Certs?
- Obnoxious People.
- Meditations on my return to planetside
- Core Combat Interview
- New Infil
- MAX Sparrow - Friggin Sweet
- Snipers
- Hay Zonk, Guess what!!
- Favorites
- Ont recrute!
- I need a sig plz!
- Galaxy Drivers Everywere!
- Graphics question
- Hamma Time
- Zerg?
- What really needs changing?
- Planetside Petition
- The Official WTF?!? Thread
- Screenshots
- Love that Ebay...
- Lets Knife!!!
- Vehicle Idea
- Increasing performance help me please(forum_newbie)
- thing that the vs do ......
- sniper for hire
- Looking to trade for NC Vehicles
- ebay...with cyclers and marauders for sale....
- "unlimited" 7-day trial
- Big ASS tank battle tomorrow!
- Best Air Vehicle
- Anyone else enjoy commiting suicide in PS?
- Changing face,name
- Defense Idea to give a *little* more reward...
- OS screenshots....
- I Need The Planetside 7-day Demo!
- BR 12 finally...
- That Head is ALIVE !!!!
- How do u do ur stat sigs from planetsidegaming.com?
- Very strict grief system
- What is the world coming to?
- Starting questions (warning: newbie content)
- ATF recruiting TR on markov !
- Well, I gave this game a shot
- BR Ranking
- Phoenix Bug
- Best Medium Assault Gun
- signatures?
- Give in to your hatred
- Team-SF Wants You! (NC Emerald)
- Still can't
- Enemy assets from hacked terminals?
- Nice Job vs
- Best buggy?
- Recent Interviews
- Servers?
- Inplant Ideas
- Which server?
- Nazca lines? message from the Ancients? Bull crap!
- sancuary
- When will Core Combat be bundleed with PS?
- Stealing "Friendly" Vehicles
- I am making a movie
- Origion of Continental and Base Names?
- TKing for some one's weapons
- taking out the Generator
- People getting in your turret.
- nOOb question?
- You will exit in 10 seconds.
- w0rd
- GeForce 4 Driver question
- CR question
- Pounder.
- Base Defense Boost
- Update today?
- Punisher
- Vehicle Ideas
- DaJoint-Planetside
- More info from spork!
- Common Pool Max
- is ping bad?
- name poll
- new idea for battle rank benefits
- Patches to Live Servers and Public Test Server this week
- help!
- br20 uniform and certs....
- Order in the Ranks
- Cant login?
- I'm Wired!
- Who needs Orb Strikes??
- Best Anti-Vehicular?
- Potd
- Why doesn't TR use the Prowler more? No flaming please...
- Is Planetside losing people??
- Login server down? again?
- Give me defense
- planetside.com down?
- The login server seems to be back up
- Main Terminal
- Increase your FPS rate
- Anyone remember this tactic?
- Favrit Empire
- Post your thoughts on the OLB here!
- Expansion Where and When
- Garage
- Turrets
- Chat window darker
- cant hack lockers
- LFB test server patch
- core combat
- Wouldn't this be cool?
- Fastest Way to Increase your FPS-Information here
- How long it useually take to get CR1-5?
- Sturmgrenadier Q&A 9/11/03, 7pm CST
- The new updates
- Core Combat Beta Is Open!
- SOE fumbles again.
- i cant post my threads
- Core Combat Beta Woo!!!
- test thread,dont bother reading
- My Newbie Ideas
- Core Combat Ancient Modules up
- Adv Med Term in Sanc
- So close...
- Facility Benifits
- NC MAX's Sheild ability
- How to know you've been playing too much PlanetSide (add to list)
- Is it just me or..
- The Decimator
- End of subscription.
- Something wrong with the PotD submission process
- Idea for additional CR ability - Radar claoking/Jamming
- New patch FLB's + other stuff
- Terran need help on emerald plz help!!!
- Join The Tr!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Join tr now!!!! plz....
- THe TR rocks on markov
- Devs updating patch log?
- Worst patch ever
- I want to make an outfit for markov tr
- Slaughter The Nc And Vs!!!
- PS not working?
- Nc=usa
- Extreme system memory usage.
- Horrible lag..unable to play
- Equip Term Fav List
- Fatal Error
- strategy guides
- Changes in upcoming patch
- Need help with fps increase machine.ini
- What do you think about the new patch?
- What is your favorite implant?
- My Combined Wishlist. (from station.com forums)
- Server Population Dots
- Best card for PS.Help!
- Silence!!
- Battle of Pinga 9.12.2003
- Event on Markov
- Testing (Dont Reply)
- In the Beginning
- Air Battle Pictures
- For those who missed it before
- Welcome to vehicleside
- Hm...n00b...Why?
- screen shots
- Hmm, should I go for the hat-trick?
- MASSIVE Glitch
- NC or TR
- I'm tired of...
- Just for the hell of it
- For 30 minutes today
- Air Battle Pics!
- SmokeJumper Sayeth this
- What would you hit first?
- Adv Medics
- intel ad
- Engis
- Name and shame an Ar$eHole.
- CE's...The fix for your deployable blues.
- Anyone having lag since the new patch
- Is there a vehicle speed hack out?
- Runs great on Pentium 4! BUGS, BUGS and MORE BUGS!
- ping/fps in game
- Grief system flaw!(!!!)*gasp*
- People still bitching about Jackhammer!
- Stories
- It might be me....