View Full Version : PlanetSide 1 Discussion

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  1. What changes to base and tower defenses would you like to see?
  2. Potd
  3. Cant logon!!
  4. Unused Buddy Keys
  5. Character class combos
  6. Changing from NC to TR?
  7. Mass Sucide for all empires on Emerald
  8. Stolen Kills/Xp?
  9. The Emerald Alliance
  10. Why one play mode?
  11. New website
  12. System Query
  13. Emerald Sat. NC44.4%,TR29.7%,VS17.2%
  14. Signature test
  15. Ideas on deployables.
  16. A one man army?
  17. HAHA poor TR.
  18. Game to date?
  19. Digital Marine's != *******
  20. Other Stat Signatures Available
  21. NC with TR weapon ?
  22. How to lead with a sniper rifle
  23. Never mess with a Gal pilot on PMS
  24. They are invisable now
  25. Ugh, the bad days....
  26. "But I'm not a hacker..."
  27. Digital Marines
  28. CR question
  29. lag =(
  30. Your Subscription
  31. What is everyones Empire-Specific Weapon?
  32. TR - Great Job on Sunday and Monday
  33. Vanguard,Prowler,magrider
  34. vs and vechicals
  35. Nc vs Tr the battle
  36. How hard is it finding a good battle?
  37. Time to find Dirt
  38. What is your favorite vehicle?
  39. GriefPoint bug/handicap
  40. comparison with RL military
  41. PlanetSide Stats
  42. Disabling Foliage
  43. Vehicle tracking
  44. Sup all?
  45. getting sick of misuse of Mobil stations?
  46. Mis-directed Drop Pods
  47. Sounds like some major changes on the testserver...
  48. Starfire MAX: Nerf it or Leave it?
  49. Van Guard any The *other* Medium Tanks
  50. Hamma Time Under the X Effect
  51. The zerg, my god the zerg!
  52. TR Scheduled Raid
  53. Balance.....why can't we leave it alone?
  54. Continent Locking
  55. What is your favorite empire specific weapon?
  56. What's your favorite weapon cert?
  57. Terran republic
  58. best wepon ever
  59. Command rank five
  60. Critters
  61. This is BS
  62. Slash commands, for Beginners and people too lazy to look for them.
  63. How to guide, on planetside, for Newbies
  64. Stat Sigs?
  65. First Certs?
  66. Obnoxious People.
  67. Meditations on my return to planetside
  68. Core Combat Interview
  69. New Infil
  70. MAX Sparrow - Friggin Sweet
  71. Snipers
  72. Hay Zonk, Guess what!!
  73. Favorites
  74. Ont recrute!
  75. I need a sig plz!
  76. Galaxy Drivers Everywere!
  77. Graphics question
  78. Hamma Time
  79. Zerg?
  80. What really needs changing?
  81. Planetside Petition
  82. The Official WTF?!? Thread
  83. Screenshots
  84. Love that Ebay...
  85. Lets Knife!!!
  86. Vehicle Idea
  87. Increasing performance help me please(forum_newbie)
  88. thing that the vs do ......
  89. sniper for hire
  90. Looking to trade for NC Vehicles
  91. ebay...with cyclers and marauders for sale....
  92. "unlimited" 7-day trial
  93. Big ASS tank battle tomorrow!
  94. Best Air Vehicle
  95. Anyone else enjoy commiting suicide in PS?
  96. Changing face,name
  97. Defense Idea to give a *little* more reward...
  98. OS screenshots....
  99. I Need The Planetside 7-day Demo!
  100. BR 12 finally...
  101. That Head is ALIVE !!!!
  102. How do u do ur stat sigs from planetsidegaming.com?
  103. Very strict grief system
  104. What is the world coming to?
  105. Starting questions (warning: newbie content)
  106. ATF recruiting TR on markov !
  107. Well, I gave this game a shot
  108. BR Ranking
  109. Phoenix Bug
  110. Best Medium Assault Gun
  111. signatures?
  112. Give in to your hatred
  113. Team-SF Wants You! (NC Emerald)
  114. Still can't
  115. Enemy assets from hacked terminals?
  116. Nice Job vs
  117. Best buggy?
  118. Recent Interviews
  119. Servers?
  120. Inplant Ideas
  121. Which server?
  122. Nazca lines? message from the Ancients? Bull crap!
  123. sancuary
  124. When will Core Combat be bundleed with PS?
  125. Stealing "Friendly" Vehicles
  126. I am making a movie
  127. Origion of Continental and Base Names?
  128. TKing for some one's weapons
  129. taking out the Generator
  130. People getting in your turret.
  131. nOOb question?
  132. You will exit in 10 seconds.
  133. w0rd
  134. GeForce 4 Driver question
  135. CR question
  136. Pounder.
  137. Base Defense Boost
  138. Update today?
  139. Punisher
  140. Vehicle Ideas
  141. DaJoint-Planetside
  142. More info from spork!
  143. Common Pool Max
  144. is ping bad?
  145. name poll
  146. new idea for battle rank benefits
  147. Patches to Live Servers and Public Test Server this week
  148. help!
  149. br20 uniform and certs....
  150. Order in the Ranks
  151. Cant login?
  152. I'm Wired!
  153. Who needs Orb Strikes??
  154. Best Anti-Vehicular?
  155. Potd
  156. Why doesn't TR use the Prowler more? No flaming please...
  157. Is Planetside losing people??
  158. Login server down? again?
  159. Give me defense
  160. planetside.com down?
  161. The login server seems to be back up
  162. Main Terminal
  163. Increase your FPS rate
  164. Anyone remember this tactic?
  165. Favrit Empire
  166. Post your thoughts on the OLB here!
  167. Expansion Where and When
  168. Garage
  169. Turrets
  170. Chat window darker
  171. cant hack lockers
  172. LFB test server patch
  173. core combat
  174. Wouldn't this be cool?
  175. Fastest Way to Increase your FPS-Information here
  176. How long it useually take to get CR1-5?
  177. Sturmgrenadier Q&A 9/11/03, 7pm CST
  178. The new updates
  179. Core Combat Beta Is Open!
  180. SOE fumbles again.
  181. i cant post my threads
  182. Core Combat Beta Woo!!!
  183. test thread,dont bother reading
  184. My Newbie Ideas
  185. Core Combat Ancient Modules up
  186. Adv Med Term in Sanc
  187. So close...
  188. Facility Benifits
  189. NC MAX's Sheild ability
  190. How to know you've been playing too much PlanetSide (add to list)
  191. Is it just me or..
  192. The Decimator
  193. End of subscription.
  194. Something wrong with the PotD submission process
  195. Idea for additional CR ability - Radar claoking/Jamming
  196. New patch FLB's + other stuff
  197. Terran need help on emerald plz help!!!
  198. Join The Tr!!!!!!!!!!!!
  199. Join tr now!!!! plz....
  200. THe TR rocks on markov
  201. Devs updating patch log?
  202. Worst patch ever
  203. I want to make an outfit for markov tr
  204. Slaughter The Nc And Vs!!!
  205. PS not working?
  206. Nc=usa
  207. Extreme system memory usage.
  208. Horrible lag..unable to play
  209. Equip Term Fav List
  210. Fatal Error
  211. strategy guides
  212. Changes in upcoming patch
  213. Need help with fps increase machine.ini
  214. What do you think about the new patch?
  215. What is your favorite implant?
  216. My Combined Wishlist. (from station.com forums)
  217. Server Population Dots
  218. Best card for PS.Help!
  219. Silence!!
  220. Battle of Pinga 9.12.2003
  221. Event on Markov
  222. Testing (Dont Reply)
  223. In the Beginning
  224. Air Battle Pictures
  225. For those who missed it before
  226. Welcome to vehicleside
  227. Hm...n00b...Why?
  228. screen shots
  229. Hmm, should I go for the hat-trick?
  230. MASSIVE Glitch
  231. NC or TR
  232. I'm tired of...
  233. Just for the hell of it
  234. For 30 minutes today
  235. Air Battle Pics!
  236. SmokeJumper Sayeth this
  237. What would you hit first?
  238. Adv Medics
  239. intel ad
  240. Engis
  241. Name and shame an Ar$eHole.
  242. CE's...The fix for your deployable blues.
  243. Anyone having lag since the new patch
  244. Is there a vehicle speed hack out?
  245. Runs great on Pentium 4! BUGS, BUGS and MORE BUGS!
  246. ping/fps in game
  247. Grief system flaw!(!!!)*gasp*
  248. People still bitching about Jackhammer!
  249. Stories
  250. It might be me....