- A bet for GU09
- Planetside Fast and to Furious
- [SOE LIVE] [VS] Panelists Needed for Player Panel on the Current State of the VS
- What's the point of the Lightning?
- One thing that has bugged me since alerts.
- Happy 10 Year Anniversary, PlanetSide! Also Six Months Free!
- When will a competent developer make an MMOFPS
- T-Ray giving away Dev Hoodie for 20,000 Command Center Views
- Helios merging with Connery GU9
- Does anyone like PS2 music more than PS1 music?
- Pump-Action Shotguns and CoF
- PS2 Players that are new to PS1 - Feedback
- Which Planetside Music do you prefer between 1 and 2?
- Timers out of sync?
- Is the AMS is killing the game?
- [Guide] Solo-Liberating
- TRay tweeting outfit logo's
- News: Game Update 09 patch notes - 22nd May 2013
- My thanks to the PS2 devs
- Saron HRB and Proton II PPA
- Implant ideas for the dev team.
- lumifiber on the MBT
- Are all these new cosmetics performance-friendly?
- GU09: Reduced Weapon Prices
- Max abilities effecting AA
- Never Thought Driving The Flash Would Be So Hard
- Vortex Nerfed Against MAX/Infantry?
- GU09: Unstable, animation issues
- multiple fire HA antiaircraft?
- Still ghost capping.
- pounder cost got lowered to 250 certs
- Nerfed tower ledges make me sad.
- Graphics change: new shader? more saturation ?
- Connery Helios Merge Awesome
- Players collision with ennemy as to come back !
- Having A Ball On A Bridge
- Frequent Crashing Fix
- The GU9 Map Polish needs just 1 more feature imo
- vs pistol grows purple rocks
- The AA "ladder" is messed up.
- Leaning Player Animations
- Return of the no-hitter
- Who wants a "no helmet" helmet option?
- News: GU09 weekend Double XP & Hotfix
- Hybridization of capture system fixes Planetside 2
- META Game Implementation using the Lattice
- Zealot Maxes need rebalancing
- Was expecting the IEM ,FLash' concussion to be less anoying but No they are worst ...
- [Brainstorm] Siege and Backhacking Mechanics
- The latice would be beter with around 18 linked points.
- New continents
- News: Summer Kick-Off Sale!
- News: New Esamir Bases
- Vehicle Deconstruct Timer
- so basically the retractable helmet are not retractable ?
- Alert feedback for jweathers.
- Higby wants to know what we think about GU9
- I require help creating a good Vanu name
- Lattice Lanes - PS2 For Dummies
- Vortex Model - Rush Job?
- Please tell me this is wrong.
- Terran Republic SOE Live Discout!
- The War we were promised has arrived.
- [Idea] Faction specific sniper rifles (Higby!)
- Indar Lattice refinement: adding some links?
- Infantry Gameplay Montages (And a chance to win Station Cash)
- The new SCU system is ridiculous
- Plan C: We keep both, the Lattice AND the Hex
- Anyones know when we gonna get this helmets ?
- Question regarding performance
- Spec Ops and Generators
- "Janky" Animations
- ReachCast Episode 36 CQ
- What class/vehicle do you have the most certs in, and why?
- Infiltrator Defending Xenotech Labs
- Anyone else like to have more small objects/structures/terrain to use for cover?
- Can we have our close up mini-map zoom back? GU09 took it away.
- News: SOE Updates PlanetSide2 Road Map
- TR MAX anit-infantry weapons buged?
- Higby where is LA love?
- Is Planetside 2 ever going to have as much Content as Planetside 1?
- No Heavy Assault LMG deserves .75 ADS speed...VS.
- So what do you do when you maxed out your playstyle, cert wise?
- New ESF 3rd Person view
- News: Test Release Notes 5.29.2013
- FAQ on Settings and Functionality -- Things Many Players Don't Know!
- Where did our horizon go?
- Weapon look just doesn't cut it .
- Separating Profile Keybindings?
- Medical Kit doesn't work/Even health regen using medic doesnt work,Lag related ?
- News: Jackpot? New PTR Assets
- News: Small game update this week
- Roadmap Outfit Updates
- Well Higby likes his little teases now and again...
- Sony breakup into separate companies?
- SOE Live and PlanetSide Universe Feedback
- News: SOE Live PlanetSide 2 Tournament
- GU10 Red Dot Sights via @Arclegger
- My God. They've neutered the Crown.
- Skirmishes
- Expanding on Implants to empires being more unique
- Reflex Sight On A Sniper
- No mouse cursor after new install
- new vehicle hacking discussion
- so I heard you say 7$ per weapon and 5$ per camo is expensive...
- Current Events: Loyal Soldier Plan Ends Tomorrow, SOE Live Tourney, & Roadmap Updates
- Let's assume for a moment that a faction is wiped out on a continent.
- Friday Night Ops Tonight
- Increase Titan-150 AP velocity
- Time that the deployment system was replaced with...
- planetside 2 is still planetside next
- A Killstreak With The SAS-R+Reflex Sight
- More Load-Outs per Class?
- magrider kills lightning in 3s vanguard in 10s
- worst luck contest
- AA max VS Sky guard! Why they must be changed.
- Any updates about ES account wide unlocks?
- Are we ever going to get legit colored patterns like PS1?
- A confession
- The death screen needs to be redesigned
- Wouldn't It Be Nice if Mini Map Displayed Base Ownership?
- News: Higby live on MLG
- Just a little Cry about faction hopping.
- Much Ado About Nerfing?
- The Overpowered Reaver
- Please stop using the term lolpods
- PlayStation 4 to "be a great platform for MMOs."
- Going to SOE Live? Want a chance at free hotel and airfare, and a guaranteed $20 off?
- Win $100 in SC from T-Ray
- Server Resets?
- I'm GoldenboyFTW, host of MLG's The War Report, and I am looking for feedback!
- shaql's Areas.xml mapper (with Hossin, Searhus, and more!)
- SCU Shield generators coming back to biolabs next update
- AGN: ReachCast Episode 37 CQ
- PS2 #3 of PCGamer's Top 25 Greatest Shooters of All Time
- Test Server vs. Wiki rewards: Question for PSU Community
- Stats Sorting
- Spawns DESPERATELY need a redesign...
- Planetside 1 fun ops tonight @7pm EST
- Luperza's Oven Mitt Contest for $50 SC
- Weekend Warrior Bundle
- Auraxium Member Benefit?
- News: Game Update 10 Notes
- The Ultimate TR Refurbishment Thread (Part 2)
- So one thing that stood out particularly in GU10.
- Well update 10 is here and i bet 100 quid that..(The official zoe hater thread)
- Universal Cert Pool
- News: IGN.com DCU and PS2 going to PS4
- Secret Pattern At The Warpgate
- About the recent weapon model changes.
- PS2 & MLG: Why it can be an amazing, immersive & engaging viewing experience.
- What I imagined with regards to tunnels and spawnrooms and generators...
- WTF did they do to the VR?
- What's your favorite camo?
- Horrible implementation of the new squad colors.
- PS2 on PS4 brings multicore optimization
- Plea to SOE for Planetside 2's Future
- Alert Frequency
- SOE Live Discount Code
- News: For EU Players: Win a trip to SOE Live
- Saron on Harasser?
- Please delete the Pit, worst base ever
- News! PS2 on PS4 & Game Update 10.
- AGN: PlanetSide 2 Squad Beacon Sunday
- Thoughts on PS4 getting PS2, and why it's an awesome thing
- Can we get drop effects when bailing out of Galaxies/ESFs/Libs?
- Did Indar used to be undewater or something?
- So in a sense this really has been a 6 months of beta.
- I think PS2 on PS4 will be a bigger success than it is on PC
- News: The PlanetSide 2 on Playstation 4 MEGA THREAD
- NC Rank 100 Title
- Bananas!
- What's with all the Vanu suicide attacks?
- [No Whine] Fuck PS2 until they fixed server pop
- News: Squad Beacon June 9th Recording
- How to fix the TR mini-chaingun (and the other HA weapons)
- Logged in to see the harrasser hehe, FAIL
- Think we need a Huey?
- [Discussion] The Zerg
- AGN: ReachCast Episode 38 CQ
- SOE E3 Livestream
- Do different servers seem differntly laggy?
- I stand corrected by the Harasser
- Stop Rewarding Avoidance
- PS2 bandwidth
- News: New Patch Notes - Test Server 13-06-13
- What the hell? Nerf Jumping, Jumping OP, WTF?
- Ragdoll - Why it's more important than you think...
- E3 interview with Clegg
- Current Events Video: Giveaways, SC Promos, Hyper Boosts, and Web Bundles!
- News: PlanetSide 2 Station Shop Online
- Class-Switching Mentality
- News: GU11 Weapon and Resource Tuning Changes
- The LA and Infiltrator Classes Need to be Merged
- Mass Targeted Area Disconnects on Waterson
- After being a Premium Member, I gotta say Paying is a big advantage, hidden P2W
- PlanetSide 2 E3 the biggest question answered.
- Prisoner of War Event - Connery Server!
- Resources Changes will drastically increase problems with pupulation imbalance
- Invisibility bug at Zurvan on Cobalt
- News: SOE PlanetSide 2 E3 Recordings Posted
- Victory with Less Pie?
- Is this game going to stay lame forever?
- The Awesome Commissioner
- Infantry invisible damage and extreme ranges need fixing with increased resource cost
- will PS2 be at Gamescom 2013? :)
- Community Event - ESF Public Training - 18th (19:00 GMT)
- where are the updates?
- Stalker cloak and Melee weapons
- News: GU11 Cosmetic Previews
- In Game Proposal mission accomplished! Congrats to xItZMuRdAx
- Are you still Crashing?
- AGN: ReachCast Episode 39 CQ
- Public Test Poll Results
- proposal: gain resource from experience by unit type
- News: 6/20 GU11 Preview via Higby
- Esamir Base Update Feedback
- Population issues and suggestions
- News: PlanetSide 2 Game Update 11 Patch Notes
- Something no ones thought about with PS 2 on the PS4
- New drifters are amazing
- News: Friday Night Ops June 21st
- New Movement Code = New Jumpjets?
- Tom Clancy's "The Division" Features Drone App
- Planetside 2 Get To The Liberator — Beer and Gaming Friday
- MAX weapons, effectiveness against targets
- Please make some certification-tiers cheaper
- The Air game is 20 times better post GU11
- new physx indicator
- "Higby pls" process explained
- a couple of bugs i found
- Will all of The Enclave really stop playing?
- Lets talk about the ressource system. Right now, its borderline Pay to Win
- AB tanks need a second flare Or Flare mechanics need to change.
- reintroduce the ANT
- Why not have Events on the Test Server
- Resource Gain Idea
- Mega camouflage bundle!
- How to respond to GU11
- Is the game down?
- MCG Redesign
- Another double purchase reimbursement?
- good gaming laptop to run planetside 2
- Ideas on base flow and making base FIGHTS, not base WAITS.
- Magrider Space Program
- Planetside 2 Tribute Video (Preview) Enjoy.
- Track Friendly capability
- Lasher Redesign
- X-Cast Episode #2 (GU11 is CRAZY!!)
- PS2 F2P spinoff game: Vehicles only