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  1. A bet for GU09
  2. Planetside Fast and to Furious
  3. [SOE LIVE] [VS] Panelists Needed for Player Panel on the Current State of the VS
  4. What's the point of the Lightning?
  5. One thing that has bugged me since alerts.
  6. Happy 10 Year Anniversary, PlanetSide! Also Six Months Free!
  7. When will a competent developer make an MMOFPS
  8. T-Ray giving away Dev Hoodie for 20,000 Command Center Views
  9. Helios merging with Connery GU9
  10. Does anyone like PS2 music more than PS1 music?
  11. Pump-Action Shotguns and CoF
  12. PS2 Players that are new to PS1 - Feedback
  13. Which Planetside Music do you prefer between 1 and 2?
  14. Timers out of sync?
  15. Is the AMS is killing the game?
  16. [Guide] Solo-Liberating
  17. TRay tweeting outfit logo's
  18. News: Game Update 09 patch notes - 22nd May 2013
  19. My thanks to the PS2 devs
  20. Saron HRB and Proton II PPA
  21. Implant ideas for the dev team.
  22. lumifiber on the MBT
  23. Are all these new cosmetics performance-friendly?
  24. GU09: Reduced Weapon Prices
  25. Max abilities effecting AA
  26. Never Thought Driving The Flash Would Be So Hard
  27. Vortex Nerfed Against MAX/Infantry?
  28. GU09: Unstable, animation issues
  29. multiple fire HA antiaircraft?
  30. Still ghost capping.
  31. pounder cost got lowered to 250 certs
  32. Nerfed tower ledges make me sad.
  33. Graphics change: new shader? more saturation ?
  34. Connery Helios Merge Awesome
  35. Players collision with ennemy as to come back !
  36. Having A Ball On A Bridge
  37. Frequent Crashing Fix
  38. The GU9 Map Polish needs just 1 more feature imo
  39. vs pistol grows purple rocks
  40. The AA "ladder" is messed up.
  41. Leaning Player Animations
  42. Return of the no-hitter
  43. Who wants a "no helmet" helmet option?
  44. News: GU09 weekend Double XP & Hotfix
  45. Hybridization of capture system fixes Planetside 2
  46. META Game Implementation using the Lattice
  47. Zealot Maxes need rebalancing
  48. Was expecting the IEM ,FLash' concussion to be less anoying but No they are worst ...
  49. [Brainstorm] Siege and Backhacking Mechanics
  50. The latice would be beter with around 18 linked points.
  51. New continents
  52. News: Summer Kick-Off Sale!
  53. News: New Esamir Bases
  54. Vehicle Deconstruct Timer
  55. so basically the retractable helmet are not retractable ?
  56. Alert feedback for jweathers.
  57. Higby wants to know what we think about GU9
  58. I require help creating a good Vanu name
  59. Lattice Lanes - PS2 For Dummies
  60. Vortex Model - Rush Job?
  61. Please tell me this is wrong.
  62. Terran Republic SOE Live Discout!
  63. The War we were promised has arrived.
  64. [Idea] Faction specific sniper rifles (Higby!)
  65. Indar Lattice refinement: adding some links?
  66. Infantry Gameplay Montages (And a chance to win Station Cash)
  67. The new SCU system is ridiculous
  68. Plan C: We keep both, the Lattice AND the Hex
  69. Anyones know when we gonna get this helmets ?
  70. Question regarding performance
  71. Spec Ops and Generators
  72. "Janky" Animations
  73. ReachCast Episode 36 CQ
  74. What class/vehicle do you have the most certs in, and why?
  75. Infiltrator Defending Xenotech Labs
  76. Anyone else like to have more small objects/structures/terrain to use for cover?
  77. Can we have our close up mini-map zoom back? GU09 took it away.
  78. News: SOE Updates PlanetSide2 Road Map
  79. TR MAX anit-infantry weapons buged?
  80. Higby where is LA love?
  81. Is Planetside 2 ever going to have as much Content as Planetside 1?
  82. No Heavy Assault LMG deserves .75 ADS speed...VS.
  83. So what do you do when you maxed out your playstyle, cert wise?
  84. New ESF 3rd Person view
  85. News: Test Release Notes 5.29.2013
  86. FAQ on Settings and Functionality -- Things Many Players Don't Know!
  87. Where did our horizon go?
  88. Weapon look just doesn't cut it .
  89. Separating Profile Keybindings?
  90. Medical Kit doesn't work/Even health regen using medic doesnt work,Lag related ?
  91. News: Jackpot? New PTR Assets
  92. News: Small game update this week
  93. Roadmap Outfit Updates
  94. Well Higby likes his little teases now and again...
  95. Sony breakup into separate companies?
  96. SOE Live and PlanetSide Universe Feedback
  97. News: SOE Live PlanetSide 2 Tournament
  98. GU10 Red Dot Sights via @Arclegger
  99. My God. They've neutered the Crown.
  100. Skirmishes
  101. Expanding on Implants to empires being more unique
  102. Reflex Sight On A Sniper
  103. No mouse cursor after new install
  104. new vehicle hacking discussion
  105. so I heard you say 7$ per weapon and 5$ per camo is expensive...
  106. Current Events: Loyal Soldier Plan Ends Tomorrow, SOE Live Tourney, & Roadmap Updates
  107. Let's assume for a moment that a faction is wiped out on a continent.
  108. Friday Night Ops Tonight
  109. Increase Titan-150 AP velocity
  110. Time that the deployment system was replaced with...
  111. planetside 2 is still planetside next
  112. A Killstreak With The SAS-R+Reflex Sight
  113. More Load-Outs per Class?
  114. magrider kills lightning in 3s vanguard in 10s
  115. worst luck contest
  116. AA max VS Sky guard! Why they must be changed.
  117. Any updates about ES account wide unlocks?
  118. Are we ever going to get legit colored patterns like PS1?
  119. A confession
  120. The death screen needs to be redesigned
  121. Wouldn't It Be Nice if Mini Map Displayed Base Ownership?
  122. News: Higby live on MLG
  123. Just a little Cry about faction hopping.
  124. Much Ado About Nerfing?
  125. The Overpowered Reaver
  126. Please stop using the term lolpods
  127. PlayStation 4 to "be a great platform for MMOs."
  128. Going to SOE Live? Want a chance at free hotel and airfare, and a guaranteed $20 off?
  129. Win $100 in SC from T-Ray
  130. Server Resets?
  131. I'm GoldenboyFTW, host of MLG's The War Report, and I am looking for feedback!
  132. shaql's Areas.xml mapper (with Hossin, Searhus, and more!)
  133. SCU Shield generators coming back to biolabs next update
  134. AGN: ReachCast Episode 37 CQ
  135. PS2 #3 of PCGamer's Top 25 Greatest Shooters of All Time
  136. Test Server vs. Wiki rewards: Question for PSU Community
  137. Stats Sorting
  138. Spawns DESPERATELY need a redesign...
  139. Planetside 1 fun ops tonight @7pm EST
  140. Luperza's Oven Mitt Contest for $50 SC
  141. Weekend Warrior Bundle
  142. Auraxium Member Benefit?
  143. News: Game Update 10 Notes
  144. The Ultimate TR Refurbishment Thread (Part 2)
  145. So one thing that stood out particularly in GU10.
  146. Well update 10 is here and i bet 100 quid that..(The official zoe hater thread)
  147. Universal Cert Pool
  148. News: IGN.com DCU and PS2 going to PS4
  149. Secret Pattern At The Warpgate
  150. About the recent weapon model changes.
  151. PS2 & MLG: Why it can be an amazing, immersive & engaging viewing experience.
  152. What I imagined with regards to tunnels and spawnrooms and generators...
  153. WTF did they do to the VR?
  154. What's your favorite camo?
  155. Horrible implementation of the new squad colors.
  156. PS2 on PS4 brings multicore optimization
  157. Plea to SOE for Planetside 2's Future
  158. Alert Frequency
  159. SOE Live Discount Code
  160. News: For EU Players: Win a trip to SOE Live
  161. Saron on Harasser?
  162. Please delete the Pit, worst base ever
  163. News! PS2 on PS4 & Game Update 10.
  164. AGN: PlanetSide 2 Squad Beacon Sunday
  165. Thoughts on PS4 getting PS2, and why it's an awesome thing
  166. Can we get drop effects when bailing out of Galaxies/ESFs/Libs?
  167. Did Indar used to be undewater or something?
  168. So in a sense this really has been a 6 months of beta.
  169. I think PS2 on PS4 will be a bigger success than it is on PC
  170. News: The PlanetSide 2 on Playstation 4 MEGA THREAD
  171. NC Rank 100 Title
  172. Bananas!
  173. What's with all the Vanu suicide attacks?
  174. [No Whine] Fuck PS2 until they fixed server pop
  175. News: Squad Beacon June 9th Recording
  176. How to fix the TR mini-chaingun (and the other HA weapons)
  177. Logged in to see the harrasser hehe, FAIL
  178. Think we need a Huey?
  179. [Discussion] The Zerg
  180. AGN: ReachCast Episode 38 CQ
  181. SOE E3 Livestream
  182. Do different servers seem differntly laggy?
  183. I stand corrected by the Harasser
  184. Stop Rewarding Avoidance
  185. PS2 bandwidth
  186. News: New Patch Notes - Test Server 13-06-13
  187. What the hell? Nerf Jumping, Jumping OP, WTF?
  188. Ragdoll - Why it's more important than you think...
  189. E3 interview with Clegg
  190. Current Events Video: Giveaways, SC Promos, Hyper Boosts, and Web Bundles!
  191. News: PlanetSide 2 Station Shop Online
  192. Class-Switching Mentality
  193. News: GU11 Weapon and Resource Tuning Changes
  194. The LA and Infiltrator Classes Need to be Merged
  195. Mass Targeted Area Disconnects on Waterson
  196. After being a Premium Member, I gotta say Paying is a big advantage, hidden P2W
  197. PlanetSide 2 E3 the biggest question answered.
  198. Prisoner of War Event - Connery Server!
  199. Resources Changes will drastically increase problems with pupulation imbalance
  200. Invisibility bug at Zurvan on Cobalt
  201. News: SOE PlanetSide 2 E3 Recordings Posted
  202. Victory with Less Pie?
  203. Is this game going to stay lame forever?
  204. The Awesome Commissioner
  205. Infantry invisible damage and extreme ranges need fixing with increased resource cost
  206. will PS2 be at Gamescom 2013? :)
  207. Community Event - ESF Public Training - 18th (19:00 GMT)
  208. where are the updates?
  209. Stalker cloak and Melee weapons
  210. News: GU11 Cosmetic Previews
  211. In Game Proposal mission accomplished! Congrats to xItZMuRdAx
  212. Are you still Crashing?
  213. AGN: ReachCast Episode 39 CQ
  214. Public Test Poll Results
  215. proposal: gain resource from experience by unit type
  216. News: 6/20 GU11 Preview via Higby
  217. Esamir Base Update Feedback
  218. Population issues and suggestions
  219. News: PlanetSide 2 Game Update 11 Patch Notes
  220. Something no ones thought about with PS 2 on the PS4
  221. New drifters are amazing
  222. News: Friday Night Ops June 21st
  223. New Movement Code = New Jumpjets?
  224. Tom Clancy's "The Division" Features Drone App
  225. Planetside 2 Get To The Liberator — Beer and Gaming Friday
  226. MAX weapons, effectiveness against targets
  227. Please make some certification-tiers cheaper
  228. The Air game is 20 times better post GU11
  229. new physx indicator
  230. "Higby pls" process explained
  231. a couple of bugs i found
  232. Will all of The Enclave really stop playing?
  233. Lets talk about the ressource system. Right now, its borderline Pay to Win
  234. AB tanks need a second flare Or Flare mechanics need to change.
  235. reintroduce the ANT
  236. Why not have Events on the Test Server
  237. Resource Gain Idea
  238. Mega camouflage bundle!
  239. How to respond to GU11
  240. Is the game down?
  241. MCG Redesign
  242. Another double purchase reimbursement?
  243. good gaming laptop to run planetside 2
  244. Ideas on base flow and making base FIGHTS, not base WAITS.
  245. Magrider Space Program
  246. Planetside 2 Tribute Video (Preview) Enjoy.
  247. Track Friendly capability
  248. Lasher Redesign
  249. X-Cast Episode #2 (GU11 is CRAZY!!)
  250. PS2 F2P spinoff game: Vehicles only