View Full Version : smokejumper's new content list
2003-06-10, 11:06 PM
"PlanetSide's Future Plans
A lot of you have expressed curiousity as to what the Dev Team is up to in regards to PlanetSide and its future content. Now that we've had a few weeks to shake out the launch of the game and watch how the game is running, we're ready to make some of this public.
The list below is not a complete list of all features that will be added to the game. It's just a list of what we're sure will go into the game in the near future. There are a whole host of things we're not quite ready to reveal yet, so you can expect lots more to be unveiled in the months to come.
Without further ado:
Near Future Improvements (features & tweaks)
(next two weeks)
Facility Link Benefits: Each facility gives a benefit to the owning Empire. This ability is activated whenever an Empire owns a facility of that specific type somewhere on a continent. If multiple types of facilities are owned by an Empire on a single continent, then the abilities are shared between those facilities if there are no ownership breaks between those facilities on the lattice.
For example: On Cyssor, if the TR own Pamba and Shango, then they would gain the ability for the Amp Station *and* the Bio Laboratory at both locations. However, if the TR only owned Pamba and Itan (no "friendly" connection between them), then the facilities wouldn't get to share their abilities. Instead, Pamba would have the Amp Station benefit (only) and Itan would have the Bio Laboratory benefit (only).
The facilities have the following benefits:
Bio Laboratory: Reduces all respawn penalties by 50%, at linked facilities only. (Not Towers and not AMSs.)
Technology Plant: Makes "advanced" vehicles avaialble at all vehicle pads linked to a friendly Tech Plant.
Amp Station: Allows vehicles to recharge their shield capacitors in the courtyard of any linked facilities. This shield strengthens the armor of the vehicle, but dissipates as damage hits that shield. Vehicles recharge over time when in a linked courtyard, and only dissipate energy when damaged. There is no way to recharge a shield capacitor "in the field".
Dropship Center: Allows access to Repair/Rearm Pads at linked facilities. Air vehicles can now land on the air vehicle pads and ground vehicles can pull up to a wall station in the courtyards. Once there, the vehicles can repair themselves over time, as well as access a terminal interface based on the Equipment Terminal that allows them to fill their trunk space without leaving the vehicle.
Interlink Facility: Creates an extended area that the facility can see on radar. In otherwords, it greatly enhances the coverage area of your basic radar and makes your Phalanx wall turrets much more effective. NOTE: Wall turrets are automated at all times when they are not manned by a player. They fire more slowly when automated, but are still effective. It is no longer required to own an Interlink Facility in order to activate the wall turrets. All bases have active turrets at all times unless ownership is neutral.
Advanced Hacking: Only Advanced Hacking lets you hack equipment terminals and vehicle terminals now. Basic Hacking only allows hacking of Medical Terminals, Lockers, Implant Terminals, and Certification Terminals. (Of course, all hacking abilities still continue to work for doors and control consoles.)
Liberator (bomber): The Liberator is a three-crew vehicle where all positions can shoot. The pilot has a fixed-forward machinegun, the tailgunner has an easily swiveled machinegun for air defense and ground sweeps, and the bombardier can choose between "tankbuster" shells (dropped one at a time) or "anti-personnel" shells that split in mid-air and drop a pattern of shells around the target area, designed to annihilate infantry with multiple explosions.
Skyguard (anti-aircraft buggy): The Skyguard is a two-crew vehicle where the driver sits forward and the gunner behind. The gunner has access to a flak cannon to take down air targets and a machinegun with which to defend against infantry.
Orbital Strikes: Command Rank 4 & 5 characters now have the ability to pull down powerful energy beams from the Empire's orbital platform in space. Targets are designated by dropping a waypoint somewhere in a radius around the commander and then confirming the Strike to the orbital platform. They then send a beam down that is massively destructive in its power. Orbital Strikes cost Outfit Points to use, so Commanders should keep in mind that they're spending their Outfit's collective points when using this ability. This is a timed ability, and once triggered, the timer must expire before another Orbital Strike can occur.
EMP Blasts: Imagine a Jammer grenade on steroids. A CR3-5 Commander can emit an EMP shockwave, centered on his position, that expands out, deactivating and disorienting enemy units around him. Soldiers lose their radar, all implants are reset, Spitfires and Alarm Sensors are deactivated, enemy vehicles are disabled, and mines and Boomers are detonated. All effects are temporary. Once an EMP Blast is used, the Commander must wait for a timer to expire before he's able to use it again.
--- continued in next post because of size limit
2003-06-10, 11:08 PM
------- continued
See all Enemies: Command Rank 4 & 5 characters can trigger this Uplink ability and get a sense of the positions of all enemy units within a certain radius of the Commander. (CR5 Commanders have a bigger radius than CR4 Commanders.) Enemy positions are accurate, but they are only valid for the moment that the info was downloaded. The position blips darken and fade over time to show that they are "old intel" and aren't reliable any longer. This ability, once triggered, must wait for a timer to expire before it can be triggered again.
Uplink Device Interface: An interface has been developed for the Uplink Device allowing Commanders to better see the time needed before an ability is ready for use again.
Vehicle Queuing System: After watching the game develop further, it became obvious that we needed to streamline the vehicle acquisition process. Thus, the queuing system was developed. Players now transport directly to their vehicle after purchase, and auto-drive away from the pad. This minimizes the amount of time needed to get a vehicle and clear the pad for other players. Additionally, if there is a line at the terminal, there is now a queuing system that's intuitive and easy to use that lets you just hang out after making your choice until your vehicle is created. No more "double-click frenzy" as you try to beat the other players in a timing game to acquire a vehicle.
HotSpot Improvements: Hotspots are intended to tell you where the best battles are so that you can cut down your travel time and participate in the great combats around the world. Unfortunately, they don't currently refresh often enough, and they aren't always accurately portraying where groups of players are fighting. That will change soon. Hotspots will be scaled to the size of the fight occurring, and will be refreshed much more often so that the info is accurate when you arrive.
Instant Action Improvements: You can currently be redeployed to a continent where no friendly facilities are owned, thus forcing you to either try and work a facility down to zero NTU (so you can hack it) or move to another continent if you want to attack a base. This, and some fall-through conditions, will be fixed so that Instant Action is more reliable, and so that when you use it, you're pretty much guaranteed to be near a quality battle of some sort.
No "Hack Leapfrogging": You will soon be unable to hack an enemy facility if the only friendly facility linked to that enemy facility is also hacked itself. This will stabilize the "fronts" and prevent "hack leapfrogging".
Defenders can Respawn at Hacked Facilities: To aid the defense a bit, they will soon be able to respawn at hacked facilities. Of course, the respawn tubes have to be in operating condition, but if they're available, then defenders can respawn there.
Empire Incentives: The experience modifications are going away. Empire Incentives will be based on "meatier" variables now to give some bite to the Incentives. Health maximums will be affected directly so that underdog Empires get a bonus that matters.
(next month and beyond)
Again...this is not a complete list, but here goes:
Tower Silos: Yes, you requested it and we agree with you. Towers are getting Silos. They'll run off NTUs soon.
Tower Hack Times: It's likely that Towers will get a five-minute hack timer so that they can't be instantly flip-flopped.
Medic Improvements: The Medic will get great new interfaces to make Revive a more useful ability, as well as additional abilities to help out friendly units with things like stimpaks and regen patches.
Facility Gameflow: We'll be shaking up the gameplay you're used to now and making the buildings more interesting, with potential items like a force wall at the courtyard gates and possibly a blast door on the side entrance to the catacombs that would have to be hacked from within the building in order to open it to enemy attack.
Continental Lock Incentives: As your Empire gains more continental locks, your Empire also gains "bonuses" that affect all players in your Empire. These incentives start after the first couple of locks, and are additive for each successive lock thereafter. They are balanced so that it doesn't create a problem where "winners keep winning", but they are attractive bonuses just the same.
"Fame and Glory" Screens: In-game screens announcing recent best experience gainers, most kills, best outfits, territory "winners", etc. will all be available in-game so that those that it's all at-a-glance.
Outfit Point Expenditures: The Orbital Strike ability is merely the tip of the iceberg. There will be a lot of ways to spend Outfit Points in the future and those will roll out continuously over time so that Outfits have to decide where they want their points to be spent during combats in the field.
There's a lot more to come after that. Watch for more details in the weeks to come.
- Dave"
Cool stuff. What do I still find noticeably absent about these plans though? Real wins, real rewards. They would still be missing even with all that. And that's the reason the game is empty right now, that's the thing I'm waiting to see added. These devs are really cracking on the issues but this game has a ways to go (and like I said in beta these next three months are going to be the real beta)
2003-06-10, 11:13 PM
Nice. :)
2003-06-10, 11:17 PM
Can we get a link to where you got this from please??
2003-06-10, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}mistled
Can we get a link to where you got this from please??
Here ya go pal:
2003-06-10, 11:23 PM
Sanc strikes are MIA
2003-06-10, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Sanc strikes are MIA
Forgot about those. :(
2003-06-10, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by teratravp
Cool stuff. What do I still find noticeably absent about these plans though? Real wins, real rewards. They would still be missing even with all that. And that's the reason the game is empty right now, that's the thing I'm waiting to see added. These devs are really cracking on the issues but this game has a ways to go (and like I said in beta these next three months are going to be the real beta) This is a persistant world.
2003-06-10, 11:24 PM
Thanks Prowler.
2003-06-10, 11:32 PM
"Dropship Center: Allows access to Repair/Rearm Pads at linked facilities. Air vehicles can now land on the air vehicle pads and ground vehicles can pull up to a wall station in the courtyards. Once there, the vehicles can repair themselves over time, as well as access a terminal interface based on the Equipment Terminal that allows them to fill their trunk space without leaving the vehicle. "
FUCKIN A Peter man!
"Orbital Strikes cost Outfit Points to use"
"Defenders can Respawn at Hacked Facilities: To aid the defense a bit, they will soon be able to respawn at hacked facilities. Of course, the respawn tubes have to be in operating condition, but if they're available, then defenders can respawn there."
"EMP Blasts: Imagine a Jammer grenade on steroids. A CR3-5 Commander can emit an EMP shockwave, centered on his position, that expands out, deactivating and disorienting enemy units around him. Soldiers lose their radar, all implants are reset, Spitfires and Alarm Sensors are deactivated, enemy vehicles are disabled, and mines and Boomers are detonated. All effects are temporary. Once an EMP Blast is used, the Commander must wait for a timer to expire before he's able to use it again."
That's sweet!
This is the best stuff I've heard come out of the PS ladies in a long time. Definately getting my subscription $$$!
I'm pumped!
2003-06-10, 11:36 PM
This is definitely AWESOME. :D
2003-06-10, 11:45 PM
Tower Hack Times: It's likely that Towers will get a five-minute hack timer so that they can't be instantly flip-flopped.
This idea worries me, i'll wait till i see it actualy drop but tower battles have always been some of my fave parts of the game and i'm a little afraid of anything that messes with em.
2003-06-10, 11:45 PM
2003-06-10, 11:47 PM
No "Hack Leapfrogging"
Defenders can Respawn at Hacked Facilities
This alone makes me do the fucking happy dance for this.
2003-06-11, 12:07 AM
Defenders being able to spawn at hacked facilities was gonna be the next poll entry, hmm and NTUS for towers was also somewher eon the list hrmmm
Outfit Point Expenditures: The Orbital Strike ability is merely the tip of the iceberg. There will be a lot of ways to spend Outfit Points in the future and those will roll out continuously over time so that Outfits have to decide where they want their points to be spent during combats in the field.
This is going to nullify the idea of "top outfits" which are ranked by points. Maybe they'll change the outfit ranking system to total kills or total captured bases etc.
2003-06-11, 12:19 AM
Top players on their specific empire should
be ranked with an efficiency based system. Total kills, deaths, played time, comparison between armors (stealther vs. max for example), and total timed played. Some of the best players only play on the weekends :)
WTF? They forgot cookies? Dumb devs... :p
2003-06-11, 12:38 AM
I like everything on the list and I'm already thinking about the possibilities. Very nice!
/me hopes they implement Skyguard before or same time as facility benefits or non reavers guys will be even more fucked than before
Orbital strike using outfit points = good try but bad idea. This will simply make for huge unorganized outfits like ELH to have many orbital strikes while the smaller more organized like CDL, ND, BOHICA and other will get the short end of the stick. :ugh:
The rest seems very cool. :)
2003-06-11, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by Hamma
This is a persistant world.
Besides certs and inv favorites, what is persistant about it? All it really is is dedicated servers right now. If it was an actual persistant world where things could be affected, that might be interesting, but right now it's about as complicated as a persistant game of checkers with the exception that the checkers autorespawn so there will never be a winner. It's a very weird way to do things as if as soon as someone takes the time to execute a real strategy let's pull the rug out from under so they can't actually achieve anything with it. You know what's i'm talking about "musical bases" "leap frogging" etc... Anyway the boring issue has been talked to death... I'll just say what I've been saying...
wow the devs are making strides in putting this game together into something really nice, hopefully in 6 months it'll all be there and I'll join up.
2003-06-11, 02:09 AM
Besides certs and inv favorites, what is persistant about it?
What is so much more persistant in other MMOGs compared to PS? Apart from the fact that your character persists, and the world continues to function even when you aren't there, nothing is. Don't act like persistance implies that it's a living, breathing world full of life and activity, constantly shaping and changing every day. PS is just as persistant as EQ, DAoC, UO, or any other MMOG on the market.
It's a very weird way to do things as if as soon as someone takes the time to execute a real strategy let's pull the rug out from under so they can't actually achieve anything with it.
And it would be such a better idea to rob players of the work they've put into their characters and Outfits by letting one side win and reverting things back to Day 1 settings, right?
This stuff is great. The part about base forcefields and blast doors gave me a chubby.
Yeah hopefully the CE role will become more like the engineer in Tribes and be able to set up all kinds of defensive counter measures. :)
I think they're features of the base, Dio, not stuff that can be set up by CEs. I think CE is a pretty good skill as it is--I get wasted by mines and spitfires all the time, and even when they don't kill me, they always slow me down enough to make me a sitting duck while I clear them.
NightWalker XI
2003-06-11, 02:59 AM
I am especially happy about defender being able to spawn at a ahcked facility, I mean I am trying to defedn and have to spawn miles away...WTF!
This is great...not so happy about orbiotal strikes, my outfit is new and we want points lol :D
Sarah Jinstar
2003-06-11, 03:11 AM
Awesome changes all around. Altho I do notice that both Sanc Strikes and Platoons are completely absent from the list. Which is odd, considering I remember the devs saying Platoons would be in "shortly" after retail.
Otherwise tho awesome stuff, I for one can't wait. :)
PS: Was awesome seeing ya in game Squeeky hope to run into ya again soon :)
2003-06-11, 06:00 AM
I'm excited about these ideas - even the CR abilities (I'm hoping the orbital strike doesn't beat the living hell out of my framerate :o)
I, however, would like to point out this forum post over at SIN.
It's actually kind of a depressing read, but it should be posted regardless. :love: I've already got my $50 out of PS, if they keep adding in features like this there's no way people can complain about the monthly fee.
PS. On the topic of MIA features... where's the Quarterly Outfit Competitions? :(
2003-06-11, 07:15 AM
Very nice additions, very nice indeed. Now with those new facility improvments, their will be incentive to defend certain bases....and Cr5 people are going to be alot more scarier now :scared:
2003-06-11, 07:24 AM
where are the platoons?
2003-06-11, 07:57 AM
Well, time to unlearn my hacking cert, because I got it just to hack terms and vehicle pads, and now all it will be able to hack is lockers and med terms and implant terms (i think)
Bad Mojo
2003-06-11, 08:21 AM
I was really hoping for platoons, as well.
As for orbital strikes, while larger outfits might have more points to burn, a well organized smaller outfit (in theory) could use the strikes to help gain more outfit points in the long run. A little extra strategic power. But, that all depends on the cost and how the strike really works on the ground.
As for the changes to the hacking certs, how will those affect hacking vehicles themselves? It seemed to be left off the list if hackable items and I'm curious if anyone has head one way or the other.
2003-06-11, 08:52 AM
Sounds interesting.
Couldn't see anything obvious about forcing people into defence - what am I missing?
Also if people can respawn at bases once the hack has come in, I think that there should be multiple spawn points throughout the base.
2003-06-11, 09:03 AM
A part of what will enhance deffence, is with Towers draining NTU it will be possible, not easy still, but possible to WIN a deffence sittuation. Also with not allowing a hack on a base when your linked base is hacked, this will also force people to take back positions instead of ignoring the fact that they are loosing a facility and jumping on.
As to Adv Hacking love... it's about time! I've had Adv hacking sense Beta first thing I ever got, now I can finally be special and fuzzy and needed for spending my 2 extra cert points!
Wish the platoons were there, but seeing as I barely use squads anymore I don't know why. Just use Outfit chat and be in an outfit where you know what you're doing. Everyone gets more XP, no one gets the CEP dicking unless they want it, everyone is happy!
I've never liked the sanc strike idea, not untill alot more things are ironed out about the actual fronts!
As to vehicle reloading/repairing pads...
I think this is unfortunate as Engineers are gonna be less usefull except in the field. Currently within my outfit we all carry tank ammo, because we run 4-10 vanguards at a time. This allows reloading in the field and requires coordination that others don't use. Putting an instant reloader and repairer just asks for people to sit in front of it smiling while a LOOOONG line forms behind them!
But we'll see
All in all pretty stoked!
2003-06-11, 09:08 AM
Sounds like they are taking a lot of the comments of the community and putting forward some good ideas.
2003-06-11, 09:13 AM
Platoons and Strikes being MIA makes me nervous. Platoons are the single most anticipated feature, IMO
2003-06-11, 09:17 AM
Engies and hackers still didn't get enough love (I'm not even going to mention medics). Hackers need to be able to earn outfit points if outfit points are going to start counting for things and be this meaningful.
I can't see what's so tough about adding platoons compared to some of the stuff they are adding. Sanctuary strikes are the one realy motivation in this game to conquer certain continents. Even if there's bonuses for certain bases, it's pretty much all the same no matter what continent you're on.
2003-06-11, 10:05 AM
I'm impressed. They are listening to the fan base. The most exciting changes are the no leapfrogging and spawning in a hacked base... BIG thumbs up.
The benefits for having facilities is nice too, gives incentive to defend them. Also NTU's are becoming more and more important so maybe we can see more escorted ANT runs (which I think is fun).
2003-06-11, 10:22 AM
I suspect that with the balance of all the changes, engineers will be more useful instead of less useful. Fact is, taking down the spawn tubes is more or less going to be a requirement for capping, and you are gonna want an Engineer handy to bring them back up after the cap goes thru. There will be less people asking for vehicle repairs, but that isn't a bad thing at all.
2003-06-11, 10:33 AM
Hacking infs are going to find taking towers with the 5min timer difficult to say the least! They'll have to get the hack while a team goes downstairs to camp or destroy the tubes at the same time.
Spawning in a hacked base is cool. Maybe they should add an extra spawn room or two.
No more empire specific weapons? We'll have to whine about the same ones indefinately?? :p
2003-06-11, 10:50 AM
Im happy that medics are finally getting something useful. The command abilities might make being a commander useful for something other then waypoints and battleplans...
Well, atleast now after we hack a base we dont have to worry about the people destoying the generator. I hated having to kill those idiots.
2003-06-11, 11:18 AM
The only reason I can think of them not putting platoons is the number of outfits still being quite low - and the number of active outfits (i.e. multiple people on at once) might be lower still.
Of course some might argue that outfits aren't gathering because platoons aren't there.
2003-06-11, 11:59 AM some Cr4-5 commander can press a button and make everyone in a base instantly die with no chance of defending against the attack...
2003-06-11, 12:21 PM
To get around the issue of the orbital strikes benefiting larger outfits that have an abundance of outfit points with which to work, and penalizing smaller ones that have less, I hope they make the cost of calling one down a percentage of the total outfit points and not just a fixed cost.
2003-06-11, 12:45 PM
Smoke posted that platoons will be in soon on the OF ;)
Just didnt post about it because we already know
2003-06-11, 01:38 PM
I think all the people arguing that "spending outfit points for orbital strikes is bad" are ignoring an important detail.
A small outfit is likely to have ONE high-level commander, where the larger 'en-mass' style outfits could end up with several... so your "outfit-point income / commanders who can use them" ratio should be relatively constant across outfits.
No biggie.
And we don't have any idea of how much it will cost, nor how much damage an orbital strike will do, or how much warning people will have. 1 point? 1000? No idea.
And we also don't know what else people will be spending those outfit points on. More decals in more obvious locations? The right to upload their own logo? Cert points spent on specific certifications (everyone in this outfit has an AI MAX cert)? We just don't know.
So don' worry, be happy.
2003-06-11, 02:24 PM
Nice hook for those who weren't planing on subscribing after the 30 retail play, huh?
Empire Incentives: The experience modifications are going away. Empire Incentives will be based on "meatier" variables now to give some bite to the Incentives. Health maximums will be affected directly so that underdog Empires get a bonus that matters.
So, does this mean going back to the beta XP point system, no more xp splits for kills etc?
edit: never mind, he's talking about the Incentives for when population is out of wack.
I hope "two weeks" doesn't turn into "when it's done"
Happy lil Elf
2003-06-11, 03:08 PM
Even though most gamers have forgotten about Duke Nukem Forever, the legacy of "when it's done" shall live on eternally.
/em wipes a tear from his eye
2003-06-11, 03:10 PM
Sounds badass. Should give some incentive for defense, since bases would provide places to repair, rearm, and reshield your vehicles.
Anyways, I was sorta mad that orbital strikes required outfit points for the fact that they necessitated being in an outfit, but now that I look at it I see that if you get to CR 4/5 people will be just begging for you to be in their outfit. Or you could just create your own outfit.
I figure outfit points will be allocated for use - allocation could be decided by the leaders of the outfit for each member of the outfit individually, or it could be adjusted for each outfit rank and CR rank.
For example (Blanks would be filled in by outfit commanders)
Out of the __% of outfit points set aside for expendiature: Every outfit rank you have gives you __% of the outfit points for personal use per day, every CR you have gives you an additional __%. Also, the following individuals have adjusted amounts:
Name | Adjustment | Reason
Phil | 10% bonus | for ANT driving all yesterday - GJ
Bob | 1/2 normal | due to excessive use of orbstrikes
Smith | 2x normal | because I'm the leader of this damn outfit.
Jones | Max: 0 pts | Disciplinary action
Percentages would, of course, be adjusted to equal 100%. (4 "5%"s would be changed into 4 "25%"s)
2003-06-11, 04:14 PM
I'm disappointed with the hacker changes, though I can definately see that it makes specialized hackers more useful. I'm a grunt, but I spent 3 creds on basic hacking just so I could heal and rearm while hacking bases. That's taken away from me now... since I don't think its going to be worth the effort to keep my locker constantly full. Maybe if they did some kind of locker terminal thing, where you can instantly choose a favorite, just like an eq term. I.E. access a locker and click a button to reload your ammo and medpacks, brining your inventory favorite back up to its original condition.
On the bright side, I have 3 creds to spend on something else :)
2003-06-11, 04:17 PM
I, however, would like to point out this forum post over at SIN.
It's actually kind of a depressing read, but it should be posted regardless.
Is there a reader's digest version? I don't feel like signing up for their forums just to read one post, and for whatever stupid reason you need to sign up to read, not just to post.
Originally posted by Hamma
Platoons and Strikes being MIA makes me nervous. Platoons are the single most anticipated feature, IMO
IIRC they weren't in this letter because they were previously announced. I believe Spork cleared that up in a post over there. I'm not going back to find it, those forums are scary.
Tower Silos: Yes, you requested it and we agree with you. Towers are getting Silos. They'll run off NTUs soon.
OK... What about AMSs? are they still going to be infinite respawn? Als, i can totally see people depleting their own towers NTUs to stave off an attack... because you DON'T need a tower for good defence now that you can spawn in hacked bases... towers are shite
2003-06-11, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by RUEN
OK... What about AMSs? are they still going to be infinite respawn? Als, i can totally see people depleting their own towers NTUs to stave off an attack... because you DON'T need a tower for good defence now that you can spawn in hacked bases... towers are shite
Guess what a really fantastic target is going to be for the Liberator once it's released? An AMS can be destroyed with ordinance, while a tower can't be. Both will be useful, but neither will be much more defendable than a base as they tend to be now.
2003-06-11, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by RUEN
OK... What about AMSs? are they still going to be infinite respawn? Als, i can totally see people depleting their own towers NTUs to stave off an attack... because you DON'T need a tower for good defence now that you can spawn in hacked bases... towers are shite
But you can destroy or hack an AMS, you cant do that to a tower.
I've always had a beef that it can take 10 mins to take a base but 2 hours to take out the tower next to it.
This having towers on a 5 min rehack is great, gives you time to clear out the opposition before they can rehack again.
ANT runs just got more interesting ;)
2003-06-11, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Sarah Jinstar
PS: Was awesome seeing ya in game Squeeky hope to run into ya again soon :)
Was a pleasure killing you ;)
2003-06-11, 07:16 PM
orbital strikes sound amazing
2003-06-11, 08:21 PM
Liberator. Must have Liberator. Hope it's not underpowered in fear of people screaming "NERF" when they get carpet-bombed.
2003-06-11, 08:39 PM
O M G loads of goodies coming up ;) Just as I lost faith in Planetside for a bit they fix(or gonna fix) tons of stuff. Things like giving defenders an edge over attackers as it should be, towers get the nerf they deserve, bases will be truly defendable AND you got a reason to defend them.. Oh my...
/me squirts :eek:
P.S. I do agree platoons should have #1 priority, I think that's easily the most promised feature of 'em all... Sanc strikes sound really fun but nothing as important as platoons :D
2003-06-11, 08:45 PM
Nice list, although, I was hoping to see something about the lodestar... :(
2003-06-11, 09:05 PM
...obvious that we needed to streamline the vehicle acquisition process.
No "Hack Leapfrogging": You will soon be unable to hack an enemy facility if the only friendly facility linked to that enemy facility is also hacked itself. This will stabilize the "fronts" and prevent "hack leapfrogging".
Defenders can Respawn at Hacked Facilities: To aid the defense a bit, they will soon be able to respawn at hacked facilities. Of course, the respawn tubes have to be in operating condition, but if they're available, then defenders can respawn there.
Profound. Looks like alot more focus on defense and spawntube killin. Potentially less tower activity.
Now about the auto D. Base turrets are going to be? automatic? What are they now? I fly over empty bases and get shot down by the building all too often. This sounds as though it hasn't been implemented yet. If not then why am i getting shot down by buildings? Okay so what am i not getting here?
IMO, Their first priority should be platoons. They've been talking about it to the public for the longest time, i believe.
2003-06-11, 10:13 PM
These new updates have motivated me to buy the game, finally! i played beta and loved it, but then i decided to not buy the damn thing. but now my money saving ways have gotten to me, i need to spend something, so i decided this was the way to go, these new updates, i think, will make the game what it should be. and i want to bomb shit!
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