View Full Version : My Vanu population improvement plan...

2003-06-13, 06:24 PM
If you're one of the first [insert appropriate number here] players to change from either NC or Terran over to Vanu, you get one month of free-paid PlanetSide gaming! As long as you only play Vanu during that month...

That would definitely get enough players to change to Vanu and it would give them enough time to get into them. After this point they'd probably stick with Vanu for awhile because that's what they're good at, and all would be well and fair in the lands of Auraxis...


2003-06-13, 07:19 PM
That would probably get too many people to switch hehe

2003-06-13, 08:10 PM
after that plan for the first month on all server there would be
2 TR
2 NC
way way way to many vanu

after that month,
all back to the same

2003-06-13, 09:48 PM
You guys missed the [insert appropriate number] part. As in.. How many Vanu it would take to make the numbers balanced. Obviously there would have to be a limit as to how many players could get in on the offer.