View Full Version : Vanu won Emerald!
Yesterday the Vanu won on the Emerald server! Has this happened before?
NightWalker XI
2003-06-14, 04:50 PM
Happens most days on Werner...
2003-06-14, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by Seer
Vanu won Emerald!
2003-06-14, 05:09 PM
All I have to say is...................congrats
Never happens on Emerald though, Nightwalker.
2003-06-14, 07:14 PM
what did they win on Emerald?:confused:
Yeah it never does. I think the NC will win today. There's been a mass exodus from the TR to the NC since the last patch.
2003-06-14, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Lonehunter187
In a side note, I've been having a field day ever since I figured out what the [I] on the right does. It makes my PSU experience so much better ;)
2003-06-14, 10:34 PM
O_OWoa thast what it does! I'm gona ignor that BUGGER guy, he's one lame as kid that knows bullshiz bout life.
Oh wait.....
2003-06-14, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Seer
Yesterday the Vanu won on the Emerald server! Has this happened before?
2003-06-15, 12:04 AM
this is the first time ive seen it happen, but probabley not the last :D
2003-06-15, 12:18 AM
I think it got Markov once a bit back...
I am sure that it will happen more as they look at vanu "issues"
Seems to me that TR gets about 68%, NC 28% and VS 4%...
Just my guess.... I would like to see a total win list, that would be nice
2003-06-15, 12:25 AM
Really, vanu is ok, its just the ammount of people not being vanu. if you up the vs weapons a bit till they equal nc and tr, suddenly evrybody gona go vs and whope tr and nc ass.
Big Bro
2003-06-15, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by BUGGER33
Really, vanu is ok, its just the ammount of people not being vanu. if you up the vs weapons a bit till they equal nc and tr, suddenly evrybody gona go vs and whope tr and nc ass.
VS Weapons do NOT need upped. Lasher owns. People that know how to use the VS mobility and weapons are a force to be reckoned with.
They've nerfed TR to appease whiners. The Jackhammer and Gauss will get nerfed in the same way. Those NC weapons are way unbalanced. Don't be surprised. If they nerf NC, then yes I think things will be more balanced.
And as far as VS weapons... The only thing I could see them doing is maybe decreasing ammo consumption (or increasing ammo capacity). I think VS is quite balanced, having played them all through beta.
2003-06-15, 09:41 AM
The VS are in a good mindset after the nerf (sad it takes a nerf to do that), and they shockingly realize they ARN'T as bad as they think they are.
2003-06-15, 10:24 AM
Actually, the nerf helped Vanu tremendously because it help bring into balance the only true area we suffer in...indoor fighting. It wasn't just a moral booster, it actually gave us more of a chance to win in a TR base.
Outdoors, Vanu is balanced with the other empires. Honestly, they may even have a little edge over the other two once you learn how to use a Lancer. However, once we are inside, the battle is over for us unless we zerg. We don't have the short range firepower to effeciently take over a base. NC's counter to the TR Max is the Jackhammer. Both of these empires have a strong indoor weaponry base. Vanu doesn't. The Lasher, compared to either of these advantages, just doesn't hold up. And mobility indoors is significanlty hindered by these things called walls and boxes.
The Jackhammer doesn't need to be nerfed...TR Maxes don't need to be hit again, though the first nerf was in order. All weapons at this time are balanced except for the Lasher. Either find a way to balance this gun (orb speed increase being the most commonly suggested way) or find another way to balance the Vanu indoors (i.e. Empire Specific armor for infantry...if it takes longer for Vanu weapons to kill...wouldn't it make more sense if we could actually live longer to use the weapons?).
Start making outdoor bases, so we don't have to move inside to face a Max or a Jackhammer we aren't equipped to beat. Make the other Empires face our strengths to get a cap instead of forcing us to go inside with pea shooters or guns that shoot bullets that move the speed of bowling balls. That's my only beef with the VS...we can't compete indoors where the fights really count. Can we win? Of course we can, but the odds are always against us beyond a lack of VS population.
I wouldn't say the chaingun and the Prowler are balanced to their counter parts.
The CG is more likely to hit the two guys standing next to you and not the people in front of you with it's current CoF. The chaingun needs it's CoF tightened up immensely, but to counter that it needs to actually act like a chain gun. Real chain guns have a spin up and spin down period. Take the cg in Tribes and Tribes 2. Tight cone of fire, but with a spin period.
The prowler is the most useless vehicle in the game right now. Does little damage with a miniscule splash radius. It also takes 50% more man power to operate. It takes the same number of people to man 2 prowlers as it does 3 of the other empire's tanks. So 1 prowler = 75% of another tank. So if the Prowler in it's current state were considered balanced 2 prowlers should be able to take on 3 other tanks and have a chance of winning. Right now that's not the case.
2003-06-15, 01:46 PM
TR's counter to the Jackhammer is the Pounder...
VS doesn't have an indoor, heavy assault counter in any type of it Max or HA weapon.
Sorry to turn this into another debate on balancing VS thread. It just bugs me when ppl label all Vanu's as whiners with no real reason for complaint. Vanu are not balanced indoors...period. That's our weakness. And it isn't one we can simply overcome with mobility. It takes superior tactics (which is in no way related to or restricted by Empire) or superior numbers. The need for either wouldn't be required in a balanced game. Since all CC's are indoors, our empire "advantage" of mobility is neglible when trying for Caps. Sooner or later, we have to go inside.
As for the VS win on was quite nice to see for a change.
Originally posted by Myrnyyk
TR's counter to the Jackhammer is the Pounder...
Then why does the TR have the chaingun at all? You're basically saying it's useless as well.
2003-06-15, 02:31 PM
Chaingun is better than a Lasher in close quarters in the experiences that I and other friends have had. It's a good, "fire in the crowd" weapon. Lasher can be used for this as well, but it isn't as effecient as the Chaingun...and then we still don't have a direct counter to Pounders/Jackhammers.
seriously if you go up aginst a load of vs that actually know how to use their strenghs to their advantage there unstoppable....then again most iof the vs are blithering idots so they get mauled...and its not our fault that you guys have low people count, blame the creaters of the game for making you purple. the hell want to run around wearing purple. If they were orange or mainly green i most likely would have played them instead of the tr
2003-06-15, 02:50 PM
There you go, Tmax...blame it on all the VS being idiots...
As a VS, most of the squads I join that have competent ppl in it have very little problem taking out incompentent squads of the competing empire. A squad of 10 held of a attack force of about 30 the other day for a good 45 minutes.
But when you play ppl that are equally skilled as you, the lack of indoor weaponry VS have does effect the outcome of evenly matched "skilled/intellectual" battles.
But yeah, I guess we can always hit the lower populated conts with a zerg group and pray we can get half the continent before anyone is the wiser. Because we all know how fun it is to Cap undefended bases....
Spare me the "VS that can't use their weapons are idiots" line. It's been used before, and it's still as untrue now as it was the first time it was uttered.
2003-06-15, 04:21 PM
all you people say that VS that know how to use there weapons are good. Which is true, but TR/NC dont need to know how to use theirr weapons. Any tom, dick or harry can pick up your weapons and just goto town. Most of the VS weapons u cant hit shit unless its standing still. You guys dont even have to aim with your weaps rofl. you guys can hold more ammo then VS....shit i dont know how many times i've been sniped with a f'ing cycler..If u guys want the game balanced how about this. GIVE EVERYONE THE SAME WEAPONS.
Well, whether or not the VS is an underpowered empire, it's a fact that they are outnumbered and disorganized on Emerald. Which is why them winning the server is so odd.
2003-06-15, 04:35 PM
I will give you that, Seer. As a whole, Vanu on Emerald are very unorganized.
2003-06-15, 11:14 PM
on johari over the weeked we weren't actually the one with the least people that was a first :D we kicked much butt then
2003-06-16, 07:39 AM
Man I'm really tired of the Vanu pity party. In a simplified term I'd like to see the empire break down like this.
The VS may not have the hardest hitting, or the fastest weapons but, some of the ones you do have are decent the Lancer comes to mind in it's versatility. Then your assault crafts are able to cross water which makes holding the VS at bridges nigh impossible. Sure you don't have anything you shine at other then your versatility but, who wasn't expecting that? It's how your empire is described. Yet so many Vanu act shocked they don't out shine the other 2 empires at anything. You guys are good, I dread fighting VS more then I do TR.
2003-06-16, 10:30 AM
I love how all the people who haven't used VS weapons in the game (outside of VR) can give such excellent reviews of their power and versatility.
Lancer- great weapon- Need to turn down infantry damage on it and slightly increase armor damage.
Lasher- Needs serious help. Increase projectile speed by 50% and increase damage per hit by 15-20%
Pulsar- it is a joke, decrease damage decrease over range
Beamer- joke, it is a flashlight
MAX- Increase clip size for all 3 max, incrase speed of AV max balls
Thresher- Increase speed of energy balls, give them small splash damage, increase their damage from 15 a hit to 20-25 a hit.
Magrider- Fix the stupid client side prediction and lag issues so people can actually duck and cover and not get phantom run over.
I play NC and I play VS, the NC Jackhammer is exponentially better than the Lasher. The gauss is 5x better than pulsar, I'm not even going to compare pistols.
/shrug, the design team is looking at the weapon data and they will make decisions based on numbers or not make changes based on numbers. Whining only helps pass the time between my PS sessions 8)
2003-06-16, 01:08 PM
If you don't think having your Max's being able to jump up onto base walls is an advantage you're a fool. Use your damn mobility to secure the perimiter of a base, bring in some AMS's, and then advance indoors with your force. Taking out the generator, or destroying the spawn tubes = win for VS. If the enemy can't spawn in the base, and you have the perimiter secure, you win.
Stop whining, VS is very powerful.
2003-06-16, 01:15 PM
The Vanu may be holding their own on other servers, but on Emerald, we get out hats handed to use quite often from everyone. Not sure if it is a population issue or what. I'm glad we won yesterday (I wasn't on), but on Saturday we were getting totally wiped out.
2003-06-16, 01:22 PM
I've never really understood the whole argument of which weapons should be 'nerfed' or not... But in my opinion, nothing should be changed. I suggest that's it's a whole point of players seeing TR and NC as far more (this only applies in the earlier days of PS) attractive in both weapons and vehicles (and appearance... But that'd be weird), and ultimately choosing one of those empires because of that.
Then, the TRs MAXs were changed, thus evening things out a bit more. If eveything was as equal as it is now, more people would have chosen VS when they first got the game, but haven't changed now because they're NC or TR character is likely much too far in the game to switch.
2003-06-16, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Tryndamere
Stop whining, VS is very powerful.
Let me ask you something, Try...when's the last time you tried to take out two Pounders in the Spawn room with a Lasher/Lancer? When's the last time you tried to break into the CC with 3 or 4 Jackhammers pointed down the stairs at you without the support of a Pounder?
Have you played VS much? If not, then please quit assuming we are just whining instead of making a valid complaint. VS are a very strong Empire outside the base. But once we are inside, we can't hide behind our mobility anymore.
Get over yourself. I'm not crying for a nerf for either empire...I'm just asking for VS to be given a viable weapon for indoor combat. That's not a whine, that's a request.
2003-06-16, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Myrnyyk
Let me ask you something, Try...when's the last time you tried to take out two Pounders in the Spawn room with a Lasher/Lancer? When's the last time you tried to break into the CC with 3 or 4 Jackhammers pointed down the stairs at you without the support of a Pounder?
Have you played VS much? If not, then please quit assuming we are just whining instead of making a valid complaint. VS are a very strong Empire outside the base. But once we are inside, we can't hide behind our mobility anymore.
Get over yourself. I'm not crying for a nerf for either empire...I'm just asking for VS to be given a viable weapon for indoor combat. That's not a whine, that's a request.
I agree 100%. People need to realize that without any viable indoor weapons, Vanu have a very hard time capturing or defending a CC. Unless of course the other side decides to take the battle outside.
2003-06-16, 03:07 PM
If its impossible to take the CC from a couple TR pounder MAX's, then how does VS ever win?
They DO win, and they win a lot.
Get some bodies, rush into the MAX's at point blank range and overwhelm them.
Each empire has its own advantages.
You are admitting yourself that VS rock outdoors, that compensates for their weakness indoors. If you get stronger indoors, then they need to nerf your outdoor power (Magmower, Lancer).
2003-06-16, 03:28 PM
Try, we shouldn't have to zerg to win. No, a solo inf should not be able to kill a max, but we shouldn't have to throw 15 inf units at him either.
VS are comparable to the other empires outdoors. A pure sniper sill still own a Lancer as long as the sniper is on the Lancer. Most of the sniper/inf kills I get with the Lancer are picking ppl off that don't see me or are in a fight with someone else. It isn't an exceptionally accurate weapon, and it does take a little practice in getting its lead time down.
I'm not saying make us as strong indoors as we are outside, but we do need to be beefed up inside. If two parties of the same skill are playing against one another, the fight should be equal given the numbers are equal. Victory should come down to tactics. Don't get me wrong, I've seen TR and NC groups that worked very well together as a team, but I've also seen and been a part of VS groups that work together as well. The difference? To be quite frank, once we get inside, any newb in a Pounder or with a Jackhammer can flat out own a Vanu squad. So, until they start designing bases on each continent that have an outdoor CC, then they need to provide us with even footing for fighting indoors.
If you nerf the Lancer vs inf, then you have to buff the Pulsar and up the Lancers dmg vs Vehicles. It is an "ok" anti-vehicle weapon. The thing that makes it stand out is its effectiveness vs Infantry. Striker is a much better pure AV weapon, but it isn't all that effective versus infantry. As for the Magrider, it's a great tank. It does give us a nice advantage in the courtyard. But all it takes is a few Striker equipped individuals in the right spots, and those Mag's are down fairly quickly. Snipers are up on the walls picking off the Lancers. I know it works...I've seen it rip apart raids outside quite a few times.
Point being this, TR and NC have counters to any and everything we can throw at them. They also have counters for one another. As a VS, the only thing we can utilize to counter superior indoor combat is numbers. And, in case you haven't noticed, that isn't one of our strong suits either. The game honestly seems like it was designed for NC and TR only. Those races are extremely balanced with regards to one another. VS design almost appears to be an after thought.
2003-06-16, 03:34 PM
Jesus, ive been playing all weekend on vanu and i havnt lost a battle yet. I dont know whats wrong with you guys. The lasher is great indoors, hell i cleared an entire squad out of an amp station control room with it. The lancer takes down anything, just learn to use it.
You want that CC rid of a pounder? Rush in with the lancer and use it close range. I normally get 4-5 shots off doing this, which completly drains the armor. This opens the way for any idiot with a flash light to kill him.
Having problems with jackhammers? Engage at range. Its really that simple. Use the pulsar and your 4x zoom, then strafe and burst fire. They wont be able to hit you with the guass very well, and will go down in no time. If they are in the CC, just lob in some plasma nades. They will come out, they always do, right into the loving arms of your squad. No jackhammer will take out a squad, especially if you brought in some lashers.
Learn to use the switching on your pulsar. At long range switch to AP, its slower so your more accurate, and it does alot of armor dmg. After abit, switch back to normal and finish off the people who you've been shooting. Close range its even better, 5-7 shots of AP and 5 shots of normal can kill the vast majority of infantry. Hell you dont even need to stop firing to switch, just right click.
2003-06-16, 03:47 PM
So 12 shots with a Pulsar that require you to change Weapon modes is balanced with two other med range guns that can kill you in 6 shots with the regular bullets? If the Pulsar wasn't such a PoS I wouldn't rely on the Lancer to snipe ppl off the walls before I advance.
Rush the CC with a Lancer? You're dead before you hit the door with a Pounder. Let me rephrase that...3 or 4 ppl are dead...including a Max...before you hit the door.
I'm very glad to hear you've had some successes with your weapons as a VS. But most of us haven't been that lucky. I guess I just keep running into TR's and NC's that actually know how to aim and don't miss with a Gauss at Med Range.
There are tactics to beat any given situation. But why is it that a Vanu has to rely on Common Pool weapons (Deci/Rocklet/Thumper) indoors where as both the other empires have indoor fighting options? You don't see them pulling out a Punisher to fight our Pulsars (and quite a few VS trade Punisher for Pulsar) in outdoor fights. Our indoor weaponry is not balanced. Not even close.
2003-06-16, 06:04 PM
So 12 shots with a Pulsar that require you to change Weapon modes is balanced with two other med range guns that can kill you in 6 shots with the regular bullets? If the Pulsar wasn't such a PoS I wouldn't rely on the Lancer to snipe ppl off the walls before I advance.
Before you whine more, play a TR on another server and see how many shots the cycler takes to kill someone. It sure isn't 6~
And wtf medium assault weapon can be used to snipe people off walls?
The guass? People will just duck and move after a couple shots. Big whoop. The lancer is the best all round weapon in the game and you're complaining about using it?
2003-06-16, 06:23 PM
The Lancer, like all weapons, has its downsides as well. It isn't the end all, be all weapon. I'm not complaining about using it, but it can't be used in every situation.
In all the fire fights I've had against a Gauss or a Cycler, it has taken my opponent far less shots that it has taken me to kill them. When I can dump 15 shots of a Pulsar into someone at Medium range and they not drop while I do get dropped in less than 10's not balanced. I don't need to roll an Alt. I used to pick up Cyclers and Gauses all the time. Either or kill much more effectively than a Pulsar at medium/short range.
And, no, I don't shoot ppl on walls with an Med Assualt weapon. I'll surge to the walls, and many will jump down to fight you. If was a little out of shotgun range and they had a Med Assault Weapon...well, then I was back in the base reloading a Favorite.
The Lancer is a great weapon, but its greatness lies in it versatility of effectiveness vs hard and soft targets. It isn't the most effective medium range/short range/long range gun. But we can switch between vehicles and infantry with ease...I guess that makes us balanced, eh?
2003-06-17, 03:53 AM
it was a damn good fight today. there I was yesterday whining about how the Vanu don't work together. Today I ran round solo backing up outfits and other teams. Just jumping walls with my maxx and pounding unsuspecting infantry as the outfits pounded the last few bases' entrances.
Some stupid reaver tried to crash into to me and they forgot about the Vanu jump boosters, and the idiot crashed right in to the wall while I jumped it. I couldn't stop laughing and a damn cloaker killed me with his knife. I bet he had a good laught too. Knifing a MAXX to death.:p
2003-06-17, 12:19 PM
I believe the VS are fine also. Their weapons kill quickly through armor, and I find myself dying with armor left. You cannot be that lucky as a TR. You have to cut through my entire armor pretty much to start harming me. VS weapons hurt like hell, and they kill quickly. This has just been my experience of course. I agree that their number one issue has been organization. This is any empire's problem, and zerging will not work against skilled foes.
Hey Big Bro, just a thought, but maybe your signature should say "Loyalty Beyond Death" since there is no permanent death in PS! hehe (Just a thought since "until" seems odd with a game where you die and come back over and over) <smile>
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