View Full Version : Mani's Story & the Dev Chat........hmmmmm

2002-10-08, 11:47 AM
Did anyone else notice that Mani's story included an "Escape Pod" scenireo, and durring yesterdays Chat they mentioned, for the first time that you can take a One man "Drop Pod" from your orbital space station to the planets surface? The description of the Pod, and Mani's story really line go hand in hand.

Is Manitou getting some inside info, or is he just phycic?

2002-10-08, 12:04 PM
I think hes holding out, lets torcher him for info when he gets back from Vacation :p

CDL Full Otto
2002-10-08, 12:16 PM
Perhaps this website is so popular, the game designers having read Mani's story, updated their code to include Escape pods!


2002-10-08, 01:37 PM
Pffft... You guys are so foolish. Mani isn't holding out on us at all.

He's ONE of them! HE IS A DEV! He's just acting like he's not! If anyone has some duck tape, a brown paper bag, and a can of spam, I think I know how we'll be able to get the info out of him. Need I elaborate? :D

2002-10-08, 01:44 PM
One can of spam at your service!!


2002-10-08, 02:26 PM

2002-10-08, 03:04 PM
/me stands in the corner of the room and trys to stop laughing because drop pods have been known about for severel months

Note the dates (http://www.planetside.info/forum/showthread.php3?s=&threadid=235)

2002-10-08, 03:08 PM
So then............your one of them!!!

Get him!!!

2002-10-08, 03:11 PM

2002-10-08, 03:14 PM
Well it's all I could think of to keep myself from looking stupid, besides, it was the first time the Devs mentioned anything about the Drop Pods to me.

*Is my supterfuge working or am I just making it worce?

2002-10-08, 03:23 PM
Get him indeed! I still think Mani is a dev ;)

2002-10-08, 04:37 PM
Naw, Mani is in the chAir Force.

2002-10-08, 04:54 PM

I was under the impression drop pods were for more than once person at once tho

2002-10-08, 06:14 PM
Hmm... Maybe you're right. After all, Mani's had two people in it, as opposed to the one...

But who's the dev then? I know it's one of us is... but who is it? Who is it indeed...?

Just to remind whoever is the dev, I still have the extra spam given to me. :twisted:

2002-10-09, 01:23 PM
Well that and Mani was in an escape pod from a Transport ship ship so it might not even be a drop pod now that I think about it. Once he's rescued, and aboard the orbital Platform he may have to take the one man pod to the surface.

2003-06-16, 02:39 AM
Of course the pods are real

NightWalker XI
2003-06-16, 02:53 AM
Stop bumping old topics ya f00

2003-06-16, 03:11 AM
Originally posted by Scrooj
Of course the pods are real

Stop bumping old posts, jackass.