View Full Version : How is base capture XP calculated?

2003-06-17, 10:06 AM
Everyone tells me something different... Does anyone know the absolute, without a doubt, official, current, and exact way in wich base capture XP rewards are calculated?


2003-06-17, 10:22 AM
For captures:

Base experience is measured in time slices of 5 seconds each starting 10 minutes before the hack and the 15 minutes during the hack.

Experience is based off of the number of enemies in the SOI (you don't even have to get a 'kill' you and them both just have to be in the SOI) during each timeslice. More enemies the more valuable the timeslice.



"The max award you can get for a base cap is 5000xp. You can get this by fighting at bases for a significant chunk of the hack (and pre-hack) time with enemies in the area. That's pretty much all there is to it.

Enemies in SOI = experience.

No enemies = no experience.


In a squad when the hack goes through everyone's slices are added up and then the total experience is shared among the squad.

For resecures the system is similar. It's again based off time slices and the number of enemies in the SOI. The longer your in the SOI before resecuring and the more enemies that are there the better the XP.

In both cases the game in some ways rewards leaving the enemy a spawn point so you can continue to battle them for the duration of the resecure or the capture. SOE defends this as 'risk vs reward' based experience. If you take more risk to resecure or capture a base your reward is higher. *shrugs*

But the important things to remember that some players (due to different rules in beta) confuse are:

- You no longer have to get a 'kill' in the SOI to gain XP, though getting kills definately helps you figure out how many enemies are there in the SOI and if staying is worthwhile.

- You do no have to have anyone remaining in the SOI to gain the experience. If you leave and the hack goes through you will still gain the XP for the slices you were in the SOI for.

- It's more advantagous for the entire squad to be in the SOI of one contested base rather then spreading ourselves out to several bases many of which are not very contested. Because the slices of all squad members are added up if you only had 1 or 2 guys in the SOI then you will only have thier slices to add up and share.

You would net more XP if you keep more of the squad in the same SOI. This is why at times we fight in bases that appear they would easily make a 5k capture but then only net around 3000 for the cap. We had several squadmates who were elsewhere so they didn't contribute slices to the total. I'm not saying this is always a bad thing, many times those guys are doing important things, just that leaving 1 or 2 guys in other uncontested bases to 'get the XP' is not as worthwhile as moving everyone to the hotly contested base (hotly contested base is also more 'fun' imo ) We would be best off sticking together and seeking out those bases were there is alot of combat still.

Smokejumpers post can be found here: http://boards.station.sony.com/ubb/...TML/002922.html

2003-06-17, 10:55 AM
Ok, thanks for the detailed explanation. I just have two questions now...

Would having a full squad inside the sphere of influence reward more experience than being solo under the exact same circumstances? (aside from shared experience from kills and such)


Is the XP reward greater if you (or your squad) are the one(s) to start the hack?

2003-06-17, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by =ColdbringeR=
Ok, thanks for the detailed explanation. I just have two questions now...

Would having a full squad inside the sphere of influence reward more experience than being solo under the exact same circumstances? (aside from shared experience from kills and such)


Is the XP reward greater if you (or your squad) are the one(s) to start the hack?

If you are a good player and get a lot of kills on your own the actuall xp advantage goes to the solo guy. You get more xp per kill as you don't have to divide it up amonst your teammates and you know that you are staying inside the SOI the whole time so your chance of getting that 5K cap is a lot greater..

This morning my outfit was mostly all offline so I went solo and got a 5K xp Cap and 6 minutes later got a 2.5K resecure...

If your still on the bottom end of the learning curve and get killed far more then you kill then it's more advantagous to be in a squad.. You'll get their Kills xp and when you are dead you don't get counted for those time slices that you are waiting to respawn...

I still preferr to be in an outfit Sq. as it much more fun... People need to get away from the I want as much xp as possible approch.. Once you hit BR6 you are pretty much set.... This is still a FPS first and formost... :)

2003-06-18, 12:03 AM
Ok, thanks. :cool: