View Full Version : BR 7 Kills =???

2003-06-18, 12:24 AM
How many kills did you have around BR 7?

I got 156 right now, and i just got br 7. I've noticed, while looking at other peopel's stats who are about br 8 and above, that they dont even come close to my total.

I just want to know if im looking at only sucky people or what...

/open rant.exe

and dont just say "O ya i had a million kills cuz i roxxorz", please, i want someone's actual kill amount window, not something a second rate loser who can barely use a suppressor and says they're better than cuz they played in a million other games and sucked at all of them, but they brag about all the otehr games theyve played.

/close rant.exe

2003-06-18, 12:28 AM
probably around 100 or something, now cyber...he probably had about 1000. god that man is l33t

2003-06-18, 12:31 AM
you can get ot BR8, or BR20 forthat matter on no kills, after all you dont have to kill anyone to get exp for base capture, and exp for using each weapon/item/vehicle once (roughtly equal to BR3 worth of exp there alone.)

2003-06-18, 12:32 AM
I had mayeb around 80 or sumthin - I wasnt that good when I was br7, cuz I just stayed in all the good squads and took teh exp, but when i got to br9 and stuff - I got a lot more skilled and shit - and now I'm good. Yea, thats a nice amount of kills you got there.

2003-06-18, 12:32 AM
i can't remeber how many kills i ahd at BR8. i did not really care.

2003-06-18, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by Intruder
you can get ot BR8, or BR20 forthat matter on no kills, after all you dont have to kill anyone to get exp for base capture, and exp for using each weapon/item/vehicle once (roughtly equal to BR3 worth of exp there alone.)

I know, but im still wondering what the average player's kill total is when they're around BR 7, so i have kind of an idea of where i stand on a skill level status, which i think im doing pretty well on.

2003-06-18, 12:46 AM
at br 7 i had 3 or 5.... about that... now 10 brs later i have 660 somethin still not good WOW

2003-06-18, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by 1024
I know, but im still wondering what the average player's kill total is when they're around BR 7, so i have kind of an idea of where i stand on a skill level status, which i think im doing pretty well on.

Amount of kills hardly determines skill, compadre. Someone may have 10,000 kills, but how many deaths does he have? over 8,000, and he's an average skilled player who just plays a lot. While I hardly consider myself the best at this game, my kill to death ratio rounds off at about 3.14,
which I consider pretty good.

2003-06-18, 01:52 AM
br7 eh....im guessing i had around 100?

2003-06-18, 01:52 AM

2003-06-18, 02:00 AM
300 - 400 most likely. This is as infantry though, so if you're in a vehicle your results will be lower, whereas if you're in a MAX they'll be higher.

2003-06-18, 02:49 AM
Yea, your certs and class role do play a definate factor in the kills department. Judging around BR rank can be a deceptive gauge.

2003-06-18, 03:27 AM
i could have 0 kills and be br 20
(capping bases duh dummy)


now he is a leet whore that i leach off sorta

i almost got 1000 kills

2003-06-18, 03:59 AM

EDIT: Message edited to hide the TRUTH!

NightWalker XI
2003-06-18, 04:00 AM
I think I had 200 or something

2003-06-18, 06:39 AM
I think I had around 300-350 kills by then. Got my Bolt Driver at BR6 so I racked up a lot of kills.

2003-06-18, 06:49 AM
I can't remember how many kills I had, but I know it was low because of all the lag I was getting. Since I've gotten more RAM, my kill ratio has increased.

2003-06-18, 06:51 AM
Precisely the reason for the signature image. I just got BR 7 tonight, and I had 190 kills when I logged off.

http://stats.planetsidegaming.com/12/490635/stats.png (http://myplanetside.station.sony.com/character.jsp?charId=490635&worldId=12)

The reason is because I mainly play with my outfit's squad. Less experience means less BR means more kills. If you go solo you'll (obviously) get more experience, and will have less kills by the time you hit BR 7.

2003-06-18, 07:07 AM
I think I had around 200-300 but I'm not sure.

2003-06-18, 09:06 AM
I figure about 150-200

I switched my leveling focus from killing to sitting around br9 so my production dropped off.

2003-06-18, 09:50 AM

I don't remember really, but it was between 100-200 I'd suspect. My amount of kills per gaming session remain the same almost as it was when I was that BR, and now I get maybe a little more without any special certs. With only medium assault, advanced medic, and combat engineer, and AMS, I get about 50 kills in a 6 hour playing period with average action going on around me. Last night is a good example, and I was in about equal small battles and large, towers and bases, and I played for 6 hours straight. I only ran over a few people with an AMS--sadly no good charging material around and some pretty smart TR's avoiding me--and the rest was with a cycler, gauss, ACE deployables, or a sweeper shotgun for a total of 57 at the end.

I'm pushing to get 1k kills as quickly as I can, and I've even considered getting a Max cert to help! hehehe What amount of kills you have is dependent on too many things though really. Your certs, your play style, and a host of other things mean a world of difference. Are you a sniper? Are you a stealther? Those folks will never have the same kill ratios as a Max player or an assaulting infantry type. Even as a support person, I still charge into bases and towers as infantry to rack up kills, so it just depends on too many things...


2003-06-18, 11:59 AM
I had exactly 1 kill at BR8 (NC alt character on Johari), and it was quite by accident. I was riding a wraith at full speed. Some n00b TR ran out in front of me all of a sudden, and I ran him over. I was sad. :(

After that, I started killing because of my ruined record. I wanted to get BR20 with no kills. I wanted to be a peaceful soldier of love. :love:

2003-06-18, 12:19 PM
Not sure for me... dinged to 11 last night and have 750 kills though.

2003-06-18, 12:20 PM
I reckon i had about 130, considering im BR 14 and i have around 750. The kills do increase at higher levels, just cuz u have access to better stuff.

2003-06-18, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by tmartinez72
I had exactly 1 kill at BR8 (NC alt character on Johari), and it was quite by accident. I was riding a wraith at full speed. Some n00b TR ran out in front of me all of a sudden, and I ran him over. I was sad. :(

After that, I started killing because of my ruined record. I wanted to get BR20 with no kills. I wanted to be a peaceful soldier of love. :love:

IS he the only other person here that understands there is no certian number that will give you BR5 or BR7

2003-06-18, 01:39 PM
At BR8 here, i've got around 156 kills. (I used a MAX up to BR7 then changed to Vehicles) If you want the kills... I'd suggest going infantry/MAX

2003-06-18, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by 1024
How many kills did you have around BR 7?

I got 156 right now, and i just got br 7. I've noticed, while looking at other peopel's stats who are about br 8 and above, that they dont even come close to my total.

I just want to know if im looking at only sucky people or what...

/open rant.exe

and dont just say "O ya i had a million kills cuz i roxxorz", please, i want someone's actual kill amount window, not something a second rate loser who can barely use a suppressor and says they're better than cuz they played in a million other games and sucked at all of them, but they brag about all the otehr games theyve played.

/close rant.exe

Kill count doesn't always indicate skill.

My BR 8 character (in the sig) only has a kill count in the 130's. But for a lot of that time I was squading with fellow outfitters and learning how to fly a Reaver. I dropped it around BR6 I think and made him a ground assault guy as I changed my main to a support guy.

And not everyone certifies themselves into a killing machine. For example, just because someone has Gal, Eng, Adv Hacking, Infiltrator certs (BR10) and has a low kill count doesn't mean he's without skill.

And then you got to consider that a lot of leaders have a difficult time racking up kills because of leadership responsibilities.

To sum it up: Kill count isn't everything.

2003-06-18, 06:20 PM
Not that it matters. But here:


2003-06-18, 06:31 PM
I have a person in my outfit with:
17 kills

And actually a really good team player. :)

2003-06-18, 08:48 PM
I don't remember, but I'm proud of around a 3:1 kill ratio since I'm a grunt :)

2003-06-18, 09:00 PM
I play a Inf/Adv Hack/Comb Eng/Ams and my kill count sucks !!!

2003-06-18, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by WritheNC
I don't remember, but I'm proud of around a 3:1 kill ratio since I'm a grunt :)

how do you know what you kill to death ratio is? Where is teh death count?

2003-06-18, 10:00 PM
My NC charcter is exactly BR7 as of now and I have like 55... plus like 5 friendlies... all of which were accuired when I drove an ANT through an AMS bubble... Boom 300 grief...

BTW, I am only support roles... explaining my shoddy kill number, but my kill to death ratio is pretty good I reckon. I just don't seem to die all that much, and yes, I'm prolly a pansy.

2003-06-18, 11:29 PM
okay so i really suck. i had 3 kills at br 7 and you guys have like 150-300! oh man i suck

2003-06-19, 09:47 AM
I believe I was around 120-150 at BR7.

Would have been higher, but I spent a time with a Phoneix and didn't get nearly as many kills as I do now, using a JH again.

Cauldron Borne
2003-07-18, 07:06 PM
u mine well they pine well. means place mines where people will be BOOM insta br. I mined a VS base in a dominoes pattern with mines and boomers. set of one boomer and got to br 6. gained 1.5 br with the push of a frickin' button!!!

2003-07-18, 07:27 PM
Can't remember. Probably around a hundred.

It only takes a few hours to get to BR7 anyway, so how many kills you get is a lot more dependent on how quickly (or otherwise) you pick up base cap XP than on skill. Or, in other words, the longer you take to make BR7 the more kills you will accumulate in getting there. Or, in yet more words, it might even be that the "sucky people" are a lot smarter in accumulating that base cap XP (which is where 80-90% of your BR is likely to come from) than you are ! :D

You might get reasonable comparisons when you get to BR 15ish and above, but even then remember PS does offer different career paths and a transport/support or stealth hacker (as opposed to assassin) is likely to rack up a lot less kills than a heavy grunt type.

2003-07-18, 07:33 PM
111 kills as of BR8 exactly.
because i'm an infiltrator adv medic, i get a lot of rezzes and not many kills

2003-07-18, 07:48 PM
:ugh: uhh

this thread is older than dirt...

well, not really.


2003-07-18, 09:55 PM
300-500 here, but I used practically nothing but gauss then, and it roxxors at low br. By far the best medium assault, owns the cycler at medium-long range and *owned the pulsar before patch at all ranges.
Now im a newbhammer user. Say what you want, "it takes no skill", but you try taking on 5-10 guys at a time with it on your own and then sit down.

2003-07-18, 10:03 PM
BR 7...hmm I had somewhere near 30 kills. I didnt have any certs besides vehicles and MA. I didnt care about kills then, now I do, I killed 40-50 in a battle for one base (ok it did last over 3 hours) alone today.

2003-07-18, 10:04 PM
I had like 150. I wasnt very good for a while.

I think I just passed 2000 today.

2003-07-18, 10:24 PM
Whoever bumped this should die

2003-07-18, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
Whoever bumped this should die

i concur.

2003-07-18, 11:18 PM
At BR7 I had like 2.5K. Right after retail I got all three MAXes because my assumption that people wouldn't get anti-vehicle or anti-MAX weapons very quickly was correct. Lots and lots of people with cyclers and gausses died.

2003-07-18, 11:49 PM
16000 is alot.

2003-07-19, 02:48 AM
well arent you a genius ? actually that was a good idea. but there is no way u had 2.5k kills at br7. NO WAY. Unless you never stepped into an SOI or was in a squad. Because if you got base cap exp.....i just dont think it can happen. Sorry.

2003-07-19, 03:05 AM
Probably had the same as every other combat-focused person, 100-200 kills.

In beta i had a BR 16 guy with under 50 kills. :D Then again, leveling in beta was faster.

2003-07-19, 06:16 AM
Well im about half way through br6 and have 12 kills. :D

But the lasher is quite a hard weapon to use... So you can't blame me :rolleyes:

2003-07-19, 09:37 AM
I had 532 kills when I hit BR7.
I keep records of how many kills I have, how much time it took, how many caps, etc. for each BR and CR.
I have no life.:rolleyes:

click on the pic in my sig for my current stats

2003-07-19, 09:43 AM
Stop bumping this thread FFS!

2003-07-19, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by iKernel
well arent you a genius ? actually that was a good idea. but there is no way u had 2.5k kills at br7. NO WAY. Unless you never stepped into an SOI or was in a squad. Because if you got base cap exp.....i just dont think it can happen. Sorry.

It's called CEP. I was still BR10 when I got CR5.

2003-07-19, 06:43 PM
Oh no, it's the niggras!

2003-07-19, 09:53 PM
I remember I had about 120 or so at BR 7...back when I only had the sniper and reinforced certs. Not that it matters. Kills are useless if you lose and secondary to winning .

2003-07-19, 11:41 PM
here are all my characters around that level:

chii:159 br7 VS infil/MAX

sandmanX:131 br7 VS HA

Susuke:151 br7 NC MAX/infil

Squeeky:324 br8 VS Sniper/skeeter pilot

LadyUne:104 br8 VS (my first character) mag pilot/enginer

blueberrypie:35 br6 VS lightning pilot/engineer