View Full Version : TR CR5's?
2003-06-18, 04:23 PM
Are there any CR5's here?
If so, why dont you use your abilities :confused:
2003-06-19, 07:37 AM
The TR CR5s on Emerald are really annoying. They simply spam useless crap about the NC and Vanu, while saying "Test", or "stupid soe didnt say notting bout this feature in manuel lol" every five seconds.
2003-06-19, 09:01 AM
Yup, that's pretty much it, the Cr2 command channel is nothing but spam's quite dishearting when your trying to gather forces :(
2003-06-19, 12:58 PM
I have never seen a CR5 global.. once i saw this apoc guy trying to organise something on Amerish. But that was it
2003-06-19, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by Crono
The TR CR5s on Emerald are really annoying. They simply spam useless crap about the NC and Vanu, while saying "Test", or "stupid soe didnt say notting bout this feature in manuel lol" every five seconds.
I've met some who don't spam. Limit comes to mind
2003-06-19, 02:42 PM
this shows the people in the empires: in nc we have good leaders giving request over cont and global chat.... you see what the tr does now.
2003-06-19, 02:51 PM
2003-06-19, 05:33 PM
lol truthfully, we only have 1 CR5
2003-06-19, 07:35 PM
Ok our leaders aren't that great, but we still pwn. :D
Diddy Mao
2003-06-20, 03:24 AM
not true MJ i have seen 3 CR 5 NC on Emerald about to be four i.e. Mezorz! look at command'n already lol dont' mind what's in it it just shows how good i am of a Commander i dont' spammzorz command chat though i do use it effeciently
2003-06-20, 07:56 AM
Just wait till the some of the more experienced members of CCS (TR, Emerald) get CR5.
We're going to rock your world.
EDIT: Hooray for typing at work whilst being observed by people more important than you.
Neon Apocalypse
2003-06-20, 10:28 AM
i dont know about nc or tr but we Vanu have som e really good commanders, and some good outfits, we may suck sometimes defending bases but we are really good at attacking.
my outfit leader is cr5, his name is Banegrivm
Diddy Mao
2003-06-20, 10:43 AM
Not necessarily i was playing Vanu Yesterday on Esamir destroying ther cont lock i think it was mani! 5 Cloaker's tried to get to the cc! How i found these guy u ask i was wondienr wher every1 is all the vanu could just be trying to come threw the front entrance! the finally got the hack and iwe couldn't spawn it pisssed me off but with my darklight i got 4or em atleast
2003-06-20, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by FearTheAtlas
Ok our leaders aren't that great, but we still pwn. :D
thanks for pointing out the unfairity of the game... but its MUCH more fair now, thank goodness
2003-06-21, 01:42 AM
we have a cr4 in my outfit amd im cr3 so TR is getting some good cr ranks
2003-06-21, 12:53 PM
ya, diddy is our outfit leader and he normally leads the squads, he's CR4 thanks to the big assault
2003-06-21, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Diddy Mao
Not necessarily i was playing Vanu Yesterday on Esamir destroying ther cont lock i think it was mani! 5 Cloaker's tried to get to the cc! How i found these guy u ask i was wondienr wher every1 is all the vanu could just be trying to come threw the front entrance! the finally got the hack and iwe couldn't spawn it pisssed me off but with my darklight i got 4or em atleast
You take orders from this guy?
Hope you all use TeamSpeak..
:p :lol:
2003-06-21, 06:04 PM
I'm sure I speak for a lot of the Vanu CR5s in saying that we'd try to organize more stuff if people didn't start bitching about "all the continent spam" for 1 continent message per hour, tops.
Diddy Mao
2003-06-21, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by BladeRunner
You take orders from this guy?
Hope you all use TeamSpeak..
:p :lol:
What's the suppose to mean?:mad:
2003-06-21, 06:27 PM
means u type like a retardate
nah, normally i give the orders and he tells them what i say
Diddy Mao
2003-06-21, 08:03 PM
No u don't "give" the order's i ask ur opinion on where to Go! I may have horrible typing skillz but that doesn't reflect my combat decisions. MJ doesn't run the show but he is very tactical and i turn to him fo advice at times!
2003-06-24, 11:29 AM
We have a CR5 in our outfit. He'd make legitmate messages once or twice an hour and was getting flack for spamming. It was ridiculous. Organization is the key factor for success in this game, and yet it seems TR wants to fight it(organization) head on.
2003-06-24, 01:08 PM
Tell me about it :lol:
I cant understand why people have a problem with broadcasts.. as if somehow its a violation of their personal space
2003-06-24, 03:28 PM
us at NC basically sucked it up. We saw that when we listened to the globals and cont msgs, we kicked all types of ass, got exp, and it was really fun, so we kept with it and now a CR5 will normally try and get a good battle going at forseral and amerish for kicks
btw, do you have to be a squad leader to use global chat and such? or just have the uplink?
Diddy Mao
2003-06-25, 12:18 AM
no u gotta be cr 5 and eitehr use
/comsan- Message Sanc
/comall- Message every1 in ur empire
/comxx- the two "x's" are the first two letter's in the con u want to message
2003-06-25, 04:36 AM
I saw one testing it out, then some other CR5 said "stfu n00b"
That'll really get people motivated :rolleyes:
2003-06-25, 06:21 AM
It's not unheard of for me to get 100+ tells after using global for something like "We're trying to mount an offensive on Ceryshen and could use additional troops, please."
Most of the tells are things like "OMFG U *** STOP TEH SPAM" or "NONONO GLOBAL THAT WE NEED PPLZ AT OSHUR" etc. etc.
I hate my empire lots.
2003-06-25, 01:25 PM
You cant ignore fast enough :D
2003-06-25, 01:27 PM
Indeed. GammArkantis has pissed me off totally by spamming. I used to play a good amount with him. Also, Malone, is "commanding"(loosely). No one listens as they already knew what to do. Things like get an ANT here or spam the world with get to Forseral or whatever.
Diddy Mao
2003-06-25, 05:07 PM
Today some Commander was ASking for an AMS and the other Commander's Banned him cuz they thought he was Spamming Ask'n for some1 with an Availiable AMS to come help assist an assault imo doesn't constitute ignoring the person! he asked a total of two times before the other n00b commander's started bitch'n to him and saying dont' spam Command chat then theyg et into a convo on the Command channel themselves!... I probably typed this up and it makes no sense i tried too i'll be back later with the infamous Edit button to fix it!
Neon Apocalypse
2003-06-25, 05:23 PM
what pissed me off was 2 little n00bs were having a bitch fight on the broadcast, they just kept cussing each other out on the broadcast, and there were people asking for asistance on continents, it just screwed everyone up.
2003-06-25, 09:12 PM
Those types of people should lose their ability to broadcast
2003-06-26, 08:44 AM
We need mature CR5 folks to really organize some action, I know a few CR5 like Gammarkanis, he organized some outfits on a cont to do some action... I want to see more of that out there...
Anam Nantom
2003-07-03, 01:38 PM
Heh, perhaps set an age limit on CR 5's, or make them take a respect and courtesy test.. hmm? Hehe.
2003-07-03, 02:43 PM
Yeah, Gamm's a good guy. He helps 'leading' the Emereld Alliance, if he did globals he probably did if for that, or to rally more forces. Haven't seen em' do an orbital strike though...I wanna :(
2003-07-19, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by MJBuddy
lol truthfully, we only have 1 CR5 Wrong.
LokiRGA, TriggaNator, CreepHunter, FlameWires, L337RoCesK, BlazingTiger, MaxSwift, L337Revolver, and the list goes onOriginally posted by MJBuddy
btw, do you have to be a squad leader to use global chat and such? or just have the uplink? Neither. You don't have to be Squad Leader, and you don't have to have the CUD. just type /comall <message> or /comcy, /comso, etc.
2003-07-19, 09:46 AM
Next person who bumps an old thread will have an angry kitten released on them
2003-07-20, 03:45 PM
The Terran and Vanu are like the Civil war. The Union (Who started it all just like the Terran) Had superior numbers as to the South's less numbers but superior commanders (The Vanu now)
Just a litle history.
BTW, I'm at BR 12 and CR 1.5 and CR 5 is my primary gaol right now so get ready.
2003-07-20, 06:49 PM
gonna be a while :D
2003-07-21, 07:00 PM
I know, but my outfit is organizing new divisions. I'm the Tank division General :D CEPs will be coming soon.
Diddy Mao
2003-07-21, 10:34 PM
Finally got to Cr 4 w00t CR 5 here i come
Vis Armata
2003-07-23, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by MJBuddy
lol truthfully, we only have 1 CR5
SG alone has two CR5s that I can think of...
2003-07-23, 03:11 PM
two CR5s in my outfit, Strike Gaming Extreme.
2003-07-23, 03:26 PM
2003-07-24, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by Hamma
I have never seen a CR5 global.. once i saw this apoc guy trying to organise something on Amerish. But that was it
Yeah that was me, a long time ago. But I normally keep the globals to a minimum. My reason being is that I know how frustrated people can get when some CR5 globals "We need major reinforcements on so and so continent." And then all of a sudden the other continents that the TR were fighting on get deserted and easily taken back by the other empires. Some outfits work hard to cap bases on certain continents (and get far many times), and then all their troops suddenly vanish because of one message.
I get frustrated sometimes too. Especially when our home continents are getting invaded and some CR5 feels the need to invade Cyssor or Hossin or what not. A continent that isn't even directly linked to ours. First priority is our home continents (IMO) and then move on the offensive to hurt the opposition.
Sorry if this message skips around from point to point. Tried to make myself brief, kinda tired.
2003-07-24, 12:17 PM
inorder to get TR organized... the 7th Legion has been doing trainings everynight at 8:30 est just for improvement sake. However, lately alot of other outfits have seen what we do and took the initiative in asking if they could join in. I think this is definitley the turning point for TR. Last night we took over all of Oshur against the VANU zerg even with their new toy LASHERs, yup every single base with the help of alot of other outfits and random squads. I think if this initiative continues and more people are willing to cooperate, then we can surpass the NC organization that we have seen in the past. Time to reclaim our glory that we have held since beta :p. The so grossly overpowered TR :).
on the bright side, im finally putting the cr5 /c chat to its proper use :p.
7th Legion currently has the most CR5 on emerald for TR. 4... Klar, Me, 50cent, and Nferno. If you see anyone of them using GLOBAL for stupid crap lemme know.
2003-07-24, 12:18 PM
You forget to mention that all of our home continents were being taken over as well.
2003-07-24, 12:22 PM
when we have a allied training on a specific target... we have a target we go after. If anything happens when it goes on at forseral ceryshen whatever, we are not going to call off everything we had said we were going to do in a instant notice just be some of you cant handle things that unexpectactly. Im not going to put my agenda to babysitting. WE have to bring the war to them , and not keep consistently trying to resave our own backyard. if you want to do that than fine :). im going on the offensive to flex our might :). oh btw sputty contact me in game tonight... we have to talk about a few things.
2003-07-26, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by GammA
inorder to get TR organized... the 7th Legion has been doing trainings everynight at 8:30 est just for improvement sake. However, lately alot of other outfits have seen what we do and took the initiative in asking if they could join in. I think this is definitley the turning point for TR. Last night we took over all of Oshur against the VANU zerg even with their new toy LASHERs, yup every single base with the help of alot of other outfits and random squads. I think if this initiative continues and more people are willing to cooperate, then we can surpass the NC organization that we have seen in the past. Time to reclaim our glory that we have held since beta :p. The so grossly overpowered TR :).
on the bright side, im finally putting the cr5 /c chat to its proper use :p.
7th Legion currently has the most CR5 on emerald for TR. 4... Klar, Me, 50cent, and Nferno. If you see anyone of them using GLOBAL for stupid crap lemme know.
Klar, talk to klar. A couple nights ago he talked about nothing forever. He has pretty much stopped since I said I was going to /appeal him but talk to him just to be sure.
2003-07-26, 09:39 PM
klar? why would i need to talk to him? its not like he is in my outfit.
2003-07-27, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by GammA
7th Legion currently has the most CR5 on emerald for TR. 4... Klar , Me, 50cent, and Nferno. If you see anyone of them using GLOBAL for stupid crap lemme know.
Why did you post this then?
2003-07-27, 01:51 PM
you obviously werent reading between the lines on my last post :)... come on man. think alittle :) use common sense.
2003-07-27, 03:21 PM
2003-07-27, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Morpheius
You used to be a noob, yet you still act like one.
And GammA, just talk to him.
2003-07-27, 04:34 PM
ok let me put it in simple terms... i kicked him fromt he outfit he is not in 7th legion anymore because he is immature, and so i dont have responsibility over him anymore for his own stupid actions :p.
2003-07-27, 04:55 PM
Cool :D
2003-07-27, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by GammA
7th Legion currently has the most CR5 on emerald for TR. 4... Klar, Me, 50cent, and Nferno. If you see anyone of them using GLOBAL for stupid crap lemme know.
HAHA LMAO - already happened => Klar <= - said so much crap on global
2003-07-27, 05:49 PM
And if you read two posts above yours you'll see what was done about it.
2003-07-27, 06:17 PM
Duh :rolleyes:
2003-07-28, 12:24 AM
jleeazn i have a question... why do you have advertizement for *******, when you are actually in HMX-1? seem strange...
just curious
2003-07-28, 11:32 PM
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