View Full Version : What side?
2003-06-19, 07:10 PM
yea im a n00b,but only to planet side, i play fps a lot.
i just orderd it online, and while im waiting i was thinking about what side i should choose, and wodnering if any of you could help me out. What side?? I have read info about them, but what do you all think about each side the TR seams cool, and i might go with them.
also if you guys could just give me a brief n00b giud, nothing in detail just what i should do when i get on. and when i do go to subscribe its just like on The site right? Ill figuer that out when i get it. But if any of you could just give me a few pointers id appriecate it, i just need how to start off good tips.
thanks guys.
2003-06-19, 07:38 PM
go to the training room and use all the weapons and vehicles. after that, find an action zone and go hang out at bases that are being hacked
2003-06-19, 08:03 PM
All the teams have different aspects. I picked TR for beta because i like guns that fire fast. The NC is great if you like to charge and fight at close quarters. I think that the VS has the best vehicles (but the worst paint on them) so if you like to drive tanks go with them. But if you want you can play all 3 teams you just have to play on different servers. So definitely try them all out.
2003-06-19, 08:05 PM
breakdown on empires
Vanu Soverigntey (sp?)
1. unique vehicles strafe and can go over water
2. use of plasma weapons
3. the most unpopulated empire
4. possibley for the more experienced
5. focuses more on moneverability
New Conglomerate
1. Unique vehicles pack more punch but only hold 2 people and reload slowly
2. Use of shotguns and weapons with more "stopping power" Also has phoenix which is guided by the user when fired
Terran Republic
1. Unique vehicles hold more people and fire faster than nc but are not as powerful in each hit
2. use of chainguns and fast firing weapons very good from long distance. the striker anti-vehicular locks onto targets.
3. one of the most populated empires. in the beginning they one on most servers all the time, holding the most amount of bases throughout the day. this is changing some since the nerfs and recent patches.
i hope that was unbiased. i am an nc on emerald and i hope you will be one too :)
The President
2003-06-19, 09:12 PM
Good summarization Oni, the man speaks the truth.
-The President:sniper:
2003-06-19, 09:37 PM
2003-06-20, 12:15 AM
ha ha i saw u a few hours ago on hossin onizuka. but some fool killed me b4 i could get close to u with my chaingun... :o
2003-06-20, 04:31 AM
hey thanx for replying and stuff guys...I think im goign to go TR...fits me more...i like to be the grand soldiers, and plasma guns i hate...
ill be postin here!! later for now, going away for a week, its gay man, my planetside will be here, but i wont be here to play!!!
thanx agian for replying nad not giving me the n00b treatment ( flames )
wtf does nerf mean, just wonderin everyone uses it....
2003-06-20, 04:33 AM
Nerf is when they adjust something in the game to "balance" it.
2003-06-20, 04:58 AM
couldnt resist
2003-06-20, 12:34 PM
2003-06-20, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Miniwolf
couldnt resist
I said it first!
2003-06-20, 07:59 PM
well it came in the mail, BUT IM LEAVING MOTHER FUCKER oh well, but! another one they sent it to my PO box when i said SEND TO SHIPPING ADRESS NOT BILLING morons, but a free lazer pointer WOHOO!! ill make up for it, no school the next week( go to schjool every friday THATS ALL independent study owns!!!) well yea so major gamagewhen i get back from moms.... not next monday but the next =(....ok yea so i was wondering for payment i should just do the one month, and if i like it get like 6 or whatever, its cheaper i might as well right? RIGHT!?
2003-06-20, 08:53 PM
Knowing what i know now, if i were new to this game, i would go NC. Bu then again, i have guass/jackhammer envy too, and its much easier to get them from an equipment termanl then it is to loot them.
2003-06-22, 12:30 AM
yea i think ive changed my mind, and ill prolyl eb joing NC, i will NEVER join Vanu, i dont liek that plasma gun ray beam shit...give me a fukin luger and im happy =P
2003-06-22, 01:08 AM
If you wanna be more casual, try certing in reinforced and Med assault. Then go HA later on. Starting out id loadout with a guass and a sweeper.
Or just cut to the chase, Cert in Med assault and HA and have fun racking up the kills with your "balanced" weapon. I did that with an alt on another server, i racked up 19 kills in 5 mins of defending a tower and died twice. so, whatever.
2003-06-22, 05:37 AM
If you're a total n00b, go with Terran. No offense Terrans, but they require the least amount of skill and practice to be effective. New Conglomerate are a close second. Vanu, on the other hand, are quite difficult. Their vehicles and weapons require alot of practice and skill to use effectively. Do not pick Vanu unless you're looking for a challenge.
2003-06-22, 05:52 AM
Empire breakdown, eh?
Vanu Sovereignty
1. Frustrating to play.
2. Looks neat.
Terran Republic
1. Too busy crying over supposed nerfs to actually kill anything as of late. The excessive crying accounts for the recurrence of the water in basements bug.
2. "Spray and Pray" philosophy means a irregular block of clay playing TR can kill a skilled VS player more often than not.
3. Every base capture they do can be attributed to strategy, or strategery if you prefer. Conversely, every base you lose is obviously a horrible zerg. TR never, ever zergs. Ever. It's all tactics. Really.
New Conglomerate
1. Remember when patented one-click ordering? Playing NC will remind you of that, minus the part about books.
2. Empire peaks at BR3, when you can get Heavy Assault. You can pretty much stop getting XP after that, unless you're into wearing yellow.
2003-06-22, 01:45 PM
Actually at this point, i think most of the unskilled newbies have left the TR for NC. Its very noticable we have less people alot of times, and NC with alot more people. The common theory amongst those i play with is that they went NC for the Jackhammer, or VS cause they got buffed.
The TR nerf wasnt really that bad, i dont know why people focus on that so much. As for the Spray and Pray comments, the have no basis. And honestly, i prefer the guass rifle over the cyler and loot one when i get the chance too. Nothings more satisfying then flanking behind a bunch of NC and taking out 4 of them on one clip of ammo with their own damn rifle.
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