View Full Version : Skyguard Verdicts

2003-06-20, 01:11 PM
well the skyguards out, whats it like? Also, does EVERYONE use it (Coz it's new)?

2003-06-20, 01:13 PM
I use it, and I love it.

NightWalker XI
2003-06-20, 01:13 PM
I also use it and kicks some major ass, I love being driver and I love being the gunner, its a great vehicle, I REALLY like it

2003-06-20, 01:16 PM
Cert cost?

2003-06-20, 01:16 PM
3 points.

2003-06-20, 01:47 PM
hmmm....yep lotsa skygaurds :D

2003-06-20, 02:11 PM
What's that trunk icon for infront of it? Is that where we put the people that don't pay us off?

2003-06-20, 02:21 PM
You mean that symbol on the back of the skyguard at the bottom of the picture? That is one of the outfit decals (And he does happen to be one of the members of the most excellent "Freedom Corp"...No advertisement there :p)

2003-06-20, 02:31 PM
So is it very effective against aircraft? How many shots against a Reaver... I hope it's powerful.

2003-06-20, 03:10 PM
Seems to be Burster max stylee, with an AI machine gun in there too. Got cert soon as I could, but I could only get them at tech centres, not linked bases, which was odd :/

2003-06-20, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Masurao
What's that trunk icon for infront of it? Is that where we put the people that don't pay us off? No its where your trunk is, derr.:rolleyes:

Well i'll conider u a newb, u putt ammo and weapons there along with vehicle ammo. :nod:

2003-06-20, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by BigFreak
Seems to be Burster max stylee, with an AI machine gun in there too. Got cert soon as I could, but I could only get them at tech centres, not linked bases, which was odd :/ It is burster max-style. Open the trunk, and drop one of its "flak" ammo cases on the ground. Now see what it looks like. For those of you too lazy to do this, the ammo on the ground appears to be TR Dual-Durster MAX Ammo

2003-06-20, 04:37 PM
So is it a seperate cert all together or what? I always wanted them to put it with the heavy buggy cert tah bastards. (Im not really mad just disappointed)

2003-06-20, 04:41 PM
thank goodness it aint included with buggy...

reaver is already useless enough with those damn automated phalanx turrets... makes it almost impossible to even enter a base that aint hacke dor urs.

2003-06-20, 04:42 PM
I think the cert cost is a little much for what you get, but its ok overall. Maybe I'm biased against it since I'm a pilot :p

2003-06-20, 06:55 PM
I think that the skyguard is very good for its job.

Thouh I have yet to take anything out with one, I did see one down a reaver in a few secs

Also, it is NOT good for anything else, since it looks like it has armor between harrasser and enforcer, so a good AV shot or 2 will take it out. (5 phoenix i think)

2003-06-20, 07:25 PM
How fast is it?

2003-06-20, 07:26 PM
Thank goodness it aint included with buggy...

reaver is already useless enough with those damn automated phalanx turrets... makes it almost impossible to even enter a base that aint hacke dor urs.

Looking at recent events, lets look at the number of sorties the US armed forces has flown over iraqi controlled territory in broad daylight that wasn't by stealth aircraft.

PS is more than generous when it comes to aircraft. In real life just about any strike aircraft will go down after being shot by one missile; the reaver can take 5 phoenix and more. It has plenty of armor for being airborne. Just expecting to casually fly over any enemy base and making it out in one piece is the view of a brash and likely foolish pilot.

2003-06-20, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by WritheNC
Looking at recent events, lets look at the number of sorties the US armed forces has flown over iraqi controlled territory in broad daylight that wasn't by stealth aircraft.

PS is more than generous when it comes to aircraft. In real life just about any strike aircraft will go down after being shot by one missile; the reaver can take 5 phoenix and more. It has plenty of armor for being airborne. Just expecting to casually fly over any enemy base and making it out in one piece is the view of a brash and likely foolish pilot.

Right on! :thumbsup:

2003-06-20, 07:50 PM
I'm sorry I refuse to feel sorry for Reaver pilots. Try using your flying death mobile if all aircraft were armored like the Mosquito. Reavers can take plenty of abuse only now you can't sit on your target until it dies. The Skyguard will take out a Reaver quickly. I took one out today with my gunner and every aircraft we went after was downed. However the vehicle is made of glass. No sooner did we see a TR with a Striker did I get a Missle Lock message then before I could think of running we were toast. The other problem is you can ONLY get Skyguards at Tech Plants so it's quite a trek to get a new one sometimes. However the vehicle handles at least as well as a Harrasser off road. Has a top speed of 80 KPH, burns through ammo like nobody's business but, can kill infantry and aircraft rather quickly. All in all it's very good at it's job but, stay focused this is no way a utilitarian vehicle.

2003-06-20, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by WritheNC
Looking at recent events, lets look at the number of sorties the US armed forces has flown over iraqi controlled territory in broad daylight that wasn't by stealth aircraft.

PS is more than generous when it comes to aircraft. In real life just about any strike aircraft will go down after being shot by one missile; the reaver can take 5 phoenix and more. It has plenty of armor for being airborne. Just expecting to casually fly over any enemy base and making it out in one piece is the view of a brash and likely foolish pilot.

Although i dont sympathise(sp?) with reaver pilots either, I can't help myself but say: This isn't real life, it's a video game. Try not to compare it to reality.

2003-06-20, 11:05 PM
The Anti-Air gun works well against ground troops too if you can manage to hit em, or if their near a wall get them with the plasma splash. I dropped a reinforced VS and a Inf VS back to back in a few seconds.
Althogh it is fragle, but its quick enough that you can usally get away and repair if you have cover near.

2003-06-21, 12:28 AM
i totally pwned like 3 of um today with my tr max....thats not saying much but i like big splosions

2003-06-21, 01:00 AM
Well, i'm sure the vehicle functioned well, it's just that the design looks like they didn't spend much time on it.... i hope the liberator looks better.

2003-06-21, 01:38 AM
That thing is fugly man. It looks like it was made from leftover parts.

2003-06-21, 02:02 AM
Fuck Reavers.
Fuck Reaver Pilots.

Too bad its not 1 cert, would LOVE To see hundreds of these around, the skies would be clear of the reaver noobs, and all would be well.

2003-06-21, 02:30 AM
Amen to that ;)

2003-06-21, 02:34 AM
I was a gunner on one today....Jesus does it tear A/C apart. I gots me 6 notches in the bed post with it, 5 reavers and 1 skeeter. It looks and is built like a lego model though. It will defenatley end the nOOb problem with Reavers:sniper:

:ncrocks: :ncrocks: :ncrocks:

2003-06-21, 03:53 AM
mayhaps i should try my luck with it. logging on tomorrow, one day after skyguard is implemented, means i will need to take caution in the oh-so-unfriendly skies.

2003-06-21, 06:09 AM
I bought one with my pilot char. Not too bad, even though I drove it for like 10 minutes and never used the gunner seat. The back of it looks exaclty like enforcer, and it sounds exaclty the same when you're up to speed. I was only allowed to buy it at Tech plants. Even if a bio lab or something was linked to a tech plant I couldn't buy it there. Bug? Eventually I will sell it for Liberator. I just got caught up in the 'holy shit new vehicle' rush.

2003-06-21, 06:24 AM
Now that I have one there's nothing to shoot at but infantry or tanks. And we know how long these things last against tanks.

Originally posted by BigFreak
but I could only get them at tech centres, not linked bases, which was odd :/
I had this problem too. I remember having that problem with the magrider after a patch.

Originally posted by Lilbird2431
reaver is already useless enough with those damn automated phalanx turrets...
I think they changed it so the bases have to be linked to an interlink facility through the lattice now. Any base with a break in the lattice between it and the interlink won't fire at you.

2003-06-21, 06:30 AM
nope all turrets are automated

2003-06-21, 06:38 AM
Oh, my bad, it must be all the other benefits of different types of bases that are going to do that. Or have they not implemented that yet? I'm so confused now :confused:

NightWalker XI
2003-06-21, 06:38 AM
The Skyguard is too bright but they will fix that I hope

2003-06-21, 10:44 AM
The fixed the problem of not being able to get it from anywhere bar tech centres, so that's nice ;p

Drunken Chicken
2003-06-21, 10:59 AM
I don't think it's anything special. It performs a function that was already sufficiently covered by AA MAXs, but nobody got those.

I'll stick with my Sparrow/Burster/Starfire certs.

2003-06-21, 11:08 AM
Yea, that is true, but this one has WHEELS :p

2003-06-21, 03:49 PM
Put some 20" chrome rims on that hot rod and its the ultimate vehicle :brow:

2003-06-21, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by Hamma--
Put some 20" chrome rims on that hot rod and its the ultimate vehicle :brow:

ok will do :D (i stink at editing pics :( )

2003-06-21, 04:51 PM

NightWalker XI
2003-06-21, 04:57 PM
WTF...u can't fire the MG and FC at the same time....

2003-06-21, 04:57 PM
Bling Bling Vulcan

2003-06-21, 06:30 PM
looks good

2003-06-21, 06:38 PM
originally posted by NightWalker XI--
u can't fire the MG and FC at the same time....

yes i can!! Just look :p