View Full Version : The Latice Benefits...

2003-06-21, 12:11 AM
Were the latice enhancements added today? If they were how do I access the repair/rearm function at the landing pads?

2003-06-21, 12:17 AM
I think the only lattice changes is that you can't hack a base if the link to that base is being hacked. Aside from that, the lattice remains unchanged, and there is no rearm/repair pad.

2003-06-21, 12:19 AM
ooo... was just wonderin cause in all the bases theres these big metal things on the walls and the landing pads look different.

2003-06-21, 12:21 AM
I was wondering the exact same thing in this (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=10558) thread. I have no idea what it is, but there is alot of speculation in that thread.