View Full Version : Looking for Final Fantasy X cheap

2003-06-22, 05:01 PM
Hey guys. I'm a big fan of the Final Fantasy series, but since I never owned a PS2 I never got to try IX, X, or X-2. I've been reading a lot about X/X-2 and also revisiting the ones I have for PC (VII, VIII, IV) so I'm really pumped up to try out Final Fantasy X.

I'm coming here to ask if anyone has it (Final Fantasy X or Final Fantasy X + X-2) and doesn't play it anymore because I'd be willing to give it a good home.

I browsed around half.com and such and it looks like the lowest price I could find is in the mid 20s. That would be okay but I'd rather get a good deal if someone isn't using it anymore because I still don't own a PS2 and I'd hate to spend a lot on a game that I won't be able to play through but once probably.

If someone doesn't want to part with their copy but they still don't play it much, I'd even be willing to work out something where I send it back to you after I beat it.

Thanks in advance for replies.

2003-06-22, 05:03 PM
I have a shit load of PS2 games. Let me see if I can find some FF for ya.:)

2003-06-22, 05:04 PM
Prowler you're just the guy I was hoping would have what I'm looking for :D

2003-06-22, 05:09 PM
I know i have FF 9, 10 is somewhere in my basement of hell. :rolleyes:

2003-06-22, 05:53 PM
FFX-2 :sick:

2003-06-22, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by Prowler
I have a shit load of PS2 games.

i think ur may be spoiled.... have a ton of games and dont know where they are and you get ride of that awesome comp to squeeky (very nice of you i might add)

i have 7 ps2 games 4 xbox games and a crap load of pc games

gaming > television