View Full Version : Disturbing Lodestar Info
2003-06-22, 07:26 PM
Lisetening to Dev chat last night some info on the Lodestar was released. The question about carrying the AMS and, or Sunderer came about. Dave replied saying the AMS would be carried on the LS, I'm okay with that but... the disturbing info was that the intention of the Devs was to allow transportation of Sunderers. This could very well make the Gal obselete which I am certain would be a very bad thing.:scared:
What does everyone else think?
2003-06-22, 07:31 PM
hmm to think about that u have a point their , the sunderer can hold how many peeps? (10 i think) , and their are how many viechle spots on the lode? (4 or 5 i think) , that thing culd be used as a massive transport not a viechle ship
2003-06-22, 07:33 PM
Wait, the loadstar can cary more than one vech at a time? Where did you hear this?
2003-06-22, 07:36 PM
I think everyone has assumed that smaller vehicles will take up less space on the LS than larger... It makes sense. Therefore there is a good chance multiple larger vehicles could be transported on the LS... These are all assumptions of course.
2003-06-22, 07:39 PM
yep, my guess is a couple smaller or a larger, or 1 large/1small
Also, if you did a lodestar/sunder combo, you would be using 2 guys (3 certs each) vs the gal with 1 guy and 3 certs, and the gal can hold more than the sunder..
Thus I dont see the lodestar taking the place of the gal anytime soon.
2003-06-22, 07:47 PM
Well if the LS can carry multiple larger vehicles then it would be trouble. If the LS could carry a Deliv and Sunder it could also be a problem for the Gal.
2003-06-22, 07:55 PM
so make it so it cant hot drop and has weaker def.
make it so no one can be on board the vehics that are in transit. That way the pilot and the gunners will be the only ones who can get on the LS and they will be escorted by the gal
2003-06-22, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by MJBuddy
so make it so it cant hot drop and has weaker def.
make it so no one can be on board the vehics that are in transit. That way the pilot and the gunners will be the only ones who can get on the LS and they will be escorted by the gal
This is what, and am hoping will happen.
2003-06-22, 08:14 PM
I would like to see it carry everything except a Sunder.
2003-06-22, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by Airlift
I would like to see it carry everything except a Sunder.
That could also happen as the Sunderer is by far the Largest ground vehicle in the game.
2003-06-22, 09:08 PM
Nah! The galaxy will still be used for dropping troops on top of towers and bases.
2003-06-22, 11:26 PM
Like Mr. Vulcan said the lodestar-sund combo will never replace the usefulness of a galaxy. With a galaxy you have one pilot with 3 cert point-cost, and 10 exo spots, and 2 max spots. A lodestar-sund combo would have a pilot with 3cert points for his lodestar and a driver with 3 certs for his sund and 8 exos, and 2 max spots. What if the lodestar dies? OK then you have to drive the sund. What if the sund dies? Ok you have to get the driver to a tech plant-linked facility. With the gal you just load up and go, easy as that. Then blakky is saying what if it carries sund and deliv? Well then you would need a total of 3 driver/pilots with 3 cert points each and would have to worry about each vehicle dying. Its just too much of a hassle compared to one galaxy. Besides what if we didn't have the galaxy? We would all be driving sunderers. Then the devs decide, hey lets add a flying transport. Everyone would be complaining just like now saying that it would be way too powerful. I believe that this is wonderful, adding new content to an already good game. I can't wait till we see larger vehicles like the lodestar, and I really cant wait till heavy tanks. So all you people who are sceptical, just think of it this way. It will improve YOUR gameplay if you learn to harness the power instead of making THEIR(other teams) gameplay so much better and ruining your game if you dont use this new feature. That last part didn't make sense, just go with me here.
2003-06-22, 11:50 PM
:scared:*thinks of the amount of Magmowers dropping from the skies*
2003-06-23, 12:10 AM
As he said during the interview it sounds like allot of the lodestars capabilities are still being tweaked and discussed.. so its hard to say what it will carry at this point.
I am fairly certain it will be just one vehicle however.. hehe
2003-06-23, 12:12 AM
scary thought there atlas :eek:
Even if it can carry deliverers, you wont be able to hot drop onto roof with it. I think they should jsut eliminate the ability to hotdrop anythign from teh LS at all. IT must land to deply any thing or load anyhting.
2003-06-23, 12:52 AM
I really dont care what the lodestar can carry as long as it cannot hotdrop. I used to think that the AMS carrying thing whould dramaticly affect the battlefield but so long as it has to find a relatively large clear landing spot I think all the planes/AA maxs/skyguards will provide a worthy deterent and keep the bridge from becoming obsolete.
2003-06-23, 01:28 AM
the lodestar is probably not gonna be able to carry a sunderer....
2003-06-23, 04:45 AM
No hotdrops, or pull its Afterburners.....otherwise this thing will be a killing machine.
2003-06-23, 05:50 AM
Seriously you guys are highly overestimating this vehicle. No afterburners!? are you crazy? This thing would die in like 5 seconds if it went over a populated TR base. Striker hell. Plus hotdropping isn't that big of an issue, sure it gets you into combat a little faster, but that depends where you are dropping. If you expect to hotdrop over a base in a vech and not take some damage you are probably wrong. Only rarely will you land not hitting a bridge or wall. The only safe way to drop over a base is to completely stop so that you are certain there will be no lateral movement, and your aim to be perfect, and when you stop you will be pounded by missles. Therefor you wouldn't be dropping lots, over highly populated bases. So in effect you would mostly be hotdropping in treeless areas where the lodestar would be able to land in itself. Not entirely close to bases. Besides, gals can hotdrop, they can't hotdrop sunderers but they can drop enforcers and the like, I'm sure an experienced marauder crew would get considerably more kills than a sunderer dropping into a base. Hamma said that it would most likely be able to carry one vehicle, thats 0 more than the gal, so its not going to be 'raining magmowers!' unless you have 50 lodestars .....
2003-06-23, 09:03 AM
This thing would die in like 5 seconds if it went over a populated TR base. Striker hell
Repeat after me:
Thou shalt not fly over TR bases and not expect to get hot missiles up thy ass, in large quantities.
If the NCs didn't get such a chubby off hiding behind hills and trying to snipe infantry with the phoenix, it probably wouldn't be advisable to fly over NC bases either.
Do whatever you want over VS bases :p
As long as the Lodestar can't hotdrop (as many have said), and it's HUGE, who gives a shit if it can carry a sunderer? There are already only about 3 places on each continent a galaxy can legitimately land, the lodestar is going to be a total nightmare to land :)
2003-06-23, 10:08 AM
The devs would have to fix the landing system were they to insist on landing the Lodestar in order to deliver it's cargo. There's little more frustrating than finding a nice, open, patch of land and seeing it's an invalid landing spot.
2003-06-23, 11:04 AM
It wont replace gal because hotdropping a sunderer on top of a tower is not nearly as effective as hotdropping 10+ troopers.
Happy lil Elf
2003-06-23, 11:06 AM
If the NCs didn't get such a chubby off hiding behind hills and trying to snipe infantry with the phoenix, it probably wouldn't be advisable to fly over NC bases either.
You'd think people would have gotten tired of this whine in Beta, especially since it's been proven over and over again that it takes forever to kill a reinforced with a Phoenix.
2003-06-23, 01:20 PM
Yes nearly 6 shots to kill an exo in my tests with pheonix. What about the lancer? Oh maybe 2 or 3.... gah and that thing reloads so damn slow.
2003-06-23, 01:36 PM
I think yanking Hot Drop from these things would be fine. Hell, the main reason I want one is so I can put a Deliverer in there and relive the deployment scene from Aliens.
"We're on an express elevator to Hell, going down!"
2003-06-23, 01:43 PM
You'd think people would have gotten tired of this whine in Beta, especially since it's been proven over and over again that it takes forever to kill a reinforced with a Phoenix.
That wasn't a whine -- I'm actually pleased that most people with Phoenix certs seem to use them so stupidly. It makes my playtime as a TR quite a bit easier. The downside is it makes the Striker look like some sort of uber cannon of death, since most Striker users seem to actually have some sort of understanding as to how they were designed to work.
2003-06-23, 05:01 PM
Per smokejumper the lodestar will carry the SUnderer..
Listen to the interview at 38:45, he says it there.
2003-06-23, 05:30 PM
If it does carry a sunderer... it's still not as good as hotdropping out of a gal.
In a gal each person decides where to drop and whamo...they are in the action. If you hotdrop a sunderer... everyone must go at the same time (if they don't get blown to shreads by landing on mines or AV weapons) and could die at the same time. THEN they all have to disembark from the sunderer... that is an extra step.
So you hotdrop your sunderer (could get shot to hell or flipped upsidedown), then wait a few seconds for everyone to get out... all the while the guys who dropped out of the galaxy have killed 10 people.
2003-06-23, 06:33 PM
Imagine your out fighting your enemies and then you suddenly see a shadow overhead. You look up and a Sunderer falls on you.
Screw the Liberator, bomb them with buses!
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