View Full Version : NC Infiltrators overpowered???
2003-06-23, 11:17 AM
Ok, I've only played the game for a week and a few days. As a Terran I eqarly on got the infiltrator suit and our choice of 2 pistols.
Just yesterday I had a few NC infils come behind me when I was in Agile Exo and totally rock my world in no time flat.
First one NC Infil had a machine gun pistol. The second NC later on had a Shotgun pistol.
What's up with the ballance on Infils, do VS get the same awesome weapons as an NC infiltrator.
I know with my little pistol I have to shoot a lightly armoured enemy atleast 8 times manually before he dies. This little machine gun kicked my butt way faster than I could do as a terran.
I was just wondering what was up. Any thoughts on the balance issues here?
Please for everything holy in this world STOP POSTING about over powered stuff.
Threads like this only create flams and pissed off people. Help make the forums a safer place for all :lol:
2003-06-23, 11:23 AM
the empire specific pistols go along with the empire theme...
mag scatter (NC) = lots of power, bad range
repeater (TR) = good ROF, medium range
beamer (VS) = versatility (Ap mode, which is useless)
also, the amp takes about 15 shots to kill..
2003-06-23, 11:29 AM
As an infil I prefer the repeater over the mag scatter. Mag scatter is more powerful, but it's nice to be able to get those final needed shots on a fleeing target which mag scatter just can't do. I've never messed around with the VS pistol.
2003-06-23, 11:30 AM
thanks. I wasn't aware of the range issue. I just knew it killed my in like 1 second. It seemed overpowered to me.
I guess since the range is bad that ballances a bit more.
This wasn't a troll post. I am a new player and was really looking for an explination, as it seemed totally unballanced when I droped in 1 second flat. There was literally no way for me to win that one in this situation.
2003-06-23, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by NimdaX
thanks. I wasn't aware of the range issue. I just knew it killed my in like 1 second. It seemed overpowered to me.
I guess since the range is bad that ballances a bit more.
This wasn't a troll post. I am a new player and was really looking for an explination, as it seemed totally unballanced when I droped in 1 second flat. There was literally no way for me to win that one in this situation.
You'll be fine once you get to BR6 and can get the darklight implant. Once you get in the habit of checking it often, it is hard to get ambushed except in large battles.
Refrain from posting with these 2 words please.
1. Nerf
2. Overpowered.
Now that we got that out of the way...
As an infiltrator/assassin (depending on my mood) that went from BR 1 to BR15 as these roles, out of all the handheld guns I've seen; the best gun is available to all these factions. The AMP machinepistol.
Though I do admit that the Vanu beamer sucks, the mag scatter takes far too long to kill. I normally can 3 shot a reinforced guy but it has a decent pause time in between. These few seconds allow any decent player or one paying attention to run or randomly fire. It isn't worth it if you kill the guy and left with 27 HPs because he got some lucky shots into you.
The repeater is good since it holds 20 rounds and can be used from long range. However, if you're taking potshots at someone, he's going to know you're in the area and DL the area. Your best bet is to kill your target and the only one that knew you are there is dead. Repeater takes too long.
My suggestion is to pump as many bullets into back of the guy's skull so you can kill and run. The longer you stay in the area, the greater the chance you have of being spotted.
Use the AMP and get close to the guy. You have to be touching him so when you release your clip, the CoF will always be on him. If he moves before you kill him, chances are, he'll be critically injured and just shoot your AMP like a normal pistol. 5 shot bursts.
GL to you.
2003-06-23, 12:17 PM
If anything NC cloakers are at a disadvantage cause that stupid visor of theirs reflects a little in the light and makes them a tad easier to spot than other cloakers.
2003-06-23, 12:31 PM
I have as yet had no issues with any of the Empires' Infiltrators. Once you get DarkLight it becomes very easy to kill Infiltrators who view themselves as assasins. The best Assasins in the game are skilled snipers.
It has been my experience that the best Infiltrators, are also Combat Engineers who carefully sneak into an enemy installation place mines and boomers and then get out of dodge.
An Infilitrator is best as a scout, and despite what you may think, the Infiltrator must keep moving from location to location if he wants to stay alive. In large outdoor battles, the infiltrator can be effective harrasing the enemy as they charge headlong towards the enemy but for the most part he is much more effective as the eyes and ears for his squad.
They make effective hackers, but only if they have support. There is a popular misconception that they are effective solo players. When my squad enters a friendly base that has just been hacked by the enemy and it is completely empty it is pretty easy to determine that it is an infiltrator. I simply go with a couple of my squadmates to the cc, flick on my darklight, and there he is thinking he is invisible hiding in the corner, or in some of the funniest cases just standing in the middle of the room. Sometimes I don't even bother pulling out my cycler, I just pull out my pistol and gun him down.
However, When you enter a base that is under attack from a squad or more of enemy troops you can get pretty busy trying to kill incoming MAX's and vehicles and you fail to notice that the Infil has hacked the base, and laid boomers and mines all over the base making this even harder.
2003-06-23, 12:52 PM
I'm a NC inf and agree with ya slab. Much eaiser just to run behind someone and use AMP to kill then any of the other pistols in my opinion. There definatly balanced, not much we can do against darklight asept run away.
2003-06-23, 01:35 PM
I play an NC inflitrator who is one cert point away from getting his combat engineer (also has adv hacking). All of the pistols have been tested. The one I enjoy the most is the TR's pistol actually, but it doesn't kill as quickly as the AMP. However, I have found that staying a medium distance away, from behind cover even and stealthed, I can get kills with the TR pistol easily. With an AMP, once you open up chances are they will turn and spray. If they do not, chances are someone close to them will see you in the open and finish you off. I like the medium ranged pistol the TR have because of this. It allows you to have 20 rounds, good medium range, and very good accuracy while crouched. The AMP requires you to be touching the mark practically, and it is not as effective imho unless the target is alone.
My locker for that character always has as many TR pistols as I can find after a big tower battle (the perfect place for corpse farming!). If you like the AMP best as a TR player, just farm some corpses after a tower raid. You'll find tons of the AMP's laying around, and rarely do other looters take pistols. They typically are looking for heavier weapons!
Good luck,
2003-06-23, 01:45 PM
If your just new to infs the mag scatter seems cool. Point blank range and its pretty lethal.
But the knife plus implant is better IMO and other wise grenades are the way to go.
2003-06-23, 01:49 PM
the only thing nc is somewhat at an advantage with when it comes to stealthers is that they have an almost silent, very low glow knife
Once they remove that bug where I can't tell if someone is using DL, I'll be twice as effective.
Personal record is 41 kills for 1 death. I didn't count the time I fell off a cliff and cratered. :D
2003-06-23, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by Slab
Once they remove that bug where I can't tell if someone is using DL, I'll be twice as effective.
Personal record is 41 kills for 1 death. I didn't count the time I fell off a cliff and cratered. :D
That's extremely impressive, especially since you have to dodge the enemy and your own army. I die at least as often to my own army as I do to the enemy. Gotta love the TR, blow stuff up and sort it out later.
Well, to be honest, I never really did well as an infiltrator/assassin UNTIL I started playing as a normal grunt.
It allows me to see what flaws and powers a stealthed class has so I know the grunt's limitations and how to exploit them.
For example, I always look at what weapon he's holding.
IE: I avoid the guy holding a grenade launcher and go for the guy holding 2 decimators. The first guy is prone to randomly shoot killing or injuring me badly even if he kills himself. The decimator grunt has a really long reload time between shots so even if he managed to target me AND shot me, he would already be dead.
My streak depended on making the right choices and each victim took about 5-15 minutes of stalking time to pull off.
I don't even have to kill a target. I'm content with being a major pain in the ass by severly injuring you with only 27 HPs and 40 armor left and have your friend kill you with friendly fire or having my faction doing it.
Choose your battles and study each target and it's fairly easy.
2003-06-23, 02:19 PM
Here is a mantra for you, on your road to enlightenment:
"Everything that kills me is overpowered. Everything that I kill with is well balanced."
2003-06-23, 02:26 PM
Yes, they are terribly unbalanced. They killed you twice. They must be overpowered.:rolleyes:
An important rule: Just cause something kills you (even if it REALLY owns you) is not grounds for a nerfing. Unless it does so repeadly to multiple people. If it owns just you, then it is just your problem.
I swear, I hate nerf posts. I am at the point in time when I say give the jackhammer over to someboyd else in exchange for their HA weapon, I am tired of 2 things, being accused of being overpowered, and a bunch of newbs flooding into NC just cause they want to be "uber". Don't nerf it, get rid of it, design us a new one, cause a nerfed jackhammer would just be too close to a sweeper and not deserving of 4 points.
People won't stop calling for nerfs until everyone uses common pool weapons.
2003-06-23, 03:38 PM
No offense, but you're talking about the most fucking weak class in the game. I don't give a shit if an infiltraitor is killing you with a fucking BFG5000, it's a fucking infiltrator. God, shine a REK on them and they fall over. Quitcherbitchin.
2003-06-23, 03:44 PM
AMP is the best weapon for the infil. It outshines all the empire specific pistols.
Scatter Pistol = slow RoF, High Damage (dead before you get the kill shot)
Reapter Pistol = med RoF, med damage (Dead Before you get the kill shot)
Beamer = Laughable (dead period)
AMP = Fast RoF, Light Damage... but fast RoF! (Kills target before they know what hit them.)
2003-06-23, 03:45 PM
I dont care much, but I think all the NC weapons should lowe their repeat rates, i mean vanu and nc have bout the same speed, while TR shoots slower than my grandma. Notice nc is slow and hard, tr is fast and soft.
2003-06-23, 04:16 PM
I'll post what I like. If I want an explaination as a new player I'll ask for it. SO what If I'm a newb in PS. Not for long. I've been playing online games for over 10 years.
If you don't like title of a thread, then don't read it. I did actually get some information I was looking for from some of the posts.
So, chew on this NEWB and die. See ya on the battlefield.
2003-06-23, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by NimdaX
So, chew on this NEWB and die. See ya on the battlefield. You won't see me, I am one of those overpowered NC infiltrators. :rolleyes:
2003-06-23, 04:48 PM
I luv the MAG, 3 shot killer. :D
2003-06-23, 04:56 PM
Mag scatter has another advantage over other guns... it leaves no tracer fire. Repeater as a small one... and the beamer is a damn homing beacon.
I don't think they intended vanu to be stealth... with the glowy knife and the homing beacon for a gun... vanu just better stick to boomers and amps (or looting mag-scatters)... at least I do.
2003-06-23, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Nitsch
Mag scatter has another advantage over other guns... it leaves no tracer fire. Repeater as a small one... and the beamer is a damn homing beacon.
I don't think they intended vanu to be stealth... with the glowy knife and the homing beacon for a gun... vanu just better stick to boomers and amps (or looting mag-scatters)... at least I do.
The Vanu knife isn't actually all that loud, though. You have to be pretty close to see it moving and the first few times I saw it I was more distracted by what seemed like a graphic glitch than realizing it was a knife (until somebody fell dead, then I just unloaded).
2003-06-23, 05:39 PM
I haven't done the infiltrator bit for a long time, but one thing I liked doing a lot was hanging around a large battle outside a base and use the TR Repeater pistol to snipe people from outside darklight range. Can't do that with any other pistol.
2003-06-23, 06:32 PM
Only played this game for an hour as a TR Infil. Most fun ive ever had. I only got 5 kills before i got blasted. But the last guy I got i made the mistake of attacking. It was a vanu who had a Mini Chaingun. Well I stabbed my knife into him but he lived and started fring. I ducked behind cover and waited. His friend was looking around with his back to his buddy. So i got between him and his buddyand shot him in the back (the one i didnt knife) So he turns around and emptys a Decimator into him. :) Stupid Vanus. Well I ran up to this idiot who got shot by the first guy for starting to shoot him (he died from 2nd guy a few later) and stabed him and he droped.
2003-06-23, 08:55 PM
The VS infil may get the short end of the stick here. But thats why i love playing it. It's more interesting to have to scavenge your weapons. I don't care if its repeater or magscatter. Being VS and using either on my opposition leaves with a feeling of great satisfaction. IMO the NC stealthers got it the easiest. I base that on how many times i'm killed by both empires infiltrators and by what weapon. More often than not the TR infil uses the AMP and the NC infil uses the magscatter. While the VS uses plamsa or AMP til he can get a magscatter. The third most scavenged weapon of either NC or TR, behind the jackhammer and miniCG.
2003-06-23, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by NimdaX
Ok, I've only played the game for a week and a few days. As a Terran I eqarly on got the infiltrator suit and our choice of 2 pistols.
Just yesterday I had a few NC infils come behind me when I was in Agile Exo and totally rock my world in no time flat.
First one NC Infil had a machine gun pistol. The second NC later on had a Shotgun pistol.
What's up with the ballance on Infils, do VS get the same awesome weapons as an NC infiltrator.
I know with my little pistol I have to shoot a lightly armoured enemy atleast 8 times manually before he dies. This little machine gun kicked my butt way faster than I could do as a terran.
I was just wondering what was up. Any thoughts on the balance issues here? Please tell me you're not talking about the AMP...that thing is common pool, and comes with standard assault. YOu have access to it already. As for the NC Scatterpistol, if you're 10' away from your target, you'll do at most 5 dmg (per clip)
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