View Full Version : NC overpowered? don't think so...
2003-06-23, 12:59 PM
Noticed on the poll, lot of people seem to think NC are overpowered. I belive that on the Emerald server we just have numbers, while on markov we get our butts whipped because we have less units then the other empires.
Right now it looks as though to me that the empires are equal, just whoever has the bigger force usually wins. Also Vanu have been winning a lot on some of the servers... Yesturday Vanu has 3 wins and NC and TR togethor only have 2. The NC have the win on Emerald which I belive has the most men of the 3 empires on the server.
-=Just my thoughts=-
2003-06-23, 02:23 PM
i think its about even right now..vanu are finally showing as good players, bout time imo
2003-06-24, 08:30 PM
Lately TR seems to be getting their act together. Today is probably the third day in a row we took solsar over in about an hour's time. Heck TR even had more of a population than the NC at one point. That doesn't rule out the fact that TR and VS HA weapons need some love though :p
Neon Apocalypse
2003-06-25, 05:12 PM
VS weapons are the same. Except the pulsar is deadly as hell now, its only medium assualt. And im nasty with it. I think i might ditch my heavey assualt cert and get anti vehicular.
2003-07-02, 01:50 AM
neo its me unk0wn :) whats up ? hehe ...thats all i have to say. o ya and early today it was the following as the ammount of ppl on
TR = 32%
Nc = 35% (- 2% exp)
VS = 31% (+1% exp)
2003-07-02, 08:44 AM
The only thing I don't like is the suckiness of NC MAXs vs other MAXs... We suck. :lol:
2003-07-02, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by powdahound
The only thing I don't like is the suckiness of NC MAXs vs other MAXs... We suck. :lol:
I see someone hasn't played as a VS MAX lately.
Big Bro
2003-07-02, 01:26 PM
I'm not sure about the other server populations and such, but I feel that VS on Emerald needs quite a bit of love. They were at 13% earlier today. And I haven't played a VS MAX since beta, but I'll take Arakiel's word for it.
As far as the NC being overpowered....YES they are! I don't care what ANYONE says, the n00bhammer needs to be adjusted more in line with the other HA weapons. There's a reason why people from the other empires are stocking them in their lockers...
And the population on Emerald is still in favor of NC. They are consistently "winning" on, with TR close behind. Hopefully TR skill will outweigh the NC "zerg". ;)
2003-07-02, 10:06 PM
NC almost always has the largest population. Usually I see something like this:
36% NC
32% TR
32% VS
That 4% difference makes a huge impact, even if it is a fairly small chunk of the whole.
2003-07-02, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by =NCG=Big Bro
I'm not sure about the other server populations and such, but I feel that VS on Emerald needs quite a bit of love. They were at 13% earlier today. And I haven't played a VS MAX since beta, but I'll take Arakiel's word for it.
As far as the NC being overpowered....YES they are! I don't care what ANYONE says, the n00bhammer needs to be adjusted more in line with the other HA weapons. There's a reason why people from the other empires are stocking them in their lockers...
And the population on Emerald is still in favor of NC. They are consistently "winning" on, with TR close behind. Hopefully TR skill will outweigh the NC "zerg". ;)
nice post faboy, now lets disect
" And I haven't played a VS MAX since beta, but I'll take Arakiel's word for it."
umm no, play it first before u agree, u, obviously, have never played an NC max unit either? they are shit unless they are leading a group through doors.
"the n00bhammer needs to be adjusted more in line with the other HA weapons. There's a reason why people from the other empires are stocking them in their lockers..."
interesting, alot of us have strikers and lancers in our lockers too, should we nerf the anti-tank weapons to even it out? ur logic is flawed because u can see u get raped alot in battles because u rush in, right?
and no one can control population, we arent going to just switch and lose all our certs because we have 3 % more, we just take the % hit instead
2003-07-03, 08:15 AM
Stop MJBuddy, just stop. First off, NC MAXs DONT suck unless they were changed dramatically after Beta. Their AV MAX and AI MAX kill everything that moves! The AI MAX is basically a Jackhammer mounted on a huge piece of armor. Secondly, you can't compare the empires AV weapons, besides they all are a pain in the ass to go against. Vanu have a Anti-Infantry/Tank sniper rifle, Terran have a lock-on that can follow a ship for a long-ass time, and NC have a TOW missle. The point you have AT weaponry in your locker is irelevent, the question is, how many MCG's or Lashers do YOU have in your locker. The Jackhammer is absoulutly crazy, a guy can rip your ass apart from atleast 50 meters away. This isn't a rant, whine, or cry for nerf, it's fact. Keep your Jackhammer, I'll pick you off anyway with my bolt driver. That's my .02.
2003-07-03, 10:20 AM
well, they are improving the other 2 weapons, i personally would like to see the JH taken down in COF, but i dont even use it anymore, so its not an issue
and yes, our AV and AI max are nothing great, AI has no range and AV has crap for dmg, however, our AA max IS pretty damn good...built in 20 shot striker isnt bad...
2003-07-04, 02:10 AM
Scattercannon bites hard. It may be decent when compared to basic infantry weapons, but put either NC AV or AI against either Terran AV or AI, the terran will ALWAYS come up on top if he can even aim in the general dirrection.
Not to mention the Terran AV MAX is better against infantry than the NC AI MAX, and the Terran AI MAX can do damage around corners. Don't know about the Vanu, but I find it much easier to fight against their MAXes than against the Terrans.
2003-07-04, 08:17 AM
The DC MAX is shit against infantry now, but the pounder...well...ok, that still kicks ass but still. We don't have a lock-on MAX with a 1000m range...god I hate that when I fly a lib :mad:
2003-07-04, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by FearTheAtlas
The DC MAX is shit against infantry now
The DC MAC is supposed to be shit against's a friggin' AV MAX for cryin' out loud!
2003-07-04, 01:15 PM
Indeed, but before patch it was actually better AI then the pounder.
2003-07-04, 02:32 PM
Maybe that's why they felt they needed to make the changes?
You shouldn't have your AV MAX do better against soft targets than your AI MAX IMO.
2003-07-04, 09:42 PM
I guess it depends on what you consider "better". The DC wasn't really "better" IMO. Just more user friendly. Easier aiming and less grief. The Pounder MAX is an AI demon, and always has been. Just has a lot of grief that comes along with it.
2003-07-11, 02:33 PM
I think the AI maxes are pretty well balanced.
The AV and AA ones are not.
And, the Vanu got the shit end of the stick on both counts.
I am however, scared of how friggen organized the VS are now, their coherence and aptitude with vehicles is becoming scarey. Infantry may win the bases, but it's air power and supply that win the wars.
The VS seem to grasp this and use it to deadly effect. I've yet to see an effort coordinated by the NC that is orchestrated so well tactically. The VS just seem to have the base capping to an art form. I often sit inside bases under attack and watch them, taking notes of AMS placements, and other logistics.
Kudos to you purps.:D
2003-07-11, 02:40 PM
tsk tsk Mr. Information Minister :nono:
2003-07-11, 03:28 PM
**reminds himself to make his new character the 'NCinformationminister' and scream "The VS are committing suicide at the base wall!" over and over**
2003-07-11, 05:39 PM
2003-07-11, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by MJBuddy
**reminds himself to make his new character the 'NCinformationminister' and scream "The VS are committing suicide at the base wall!" over and over**
omfg pwned!:D
2003-07-12, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by =NCG=Big Bro
There's a reason why people from the other empires are stocking them in their lockers...
Heh... i store all kinds of stuff in my lockers... like phoenix... and a pulsar too.... but I do kinda go after a Jackhammer when i see one... i have about 7 now....
BTW: hey BigBro... hows it hanging?
2003-07-16, 10:59 AM
seriously though retards, yes Barny and elmos, im talking to you, if you want to live agaisnt a jackhammer, heed my words i use one, stay AWAY! FAR AWAY!! well, really, its not too effective beyond 40 meters, and if your closer than that YOUR ZERGING, and really, all it is is a sweeper with 3 barrols fires faster and has more ammo, and if they use that secondary option, your damn close, its not their fault, your just too stupid, and get too damn close, seriously, if you see someone with a Hammer, fall back and shoot them, that thing cant hit a barnyard at 50 meters, i cant think of any other tips, and this comes from someone that uses it.
NERF THE TR AND VS, they hurt me.....:ncrocks: :vssucks: :trsucks:
BTW ^ was sarcasim, just the second part, not the tip
2003-07-17, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by =NCG=Big Bro
As far as the NC being overpowered....YES they are! I don't care what ANYONE says, the n00bhammer needs to be adjusted more in line with the other HA weapons. There's a reason why people from the other empires are stocking them in their lockers...
And the population on Emerald is still in favor of NC. They are consistently "winning" on, with TR close behind. Hopefully TR skill will outweigh the NC "zerg". ;) Go to the test server. I think you'll like the MCG boost f*cking pwnz now :D). And as for the population, you think we asked for 10% of TR to quit and join us? No! Don't take your anger for the JH whores (n00bs who switched cuz of JH) out on all NC.
Oh and theres sum1 named informationminister already :P. I /ignored him a long time ago. I think he plays TR or VS normally, he kept saying "It's over, go home" In the middle of a conquest to retake our Conts. I wouldn't have minded except I actually saw people saying "Ok, recalling!" and recalling.
2003-07-17, 01:03 PM
2003-07-17, 02:07 PM
I agree, I don't think the NC are over powered. Last night we had our asses handed to us by the TR. I can vividly remember masses or TRs charging down a hill at us with Cyclers, MCGs, and CD MAXs blazing. It was a hail of red tracer fire and we were pushed back very very quickly. Eventhough we lost, I still had fun because of the Pink Floyd laser light show they put on. Very impressive!
2003-07-17, 06:36 PM
With the amount of fire put out by our guns, we can produce a show better than anything some vegas show can cough up. Perosnally I hate you freaking NC, The only people I have been fighting are you smurfs, the only place we had encounters with the VS this morning was Amerish, and the NC were there too. I think you NC are obsessed with us. It's like the NC and TR go at it for hours, then the VS get what's left over.
On a lighter note, I got my new comp today, it's awsome......::begins drooling over 19'' plasma flat screen::
I haven't installed the game yet, I'll do that later, I gotta mess with my settings etc. etc.
I'm i na much happier mood now :)
2003-07-18, 06:05 PM
cool and all but i got a question, WERE SMURFS? seriously, if Vanu are barnys, and TR are Elmos, shouldnt like NC be Big Birds? though i guess we could be smufs, but as we go higher in the Br rank we get more gold on our unifourm, FYI
2003-07-18, 06:51 PM
Well, smurfs because the 'n00bs' of the NC are blue...I think that's the reason.
2003-07-18, 07:09 PM
i like smurfs, cool, but im a Big Bird
2003-07-18, 07:13 PM
Brighter target :)
Diddy Mao
2003-07-18, 07:14 PM
It get's hard to hide after br 14 for NC
2003-07-18, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Diddy Mao
It get's hard to hide after br 14 for NC
They look like graffiti indoors :P
2003-07-18, 09:34 PM
yea, im a BR16 sniper, i get spotted easy anywhere, against grass or snow, especialy against snow, but then again, i normaly kill 3 snipers gunning for me before the 4th gets me, i guess you need skillz to be a NC :ncrocks:
2003-07-20, 12:18 AM
hey red isnt actually a "natural color" we only slightly blend in against the ground on ishundar and oshur. Other than that we look like elmos with guns.....i guess that happens everywhere
2003-07-20, 02:48 AM
youd be suprised Elmo, the other day, i got on a wall to encounter to VS maxs, i jump off the wall, thinking theres nothing there, only to find 20 VS soldiers and a bunch of maxs, i couldnt see them on the wall, and the base was by a forest, so it made it dark, it would work for TR too, but NC, when were Big Birds, we friggin stick out like a sore thumb
Diddy Mao
2003-07-20, 06:24 AM
Originally posted by Bismarck
hey red isnt actually a "natural color" we only slightly blend in against the ground on ishundar and oshur. Other than that we look like elmos with guns.....i guess that happens everywhere
You Could Hide in Lava:ncrocks: :trsucks: :vssucks:
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