View Full Version : Best ingame physics experience you've seen
Several for me actually:
1.) Driving a wraith, hit a rock at about 65, wraith tipped over, and kept sliding down the hill until it hit another rock. After hitting that rock, I was catapulted into the air and with my ingame map, I was flying across the continent. I eventually landed on the other side of the continent and fell into a lake. I ran out but still had the oxygen meter decreasing. I was on dry land the whole time but no matter where I went, it would still go down. I eventually drowned on a to a tree.
2.) Prowler was rammed by a sunderer and was pushed over the base wall.
3.) An enemy NC AMS jumped a hill and kept flying into the air. It was eventually stuck in the air so the driver attempted to get out and died instantly. We eventually called a reaver in to shoot it down.
Bad Mojo
2003-06-24, 01:39 PM
I think it's unbalanced how a reaver can shoot an AMS out of the air like that. The AMS needs machine guns or something to defend itself.
Hehehe. :)
2003-06-24, 01:40 PM
It's a shame he couldn't deploy it before he died.
Would be nice to picture guys stepping out of it and taking 91 falling damage. :)
Oh, an oldie but a goodie.
I was walking around in an infiltrator suit and was walking down some stairs.
A friendly shoved me in the back; I flew into the air and down which cost me 67 HPs. :(
2003-06-24, 01:45 PM
I was shooting at some enemies from fairly long range with a cycler the other day...all of a sudden, I noticed I was moving toward them quite rapidly. Swinging around, I saw that I was literally on the bumper of a harasser that seemed to be going full speed! I couldn't move, so I pulled out the striker, and started firing...alas, when the harasser blew, I did as well, but it still was entertaining ;)
2003-06-24, 01:48 PM
I'd have to say it was when I borded the HART. When the map came up to chose a drop point, an oxygen meter came up and was depleteing. I thought nothing of it, but drowned. I still chose my drop point, and droped down. I had picked a spot right in the middle of like 5 spitfires. They kept shooting me, along w/ 5 other people, and I did not die. I ran around invincible, and finally died when i jumped off a railing and took fall damage.
2003-06-24, 01:55 PM
I was on a bridge and was firing Strikers at an enemy AMS which had just entered the bridge on the other side. I was certain he'd squash me, but he hugged the other rail and suddenly a friendly AMS zoomed past me on the right and they rammed each other head on. I continued to pound the enemy AMS with my Strikers and as he got to lower health he realized he had a chance to take me out with him, so he somehow got around the friendly AMS and barrelled towards me. I fired one last Striker (point blank, I knew I was a goner and may as well take myself out while trying to take him out) which surrounded me with explosion and destroyed the enemy AMS. The resulting explosion then destroyed our AMS on the bridge. I ended up in the middle of the whole thing with the wreckage of the enemy AMS on top of me, with 0 damage.
2003-06-24, 01:55 PM
I once spawned at a crowded AMS and soon as I get my vision, I see myself flying through the air waaaaaay far away and over mountains. I finally landed and took about 30 hp of falling damage, but was a good 4000m from the AMS. Best part was after I landed, I saw about 10 other people fly through the air and land in the same spot.
2003-06-24, 01:56 PM
A friend was driving a sunderer into an enemy base. On the outside of it to the right we saw two enemy troops. They were too close for the guns. (I was in it gunning and so was the rest of the squad)
The driver then decided to ram them with the vehicle. Much to our surprise, as we rammed into seemingly two infantry between a couple trees and the outside wall of the base, the sunderer flew violently up into the air and instantly exploded. As we watched in horror, we looked down on our screens and saw a stealthed wraith right below the burning hulk that once was us.
Apparently, they are quite powerful, much more than a shrub which only acts like a brick wall to a sunderer, and striking a wraith with a sunderer means instant death!!! hee hee To all of you wraith drivers out there, I highly recommend stealthing them and leaving them parked at entrances to bases, on roads, and around towers. You'll crack up laughing as one little wraith takes out entire squads. If it gets damaged, just go out and repair it.
Who needs mines when you have a wraith?
BTW, the wraith looked fine, and it survived...
NightWalker XI
2003-06-24, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by Diviant
I'd have to say it was when I borded the HART. When the map came up to chose a drop point, an oxygen meter came up and was depleteing. I thought nothing of it, but drowned. I still chose my drop point, and droped down. I had picked a spot right in the middle of like 5 spitfires. They kept shooting me, along w/ 5 other people, and I did not die. I ran around invincible, and finally died when i jumped off a railing and took fall damage.
Thatw as prob lag
NightWalker XI
2003-06-24, 02:00 PM
Was on a tower roof, the sloped one, some friendly came along and pushes me, I flew out of tower, throught a Reaver thatw as like 200 meters away and then fell to my death...
The guy who pushed me must have been Mr. Universe :D
2003-06-24, 02:03 PM
One time i spawned at an AMS, got shot out of the tube at about 500 miles per hour into a hill that sent me flying into the air, and about a mile out into the middle of the ocean. I then drowned trying to walk back. It was fun.
2003-06-24, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by Slab
Several for me actually:
I eventually landed on the other side of the continent and fell into a lake. I ran out but still had the oxygen meter decreasing. I was on dry land the whole time but no matter where I went, it would still go down. I eventually drowned on a to a tree.
I've had the exact opposit happen before. Once I was in a reaver and I landed on the cost. After I landed, it started to slide into the water. First the vehicle bar came up and depeleted then my oxygen came up. I got out of the vehicle then got back in only to have my oxygen bar dissapear. I then got back out again and was able to walk around the ocean floor without having to worry about oxygen at all. :D
I've yet to get this again. Oh, and it wasn't lag damn it. :rolleyes:
2003-06-24, 02:08 PM
If my experience was lag, how do you explain that I died, then came back and killed people, while not taking damage O_o
2003-06-24, 02:10 PM
i spawned at at AMS that was positioned on a weird sloped by the beach. when i came out it launched me out into the ocean. im like no bigge so i start walking back then a ledge appears outta nowhere . my oxygen is depleting im trying to jump over it i cant do a thing about it and i die. it was funny. then i spawn at the AMS again but this time on the other side and i did not get launched.
2003-06-24, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by Diviant
If my experience was lag, how do you explain that I died, then came back and killed people, while not taking damage O_o
From what I've read officially, when you go to a different continent, you actually connect to a different server hosting that zone. If it was lag, you probably couldn't have connected.
I was driving my squad deliverer, I go off this hill, and while in the air it explodes. Just explodes, wasnt an enemy for a long ways, and it had 0 damage.
They still make fun of me about that...
Ohh, and I have been lauched out of and AMS many times, not quite 400m though. Still annoying to be left with 70 HP as soon as you spawn.
2003-06-24, 02:53 PM
1. i got shot and my reaver did a backflip skinned the wall and hit a Vangaurd then blew up.
2. I had major lag or i entered the matrix and walked past 1 shitload of nc troops, about 5 minutes later died.
3. My Deliverer got stuck doing wheelys, so i had to drive that way, then going up a hill t flipped backwards.
4 not really pyisical moves, but a physical climb, I climbed the very big mountain at cyssor from the bottom all the way to the highest u can go (u cant reacht eh peak unless ur a vanu max (but he cant deploy his flag ie: spitfires, motion censors, etc).
2003-06-24, 07:36 PM
AMS deployed on the side of a hill. If you spawn out one particular side. It would spit you out across the continent. At first i was all WTF!... then i look back about 200 meters and flying threw the air are more standards having been spewed from this ams. Some were in trees and all where screwed. I laughed so hard i had to try it again. I did it three more times by deconstructing and reconstruting. But this time i did it in infil and i was serious air. Then NC came in and blew up my ppl cannon.
2003-06-24, 07:40 PM
No time to read this all so I'll just post and read all other stuff later.. anyways one time I dropped off a galaxy at full height onto a tower, I landed on the angled part of the roof and bounced several miles over a very wide river.... and landed into the base we initially took off from... I had pilot come pick me back up :P.
2003-06-24, 08:10 PM
My 3 fav:
I took my enforcer out of a gal, and it went flying up into the sky w/o me and got stuck there (beta)
I hot droped my enforcer from the gal and it stayed in the air, and droped me to the ground with the enforcer still in the sky
The great vanguard flights at the DS center that happen right now
2003-06-24, 10:12 PM
Once beta after we had found out about the Ams catapult we decided to use it offensively. It took A LOT of trial and error but we eventually set it up so we would land in an enemy base. We all went MAX, loaded up on health packs, rematrixed, and used the MAXapult to launch into an enemy base. Seeing 9 flying MAXs scared the shit out of the enemy to say the least.....
2003-06-24, 10:38 PM
Well once I decided to go to the VR to test the MCG, so I walked down the ramp to the VR, hit the "shooting range" option, and it loaded the shooting range, but instead of being in the little building, I was suspended over the water to the west coast of the little island this shooting range is on.
So I tried to move around and eventually fell into the water. I managed to make it to shore and walked over the hill to see the building down below. So I figured I'd have a little fun. I ran down to the range, and made like one of the targets, sitting still. Me being the only TR "target" out there among the VS and NC targets didn't discourage anyone from shooting at me though, and every time they did they got that little warning message when you hit a friendly in the VR.
Eventually I got bored and figured I'd get to testing that MCG. So I run up to the building, and try to jump through the window. I got stuck and couldn't move. So a couple seconds later someone ran up to the window and tried to run into me. Apparently they succeeded because the second they made contact with me I got launched into the mountain in the distance and then shot up into the air, where I died from impact damage.
I haven't been able to replicate this bug ever since...dispite my daily efforts :p
2003-06-24, 11:08 PM
One time I hot dropped from a gal at high speeds. I went straight through the roof and got stuck half way through the floor in the stair way. I was completley invisible but could still shoot. I got soooo much hate /tells from people wondering where I was with that sweeper. :D When I told them what happend they laughed, then they came up the stairs and shelled the place with a thumper and killed me. Stupid TR. :(
2003-06-24, 11:38 PM
Also this really isn't a physics thing but whenever I land my mosquito, it its on a hill it will slide down the hill until you get to flat land and then it will stop sliding. As you are sliding you can't lift off, it sucks. A couple of times I've tried landing sort of near a lake (100 meters away) and have slid all the way into the lake and then my mosq is destroyed of course and I dont even bother getting out and swimming to the surface because I dont want to walk all the hell back to the base, to get a different mosq!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :eek: :confused: :confused: :eek: :mad: :huh: :huh: :huh::mad: :mad: :mad:
2003-06-25, 12:36 AM
2003-06-25, 04:51 AM
Alright once i drove my harrasser of this rock in Oshur not high but enough to do damage. My harrasser flips to trhe side starts doing cartwheels then i am launched across the continent.I fly through a friendly AMS and all the people there including the AMS
went up in smoke did this wit a gunner he was like WTF man:mad: it was funny as hell:D
2003-06-25, 06:40 AM
You know how when AMSs go into their "damaged" mode with lights blinking and such they tend to shift around a little?
Today I saw one shift up into a tree. People were spawning and falling out, and you could see the AMS bubble as a sphere in the air.
I lanced it, boom, and the charred part of it fell out of the tree and rolled/slid down a nearby hill before coming to rest against a rock.
I guess you had to be there. :P
2003-06-25, 10:04 AM
I somehow hotdropped from our Galaxy only to be killed by it a second later. This has happened twice already. :(
2003-06-25, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by Cease
I somehow hotdropped from our Galaxy only to be killed by it a second later. This has happened twice already. :(
That's just a bad Gal pilot. If they're making turns in the air while people are hot dropping, they'll damage or kill you.
2003-06-25, 11:51 AM
Im out driving my vanguard, when all of a sudden I reach an huge cliff fall down... Im feeling lucky so I back up then put the pedal to the metal and fly out over the cliff... naturally I bounce and take lots of damage... but I lived! An huge fall with an tank and I lived!
So now im on the top of the world, hit the speed limit again, when I run into an small bush... which was about as much as my tank could handle, so it blew up and killed both me and my gunner.
The thing survived a ten story fall, but exploded by running into an bush...
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