View Full Version : Isn't this what they changed?...

2003-06-24, 07:30 PM
I thought they changed it so that snipers could nots see cloakers in their scopes? This was just yesterday, on cyssor. Incase you are wondering, yes I capped this poor sap :P.

2003-06-24, 07:49 PM
Yes, as a cloaker, I have noticed this was not changed. I hope they change it soon.

2003-06-24, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by Jaged
Yes, as a cloaker, I have noticed this was not changed. I hope they change it soon.

Same here. I've been killed numerous times while infiltrating.

2003-06-24, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by Jaged
Yes, as a cloaker, I have noticed this was not changed. I hope they change it soon.

2003-06-24, 08:17 PM
if you're moving, you're visible, as a function of your speed

I don't see the problem... if you wan't to be stealthy, you shouldn't be able to sprint around with impunity... move slowly and stop from time to time to check your surroundings, and you'll go untouched

2003-06-24, 08:30 PM
I have no problem with it, I just thought they changed it. I move around slowly all the time anyways.

2003-06-24, 09:07 PM
gospadin, I really hate flaming people, It's not my personality, but you really annoyed me with your response.

The original poster was simply wondering why something Sony said they would change was not changed, but somehow you manage to get that he was complaining about sprinting with impunity... are you thinking straight? Not once in his/her post did I read a complaint about him being killed by snipers in stealth mode...

Grow up.

2003-06-24, 10:11 PM
I didn't find gospadin's post offensive or flame-ish at all. I don't see where you got that from xao

2003-06-24, 10:13 PM
LOL, when im a cloack.. i seem to always die... i mean, they make infiltrators sounds awesome, but all it really is, is, you move...you die...

2003-06-24, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by gospadin
if you're moving, you're visible, as a function of your speed

I don't see the problem... if you wan't to be stealthy, you shouldn't be able to sprint around with impunity... move slowly and stop from time to time to check your surroundings, and you'll go untouched But the whole point is for the sniper not to see the cloaker. Are you supposto see 1 spec of dust move from 200meters away or are u suposto see it from 1 cm away, eh?

2003-06-24, 10:31 PM
The bug is that snipers can see the infiltraitor as if they have DL on, even when the infil isn't moving.

One of our main infil's got dropped 4 times in a row. He's arguably the best infil on Emerald. Plus, I just uncerted my BD, so I know it's still in game. Fact is they either didn't fix it, or accidently reintroduced it.

2003-06-24, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by gospadin
if you're moving, you're visible, as a function of your speed

I don't see the problem... if you wan't to be stealthy, you shouldn't be able to sprint around with impunity... move slowly and stop from time to time to check your surroundings, and you'll go untouched

Yeah I know I feel the same way, if you don't wanna be sniped, don't run around all the time. I love sniping infils its my favorite thing in the world.

P.S. Also thanks BC-Xao

2003-06-24, 11:32 PM
*hugs nav* sorry, no buttsechs.

infiltrators light up like christmas lights under a sniper's scope. have you ever sat there and watched an infil spam the k key? they turn all funky light blue, then look like that constantly under a scope. i was crouchwalking most of the time and i was getting nailed. basically, they lied about the fix, or they were wrong and whatever they did didnt help. whatever the case, YES snipers can see you, in fact from my beta sniping experience, its easier to snipe an infil than any other armor, they stand out and you're like *cha-ching, pop a cloaker, im leet*

2003-06-25, 03:05 AM
No, they do not light up like a christmas tree constantly. That has only happened to me in 2 instances. These were both in winter continents. The reason they showed up was because it was at extremely long range and they were in front of a completely white sky for a background. Never have I completely seen an infiltrator while he was standing still, even the guys on winter continents were still moving when I killed them. Still they showed up very brightly so I see what you mean. I thought they were totally removing being able to see infiltrators in scopes. Thanks for the explaination navarone, I didn't understand it the first time I read it. Also in that picture that I posted, I should note that the guy is moving, very fastly too, he was running down a mountain.

2003-06-25, 05:30 AM
Yes, as a cloaker, I have noticed this was not changed. I hope they change it soon.

I'm a sniper and I noticed this fact yesterday, too. I've got a question: can a sniper have a inf suit and isn't it hard to get him when he is unvisible? *n00bquest*

2003-06-25, 05:39 AM
Infil suits only have pistol slots, so no, infils can't be snipers.

Sorry forgot to make this clear in original post, the infil IS moving, he isn't standing still. I misunderstood the official report that they were removing being able to to see infils in scopes. Like Navarone said, it was bugged so that they glow when they are standing still. I thought they would make is to that you couldn't even see it when they were moving. Therefore this thread has no purpose..... because it is incorrect