View Full Version : Robert A. Heinlein (sci-fi)

2003-06-24, 11:55 PM
Just finished reading his "Farnham's Freehold" novel. I thought it was pretty good. To be honest though i enjoyed the pioneering aspects the most. Once they were captured the story went downhill in my opinion.

I kinda wish he'd wrote the story (or perhaps a sequel) in the timeline described at the very end of the novel. THAT would be a good read.

Overall i reccomend this book. I also recomend his "Tunnel in the Sky" novel. Its similar, but not as.... disturbing.

2003-06-24, 11:59 PM
I thought it was pretty good too. If you haven't read Starship Troopers, get that one immediately.

2003-06-25, 12:09 AM
Oh absolutely. It makes me so mad to think about how they butchered the movie so completely.

StarshipTroopers is a definte classic.

My friend is recomending Moon is a Harsh Mistress, but the blockheads at Border's Books didnt have it in stock :(

2003-06-25, 12:10 AM
I still think the best book and series is "Ender's Game" MAN, i loved that book

2003-06-25, 12:20 AM
I didn't like the russian dialect that the narrator uses in Moon is a Harsh Mistress so I never got into it, but I've been told it is a very good book.

When I quit on that one, I read several good Phillip K Dick books. Do Androids Dream of Electric sheep is another great one that was slaughtered by the movie.

The best sci-fi book I've read in a long time is A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge.

2003-06-25, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by 1024
I still think the best book and series is "Ender's Game" MAN, i loved that book

Orson Scott Card is the man. But, to be honest, I didnt enjoy the Bean series so much.

Enders Game, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, and Children of the Mind; all great books.

The best sci-fi book I've read in a long time is A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge.

Tomorrow im going to the story to get Frank Herbert's "Dune" series (I only have the original Dune). Ill check that book out while im there. Always lookin to find new authors.

2003-06-25, 02:28 AM
I love the Dune series. The movies are pretty good too, just watched Children of Dune today. Roxxed my Soxx, though I think that the original Dune movie was better even though it didn't have everything that was in the book.

2003-06-25, 10:06 AM
There's always Neuromancer. That's one helluva great book. I read it about once every two years, usually when I'm on an airplane leaving for vacation.

2003-06-25, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by Powerflux
I love the Dune series. The movies are pretty good too, just watched Children of Dune today. Roxxed my Soxx, though I think that the original Dune movie was better even though it didn't have everything that was in the book.

The original Dune rocked ass. I used to day dream about that movie in middle school. Sand worms and sound blasters... cool stuff. Also that girl in the beginning was HoT

2003-06-25, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by TekDragon
The original Dune rocked ass. I used to day dream about that movie in middle school. Sand worms and sound blasters... cool stuff. Also that girl in the beginning was HoT

Princess Irulan was great, though you only saw her for like 2 scenes. I like the original David Lynch version of Dune much better than the miniseries. The Paul Atreides in the miniseries was such a little bitch, I wanted to slap him. He didn't act like the pinnacle-of-human-genetics duke's son that he was in the books or the original movie.

The Dune books are the greatest series ever, imo, even after Frank Herbert's increasing use of sex in the later ones. Can anyone who read all of the Dune books point me in the direction of a similar series that perhaps touches on the same kind of religious and spiritual topics?

As for Robert Heinlein, I've read Have Spacesuit, Will Travel and one about a colonizing ship that spends hundreds of years en route to alpha centauri. Can't remember the name of it, though in hindsight it seems to be somewhat of a precursor to the Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri game, at least in the political sense.

2003-06-25, 09:34 PM
Man i got to say i loved the miniseries of dune tho il admit i hawent read the book (i read very little) i think that whas beter than the original movie with that famos singer that i dont renember the name of now.

Isnt children of dune based on the miniseries in the sense that it has the same characters?.