View Full Version : The NC Zerg
Ran into one last night when i came around a corner there had to be at least 30+ in the stairwell on the 2nd floor alone.
Why do people love the zerg so much? I think it's funner to play with just your outfit and a few other friends. 100 person zerg kills the fun imo.
Funny pic though, got 15 or so of you bastards before I bit the dust :p
NightWalker XI
2003-06-25, 08:39 AM
Where you a DC or did ya have a Boomer?
lol :eek:
2003-06-25, 09:01 AM
Can you explain what 'zerg' means? Rushing together over an enemy base? :confused:
Originally posted by NightWalker XI
Where you a DC or did ya have a Boomer?
lol :eek:
I was a AI MAX
Originally posted by CorDharel
Can you explain what 'zerg' means? Rushing together over an enemy base? :confused:
A "ZERG" is a massive group in one empire traveling together take one base at a time.
You know the bases you see 100 people sitting around doing nothing, every empire has them :lol:
2003-06-25, 09:16 AM
hah, sweet picture... I agree, I'd rather play with a squad or two than a billion huge outfits just trying to leech xp off of base caps. when platoons finally come out we should be able to avoid being part of a zerg force while still having enough numbers to be effective.
2003-06-25, 09:58 AM
You can still be effective with one squad. You can work with your "zerg" by capping towers ahead of the next objective. Go ahead of your zerg which effectively means behind enemy lines to disable their bases that your zerg is forcing them to fall back to. Y
One squad has a lot of options, you just have to take advantage of them. You can't fault anyone for a zerg because you never know how many the enemy will have. Therefore you have to bring as many as you can. The game is based on continental/global domination. Hard to do that without a zerg.
2003-06-25, 10:02 AM
"Zerg"ing is not so much of a tactic as it is just a bunch of people rushing in with no coordination, yet they still win due to sheer numbers... :rock:
Originally posted by Cyskoraeban
"Zerg"ing is not so much of a tactic as it is just a bunch of people rushing in with no coordination, yet they still win due to sheer numbers... :rock:
I agree.
The ZERg is a bunch or people leeching XP off one another with no real skill just massive numbers.
However I LOVE tearing up a ZERg when they attack us :)
2003-06-25, 10:20 AM
I play with the Zerg sometimes, just because I like the look of hundereds of people in one battle - especially when two Zergs collide. I have yet to find a coordinated battle as large as a Zerg battle otherwise I would be there.
One of the things I dislike the most, is when people are just hanging around the bases afterwards. They don't usually just stand there like someone said, they either start TKing or just shooting the walls or nothing at all for that matter. That bothers me because I rush to where I hear shots thinking there is an offensive force on the way. No, it's just someone getting board.
I've also noticed the trend of some of the people in the Zergs knifing my vehicle or others when they get board waiting for the cap. Evidently you can cause damage and not get grief that way.
2003-06-25, 10:32 AM
I totally agree that a good old fashioned zerg battle can be a LOT of fun. I prefer these when I'm just home after a long and ugly day at work :) I like trying to kill until I run out of ammo, then attacking maxes with my knife.... :p
[Maxd00d] wtf r u crazy? lolol
I find it funny that he managed to use the word "funner."
Originally posted by Slab
I find it funny that he managed to use the word "funner."
Me 2 :lol:
2003-06-25, 12:07 PM
Maybe this is why they're adding Tower NTUs.
This many smacktards pouring out of a tower would nuetralize it in about oh... 5 seconds? :)
Originally posted by Cyber
Maybe this is why they're adding Tower NTUs.
This many smacktards pouring out of a tower would nuetralize it in about oh... 5 seconds? :)
Cyber you're famous now :)
2003-06-25, 02:35 PM
heh nice screen
2003-06-25, 02:44 PM
god can u imagine what all those jackhammers going off would sound like rofl. LOLZZ jackhammer OWNZ .....
2003-06-25, 02:50 PM
I would like to add that the term zerging comes from one of my all-time favorite games, Starcraft. There were 3 species(called races for some reason, when infact they are 3 different species). The zerg were weak, but cheap and fast as hell. Therefore having like 500 noobs against 3 squads of really good people is why you call it a zerg, its like 500 zerglings(the weakest zerg soldier) against 30 zealots(the strongest basic soldier in the game). Ah and moving on I would say that I love massive tower zerg battles. Not normal base zergings though, those suck. But a tower battle is unique. You first have to punch through the doors and command the entrance level, then split into two forces, one spawn killing into the basement and one going upstairs to hack the cc. All sorts of things can go wrong. Your friendly tanks outside can get too trigger-happy and make it a tk-fest, or the enemy could organize well enough, with several max suits and some surged grunts and take out your whole hacking force. Or a lone infiltrator could have planted a boomer on the stairs you're about to step onto. They are just so much fun, and can take literaly an hour at the coolest ones. Just yesterday I had my most fun tower experience. I ran upstairs, leading the hacking force, capping 2 soldiers with my gauss as I was going up the first flight. Then reloaded and got another, and then switched on the Dlight when I saw a lone boomer. I ganked the infil before he detonated it, and kept going upstairs. Still I found 2 more people and killed them. It was just the greatest. Its really funny hearing all the exp whores scream and whine after a big tower battle too. "ALL THAT FOR 0 EXP! AND IT TOOK LIKE AN HOUR!!" When infact they probably got about 1000 exp from kills if they're good enough, and if they were solo or something.
Lol negate that reminds me a funny thing I saw the other day. We were in the basement of a tower after one of the explained above tower zergings. There had to be 15 jackhammer users all just sitting there talking about their "ownage"(hehe) and then I hear a rek sound. Instantly a quasar max pops outta nowhere! All of the sudden ALL 15 jackhammer users started firing at the same time, it was so damn loud. The poor guy was dead in 2 seconds.
Protst Patrotsm
2003-06-25, 03:04 PM
Damn man i think you thought a little too hard about that...
A "ZERG" is a massive group in one empire traveling together take one base at a time.
You people stole that word from DAOC :D
And they probably stole it from another game too.
Originally posted by Vixy
You people stole that word from DAOC :D
And they probably stole it from another game too.
But DAOC is not a real mans game, so it does not count :lol:
2003-06-25, 03:15 PM
ZERG refers to a race in Starcraft which by most means, ran over the opposition with numbers instead of skill.
There were the Zerg, Humans and those robot guys...
2003-06-25, 03:22 PM
Did I not post the reference to starcraft in my post above!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Ah *sigh* I'm used to getting ignored just look at my fanfics, they're all full of "*sigh* nobody here again, I'll just read to myself again". and Protst=Patrotsm I would like to reference you to this
Also this really isn't a physics thing but whenever I land my mosquito, it its on a hill it will slide down the hill until you get to flat land and then it will stop sliding. As you are sliding you can't lift off, it sucks. A couple of times I've tried landing sort of near a lake (100 meters away) and have slid all the way into the lake and then my mosq is destroyed of course and I dont even bother getting out and swimming to the surface because I dont want to walk all the hell back to the base, to get a different mosq!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have the tendency to over-think alot and then my post just turn into one huge ass run-on sentence, kind of like this same sentence here.
2003-06-25, 03:25 PM
Slightly OT:
I like the term "flood" myself from Halo. Which, this game reminds me of in some aspects. Looks like Halo 2 is gonna suck though; but I'll just have to wait and see.
2003-06-25, 03:30 PM
I was running around on konried(sp?) as a stealth guy last night just checking things out and having fun hacking bases in the middle of nowhere when I came across possibly the largest caravan of vehicles I have yet seen in this game. 9 van's, 4 ams, 5 sunderers and probably 20 or so smaller vehcles all moving in a line, and a horde of air vehicles flying around dogfighting eachother. I hoped up on a harraser that stoped near me and went with em to take a base. Frankly it was the most bored ive been but was cool to see so many vehicles moving in a column :) Really wish I had taken a screen shot!
Zerging is what drove me out of ac1 (I was "red" and in a small monarchy), then drove me out of daoc, eventually will drive me out of ps. Its no fun for anyone when sides are severly uneven, and I dont think anyone does it on purpose or likes it. As in all games that have a vocal fan base there will always be the hordes of players known as "The Bandwagon". Those are the guys that rolled up hibs/albs/mids whenever a patch came out that buffed up one realm over another, and now its starting here too :( thank god for grenades!
2003-06-25, 03:36 PM
Nothing wrong with a Zerg - Big battles are actually pretty fun IMHO.
2003-06-25, 03:55 PM
Actually it started with Everquest.
Often the deciding factor, for guilds with a lack of skill or coordination, of wether or not they could beat an NPC was Numbers. You just throw as many people as possible against the target and hope that you kill them before they killed you. heh.
I don't, however, think you can blame this, solely on a lack of leadership. You can tell people what to do or give them direction. But, there is no guarantee that they'll listen. Especially, in a game setting. It's more a situation of how hard core the players are. Few and far between are those that are there for fun of a well executed Assult and Base Cap. Too many people are so wrapped up in BEP or CEP.
Have watched a horde move across a continent. They get to the last base only to have the first base get hacked. Then have that base fall because no squad leader moved his force there to block the hack.
then drove me out of daoc, eventually will drive me out of ps. Its no fun for anyone when sides are severly uneven, and I dont think anyone does it on purpose or likes it.
No way, that makes it more fun, especially the times when you win. ;) My favorite moment on daoc was when I was at our keep with a group of 14 people and we were being attacked by dozens (I counted 37 before they got inside the keep but probably missed some) of Albs. We spent over an hour fighting them off twice (they left to get more people the first time we won) from the the top of the tower, but we did win eventually. It doesn't matter how badly you're outnumbered, the more organized and better team can win. ;) I'm sure i'll get plenty of chances to prove that on PS since i've decided to start up a second player on either vs or tr. :D
2003-06-25, 04:23 PM
One sided zergs are no fun, but when two meet each other... you gota admit... that's a blast!
I love those 3 hour battles where you bounce control of the base back and forth. They usually aren't very tactical...but they sure are visceral.
2003-06-25, 04:27 PM
No doubt, Nitsch.
Thats one of the best things about Planetside.
What isn't fun is a Horde Moving across a continent, jacking around at a base, and waiting for the xp to roll in.
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