View Full Version : the whole sniper issue.. again...

2002-12-30, 02:28 AM
snipers (in squads or alone) could be delt with by patrols. think about what would happen if a few soldiers on basilisks (holstering small arms & close range wepons) could do to an equal ammount of bolt-driver carrying snipers. the snipers would be forced to use their sidearms... that is nothing compared to a flechette rifel or mini-chaingun. mosquitos would also be extremely useful. the scaringly large ammount of snipers to be, will be easily detered from venturing too far into enemy territory. ;)

2002-12-30, 02:55 AM
/me hands skin a stick and points to pile of dead horses


2002-12-30, 03:08 AM
"I want to sit in a tree and snipe someone 1000meters away (one-shot one-kill OF COURSE, on ALL armors) AAAAAANNNNND I want to tote the BEST Assault rifle around just in case I get in some close-up battles. And I want the 'bolts' to be INSTANT like the railgun from Q3" -- Sniper

2002-12-30, 03:11 AM
Where's Hamma and all his horse pics when you need him? The sniper thing has been debated to death and beyond cause people keep draging it out of the grave where it should stay.
:domotwak: :domotwak: :domotwak: :domotwak: :domotwak: :domotwak::domotwak:

2002-12-30, 03:25 AM
There are a lot of existing threads on snipers. Visit one of them before creating a new one.

2002-12-30, 03:26 AM
I dunno. Just because the topic consists of the word sniper dosn't mean that every thing to talk about with regard sniping has been talked about. And, lets just assume everything about the sniper had been talked about, that dosn't mean that everyone has read every sniper post made or even knows about every sniper post made. So all who have something more to say, carry on.
If its a question thats been asked and awnsered already then since so many know the sniper issue inside out, (or so it seems), then it should be easy enough to awnser.

In response to skin. Theres a few things you need to consider. for one they may easily be sniped from their basilisks while they are atempting to get close enough to shoot the snipers. In which case you'd need to either hope they have bad aim or do some fancy zigzagging as you go. Only other way I see is to know which way they're faceing and come around behind them so as to take them by surprise.

2002-12-30, 03:29 AM

2002-12-30, 03:33 AM
Bravo Dio :clap:

2002-12-30, 03:36 AM
Thanks. I decided to fill in for our great leader, i think unlike us he actually enjoys this thing they call "sleeeep". I think i'll go try it again see if i can finally take a liking to this weird act. :)

2002-12-30, 09:53 AM
"Just because the topic consists of the word sniper dosn't mean that every thing to talk about with regard sniping has been talked about"

SO post under a sniper thread - where people who are discussing snipers can talk about it. God, I'm going to start another beta thread now.:D

2002-12-30, 09:55 AM

2002-12-30, 11:55 AM
Come on, guys, give him a break.

I just don't u nderstand this mindset - there's a lot of sniper threads, and a lot of people have voiced their opinion on the topic, but that doesn't mean that everyone has had a say-so, and it doesn't mean that every aspect of sniping has been discussed.

If you don't have anything to add, just stay outta the thread. I agree, the initial poster should've just added on to an existing thread, but what's the deal with everyone coming into this thread just to whine that someone wants to talk about snipers again? If you don't want to hear about it, <B>don't bloody read it!</B>

2002-12-30, 12:08 PM
It isn't hard to use a sniper rifle up close at all if you ask me. I do it all the time in T2.

2002-12-30, 12:23 PM
There is still a visible sniper thread on the first page. Reply to that one, don't make a new one. :p

2002-12-30, 01:42 PM
Yeah but, it will eventualy get buried like the rest of the threads and some people don't care to look through the archives to find an answer or if they're noobs they don't know the site well enough to look. Or if they did then its ok to post a new thread if they didn't see what it is they are looking for.

2002-12-30, 01:45 PM
I think it's an issue of courtesy, you enter a new forum, you should familierize yourself with the forum. It's just out of respect for the people who were around before them. Not that those people are better, it's just polite.

2002-12-30, 05:28 PM
bleh, i would have posted under the existing thread if i thought anyone would read it...
also, i believe hamma has taken the issue to a bit of a detour.
next time ill post in an existing thread :p

2002-12-30, 06:19 PM
Just FYI, if you post in an old thread it will bump back to the top. They come back from the dead more than you'd think.

2002-12-30, 08:09 PM
Shut up! Shut Up!!!

For the love of all that is holy, shut up! This is a pointless debate, the devs will use beta to fix minor balance issues like this. Just find out when a sniper is usefull, and one one then, but for god's sake, just shut up about snipers!

2002-12-30, 08:15 PM
WHat about beta? Can I still get in? I want jumpjets and T2 sucked.

Man they need to give us something to talk about, I've seen more sniper and beta threads last week than ever before.

2002-12-30, 08:46 PM
once again, sand trout, what compelled you to join this thread if you are so fed up with the issue? this thread is taking up no space on your server, so if your tired of hearing about it, DONT READ IT.
btw, thx for the info navaron

2002-12-30, 09:18 PM
Yep, the secret to these forums is politeness and facts. Don't sweat it too much.

2002-12-30, 09:41 PM
It is taking up space on <b><u>MY</b></u> server.

/me deletes


2002-12-31, 04:58 AM
You'll pay for this Captain Planet!
/me shakes fist at Captain Hamma
