2003-06-25, 09:12 PM
When you say that the TR's stregnth comes from their weapon(s) high rate of fire, it means almost every weapon. It is a theme, a strength, an overall advantage that gives them the upper hand in battle.
When you toy with the weapons because of the Dev Teams own personal preference, you mess with the fabric of balance. I know everyone is thinking in terms of their empire.. i would too, and I do. But take a look at this game from an omniscient point of view, just fer a sec...
The dependent variables of Planetside weapons include these things to my knowledge:
the weight, the strength, the Rate of Fire, the precision, the aggaravating capabilities, the recoil, the versatility, the area of effect capabilities, the range limits, the velocity of guided projectiles.
Now imagine for a moment that each empire uses a "battle motif" that gives it's weapons and vehicles a strength in some of these fields and weaknesses in others.
If you ever want this game to be balanced, if you ever want to stop these kinds of posts from reappearing and instead post about in-game experiences or how you raped that VS or TR or NC last night, than you need to limit the amount of factors in this game by using a system of trends, specifically on weapons. Other than common poll weapons, which are accesible by every empire creating a cancellation of one empires weapon stregnth by the same one used by another, empire specific weapons and vehicles are the only thigs that seperate the empires other than their different colors. Empire's strengths should shine in their fighting style, instead of using a diverse weapons mixture that creates chaos of a specific trend. This game does not stress this enough because it is still in it's infant stages. Specifically on weapons. Specifically on things like the Lancer, the Striker, the Repeater, the Beamer, etc.
When you toy with the weapons because of the Dev Teams own personal preference, you mess with the fabric of balance. I know everyone is thinking in terms of their empire.. i would too, and I do. But take a look at this game from an omniscient point of view, just fer a sec...
The dependent variables of Planetside weapons include these things to my knowledge:
the weight, the strength, the Rate of Fire, the precision, the aggaravating capabilities, the recoil, the versatility, the area of effect capabilities, the range limits, the velocity of guided projectiles.
Now imagine for a moment that each empire uses a "battle motif" that gives it's weapons and vehicles a strength in some of these fields and weaknesses in others.
If you ever want this game to be balanced, if you ever want to stop these kinds of posts from reappearing and instead post about in-game experiences or how you raped that VS or TR or NC last night, than you need to limit the amount of factors in this game by using a system of trends, specifically on weapons. Other than common poll weapons, which are accesible by every empire creating a cancellation of one empires weapon stregnth by the same one used by another, empire specific weapons and vehicles are the only thigs that seperate the empires other than their different colors. Empire's strengths should shine in their fighting style, instead of using a diverse weapons mixture that creates chaos of a specific trend. This game does not stress this enough because it is still in it's infant stages. Specifically on weapons. Specifically on things like the Lancer, the Striker, the Repeater, the Beamer, etc.