View Full Version : (episode 1 military base doom) put story here

2003-06-25, 09:56 PM
(episode 1 military base doom)

put story here

2003-06-26, 12:52 AM
:cry cry cry

2003-06-26, 01:04 AM

2003-06-26, 01:12 AM
[X] Clueless Newbie
[ ] Lamer
[ ] Flamer
[ ] Pervert
[ ] Geek
[X] Spammer
[ ] Racist
[ ] Jackass
[ ] Troller
[ ] Fundamentalist
[ ] Satanist
[ ] "Expert"
[ ] Wannabe
[X] Dumbass
[X] Waste of Skin/Gray matter/Blood
[ ] Other:

You Are Being Flamed Because:
[ ] You imported another debate into this post
[ ] You obviously don't know anything about the topic at hand
[ ] You posted a 'Top 10' post.
[ ] You posted a 'Religion' post
[ ] You started a long, stupid thread
[ ] You continued spreading a long, stupid thread
[ ] Your post is absurdly off topic for where you posted it
[ ] Your lack of understanding of the fundamentals is disgusting
[ ] You posted a 'Lord of the Rings' post
[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[ ] You posted low-IQ flame bait
[ ] You posted a blatantly obvious troll
[ ] You followed up to a blatantly obvious troll
[ ] You said "X rules, Y sucks" and gave no support for your lame statement
[X] You make no sense
[X] You made a post yet failed to say anything
[X] Your sig/alias/avatar is dreadful
[ ] Your post contained nothing but psycho-babble.
[ ] You are claiming that you know more than Newton, Ohm, Pavlov, etc.
[ ] Your awful markup made the post unreadable
[ ] You made a baseless assertion
[ ] YoU tYpEd SoMeThInG lAmE lIkE tHiS
[ ] You say you're 'L33t liek Jeffk.', Or your spelling is so bad that no one can read it.
[ ] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally worthless that you are being flamed anyway

To Repent, You Must:
[X] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea what you're doing
[ ] Stop masturbating for a week
[ ] Read every group you posted to for a week
[X] Give up your AOL account
[ ] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it
[ ] Tell your Mommy to up your medication
[ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor (monitor must be plugged in)
[ ] Actually post something relevant
[ ] Read and memorize the FAQ
[ ] Print your home phone number in your ads
[ ] Be the guest of honor in alt.flame for a month

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:
[ ] Blow me
[X] Get a clue
[ ] Get a life
[X] Go away
[ ] Grow up
[X] Never post again
[ ] I pity your dog
[ ] You need to seek psychiatric help
[X] Morons like you give ammo to pro-censorship morons
[ ] Yer momma's so fat/stupid/ugly that etc...
[X] Take your gibberish somewhere else
[ ] Go back to school and actually learn something
[X] Learn how to post or get off the site
[ ] All of the above

2003-06-26, 01:14 AM
the, "fill in your flame" form got old quite a long time ago

2003-06-26, 01:16 AM

Isn't that called the auto-response form or soemthing like that...?

2003-06-26, 03:08 AM
How do you get those. Shurely you diddnt type that in all by hand.

2003-06-26, 03:31 AM
Originally posted by Jaged
How do you get those. Shurely you diddnt type that in all by hand.

I'll laugh if he did. :D

2003-06-26, 03:44 AM
1- It's the auto-reply form (i have v1.0).

2-It's as simple as hitting CTRL + C and CTRL + V. :D

2003-06-26, 03:52 AM
Awsome, where do you get it?

2003-06-26, 03:54 AM
Make a new .txt file
select the one form above
hit "ctrl + c
select teh .txt file and hit "ctrl + v"
delete teh "X"'s currently inside the boxes
You got it!


NightWalker XI
2003-06-26, 03:56 AM
Is this one of those "nt" topics?

2003-06-26, 12:47 PM
i was playing doom last night

2003-06-26, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by lightfire
i was playing doom last night

I vote for a temp ban on this spammer.


2003-06-26, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by 1024
Make a new .txt file
select the one form above
hit "ctrl + c
select teh .txt file and hit "ctrl + v"
delete teh "X"'s currently inside the boxes
You got it!

Indeed, just make sure you delete and put a space or you will have a b0rked form. :p