View Full Version : Teamspeak and IRC room

2003-06-26, 12:04 AM
Hey guy's, just thought I would drop a note and say hey, since I can't seem to connect to the teamspeak room...or irc room. Not sure if there down or if they have moved without letting me know...HAMMMA! Hehe, just wanted to say to the friends that I have gotten to know, I'm not avoiding you..been busy..and like I said I can't connect to anything anymore:) Let me know what I need to do, and until then....see you in game!


2003-06-26, 12:27 AM
Nice to see ya' Briley, damn fine game you made ;]

The Eternal
2003-06-26, 01:06 AM
Hey Briley,
Havent seen you around in a while, IRC Server is Down from what I've "Heard" I was told issues would be resolved tonight but they don't look like they are.

If your Ever in the neighborhood, Check me out on Konreid I play as Anabus.

Your Personal Bouncer TheEternal

I got some picts of squeeky you might find funny... I'll post em later...

2003-06-26, 01:22 AM
:sidenote: whats the address for he PSU TS server?

2003-06-26, 01:24 AM
It's the CDL teamspeak, not PSU.

2003-06-26, 01:34 AM
...well can you give me the server address? ..or am i gonna need a password to get in that i can't have...?


The Eternal
2003-06-26, 02:08 AM
I know it, But Hamma would kill me and Ban me If I were to tell you, So I'm not.

Now that I think about it, I don't remember it, But it went some thing like... [edited by Hamma] BAN

2003-06-26, 08:41 AM

I had often wondered about the occasional TS comment. If you guys do have a public TS server available, please let me know. I'd love to get connected to it during the work day when I'm not too busy for a PS fix.


2003-06-26, 09:18 AM
You can do something for me Briley. Next time you see Dave, ask him if he knew that he talked to 2 Tribalwar staffers in the SOE booth at E3 without getting beat up.

He should have recognized one of us. He was either playing dumb or hoping we were dumb and didn't know who he was (we were wearing Tribes shirts after all ;))

2003-06-26, 10:42 AM
Heh, hey yogi...long time no talk. Suprised he made it out alive, considering those tribalwar guys:) Never told me you were going to be at the SOE booth at E3. Hamma send me a email to let me know the passwords and such so I can jump in again, you should still have it. Otherwise just pm me in this forum..thanks again.



2003-06-26, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by BrileyPS
Heh, hey yogi...long time no talk. Suprised he made it out alive, considering those tribalwar guys:) Never told me you were going to be at the SOE booth at E3. Hamma send me a email to let me know the passwords and such so I can jump in again, you should still have it. Otherwise just pm me in this forum..thanks again.



I haven't been up on the PSU TS server since late in beta.

We were able to sneak into the SOE booth with their uber special "Access Granted super secret blacklight" system. If I would have said "I know Briley so let me in" to the big tough looking guy with the dark sunglasses would he have let me in? ;)

We were able to get into the event as "Media" because technically Tribalwar is a "real" news site since we incorporated it about a year ago. That's makes us "in the business" and elligible to get in.

We talked to Terrence Yee I believe for a bit. Turns out he was an old school triber too. We found out we were going to dinner with the same people that night too. Weird how things like that happen.

2003-06-26, 01:56 PM
TS isnt down that i know of..

ANd its not a public server :p