View Full Version : Did the Chicken or the egg come first?

2002-12-30, 04:27 AM
Did WW2 online come first or Planetside cause one is based off the other and i dont know which it was but they both got 1 hell of a idea ww2 online u fight in europe and this 10 contients well heck im canceling ww2 online for this :) planetside has alot of the things the same but better :) u can get out of cars and vehicles while the only way on ww2 online is to crash or die and u immeditatly spawn in those vehicles but 1 good thing about ww2 online is the evoling of weapons have great weapons i myself play axis...Hail Hitler.... lol the ww2 online website is here check it out www.wwiionline.com wouldn't u perfer this over that game? lets put it this way planetside is gonna put ww2 online out of buisness so CRS better pack up the bags playnet is gonna make space for planetside :) and ww2 online isnt lookin so good... but it depends on how much the planetside is gonna cost if it costs more then ww2 online then thats a problem cuzz id rather pay 10.00 then 20.00-30.00 dollars. Planetside hopefully is like ww2 online where patches come out every month with vehicles and upgrades. And 1 other thing TR or NC i cant decide which im gonna join.

2002-12-30, 07:11 AM
Well I agree with you that PS will prob steal moast of WW2�s customers. And about the money thing well sony havent set any specific ammount yet but one guess is between 10-20 US$, I think if they go over 20$ they will lose a lot of customers.



2002-12-30, 08:52 AM
i bet they'll have the price that most pay to play games has...

$12.95 USD pr month

2002-12-30, 09:42 AM
Paragraphs and grammar, please.

2002-12-30, 09:53 AM
Wow... definitely didnt fight my way through that paragraph...

And do you mean the chicken egg or just any egg? Because if you mean any egg, it came first, but a true chicken egg could only be laid by a chicken. The chicken would have to come from the mix of two other animals first, and I don't think we can consider its egg a chicken egg since its parent's weren't chickens. ;)

[I know it wasn't REALLY about the chicken/egg, but I needed to contribute!]

2002-12-30, 09:55 AM
Am I the only one who noticed that about 10 of these threads belong in the lounge? Well time to start another beta thread.

2002-12-30, 10:53 AM
The chicken and the egg it came from are genetically identical. But when a chicken lays an egg, it's genes are slightly different, having inherited them from the father as well as the mother.

So, the egg comes first.

If we trace back.... a long way.... we come to a point where there is an animal which is the ancestor of a chicken, which we wouldn't call a chicken. There must have been some point along the line where the animal resembled a chicken. But this animal had to come from an egg, which had been laid by an animal which didn't resemble a chicken. So the egg is first!

Or something....*whew*

2002-12-30, 10:54 AM
This thread falls under game discussion, I dont think it should be moved :D

2002-12-30, 10:56 AM
what the shit

2002-12-30, 11:07 AM
This is just ... I mean ... just wow ... sigh...

2002-12-30, 12:01 PM


2002-12-30, 12:28 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :nazi: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2002-12-30, 03:09 PM
I don't know which game started first, Sony was teasing us about Planetside way before WW2OL was announced.

2002-12-30, 03:12 PM
mmm fried chicken :p

2002-12-30, 03:15 PM
PS Came first, now let's get back on topic.....


2002-12-30, 04:16 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2002-12-30, 04:32 PM
haha :lol:

2002-12-30, 05:53 PM
i myself play axis...Hail Hitler....

Virtually no one in the Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine or Luftwaffe was a Nazi. They were soldiers. Military and politics don't mesh. They were no more Nazi than you are what your government is, and I'm surprised you still play Axis with that mindset, given that most Axis players are actually informed about the Germans during WW2, and all the Neo-Nazi punks are generally ostracized in short order.

2002-12-30, 08:19 PM
Srry my post sucks i think i was high