View Full Version : Balance issues BESIDES jackhammer
2003-07-02, 01:40 AM
I thought I'd start a thread to dicuss balance issues besides the jackhammer, becuase I'm sick of it, everything that's been said about it has already been said, and its all in the devs hands now anyway.
Well anyways, the first thing that needs mentioning is Anti-vehicle. I have tried both TR striker, and NC phoenix, but haven't tried the lasher or lancer (forget what its called). Now I like the phoenix a lot. It has definite tactical advantages being able to fire beyond line-of-sight. It can even be used to get some intel on enemy positions while being safely out of harm's way. However, the fact that it only holds one missile and has no secondary mode (even a dumb-fire mode would be good) makes it only useful in certain situations (completley useless against air threats, and slightly less useless when a ground enemy is within decent range to fire back). The striker, on the other hand, is much more versatile. Holding three missiles, a lock-on mode (great for AA and AV), as well as a dumb-fire mode (excellent against MAXes at close range). Any TR could easily carry the striker with him at all times, along with a rifle or heavy weapon and be ready for any situation. The same cannot be said for the Phoenix.
The next thing is the Heavy buggy. Again, I haven't tried the VS buggy, but between the enforcer and the marauder, there is no comparison. The marauder's "ground-pounder" gun is essentially a long-range MAX pounder gun with a slower RoF. It decimates infantry like nobodies busineness. The machine gun is also good against vehicles in the hands of the right gunner. Just the fact that you can carry 2 passengers makes it a better buy for the cert points. With the enforcer, you have one slow firing, but powerful gun. without the Anti-infantry capabilites, you won't last long in an enforcer alone. The enforcer has limited applictiaons as a support vehicle for tanks, but in most cases you're better off just going for a harasser and saving the extra cert point. (unless you want to be able to drive a jacked marauder).
Tanks. Most people say that the Magrider is the best tank, but I think the tanks in this game are all pretty well balanced. Although the prowler has the advantage of 2 gunnners, its slower speed makes it an easy target. The vanguard is just kick-ass. And the mag is cool becasue it can go over the water I guess. Sorry I can't say more about tanks, maybe someone else can elaborate.
Heavy weapons I'm skipping, But maxes we can talk about. Since the patch, I think TR and NC Maxes are pretty well-balanced. The max pounder is still the king of towers and bases, but the Falcon rocks outside. The VS, on the other hand, are severely lacking here. The anti-infantry MAX for VS actually requires you to be able to shoot straight unlike the other 2 empires, and the AV VS max fires incredibly slow. The ability to jump is definitely cool when invading towers or bases, and avoiding enemy fire, but whenever you land from a good height, you lose a considerable amount of health. I think they should reduce the health damage a lot and slow the capcitor recharge rate to compensate.
I'd like to hear your opinions.
Well enough of my banter, just thought I'd try to talk about empire-specific items other than the you-know-what.
2003-07-02, 01:59 AM
maruader and enforcer are even. enforcer kills agile in one hit i believe.
maxes VS maxes are fine, their AA ownz, and their mobility makes up for any lacking in power, since they got the clip size upped to 60 on the quasar.
tanks, i believe are perfect
AV thats wut struck a nerve. many believe that the striker requires no skill to use and it is an invincible way of taking down most nething. Problem is, a tree can break ur lock long enough for ur missile to disapeear. And altho clip size is bigger in the striker, the phoneix deals out more damage per hit. Lancer on the other hand is totally unalike the other two. I hate it, but i know its good, cuz i got shot down at least 3 times with it in a reaver today. AV is balanced IMO, dont go nerfing again devs...
2003-07-02, 02:38 AM
I've heard some people say "nerf teh striker it is being 2 overpowered"... Well, just be glad that the Striker is the only Anti-Vehicular weapon that isn't Anti-Infantry. I mean, more NC have fired a Pheonix at me while sitting behind a tree repairing/healing than in a vehicle, and it takes a fair amount of health away (not much, but it can still get you). I can't tell you how many times I've been killed by a Lancer while in combat. It can kill you in three hits (don't deny it). Seeing as it fires semi-rapidly, and is quite accurate, it can even be roughly categorized as a Sniper Rifle.
Everyone tends to classify the effectiveness of vehicles on their fire power. Now, the Marauder is great. It can hold three people, great fire power, but it's somewhat slow and not very agile. The Enforcer can only hold three people, but the rocket launcher on the back it equally powerful (compared to the GroundPounder Launcher on the back of the Marauder), but has the advantage of straight firing (so you don't have to anticipate the position of where it will fire, as the GroundPounder you do), AND the Enforcer is faster, as well as more agile. The Thresher likely has the least amount of fire power, but is extremely agile (being able to strafe, go across water... And whatnot). Since I've only tried it once, I can't compare the speeds.
The empire specific tanks have their own advantages. However, the Prowler is teh 1337 sux. I mean, the only advantage it has over the Vanguard and MagRider is that it can hold three people, wheras the Vanguard and MagRider can only hold two. The Prowler has two guns, a machinegun (much like the secondary fired mode on the Vanguard, but faster), and a degraded version of the Vanguard main cannon. The Prowler's main cannon is the notable weak point. I've tried the Vanguard before, and was able to achieve approximately ten infantry kills before being destroyed, of course, this isn't including the Sunderer I raped in two hits and killed the four or five passengers and gunners (now, I don't know how much armour it had, so don't get too worked up if that's inaccurate). With the Prowler, I basically need to be quite lucky to get four or five kills before Sputty has to get out and repair it. Now on to the MagRider. With this empire specific tank, the main advantage lies within the driver. The driver can show his/her amazing skill by running you down like before you could even hear the bitch. That's why I, an many others fear the MagRider, it can pwn you because it's so fact and agile. One of the things I've seen done by a MagRider driver seems quite efeective (and suicidal). If the MagRider driver finds an AMS, they ram it, and start firing it's driver-controlled gun psychotically until it explodes... Quite effective. My simple solution to the insane ramming of the MagRider is that every vehicle should take a very significant amount of armour taken away when they hit someone. It makes sense, and fixes the 'problem'. There's really no point to dwell on the main cannon of the MagRider, seeing as it's perfectly normal.
On to the MAXs. I can't provide much insight since I never use MAXs... But I'll try. The TR and NC are arguably equal, however, the Pounder can rape if guarding a small area, whereas the Scattercannon MAX can't as well. The AA and AV MAXs seem equal (sorry, I've only used them a few times so I don't know how to compare them.) I think the Vanu MAXs have the main advantage of jetpacking. They can affectively escape eney fire (except Strikers) and get to places where regular MAXs and infantry can't reach (trees, tops of buildings, ect.) which provide effective fire power against those below.
2003-07-02, 02:50 AM
besides the jackhammer getting nerfed or the MCG and lasher getting more energysers .........
the thresher needs help, its the weakest link here. the TR and NC buggies are both equal, u could compare them to the vangaurd an prowler and get smae results, jsut the tanks are more powerful. i dunno, i think the av weapons are ok, i never reall experimented with the lancer, but the striker and phoenix are ok. The maxes are ok, tho the tr aamax has very little affect to infantr or vehicles compared to both nc and vs aamaxs. The hand guns, the repeater could have a faster repeat rate and the beamer could have alittle more power in its secondary fire, the mag should....well, i dunno, stay the same or open the cone alittle. the med assult weapons are all ok.
o ya kno, in offline training on the 2nd one, certs and equiptment. u could buy every cert and try every weapon, but as u kno once u access the weapons term ur body becomes locked. I kno u can shoot much, but u could test the weapons on the wall and see if it should shoot faster, have a smaller/bigger cone, etc (nlike vr training where u shoot a guy that may have 1 health left)
2003-07-02, 03:04 AM
Originally posted by Lilbird2431
maxes VS maxes are fine, their AA ownz, and their mobility makes up for any lacking in power
brzzzzt, WRONG. thank you for playing. do you want to accept your consolation prize now or will you be contesting the judgement with our review panel?
2003-07-02, 03:09 AM
Well for any non-NC playing on Emerald, the biggest single issue now plaguing the game is numbers. The NC currently have more players than VS and TR combined on Emerald. Add that to the fact that the entire NC population just charges in with the badly-in-need-of-nerfing Jackhammer, and the game is simply worthless. I have played much lately on other servers, and though the Hammer is still an obvious issue everywhere, the population problem on Emerald is out of control altogether. Soe really needs to take a look at Population-Capping character registrations as well as logging on to each server. Something needs to be done to discourage the massive defection of TR and VS to NC.
Not that it is ever gonna happen, but I would love to see everyone...every damned TR and VS defect to NC tomorrow. If the whole damned server was NC tomorrow, SOE woudl have no choice but to address this issue.
2003-07-02, 03:20 AM
dont make me defend nc, cause i hate nc.
the hammer aint the problem, still i think nerf or up the mcg and lasher, but u put it like the hammer is the one big mother fucker, nerf it out the game, then every one is gona run to lasher and then the problem is gona be vs, then thats gona get nerfed then ever1 will run for a mcg, that gets nerfed, next will be something of nc again, probly the maxs, then this long chain will continue. the hammer is not a big problem. tho does any1 kno if the servers have spacific empire ammounts (if the server held 60 players, only 20 guys per empire)? dont nerf the jackhammer to hell....only, cool it off alittle......or warm up the mcg and lasher......
2003-07-02, 03:33 AM
Ye, i'm just gonna say my lil bit on tanks. They are clearly not balanced at all. The prowler has to be the worst, really. Yea, it takes 3 ppl, but that one of the biggest disadvanctages ever. Magrider take two people, and the the driver gets a gun, thus two people; huge advantage. The prowler cannon is just pathetic compared to the magrider canon and the vanguard canon, that rips thru ppl in two hits, and the machine guns more or less insignificant....and it's slower. The only good thing I can think about it is it's small...which doesn't really help for much.
Ye, just noticed my sig was removed...can someone tell me what makes a suitable sig/why mine wasn't that? :E
2003-07-02, 03:46 AM
cause ur sig was too big in size, u get 3 warnings, on the third 1 u cant hav a sig (i think). Its on the faq page......i think.....
2003-07-02, 04:01 AM
About the AV weapons, the Phoenix badly need a RoF upgrade. If you want to know why, try to take out an enemy reaver alone (which is fairly easy to do with a striker or a Lancer), and you'll understand.
About Heavy Weapons, I don't understand why all the TR players scream "nerf the Jackhammer". Yes, the JH is lethal at point blanc range, just as it is supposed to be. But a very close range, the MCG kill just as fast. And the MCG effective range is far greater than the one of the JH.
The only HW who need some upgrade is the lasher (RoF?), and it has an advantage the two others have not. Iy's AoE capacity make him able to kill ppl hiding on corners...
About the tanks, the Vanguard is ok, the Prowler might be a little faster, and the Magrider, even if it has less firepower than the 2 other, more than compensate with his agility and improved run over capacity.
2003-07-02, 04:39 AM
In open beta i dont rember any bitching about any of the Heavy Assault Weapons other than the lasher ( they wernt saying nerf it they were saying buff it. and they did)
The Reason the jackhammer is a such a pain now is, 1 guy got it somewhere and was good with it, another NC saw this and got 1 and got good with it then the word spread and now every 1 has one and its gotten silly.
AV Weapons
Class is Balanced
Striker Advantage = Easiest to use & has lock on and Dumb fire modes
Striker Disadvantage= ineffective against infrantry, Have to expose yourself to fire to get lock on & lock on can be lost if target goes out of sight (missiles go into dumbfire mode
Phoenix Advantages = Can Fire from safety, Highest Damage Per shot, fastest Reload time ( its not much but its definatly there)
Phoeniix Disadvantages= 1 shot before reload, no dumbfire mode
Lancer Advantages= Biggest Clip, Fastest Firing, Accurate, Longest Range ( i think), only AV that can kill a MAX without a Reload & Good Against Infrantry
Lancer Disadvantages= Hard to hit Fast moving Targets &akes lots of skill to use up close and personal (Cant think of any thing else)
Heavy Buggies
Enforcer and Maurader are balanced rather well, Threasher is in need of a boost.
Only ways i can think of boosting it are:
More Armour, increase speed, remove the damage it takes when it leaves the vehicle pad ( if it still takes that), give it a passenger seat, bigger gun & second Gun + gunner.
2003-07-02, 06:32 AM
Originally posted by Lilbird2431
maxes VS maxes are fine, their AA ownz, and their mobility makes up for any lacking in power, since they got the clip size upped to 60 on the quasar.
The pounder has stopping power. The scattercannon has stopping power too, albeit less. The quasar cannot engage more than 1 infantry at a time, and thus it is incredibly easy to overwhelm. A pounder can easily keep 5 infantry at bay, whereas 5 infantry (even without AV weapons or explosive weapons) has a very good chance of taking down a Quasar.
A Quasar MAX cannot kill 2 competent striker/phoenix/decimator troopers. A Pounder MAX certainly can, and a Scattercannon is debatable.
I'm sorry, but when your defense of the VS MAXes is that they can use their jumpjets to run away faster, isn't that a sign that something is wrong?
Speaking of suckanimous VS certs, what's the deal with the Thresher? The cannon is a mess, being that you cannot kill a reinforced with a full clip even if you land every shot. The armor on it is abysmal, and the fact that it takes damage for going up or down hills (hi sony, this bug is months old, this is why no one uses threshers even for transport) completely nullifies any "mobility" advantage it has.
My empire has been gimped since the beginning of beta, and it's getting old fast.
2003-07-02, 06:34 AM
how bout they balance our $13 a month with content
that's the only balance issue I'm interested in
2003-07-02, 06:35 AM
Originally posted by Shadowsword8
About Heavy Weapons, I don't understand why all the TR players scream "nerf the Jackhammer". Yes, the JH is lethal at point blanc range, just as it is supposed to be. But a very close range, the MCG kill just as fast. And the MCG effective range is far greater than the one of the JH.
ummm no the MCG has almost no range at all because the COF expands to quikly and it also does not even comare to the JH dmg at close range. Get you facts right then come back.
2003-07-02, 07:15 AM
+ = Needs luvin'.
- = Nerf or redesign.
TR Pounder (-): Design flaw to stick an AI MAX with an area weapon of this magnitude in the game. Many a time I die before I even get to see it.
TR Striker (-): The best AV weapon there is. Easy to use, hits everything, high ROF. Do something! Either slow down the ROF or make it a one shot lock - can only get one lock per missile. (Or... give some luvin' to the other factions AV weapons.)
TR Mini-Chaingun (+): Tighten COF.
TR Prowler (+): IMO it was a mistake to make this a 3 man crew vehicle. It should be 2 as the other factions. (It's almost impossible at times to even find 1 gunner for Your vehicle! Consider getting 2...)
NC Phoenix (+): Very slow ROF (but good punch). Either speed up the ROF a bit, or give it a secondary dumbfire mode, which would help it indoors.
NC Sparrow (-): The fire and forget on this thing is just nuts. Either tone that aspect down, or jack up the other factions AA MAXs.
VS Comet (+): Make the damage over time orbs actually stack! (Another design flaw.)
VS Starfire (+): Speed up the orbs and lessen the damage they lose over distance. (I believe this MAX has the same stacking issue too, as the Comet one does. Yet another design flaw.)
VS Knife (+): The knife should either hum OR glow in secondary mode - not both!
VS Beamer (+): Either up the damage per shot considerably, or up the ROF/clip size.
VS Lasher (+): Double the speed of the orbs... Hell, triple the speed - and up the damage each orb makes (and forget all about the lashing concept - it's stupid). This weapon is currently outdamaged by other factions MA weapons in its intended range!
VS Lancer (-/+): Lower the AI damage on it (say 25% to 50%) and up the same percentage towards AV. Something like 5 shots to kill a reinforced, 4 to kill a MAX, and about a full clip for a Reaver (6).
VS Thresher (+): Takes damage from everything, low armor and has a hopelessly underpowered gun. Fix it!
2003-07-02, 08:45 AM
'VS Lasher (+): Double the speed of the orbs... Hell, triple the speed - and up the damage each orb makes (and forget all about the lashing concept - it's stupid). This weapon is currently outdamaged by other factions MA weapons in its intended range!
Not on your life!
2003-07-02, 08:58 AM
Not on your life! Is it that You don't believe me when I say that the Lasher is outdamaged by other factions MA weapons, or that You think that the Lasher is perfect as it is and that it deserves no boost? (Or what?)
2003-07-02, 09:40 AM
I think the lasher is perfectly fine. At close range I have to be very careful not to be killed by it.. hell if it's flat land with no cover me and my cycler using ass are prolly screwed :)
The 'lashing' works as intended too and it's pointless IMO. The gits tend to shoot at me when I hide behind a tree to r/l and it lashes me bad =/
In very short range.. i see it regually 3 or 4 people back and kill most of them.. it's already pretty god damn deadly.
If the orbs were quicker I wouldn't have a hope in hell of suriving the lasher most of the time I enconter it.. it would be too good at too long a range. I *honestly* think it's balanced, because I've had some great fights around tree's against lasher users that were tense. Sometimes I win, sometimes they win. But god damn dnt speed up the orbs!
2003-07-02, 09:49 AM
Sticking to the topic, I can't really say anything about tanks, except i wish i knew the point of the prolwers double cannon, it doesn't appear to shoot any faster than a vanguard.
The AV weapons seem balanced enough. They all have their strong points and people seem to have figured em out use em for it, although the striker is still my favorite, u dont even have to shoot, just point and the missle lock scares any air away.
2003-07-02, 09:58 AM
AtomicBanana: Ok - I honestly do believe that You believe the Lasher to be quite a good weapon. But believe me when I say - it ain't!
I've used it - hell I wrestled with the damn thing - over the course of a few days (3 to 4) and my kill rate simply plummeted. I got owned like I've never gotten owned before. I saw hilarious stuff that happend due to the slow orb speed alone (not even mentioning the sub par damage output) and I woulda laughed my lip off, if I hadn't been so frustrated.
I felt relief when I finally forgot that cert.
I'm not guna lay all that on You, but I will try and look up the tests, that a guy did, on the official boards. He did thorough tests on all the infantry weaponry, that is currently in the game. Perhaps when You see it presented in hard numbers, You'll believe me.
(I have the link back home [I'm at work now]. I'll try and find it as soon as I possibly can. If someone has the link to the tests, mentioned above (was presented in an Excel sheet), I'd be very grateful if You posted it for AtomicBanana to see.)
2003-07-02, 10:24 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Knuckles
TR Pounder (-): Design flaw to stick an AI MAX with an area weapon of this magnitude in the game. Many a time I die before I even get to see it.
The Pounder is an AV max.
2003-07-02, 10:29 AM
The Pounder is an AV max. Well at least it used to be.
The devs decided to let the TR Pounder and TR Dual Cycler switch roles (anyone: was this in late beta?). The reason was that it was so hard to hit vehicles by lobbing grenades. So now the Pounder is AI, while the Cycler is AV.
2003-07-02, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by Knuckles
The devs decided to let the TR Pounder and TR Dual Cycler switch roles (anyone: was this in late beta?). The reason was that it was so hard to hit vehicles by lobbing grenades. So now the Pounder is AI, while the Cycler is AV.
That was in late beta, yes.
The amusing part is that the pounder is still AV (and AI!) and the dual-cycler is still AI (and AV!) so it's not like anything really changed except they're both still ridiculous.
2003-07-02, 11:15 AM
For AtomicBanana (and anyone that's interested) here are the test data I mentioned earlier:
The thread on the official forums:
The link to the excel sheet/data itself:
As the author says:
All data is against reinforced. Do take a look...
2003-07-02, 11:46 AM
I am mostly disturbed by the Vanu MAXes. First, our jumpjets. It is really messed up, because sometimes you can jump two feet and lose half of your entire capacitor, or jump 10 and lose nothing. Also, the thing recharges so slowly that it is of no use in combat. Our MAXes can not do anything other than what they were meant to do, and even so dont do it very well. (Comet max does almost nothing to infantry, while a falcon will tear through, and so will a dual cycler, and even so, a comet barely hurts vehicles) Also, the AV and AA clips are so small, 10 and 8 respectively, and it takes multiple reloads to take down a vehicle or aircraft. The starfire (AA) shots move VERY slowly (it might be lag, but sometimes it appears that they slow down in mid-air) to the point where reavers dont even have to use afterburners to get away, and the max must keep its crosshairs on it at all times.
::phew:: glad thats over :)
2003-07-02, 12:01 PM
Re: Magrider.
I've spent the good part of my last 4 game sessions in this bad-boy.
To clarify - it only has one EFFECTIVE gun (the gunner's). The little machine gun the driver has is nigh worthless. Since the MOUSE controls steering, it is just about impossible to keep the crosshairs on target since the magrider is always sliding around.
I get about 3-4 HITS per clip of ammo. No kills.
At least this gun gives me, the driver, something to do while my gunner is flailing away at the baddies and I'm slip-sliding sideways to avoid trouble (until I slam into a rock or tree, of course).
Happy lil Elf
2003-07-02, 12:18 PM
Sticking to the topic, I can't really say anything about tanks, except i wish i knew the point of the prolwers double cannon, it doesn't appear to shoot any faster than a vanguard.
Then either A) You've never gunned a Vanguard B) You've never gunned a Prowler or C) You've never gunned either and are guesstimating from seeing them shoot. The Vanguard has a very slow ROF, much more slow than the Prowler.
So much misinformation in this thread >_<
2003-07-02, 12:45 PM
My main character is an BR 16 NC on Emerald. A couple days ago I made a VS on Markov because I wanted to play with the lancer and get some practice.
The imbalance isn't even funny. With even numbers the VS were getting rolled over almost effortlessly (other factors such as command organization etc. I really have no clue of).
Gauss vs. Pulsar: No contest. Gauss still wins. I think the Pulsar should be more accurate than it is right now. Gauss is my primary weapon on emerald, so when I use the pulsar and can't kill anything using the same tactics, its kinda sad.
Phoenix: The phoenix does not need a dumbfire mode. Holy crap...I was shooting with my pulsar from a tower top under siege, and I got hit by 6 phoenix missiles while being infantry in reinforced. I've used the phoenix a lot, since BR 8 or so. The only drawback is that you are vulnerable and can't move while firing. The RoF isn't too bad. I'm not afraid of any MAX if I have surge and Phoenix. It only takes 3 and not even a Dual Pounder indoors frightens me anymore. After taking it in the rear as a VS infantry, I've realized the Phoenix is fine the way it is.
Lasher: My stepmom came into the room and brought me cookies, looked at the screen, and said, "Whatever that thing is that's shooting those purple orbs, they need to move faster!" Ok, that didn't really happen but everyone and their mom agrees they need to move faster.
I think Emerald's population is proof that TR and VS(well especially VS) could use a few upgrades. A lot of People(not all so if you're an exception don't get offended =P), go for the easy stuff, and after playing VS for a little bit, I'm pretty sold on the fact that NC has the "easy life" right now.
2003-07-02, 01:37 PM
I'll pour over the the able in more detail later... but seems to be the the DPS of the lasher is pretty good.. as in consistantly pretty high.
While those tables are good.. I dnt think they are magical answers to balance... I'm going to have a think about it when I play tonight though :)
2003-07-02, 02:45 PM
CrazyCrazy, I really hate you. All this thread has done is made people complain and argue. While all these people know their whining won't do any good. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, to all of you.
Theres one thing i really hate about being a TR. They made the dual cycler a anti veicle weapon and the gernade launcher an anti infantry weapon. They said it was more realistic that way, but i dont see how its realistic to use machine guns to kill tanks and explosives to kill infantry. It might be realistic in some technical way but it doesnt feel right.
Happy lil Elf
2003-07-02, 03:45 PM
Because they aren't shaped charges, they're (supposedly) fragmentation grenades. Fragmentation grenades have almost no effect on heavy armor at all but at the same time destroy infantry. Depending on the type of chain/minigun and the rounds they use they can be very very effective against heavy armor ( take the A-10 for example). Now yes technically a minigun that can rip into tanks should slaughter infantry but that's where the balancing of the game takes over reality.
But on the other hand, in real life, you dont often see people using bullets to stop armored veicles. You also don't see explosives exclusivley used against infantry. If you'r new to the game and decide between a cycler or pounder max, if the person wanted to fight veicles im pretty sure he would think the pounder is the anti veicle weapon.
Besides, i think people would generally be happier if they took back that change they made and had the explosives for veicles and bullets for infantry, maybe there should be a poll for it.
2003-07-03, 08:43 AM
it's kind of a moot point when both MAXes are AI/AV. pounder just makes a better AI because it can wipe out every single soldier in a hallway in seconds where as the poor DC actually has to center on them one at a time for a few seconds.
2003-07-03, 12:10 PM
I know what you the manual (i know its crap...), it states that the pounder is effective against both infantry and vehicles, and it states that the dual cycler is effective against both infantry and vehicles...oh yea, thats fair...
2003-07-03, 01:05 PM
yea they are both effective on parked vehicles
2003-07-03, 10:29 PM
kinda like our AV max...projectiles go slow, and the clip is so damn small that by the time you reload the enemy is gone.
Originally posted by Crono
I can't tell you how many times I've been killed by a Lancer while in combat. It can kill you in three hits (don't deny it). Seeing as it fires semi-rapidly, and is quite accurate, it can even be roughly categorized as a Sniper Rifle.
I;m gald i'm not the only one who thinks this. That thing is CRAZY AS FUCK! ITs Good against Infantry, Vehicles, and Air. Now, with all of these guns being calssed nto AI, AA, and AV, is this right?
2003-07-04, 12:00 AM
I know. the lancer's so lame - it's almost like how the jackhammer rips through infantry/MAXes or how the striker completely nullifies any vehicle/MAX threat!
2003-07-04, 01:36 AM
not to mention its really hard to use (almost impossible) to use against moving infantry, so if you got owned by it, its because you weren't moving (which goes against the #1 rule of all FPS players-dont stop moving).
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