View Full Version : Mike's Insane Sauce
2003-07-02, 12:16 PM
To whoever mentioned this stuff to me: I will worship you forever.
I fully expect some bleeding heart liberal organization to start fighting for this stuff to be made illegal, its that good.
Ive put it on everything (and i mean everything) ive eaten in the past week. Scrambled eggs, omelettes, tuna casserole, Arby's Giant Roast Beef Sandwiches, swedish meatballs... EVERYTHING!! Nothing beats eating your favorite food with the added bonus of having your mouth on fire and your eyes watering :)
Actually since ive started using it ive developed a resistance. I can now add a half teaspoon to almost anything I eat and im even starting to push that.
The only downside? Ive been plagued by an upset tummy for the past 5 days straight. Nothing major, just a slight rumbling and grumbling. Something inside of me is not agreeing with that stuff :)
Anyway, thanks again! And i seriously recomend this to anyone who likes spicy food.
Tomorrow im gonna make Lamb Vindaloo (an indian curry dish, very hot) and add some of the sauce. Ive already told my GF what she should put on my tomb stone.
2003-07-02, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by TekDragon
I fully expect some bleeding heart liberal organization to start fighting for this stuff to be made illegal, its that good.
actually it's conservatives who think out of their heart instead of their head. kthx.:rolleyes:
btw hot sauce owns.
2003-07-02, 12:22 PM
It is well hot! My mate let me try a pipettes worth and it burned the fuck outta my tongue!
2003-07-02, 12:49 PM
got weed in it?
where can i get soem i love spicy food
cajun food kicks ass too
2003-07-02, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by diluted
actually it's conservatives who think out of their heart instead of their head. kthx.:rolleyes:
You sir, are an idiot. An uneducated, idiot.
Conservatives are the ones that will kill 200 iraqi civilians so long as it means that 1000's will stop dying each year and millions will no longer worry about being raped/beaten/murdered/opressed.
Liberals are the ones that will point at the 200 iraqi civilian casulties and say "see? We shodnt of gone in there, we murdered civilians".
Conservatives are the ones that dont give a SHIT if food was genetically engineered so long as the genetic engineering allows greater production to help feed starving children.
Liberals are the ones who say that those starving children should die because that genetically altered food isnt religiously correct.
Conservatives are the ones who look at nuclear energy facilities and see clean, efficient, safe, and cheap energy production.
Liberals are the ones who look at nuclear energy facilities and think the word "nuclear" means its a polluting radioactive death facility plaguing the land.
Conservatives are the ones who realize that gun laws only keep guns out of the hands of people who obey laws.
Liberals think that a rapist who does not have a gun will not rape, and that a murderer who does not have a gun will not murder. Liberals also think that having a gun in your home turns a person into a psychotic murderer.
Conservatives are the ones that, deep down, embrace personal freedom and capitalism.
Liberals are the ones that, deep down, embrase socialism and communism.
2003-07-02, 12:58 PM
Dave's Insanity Sauce is pretty darned hot. However, some folks (not me) look down on it for being an extract or concentrate. There are hotter concentrates.
Hot Sauces are measred in Scoville units. You can read about them here. ( Simply Googling for "Scoville units" will get you a lot of on-line hot sauce store hits.
Here's some sample levels:
0-100 Scoville Units includes most Bell/Sweet pepper varieties.
2,500-5,000 Scoville Units includes Jalapeno & Mirasol peppers.
30,000-50,000 Scoville Units includes Cayenne & Tabasco peppers.
200,000 to 300,000 Scoville Units includes Habanero peppers.
Around 16,000,000 Scoville Units is Pure Capsaicin.
Dave's clocks in at around 51,000 - 80,000 scoville units, according to different retailers.
One extract is advertised at being 7.1 million scoville units. Note that almost all these extracts are not designed for direct consumption, as they would actually hurt you.
Personally, Dave's is a too hot for me - I'm not a pure heat buff. I do like "Rooster Sauce" ( It's made with serrano chiles at 5,000-15,000 Scovill units.
2003-07-02, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by GonePostal
got weed in it? where can i get soem i love spicy food. cajun food kicks ass too
No, it doesnt have weed in it. However, i imagine it would be relatively easy to make marijuana ghee (cooked down butter) and add that to a spicy recipe.
I dont like mixing my pleasures though. Drinking and weed are bad, in my opinion. And id rather keep my weed seperated from my heart stopping spicy food :)
If your wondering where to get Mike's Insane Sauce just type it in at Google or Yahoo.
If your wondering about Vindaloo, well.. heres the recipe.
1 large onions
5 medium potatoes
1 "london broil" beef thingy from your supermarket (dont know exact weight, but get one them and youll have the right weight. Plus they have very little fat to trim)
ALTERNATE: use an equal amount of lamb, deer, or shrimp meat instead of the beef
1 28 oz can of crushed tomatoes
1 14-16 oz jar of Vindaloo Curry Paste (or Hot Curry Paste)
1. Dice the onion and put it in a pot or deep pan with some olive oil. Brown the onions.
2. While onions are browning cube meat and potatoes.
3. Put potatoes in a pot of boiling water to pull the starch out and soften the potatoes.
4. Put the cubed meat into the pan with the browned onions and simmer until the meat is browned evenly on the outside.
5. Pour in the vindaloo/curry paste and stir until an even coat is around all the meat.
6. Pour in the tomatoe sauce and stir, let simmer.
7. Drain potatoes and pour them into the pan/pot with the vindaloo.
8. Let simmer for 45 minutes (35 if shrimp) stirring every 5-10 minutes.
Serve with white rice and some bread (preferably home baked, but a nice italian loaf from your supermarket works good too).
Should be enough for a medium family. I usually make a double batch to last me a few days.
2003-07-02, 01:15 PM
hahaha nice
2003-07-02, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by TekDragon
Liberals are the ones that, deep down, embrase socialism and communism.
what's wrong with communism?
it's a good central idea, and it certainly made russia an economic power. the only reason it didn't really work as well as it should have was because of their constant food shortages, which prevented them from becoming self-sufficient, and because all of their dictators were only concerned with themselves.
even the founding fathers hated democracy, because it meant mob rule.
2003-07-02, 01:55 PM
Hey, cocksmokers, get your politics out of the lounge. kthnxdrvthru
2003-07-02, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Robot
what's wrong with communism?
it's a good central idea, and it certainly made russia an economic power. the only reason it didn't really work as well as it should have was because of their constant food shortages, which prevented them from becoming self-sufficient, and because all of their dictators were only concerned with themselves.
even the founding fathers hated democracy, because it meant mob rule.
Jesus christ! People like you should be executed. There needs to be laws requiring education before forming an opinion.
1. Its not a good central idea for the human race. ALL human beings are different. We are motivated by different things and through our genetics have dispostions to certain things. Communism would be a "good central idea" only if we were all identical robots.
2. Food shortages were prevalent, yes. But do you know WHY? Of course not. Allow me to educate you. Russia had plenty of food. The southern areas of Russia were a literal bread basket. The most fertile soil in the world can be found in south western Russia. The reason why their was starvation was because of the innate nature of communism. Merchants were only allowed to sell limited amounts of bread because the bread makers were only allowed to make limited amounts. Why? Because grain suppliers codnt sell grain to where it was needed. They could only sell X amount to area X. They were guaranteed X amount of money so long as they continued to supply X amount of grain. Even if the place they were selling the grain too had a huge surplus of bread and another place had people dying of starvation. They would be executed for trying to ship the grain to where it was needed (thats called supply and demand, and its capitalism).
3. Russia had a shit poor economy. Anyone that thinks otherwise barely skimmed their history texts. Corruption ran rampant through the soviet union and the sattelite nations. Communism simply doesnt work. Go to Czech Republic or any of the other former Soviet satelites. They are STILL suffering from the corruption and attrocities commited through communism.
Robot, heres an idea. Go to your library. Pick up a book. Read it. Dont just fukin read some blurb on a website about communism and decide its "cool".
Get a fucking education before you make an opinion.
2003-07-02, 01:57 PM
I saw the title of the thread "Mike's insane sauce" and shook my head :lol: :nod: ;)
2003-07-02, 02:05 PM
Welcome back Squeek.
Robot, what another example for your education?
In a communist town each villager is assinged to a doctor. Each doctor is given an equal number of people regardless of his skill or population density in the area.
Lets say an outbreak or major accident happened in one area of the city. An incompetent doctor could get FLOODED with sick or wounded people. They could be lined up on stretchers outside his office.
The other doctors in the town could have almost no patients, but guess what? They codnt take a single one of the original doctor's patients.
Why? Because the communist leaders would say that the other doctors were stealing patients from the orignal doctor and were beeing greedy. Any doctor that attempted to help those injured or sick would be executed.
Yeah, Robot. Its a perfect fucking system all right.
2003-07-02, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by TekDragon
Welcome back Squeek.
Thx, wanna go smoke a blunt with me? :p
2003-07-02, 02:13 PM
Your too young lil man. Wait till your in your senior year of high school once youve got the GPA and SAT scores you need to get in the college of your choosing.
Once that happens, get stoned out of your mind every day. Go to school blazed as fuck and feel free to ask your Physics teacher to explain which Newton Law explains how fucking high your getting (personal experience).
Let go of it all your senior year Squeek, but not a minute earlier. Every class you take now is important to your life and you want to remember every tidbit of it.
The asshole communist lover above is a perfect example of why you should pay attention in your history class instead of staring at the thighs of the chick next to you.
Originally posted by TekDragon
Jesus christ! People like you should be executed. There needs to be laws requiring education before forming an opinion.
Wow, nice super flame, now please take your politics out of this thread, it is supposed to be about hot sauce. I hear enough narrow minded people like you when I watch Fox news, or as I like to call it, "Comedy Central 2".
Anyway, hot sauce is good. I am gonna look around the web some, never really thought of buying some over the internet.
2003-07-02, 02:30 PM
Fine, but i just realized i hadnt read the last sentence of his post. I need to respond to it now.
even the founding fathers hated democracy, because it meant mob rule.
You idiot!! I hate you!!
Why the hell would you even mention this as a comparison to communism?! The United States is NOT a fucking democracy!!! Its a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC!!! Theres a huge fucking difference.
The founding fathers not liking democracy as a point to why communism is good is about as stupid as saying that because Europe doesnt like GM foods, that little children should starve.
They didnt like tyranny. They didnt like monarchy. They didnt like communism. They didnt like democracy. Therefore they created a democratic republic.
Got Education?
2003-07-02, 02:33 PM
Allow me to reiterate:
ATTENTION COCK SMOKERS (this means you), Stop posting politics in the Lounge. There is a forum just for that, where you can wax poetic with broken logic all day long.
2003-07-02, 02:33 PM
Cut the shit Tek, will you ever stop flaming people for their own opinons?
2003-07-02, 02:34 PM
god you're such an idiot asshole. think out of your heart? i think so. what jurisdiction is it that we go in and save iraqi citizens? the conservative 'OH WE GOTTA SAVE THE PEOPEL EVEN THO WE ARENT SEURE TAHT SADEM KILLS TEM SURE THERS BEEN ONLY 1 RECORDED ACT IN HISTORY BUT HEEY1!!!!1'
over half of the examples you listed in response to me were
-completely- wrong. who are against genetic engineering? conservatives. they're bible bashers. who is against flag burning? conservatives. who is against homosexuals? conservatives? why? because you think out of your HEART not your HEAD. you throw away rights for what you think is right. sry try again flamer.''
i could go all day.
2003-07-02, 02:34 PM
douche bag
2003-07-02, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Cut the shit Tek, will you ever stop flaming people for their own opinons?
So long as ignorance is an opinon and stupidity a way of life.. i will never be tolerant, Hamma.
douche bag
2003-07-02, 02:41 PM
BTW: about conservatives being against homesexuals. Heres my opinon on it.
Bush: "What I do support is a notion that marriage is between a man and a woman."
That sums it up nicely for me.
Mariage is an important thing, to be honored and cherished. If same sex marriages are allowed, what next? Marriages between a guy and his cat? No.
2003-07-02, 02:45 PM
HAHAHAHA tek you are my hero
2003-07-02, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by TekDragon
So long as ignorance is an opinon and stupidity a way of life.. i will never be tolerant, Hamma.
:nod: As long as you post on my forums cut the shit. Im getting tired of all the complaints about you flaming everyone for their opinions.
2003-07-02, 02:48 PM
i wrote up a big post addressing every single point, but i decided to go paint the bathroom instead, so if you really want it, i have it saved
anyways, going back to the topic, is it like ketchup?
2003-07-02, 02:51 PM
I'm finding it amusing that Tek is giving Squeeky life guidelines with pot being at its central focus....
2003-07-02, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by ObnoxiousFrog
I'm finding it amusing that Tek is giving Squeeky life guidelines with pot being at its central focus.... I laughed :lol:
Originally posted by ObnoxiousFrog
I'm finding it amusing that Tek is giving Squeeky life guidelines with pot being at its central focus....
It can give you quite an insight on life
2003-07-02, 02:55 PM
HA if you think pot gives you insight wait til you eat shrooms
Yay, Tec managed to take a thread about hot sauce and turn it in to his own personal flamethread. Have a fucking medal. No one wants to hear your narrow-minded conservative bullshit (that is my personal opinion, note I am not calling you an idiot). Keep your opinions to yourself, or atleast in the forum they belong in.
Edit: In the time it took me to wirte this he has been told to stfu multiple times, so now this messege looks dumb.
Hot sauce.
2003-07-02, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by GonePostal
HA if you think pot gives you insight wait til you eat shrooms
t3h shr00ms!! Ive never tried em but my friend swears by em. Ill stick to my lovely herb :)
2003-07-02, 03:14 PM
shrooms are cool teh first time but once is enough to give you a life altering experience and i did them 4 times to many
that and ive tweaked on them before and that aint cool ( think ive tweaked twice actually)
that and you do have flashbacks
2003-07-02, 04:16 PM
The best hotsauce was some shit I got from who knows where, but it's in spanish. MUY BUENO. If you cook with it, it's not hot. IF you put it on food before eating, it's very nice and quite spicy. I need to find the name...
BTW: I'm like King Conservative and I think tek is a moron too. Don't group all conservatives together, just /ignore him.
2003-07-02, 04:40 PM
I like Thai peppers.
Libertarian pwns all.
Take this quiz to see if your one:
Oh, also for you liberal, guess who is asking us to go to war.
For diluted, mass graves have been found. Watch CNN, ABC, NBC, or FOX.
2003-07-02, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by GonePostal
HA if you think pot gives you insight wait til you eat shrooms
Right on man. One time me and my girl friend ate shrooms. After sitting on the couch and staring at the wall for 30 min. The walls started to melt and the little bears from greatful dead started kicking eachother's ass's. We both saw it and laughed like buthead (from beavis and buthaed). Then we got bored and did some freaky animal planet shit. ****Edit******************* ********* ***********Cencered******** *************** ************Edit****. God, I've tried to forget that wierd day. I'm gonna have nightmares now.
2003-07-02, 05:10 PM
We are motivated by different things and through our genetics have dispostions to certain things. Communism would be a "good central idea" only if we were all identical robots. Didn't you hear? That is another thing on the liberals to do list. Everything would be easier if we where all the same. :)
Oh, yeah, communism is great. Lets look past the fact that every communist country has been horribly oppresive and just see how well it works. Hmmmm, well Russi did.... no, they didn't do so well.... I know! Cuba they have wonderfull.... well... cigars and people risking their lives to leave, I guess that is enough to constitute a great society. Communism just doesn't work folks. its not a good idea.
Now socalism on the other hand is a good idea if it wheren't for the fact that human nature is to be evil and take advantage of the easyest possible route. But once again, it doesn't work.
2003-07-02, 05:35 PM
Ok tek someone a while back you were asked if it had any weed in it. And u said u could mix the recipie with butter or something. My friends and I were talking one day about weed and I came up with a brilant Idea (if it would work). Ok u can hikory smoke meat in a shed by burning some wood and it makes it good. What if you could pot smoke a slab of steak???? Then you could add your sause to it.
On a further note communism sucks, Tek is just being very very very patriotic but does flame to much.
2003-07-02, 05:39 PM
if you ever "pot smoked a slab of meat" id be royally pissed or id just ask if i could be smoke with the meat:D
2003-07-02, 06:10 PM
Peacemaker i dont think thats a good idea for a number of reasons.
1. Hickory smoked (or any other type of popular smoking recipe) meat is good for the simple reason that its hickory. It adds a great flavor to the meat. Marijuana smoke simply isnt all that great. Yeah, we enjoy the smell.. but it tastes like crap.
2. If you smoked meat with marijuana smoke you would lose probably 95-98% of the THC.
The best (only?) way to use marijuana in cooking is to turn it into an extract. Butter is the best way to do this and there are many recipes for doing this on the internet. The butter is then used for cooking.
I imagine you could make a thick THC butter and infuse it into the meat before smoking (kinda like you infuse garlic and basil).
Finally, one last thing to think about is that meat is a very heavy food. The digestion process of trying to break down that meat might interfere with the way THC is sifted into the blood stream. With things like brownies and straight butter its easy because those contain mostly plant matter which involve simple carbs and sugars. I imagine the protein in the meat would interfere a great deal.
Best bet? Smoke some meat (i prefer pork infused with garlic) and while its cooking pull up some lawn chairs and smoke some blunts with your buddies. When youve come down off the peak of the high your stomach will be rumbling and that pork will be smelling DAMN good :)
2003-07-02, 06:51 PM
Well i got my motivation together and cubed/trimmed about 2 pounds of beef and put it in a plastic bag.
I added 4 tablespoons of "super hot jamaican jerk sauce" (recipe calls for 2 tablespoons) and 1 tablespoon of the Mike's Insane Sauce.
In 3 hours itll be done marinating and i can toss it in the oven.
Yum :)
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