View Full Version : BS credit card info for free month...

2003-07-02, 08:25 PM
Did anyone use bullshit creditcard info for the first free month? If so, what happened when the free month expired? I am thinking about doing this when i get SWG. Thanks.

2003-07-02, 08:47 PM
Your account deactivates and you need to enter a new CC/Resubscribe

2003-07-02, 09:21 PM
Man i'd laugh my ass off is someone entered a BS CC account but actually landed on a real one. :D

2003-07-02, 09:36 PM
Shortly after I signed up the credit card i used was shut down because it was "compromised" so i had to resignup with my new card :rofl:

2003-07-02, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Shortly after I signed up the credit card i used was shut down because it was "compromised" so i had to resignup with my new card :rofl:

People who send me $5 get REAL creditcard numbers. ;)

2003-07-02, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by Mtx
People who send me $5 get REAL creditcard numbers. ;)

somebody stole my buuusssiiinnnneeessss :D