View Full Version : Teh st00pid is coming

2003-07-03, 01:16 PM
It seems when I play PS, I see more and more of these tards on a daily basis.
You got the people who kill the generator, even after you ask them to stop and tell them that you've already blown the tubes, and the base is already hacked.
Then there are your jammer grenade throwers. Sure...you got ten people crammed into a CC, so how does this guy kill time? By f*cking your implants!
Then there are those people who lay boomers in the CC "for defense". News flash pal: if an enemy gets past the 5 MAXes and 20 other guys, he's God, and I seriously doubt your little boomer is gonna change the tide. All you�re doing is raising the tension in the CC, which is not a good idea. Everyone in the CC already psyched for a zerg rush into the CC. Don�t excite them.
Sometimes, the Jammer throwers and Boomer makers get together for deadly results.
Then, there are those people who think they're doing their empire a favor by forming a new account with a different empire on a different server, and TK everyone in sight. How f*cking stupid can you get?!
Oh, and then threes the whiners. I've got 5 TR on /ignore because after I wasted them they sent me a /tell bitching about how I'm a jackhammer-n00b, and that I'm such a unskilled player that I can only kill by using the "cheese cannon" (BTW, one of them was killed by my sweeper, but he refused to accept it wasn�t a jackhammer, even after I told him to scroll up. He said, "i dont need to i no im right noob")
Next we have those idiots who complain they get grief when they use the thumper inside a tower packed with friendlies and enemies. Don't you just love when you were behind them (he put the nade on 2-sec and it ricocheted backwards) get killed, and then they send you a nice tell saying how stupid you are for "getting in their way".
Now comes the main horde of idiots, the people who are wrong yet refuse to consider any other possibilities. They defend the generator (even if it�s the only way to stop the flow of enemies) because �If the generator is broken, the hack fails, dumbass.� Or how about those who
Or how about the campers? Now lemme explain this, if you are sniper, or snipe with weapons capable of sniping you are exempt from this�you�re supposed to camp, no offense. And camping doesn�t mean hiding in a corner for 30 sec to avoid an enemy MAX, that�s just being smart. Camping is sitting in the CC while there�s a huge battle going on topside. It�s ideal to have a MAX or two in the CC, along with a few others, but the 12 guys who show up after that aren�t really making a difference.

And if that doesn�t prove many of today�s youth aren�t the brightest, I present this as evidence:

2003-07-03, 01:28 PM

2003-07-03, 01:36 PM
:lol: /:rofl: / lmfao (needs a smiley)

2003-07-03, 01:40 PM
:rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: at that pic!

Edit: Pragraphs are your friend revolver ;)

2003-07-03, 06:05 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

oh, thats definately 'pwned' material :lol:

2003-07-03, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by Revolver
It seems when I play PS, I see more and more of these tards on a daily basis.
You got the people who kill the generator, even after you ask them to stop and tell them that you've already blown the tubes, and the base is already hacked.
Then there are your jammer grenade throwers. Sure...you got ten people crammed into a CC, so how does this guy kill time? By f*cking your implants!
Then there are those people who lay boomers in the CC "for defense". News flash pal: if an enemy gets past the 5 MAXes and 20 other guys, he's God, and I seriously doubt your little boomer is gonna change the tide. All you�re doing is raising the tension in the CC, which is not a good idea. Everyone in the CC already psyched for a zerg rush into the CC. Don�t excite them.
Sometimes, the Jammer throwers and Boomer makers get together for deadly results.
Then, there are those people who think they're doing their empire a favor by forming a new account with a different empire on a different server, and TK everyone in sight. How f*cking stupid can you get?!
Oh, and then threes the whiners. I've got 5 TR on /ignore because after I wasted them they sent me a /tell bitching about how I'm a jackhammer-n00b, and that I'm such a unskilled player that I can only kill by using the "cheese cannon" (BTW, one of them was killed by my sweeper, but he refused to accept it wasn�t a jackhammer, even after I told him to scroll up. He said, "i dont need to i no im right noob")
Next we have those idiots who complain they get grief when they use the thumper inside a tower packed with friendlies and enemies. Don't you just love when you were behind them (he put the nade on 2-sec and it ricocheted backwards) get killed, and then they send you a nice tell saying how stupid you are for "getting in their way".
Now comes the main horde of idiots, the people who are wrong yet refuse to consider any other possibilities. They defend the generator (even if it�s the only way to stop the flow of enemies) because �If the generator is broken, the hack fails, dumbass.� Or how about those who
Or how about the campers? Now lemme explain this, if you are sniper, or snipe with weapons capable of sniping you are exempt from this�you�re supposed to camp, no offense. And camping doesn�t mean hiding in a corner for 30 sec to avoid an enemy MAX, that�s just being smart. Camping is sitting in the CC while there�s a huge battle going on topside. It�s ideal to have a MAX or two in the CC, along with a few others, but the 12 guys who show up after that aren�t really making a difference.

And if that doesn�t prove many of today�s youth aren�t the brightest, I present this as evidence:


Oh my god I gotta try that!

2003-07-04, 03:42 AM
Wow, that kid is stupid. :doh:

NightWalker XI
2003-07-04, 04:01 AM
*kid doesn't realise he could break a rib and that could puncture his lung/heart*

*NW realises kid is retarded to do that in the first place*

What a fool :rolleyes: :eek:

2003-07-04, 04:39 AM
I actually feel comforted when I see a picture like this.

Reminds me that Darwin was right :p

2003-07-04, 04:59 AM
Wait a sec, is that pic photoshoped? It kind of looks like it. It is funney as hell photoshoped or not, thought.

2003-07-04, 05:56 AM
:rofl: :lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: and a :O_O: for that pic

it dont look photoshoped, but what do I know