View Full Version : Where do these crack pots come from?
2002-12-30, 04:55 PM
Why is it that piss poor parents seek to find an outlet to lay blame upon when their parenting skills fall short, and their maladjusted child has poor social skills?
First off here is the subject of my rant:
Mothers Against Vidioegame Addiction and Violence.
First off I have been playing video games for about 24 years since my parents brought home an Atari 2600 when I was 5, and I am a well adjusted adult with a good job, and a fine life.
Acording to their site I should be a homicidal woman beater because of the games that I have played. To them I say this:
Did you ever stop to think that little Jhonny might lack in social skills, because you home school him? How about because your not involved in his life at all so he has no one to drive him to little league? Did you concider that it's you that have neglected your children, and the only Social skills they have developed are the friends they have online?
How can you say that "Clans" breed sexist, and rasist behavior? The internet is facelss, and quite often I find myself friends with people that I may not have taken the time to get to know had I met them face to face.
The bottom line is that you are failing as a parent, and are not adult enough to accept blame for your own short comings. It's no wonder you kids have issues. Stay out of my life, and quit trying to pass the blame for your failures on to my Hobbies.
2002-12-30, 05:19 PM
"The multiplayer version of "The Sims," set to debut Tuesday, has been hailed as the first major test of whether subscription-based online gaming can appeal to a mass audience. I thought thats what Everquest and Ultima online did... They have no damn clue what they're talking bout.
Never assume drugs or otherwise is the problem for your child's poor academic performance. Videogame addiction is not to be under-estimated. It is a serious epidemic plaguing our children nationwide. We recommend getting professional psychiatric help :lol: :lol: :lol:
Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) is a digital escape from the real world for emotionally unhealthy and mentally unstable people. It is a place for computer enthusiasts and social outcasts to gather un-bothered and un-harassed by the realities of real life. :lol: :lol: :lol:
This research arrived be so conclusive that the U.S. government Army developed a free videogame to be used as a virtual boot camp and killing simulator :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Here's probably what happens in those women's homes nearly everynight.
Little Tommy: Mommy i'm bored and hungry.
Mom: SHhh leave mommy alone i'm talking to some women online, it's important for you.
Litte tommy walks away still hungry and begins to play GTA dreaming he is running over his mom.
2002-12-30, 05:57 PM
Pretty much lol
2002-12-30, 06:03 PM
Yep. Dio hit the nail on the head. Or something like this.....
"Hey Dad, can you help me with my math?"
"No, I'm watching TV"
"Hey Mom, can you help me with my homework?"
"No. Mommy is too busy right now."
Yep. It's deffinatly the Video games :rolleyes:
2002-12-30, 06:10 PM
�Rewarding players for having sex with, and killing, a prostitute is a frightening example to set."
HAHA That is how it is in real life. Hookers make you stronger and don't mind when you kill them and take their money. Jeez these silly newspeople are sooo out of touch.
"more proof our cause is not in vain"
apparently there was some doubt...
"tainted with online "clans", singling out of people, hatred, racism, and sexism"
Hang on, I was joking earlier but this *is* how the real world is also.....shouldn't you start there?
2002-12-30, 06:41 PM
Mothers Against Crime is so played out. I mean there was no Rape/Murder/Racism/Sexism or anything like that before Video Games.
We all know it was a perfect world before Pong-dora's Box was opened and unleased these demons upon the world.
2002-12-30, 06:44 PM
Pong-dora's Box
nice word
word of the day??? I think so
2002-12-30, 06:50 PM
I aim to please.
2002-12-30, 06:52 PM
Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) is a digital escape from the real world for emotionally unhealthy and mentally unstable people. It is a place for computer enthusiasts and social outcasts to gather un-bothered and un-harassed by the realities of real life.
Is this illegal or something? Or are you just upset that your children are so use to you ignoring them, they don't even bother talking to you now?
Videa games are just another level of Sci-Fi. Pick up a copy of Popular Mechanics, 21st Century Soldier. Most of that stuff was made from Sci-Fi ideas. You think unmanned spy planes are a bad idea? Would you rather you kid risk this life flying that spy plane?
Alot of people get into programing because of video games. Alot of people that play video games lead a half assed happy life. I perfer video games over watching T.V. any day. I don't even watch T.V. BTW. How many hours a day do you spend watching T.V. that could be spent being with your child.
2002-12-30, 07:05 PM
I don't know. Modern ultraviolent games probably do have some kind of lasting affect on kids. With graphics edging closer and closer to photorealism, it stands to reason that whatever the affect is will increase preportionately to the level of immersion, which is what we are all after as gamers.
These women are clearly bored with their collective tennis-wife existence and will seek to fill the void on a pundit box. But just because these gals are as crazy as a Tipper, that doesn't mean they're entirely wrong about the affect that racking up 390 FPH in Bombing Run Instagib might have on a developing mind over a prolonged period.
As people said in this thread (and every time these anti-game groups rear their heads) the ultimate responsibility lies with the individual parent. The gaming industry should do more to equip those parents with what they need to make an informed decision for their own child.
That said, I am not a kid, I don't have kids, and I don't want em. Frag on, my friggidies.
2002-12-30, 07:24 PM
Mother Against Carpel Tunnel Syndrom would be a better use of their time. That's about the only wide spread afliction that gaming can be linked to.
2002-12-30, 08:00 PM
Mothers Against Chronic Masturbation :rawr:
2002-12-30, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Unregistered
Mother Against Carpel Tunnel Syndrom would be a better use of their time. That's about the only wide spread afliction that gaming can be linked to.
Originally posted by BLuE_ZeRO
Mothers Against Chronic Masturbation :rawr:
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...... .....!!!!
2002-12-30, 08:08 PM
/pats self on back for passing up like ten mother/masturbation jokes
2002-12-30, 08:16 PM
You're not supposed to hold them back. Let all the jokes fly! :D
2002-12-30, 08:38 PM
Danger: Do videogames teach people how to kill?
Yes. When videogames were linked to the Columbine high school shooters, a frenzy of new research was launched, in which, one team of researchers discovered that first person shooter games do indeed teach gamers with the basic knowledge of how to kill. This research arrived be so conclusive that the U.S. government Army developed a free videogame to be used as a virtual boot camp and killing simulator.
In the entire "frenzy of new research" only one team came up with results that games can teach the basic knowledge of killing. This statement when looked at closely proves that they are doing a half-assed job of research. Any real researcher would try to have their results confirmed by someone else. This is a propaganda effort, and a poor one at that. If only one research team came up with links between violence and video games, then our point has been proven that video games are not linked strongly with human violence, or at least, not the way they are trying to portray the link.
Have they looked at the news lately?! TV gives the basic knowledge of how to kill. The real world does emulate video games, video games emulate the world. Thas why there are similaritys between killing in a video game and killing in real life. A video game doesnt teach you how to hold a gun, or swing a knife.
2002-12-30, 08:43 PM
Fact: Health studies have found that even those casual gamers suffer from low self-esteem and self-pride compared to their athletic and more socially accepted peers in their same age group. Young gamers were found to be more likely to become lifetime gaming addicts and becoming social outcasts.
... or maybe social outcasts are more likely to play video games. They offer a relaxed atmosphere without the stresses and preasures of what caused them to become social outcasts. At least these messed up people are in their room fraging simulated people than running around killing real prostitutes.
I'm a serious gamer, yet I still have a decent social life, I go to the movies with my friends, hang out, and joke around.
2002-12-30, 08:46 PM
You know, anytime someone kills someone the killer plays video games thats the reason. I wonder how many of the firefighters, police officers and passengers on those planes on Sept. 11 played video games. I bet that the arguement could be made that if one of those passengers had played Flight sim 2003 he could have at least steered the plane away. What about the strategy and leadership games promote? I'm not tarnishing any of their memories, but games have more good virtues than bad.
2002-12-30, 08:58 PM
2002-12-30, 08:58 PM
Well I played top gun doesn't mean I'm able to fly a F-14 into combat. :D
This whole thing about video games being the root of all evil is bs. Angry families of people who were killed for one reason or another are looking for some rational explanation for people's insanity. They may have a right to be angry but they should focus on something a little more productive than taking down the gaming industry.
These are the same kinds of people that bitch about how christmas in schools aren't fair towards their children because they don't celebrate it. For the most part those are women with too much time on their hands. Not saying it's only women but a hell of alot of them are hence the Mothers against (insert useless crusade here).
The time spent on bullshit research like that could be better spent solving real problems. They need to find something worthwhile to spend their time on rather than trying to prove how unfair the world is to you. That's what makes this country a laughing stock at times. It's not the corrupt politicians it's the people that don't get what they want so they form these retarded coallitions to force the government to do what they want. Politicians aren't going to say no because they want to get re-ellected. They're put in positions where there really isn't any other choice but to cave in and agree to their terms. We need to ship people like that to Australia or something. :)
2002-12-30, 09:05 PM
I'm just sayin.... damn you guys.
Seriously though, I have my PPL and if you can land a cessna in that game you are a hell of a lot closer than you would be sans that knowledge. Aww fuck it. I don't care, games suck and can kill us all.
2002-12-31, 03:47 PM
Its a hoax, Penny Arcade ( (gotta love those guys) did a trace on the server and found a Clan website. Whats more, they found this:
2002-12-31, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by BLuE_ZeRO
Mothers Against Chronic Masturbation :rawr: :lol: Leave it to Zero to say something like that.
2002-12-31, 04:55 PM
On one hand it is pretty funny, sounds like something I would do. On the other hand, what kind of College Professor would actually make an assignment where his students are supposed to contribute to the amount of bullshite on the web? Perhaps the kind that gets unlimited free bandwidth and isn't interested in the overall health of the network? Or maybe he just wanted to teach 30 students a lesson about trust and the internet by encouraging them to lie to 30,000?
After further consideration, Zach Lieberman is my kind of arshole. :D
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