View Full Version : New flash

2003-07-05, 05:18 AM
Knoll made a new flash game


NightWalker XI
2003-07-05, 06:19 AM
Wow that game is crap!

(was fun for about 2 minutes tho)

2003-07-05, 09:39 AM

2003-07-05, 09:45 PM
2 player vs. mode now in

2003-07-05, 10:08 PM
:mad: That game is frustratingly hard. It wodnt be bad except for those stupid alien ships that keep runnin out and pwning me.

I imagine its better once you get more powerful engines and guns.. but i cant play it that long.

2003-07-05, 10:09 PM
I was expecting a car.......

2003-07-05, 10:13 PM
Clicked on the knollsoft link. This is my first visit to that site. Right now its loading up the various deaths in the "Anger" series.

Although im disgusted, i cant stop myself from clicking on the deaths. :eek:

2003-07-05, 10:40 PM
Problem with the game is that your guns are so slow. The aliens have a super-chaingun turret that shoots hypervelocity nukes covered in flaming gasoline, and you get a pea shooter,

2003-07-05, 10:42 PM
hehe u can buy faster gun...if you hold out long enuff to wait for the cash ;)

2003-07-05, 10:51 PM
Yea but thats the thing. Your gun is such a shitheap to begin with, who really wants to wait it out while avoiding previously mentioned death cannons the aliens tote around?

2003-07-05, 10:52 PM
If you don't have the patience to wait 2 waves to be able to get the better gun then I pity you when you try to play an RPG

2003-07-05, 10:53 PM
That's why i don't play RPGs then.

2003-07-05, 10:55 PM
I played it till i could get the first gun upgrade. It made the 2 bolts shoot a bit faster.

Do you get any better upgrades later? Like higher spread or rapid fire?

2003-07-05, 10:57 PM
You can upgrade each thing 3 times.

2003-07-05, 11:08 PM
Ok, upgrading weapons sucked. Im gonna try it again and this time try upgrading my sheilds and using the kamakazi approach to asteroid elimination.

2003-07-05, 11:19 PM
Woah that's some real old school shit right there!! :D

Very nice game, hard though. :)

One of my favorite net games, it's amazingly simple but amazingly addictive : http://www.liquidcode.org/worm.html

2003-07-05, 11:21 PM
The worm shoots out radioactive shockwaves when it dies for some reason, other than that a very solid game Dio.

2003-07-06, 12:21 AM
Why is everyone complaining about the aliens? I usualy take them out in one shot. The lasers they fire are easy to dodge/shield and they are big targets that fly straight. I usualy die from running into asteroids, not aliens. NERF THE ASTEROIDS!!!!!1

BTW, that game owns.

2003-07-06, 07:30 AM
wheres the cheats for the games?