View Full Version : Adv Medics
2003-07-06, 02:35 PM
Well, it's about that time i said it would be when you'd start seeing alot more Adv.Medics. In the higher ranks after you get your armor, your weapon for this, your weapon for that, your base skill certs you cant do anything else without, and maybe some trasportation. But i still see alot of ppl who are clueless as to whether an Adv.Medic is even around. So to help things along i thought i'd mention that Medics often? no no no... ALWAYS carry a Medical Applicator. And you can see it too!!! They wear it on their hip in one of them holster slots. Yeah! really!!! It's true!!!111 check t out.
Now in order to be healed. It's just like getting armor repaired using the BANK by an Engi. YOU CAN"T BE MOVING!!!!11
Also...??? These guys are stickin their necks out trying to revive your ass in the middle of a hot zone. They'd really appreciate it if you didn't spawn when they are already halfway done bringing you back.
2003-07-06, 02:57 PM
I had adv medical for about 30 minutes. After that I got sooo irritated spamming "Don't release if you get wacked, I will revive you." No one ever listens. I remember reading a lot of posts saying that reviving is useless when you have an AMS near the base. Well, to that I say. If you are holding a CC waiting for the hack. It's much better to revive someone and get them back into the action. Instead of waiting for them to re-spawn, at a tower or AMS, and be a guy/girl short.
I'll probly get it again once i get to br17. But,'d be nice of there was some Uniform insignia for Adv Medics. People usually process better what they see, rather than what they Read. And, just because you have a medical applicator doesn't mean you can revive. Of course with that, you be painting a big ole target on your back. "Oh Look! an Advanced Medic! Kill him first!" heh
2003-07-06, 03:55 PM
i had adv med for roughly a week before i dropped it for sparrow max (few days before lib came out).
with a good squad, they will usually wait....otherwise i spammed "ADV MED, wait for me to revive" in local chat.
still,not many people waited to be i dropped it :/ ( getting engineer next br)
2003-07-06, 04:20 PM
Adv. Medic is useless if you solo. I'm sorry, but it's the truth. No matter how many times you hit that macro for local chat, people are just going to respawn.
However, if you are a member of an organized squad (most likely not a random, but an outfit) you will find it very useful. Especially if you have voice communication! :) Trust me, I've seen (and done) some amazing things on the battlefield with adv. medical.
2003-07-06, 04:40 PM
yeah thats true if you dont have a good squad/outfit stay away from that cert. However. My outfit, Vanu Alliance has...hmm prolly a squads worth at least of adv medics, and growing. When you communicate, Ts makes it easier, you can defend a cc no prob. Squad of outfitmates, 3-4 avd meds in squad vs. 2-2.5 squads = we win. I am personally an engi and avd medic, so if you are on emerald and near me DONT RESPAWN dammit.
Only with coordination and communication does avd medical pwn.
2003-07-06, 05:43 PM
Advanced Medics are gold in a stealth group. Being an infiltrator yourself and a medic is even better. Some excellent uses are the ability to revive your team if in a stealth squad since no armor reapir is nessecary. As a solo stealth medic hang out with a sniper they'll love you when they find that optimum spot and you're able to keep them there.
2003-07-06, 05:49 PM
I enjoyed my time as an advanced medic. Nothing more satisfying than resurrecting a MAX behind a group of guys that just killed it. :) You could almost hear them " That sounded like a MAX spiking" " Nah we killed him" "AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa"
Unfortunately, I dropped the cert because even when I pounded on my outift guys with the spam stick, that respawn twitch proved to be too strong. I might recert it after I say the dev love it gets.
2003-07-06, 06:04 PM
I like the name of your outfit.
"Eternal Warfare"
Vis Armata
2003-07-07, 12:59 AM
Advanced medics are great for's really one of the most overlooked classes in the game, but almost essential for serious fighting.
2003-07-07, 01:23 AM
I agree, there really needs to be some way for people around you to know that you're an adv. med. The coolest way to do it would be to put a red cross on your chest, but that would just put a few more textures into a game that already chews up peoples comps and spits them out. Maybe the dots on the radar be red or something, or instead of dots just be a red cross.
Btw, I haven't been on these forums since ps came out. Just wanted to say hello to you all.
p.s. I still love you hamma. The proposal's still good.
p.s p.s lol, just looked up and noticed that I played with you, west45, today. Revived you 5 times? Sort of useful, though I kept forgetting to revive you immediately lol.
2003-07-07, 01:44 AM
The best thing for us advanced medics is to get a different color shoulder plate. We can be easily identified in our squad/outfit/zerg then.
2003-07-07, 04:23 AM
No, this is were i disagree. I don't want to be singled out because of a uniform adjustment for having medical. This would only make ppl not play it cuz you'd never be able to do anything without getting harrased first. They know that once they kill you the rest of the snake will go limp. I would prefer that ppl just be more aware of their surroundings. Even aid in the Adv.Medics charge at the base. If ppl watch my back. I have no issues with bringing ppl back. And i'll even try when my odds very slim just for the challenge. But there are real issues when ppl die next to an Adv.medic/Engi huddle and respawn when everyone thats there is getting heals and repairs and all to often the guy respawn when you're like half way done with the procedure.
Any serious squad leader should really consider this vocation and keep at least two more in the squad. The reasons should be obvious so instead of posting im gonna goto sleep.... -_-
2003-07-07, 06:08 AM
Simple fix, IMHO-
You can choose your respawn point, but your corpse remains the whole time, giving advanced meds time to revive you. Just seems kinda logical in continuity terms, your body doesn't disapprear until your matrix is reformed.
2003-07-07, 08:25 AM
Why not make medics and engineers stand out in the mini map? Give them specific icons instead of the round, green, blob that they are now?
And/or give them icons that appears at their names (in the normal first person view)? I.e. it's only people from Your own faction who can see who is a medic/engineer.
2003-07-07, 08:37 AM
Hopefully Advance Medics get alittle love in the next patch.
Very useful skill.
2003-07-07, 10:11 AM
adv medics can be useful, just not very in my opinion. just about the only situation where I can see adv medics being worth bothering with is when coupled with engineering and playing back up life-monkey to a MAX defending a CC.
anybody else, why bother being rezed where you are? you rez with a hair of life and no armor, you still have only what ammo was left from before you died, and respawn times are so low (even with the repeated death 'punishments' *cough*) that you're better off respawning at a nearby tower or AMS.
2003-07-07, 11:43 AM
I think i mentioned "at higher levels" Grunts that haven't reached at least a BR 17 really cant understand. You can't do without engi if you have rein. So Advmedic is not an option. But hte higher up should not be with out. And they aren't either just look at the leaderboard and check the certs of the best players in the game.
The only thing i will agree on is if you only solo, then it pointless. Other than that, if you don't understand the importance of rezing your all n00bs and the first thing you gotta NOT do when playing AdvMedic...??? is sucking.
MAXes have a 5 minute timer or some shit right? How many times have you seen maxes will absolutly not continue to cross a field cuz he got hurt and he's just sittin there waiting? I've seen droves off ppl go right by and promptly get killed when perhaps aiding the max and going over the hill together coulda kept you in the game.
So if if anyone else has a negative statment about AdvMedic. Don't post if you're not say br17 of higher and on voice comm.
2003-07-07, 12:09 PM
You are rezzed with full health. It is very helpful after breaking into a CC and you can rez folks up promptly to fight off attacks instead of having them spawn at a distant CC/Tower and then having to run past snipers and spitfires to get back in the base. Trust me, in a good outfit adv medics are VERY useful.
Yes I am in the same outfit as Gohan up above, we should be called the Medic Alliance or something 8) We often have 5 or more adv medics per squad, it is almost funny.
2003-07-07, 12:20 PM
I was the only Adv. Medic in my squad.
I used to revive people with the medical applicator then restore thier armour as I also have engineering as a certification.
Invaluable in fights.
2003-07-07, 07:24 PM
One last tip for thoughs who care. When performing a Rez. Fix the armor first. Then perfom your Rez. This will cut down on fatalities due to Rez ambushes. It's very likely another AdvMedic will do the actual Rez provided theres enough around. This will cut down the amount of time spent in the open and vulnerable.
2003-07-07, 08:21 PM
I think it would be easy to code a warning in after you die that states an adv. medic is near. You have to click the ok and then you can choose to wait or respawn.
2003-07-07, 08:48 PM
i know this'll sound crazy, but i'm an adv medic and i LOVE exactly how it is. if they want to spawn, their choice. plus, adv medic is just bad enough right now that they're rare. which makes me feel special.
2003-07-07, 09:15 PM
Idea: instead of getting a large red cross on your chest and having people harass you sending /tell REVIVE ME YOU FUCKHEAD every 3 seconds. How about having an icon at the end of your name shaped like a cross, sort of like the darklight icon when you have darklight on. You can turn it on and off using an f key so if you feel like having people know you're an adv. medic and you're willing to revive them, put it on, but if you only revive squad members only put it off.
Just my 2 cents.
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