View Full Version : Sniping the driver, or just the vehicle?

2002-12-31, 08:52 AM
Is it possible to hit just the driver of a vehicle, or will you just hit the vehicle itself instead of the driver?

I really hope for the first one, since otherwise it will be impossible to kill the driver and steal the vehicle intact.

2002-12-31, 09:14 AM
Open vehicles like Harassers allow people to hit the driver within the vehicle withut hitting the vehicle itself. I'm pretty sure of that More closed vehicles don't allow that.

2002-12-31, 09:14 AM
Heh, although sniping a person in a vehicle if the vehicle was moving would be really hard.

2002-12-31, 10:12 AM
in open vehicl, if you the driver you hurt them, but if you hit the vehical, the vehical takes damage

2002-12-31, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by snipe
in open vehicl, if you the driver you hurt them, but if you hit the vehical, the vehical takes damage

i dont think u can blow up a vehicle with a sniper tho.
or a pistol.

even a rifle........ it doesnt seem.... mm.... realistic? i think.

2002-12-31, 04:03 PM
I really hope for the first one, since otherwise it will be impossible to kill the driver and steal the vehicle intact.


Damn, you mean snipers can't be anti-vehicular AND anti-personnel soldiers? Jeez, what a crappy game! They're practically forcing people to use weapons other than a sniper rifle! Nerf vehicles!


2002-12-31, 07:20 PM
Well, what if snipers got exploding rounds?? Or a rifle with a nade launcher on it?? Or what if we just gave snipers the red button?? How about that???????

2002-12-31, 07:33 PM
Well what if I had Coach Ditka and da Bears?

2002-12-31, 08:20 PM
I think that snipers should be as fast as vehichles and I think when you are zommed it should automotically lock onto your target so all you have to do is hold down the fire button.. I think snipers should be able to fly too and also be invisible. That would make planetside a great game :o

2002-12-31, 09:53 PM
Well Mistled the punisher is your answer to the rifle with a nade launcher or rocket rather. There will be different kinds of ammo for the assualt rifles anti-personel ( regular ammo ) and anti-armor ( armor pierceing rounds ) but, I don't know for the bolt-driver.

2002-12-31, 09:57 PM
"Well Mistled the punisher is your answer to the rifle with a nade launcher or rocket rather."

I hope hes (^^^) being sarcastic. I think all sarcasm and humor is lost in this forum.

2002-12-31, 10:03 PM
Navaron was that a cheap shot? I would hope you know me by now or is it you know me so well. :p

You know me man. If you took it the wrong way no prob. :thumbsup:

We're still friends. :cheers: Can't you feelz da luv :love: :hug: :love:

2002-12-31, 10:07 PM
It wasn't a cheap shot at all. I really didn't know if you were serious at all or not. I'm telling you all sarcasm and humor is lost in this forum, it's like there;s an inflection vacuum that makes it impossible to tell whats going on. I get lit up all the time when people don't get my joke. Look at the sticky radio thread. See the inflection vacuum struck again.


2002-12-31, 10:15 PM
All depends on how people take things. I know it can be frustrating just seeing type on a page and not seeing the facial expressions or body language when someone posts. Each person will take it a different way no matter how it was posted. Just have to try to read between the lines and make the best of it.


2002-12-31, 10:18 PM
I'm telling you man, I'm looking between your lines and all I see is blue. You gotta use a bigger font if you want me to know what is going on.

2002-12-31, 10:25 PM
:lol: of course most have been on the blue section and not the black :lol:
By the way, ever get an answer to the Phoenix thing?

2003-01-01, 12:45 AM
nope, I posted, but not enough anger to get a dev I guess. My Vanu threads always worked...... I don't know what the deal is. Maybe hamma could ask.

2003-01-01, 12:24 PM
Ok, getting of the subject here, I believe.

Of course I didn't want the sniper to be overpowerd. You can just as well use any rifle to kill the driver. No need to be overly sarcastic about that.

Anyway, it's good to hear that you can hit the driver i the open vehicles without damaging the vehicle itself.

As for the tanks, they should't be hurt, nor the driver of a tank, of any regular rifle, including the boltdriver.

In the flying vehicles, which have a window, I asume it is bulletproof.