View Full Version : Bolt driver Vs Mosquito which will win! Sniping and lopsided tactics debunked

2002-12-31, 01:49 PM
Author Topic: Sniping, obscure fantasy or cliche?
Station Member
Registered: Apr 1999 posted 12-31-2002 12:45 AM user search report post
Ahh yes, the much debated snipersyndrome. I have a great deal of respect for people who can aim with immense patience, especially in real life where it's a rare gift to not shake like a cocaine addict while peering down a scope at a target 200yards away.
Thus arises a problem, everyone wants to be the lone wolf, the one hit one kill machine. As can be said quite easily for almost every first person shooter with a 1 shot kill weapon, it's lame.

The actual skill required is little more than point and click, and somehow... in some demented and obscure little twisted reality, these people have themselves convinced it's mad skills. To be honest, I enjoy sniping a great deal in any game I play, but I find both the lack of a challenge (click, oh goodie, I hit the torso I got a kill) and the abundance of incredibly annoying pre-teen rambos annoying.

So I guess this thread is two-fold. Firstly, how can you require someone to snipe (with skill) without making them so abundand that they will be the only way wars are fought?

As well as, can you restrict weapon certs in such a way that becoming a sniper would limit all other combat ability, thus you would never see someone with an enormous gun in their hand and a shotgun in their back pocket?

I presume, and hope... that at least distance gravity physics and non hit-scan weaponry can be implemented... I dare say even wind but I'll doubt that one. I also seriously desire a sniper to be completely screwed if someone gets close, at most a pistol should be backup... as with many games however, they reach into their pocket and whip out a spinfuser, or an mp5, or a shotgun... the list goes on.

I'd really enjoy playing a sniper, and trying to play against a sniper if it was no more or less common than any other setup (preferably less). However as has been shown in the past by every game made that has one, if there's a single weapon that can be used as both a short-range hand cannon, and a distance insta-death no risk shooter... said weapon will become the mainstay of all players.

Within many games a sort of "code" has been unspoken, most of which rely on an honor system... that yes, we're not playing a rank match... it's a public server, let's have fun. Thus you begin what I feel can be the most enjoyable gaming sessions, the ones where seldom used items get tested and worked in, odd combinations get thrown about for the sake of fun.(who'd have thought... a game, fun? how novel)

In planetside, there will be no fun-time, it's always going to be for rank. Surely someone will reply "well if it's so powerful, use it". I'll pre-respond in saying, that's not my point.

I think I'll leave it here, as long posts tend to cause dreary eyes and dry responses.

GG, Huri

The response from SmokeJumper************** * * **********************

Station Admin
Registered: Sep 2001 posted 12-31-2002 10:35 AM user search report post
huri...what you describe is indeed possible. However, like most lopsided strategies like that (mass tank rush, horde of snipers, squad of infiltration suits, etc.) there are always counter-tactics that can soften up or eliminate those threats...if the defenders are heads-up enough to watch for them.
For instance, got a mass tank rush coming? Man those wall turrets and haul out the anti-vehicle weaponry. Maybe a few Reavers and Mosquitoes as well. Or even just meet them with more tanks.

Horde of snipers? Take a Mosquito out there and wreak havoc with them. The bolt drivers won't do diddly squat to vehicle armor and you can chase them to kingdom come.

Squad of stealthers? Spray rooms with lead until you find them. Use darklight implants or audio amplifier implants. Body block doors. Etc. Lots of things you can do here.

If we've done our job correctly, then EVERY tactic will have counter-tactics to use against it. Yes...lopsided strategies will work well...once in a while. Heck...that's true in real-life as well. (All blockers run right, but quarterback runs left for a naked bootleg, as an example.) But once the surprise factor is gone, the lopsided tactic usually is defeated quite easily.