View Full Version : Question about RAM...

2003-07-08, 10:56 AM
I heard there is a better kind of RAM than DDR...starts with an R I think. Is there a better RAM (for gaming) than DDR or what is the best kind of RAM for gaming? I see the high performance DDR (PC2700, PC3200, etc), some high performance DDR with dual channel memory (PC 2700, PC3200,etc) and than I see RDRAM. Which of these are the best? Thanks a lot

2003-07-08, 11:29 AM
RDRAM is an Intel thing and while fast, it's VERY expensive. It's also going out of style fast. ;) DDR2 will be the next big thing I guess...

I can't wait for magnetic ram so we don't have to wait for our comps to boot up. :D