View Full Version : State of PlanetSide

2003-07-08, 05:35 PM
So, after almost 2 months, how do you think PlanetSide is going? Think it will stick around, or is it going to fail?

Personally I love PS, and I love this community. It's all I've ever wanted in a game. And I plan on sticking around for many moons to come.

But what do you think?

2003-07-08, 05:39 PM
It�s fun. I run the program, jump in-game, and I have a blast. Not everybody is going to enjoy it, especially because it's an MMO game. But me? I love it, and plan to keep playing for a long while.

The community to me seems like an added bonus feature. I'm so used to terrible communities in games, and while PS has it's share of idiots there are a lot of awesome people. I can't recall the number of times I have shared a tell with an enemy complimenting him or having him compliment me. People just seem genuinely nice. :)

2003-07-08, 05:44 PM
I love the game and it's concept.

The Flight model is bullshit and SJ knows it.

Sometimes the game needs a kick in the ass.

The OF needs to be burnt.

Content needs to be cranked out a bit faster.

I need waaaay more time so I can play more.

I give it a 8/10

The success of this game depends on how much they give you every month for your 13 bucks. Right now, they may be in a bit of trouble, but I think that once they get over the initial release bugs and jitters they'll start pumping stuff out more quickly.

2003-07-08, 05:50 PM
I love the game and I'm confortable with how things are progressing. I've already paid for the year, so I expect to be around for awhile.

There's some good people playing, but I'm picky about who I put on my friends list and there's only about 5 names on there right now. I tend to only squad with people who appear to get into playing and having fun without being jerks or worrying about BEP from one fight to the next.

I have fun every time I play, so that's a successful game in my book.

2003-07-08, 05:51 PM
well said navarone i think it needs some tweaking for the vehicles especially the lightning i love the lil bugger but it needs more armor to deserve my 3 cert points(they could just make it 2 pnts)

Big Bro
2003-07-08, 06:01 PM
PlanetSide is really a great game! I have few issues with the gameplay, and it's an addictive MMOFPS. I love FPS, and I enjoy large communities. The PSU community is by far one of the best I've been involved with. You guys are the best!!

The only negative thing I can say about the actual GAME itself is that there still appears to be minor issues that affect stability. I'm sure they are being worked on. Other than that I'm happy and content with the game and its developers. These guys get a "B+" grade from me.

However the SUPPORT I've personally recieved from SOE concerning the issues I've had are horrific. I have talked with several CSRs, as well as the head CS supervisor. Perhaps I've just had bad luck, but my last two run-ins have been less than helpful. They wasted my time, and referred me to the /bug command when it was well within their power to "fix" the problems I've asked of them. I feel I pay good money not only for a quality game, and additional content, but for world-class customer support. In that sense, they get a big "F" grade in my opinion. I'd give an "F-" if it were on my scale.

I plan on sticking around for quite a while. I'm excited about all the different things they have planned, and I expect that I'll have a great time in the process!

2003-07-08, 06:51 PM
Well, I hate to be the negative guy, but I guess I always have to be. After about 2 months theres been a huge population drop on the servers which isn't a good sign. I personally think it's a great game, but if you play it too much it gets very very boring. Right now the thing that pisses me off most about the game is the bugs. About every 5th time I log into the game it gives me the "not sending packets to server" error and when i get that error it means that in the next 20 minutes I'm going to have to restart my computer 6-10 times because I will continually get the error about that many times. I also despise the invisible tr with suppressors... About every battle I have with tr on emerald there's 5-10 of those guys. Before they add any new content in, i'd like them to fix all the bugs/server lag. Once that's done, they can add in sanct strikes and if possible, an actual goal to the game. I'm getting bored of taking the same bases over and over again. Sure the battles are fun, and I had the most fun battle i've ever had today. We had 7 1/2 continents as Nc on emerald, and every vanu in the entire server was at one base on amerish. About 600 vanu and about 200 nc rushed at eachother up a mountain between heyoka and (cant remember base name, east of heyoka). Of course we lost, but before we did we killed every one of those guys about 6 times each. We held them off for a good 20 minutes.
Back to my criticism, I think the game really needs a goal, I know the devs are having a very tough time coming up with one that will be good enough to entertain their customers, and I know i can't come up with one either, but planetside is getting very stale (sp?) without a goal. Also after the bugs are fixed, I'd like to see some new weapons as well as vehicles, getting bored of the same stuff. But I can wait, dunno if anyone else can though. I imagine 3 months from now that if they haven't put up a bunch of new content by then we'll have about half the population we have now and about 5 months from now 1/4 of the population we have now. And from then on there won't be any point to the game because no one pays for an mmo game with practically no other players.
Just my 2 cents.

2003-07-08, 06:55 PM
I like it great game I give 8/10 still lots that need work, but not to the poiunt to leave. community is great overall. psu> than ps forum. too many whinnners lol

2003-07-08, 07:07 PM
It's my favorite game. Ever. E-V-E-R.

2003-07-08, 07:23 PM
A Vulcan's Thoughts....

I do enjoy this game, and do plan on playing for a very long time to come.

I feel that the people at SOE are trying to create a better and better game and working hard to do so, however these are the issues that I currently see as well as the current situation of these issues, as well as my thoughts on the matters at hand:

Issue: This game will succede only if they can keep many people playing in game.

Current: The current population in the game is just at playable levels, it can take a couple hours to find a good fight, if too many more people leave they will have real issues in keeping the rest in game
Issue: Content must be devoloped at a pace that keeps things new and exciting to the people

Current: They are adding small fixes and minor content, this will not be enough to keep the formentioned pop level in game, IMO they should be adding new base defences (all of them) by the end of next week, the lodestar by the end of this week, and several bug fixes over the next month (as they fix them)

Note: This is not an unrealistic expectiation, several things like new vechs, or a forcefield door on the base do not take much time to create (I have modded several games): take the bomber, you could take the weapon rules from the reaver and combine them with the gal's rules for passangers and rear gunner, add a new assoiation model, change some basic stats for weapons dmg, and youve got the bomber (for a teem, I would think, 2 days work to create the bomber that is in game now). The base forcefield could be a copy of the code from the NC Max's shield, just change the battery of it to be more, and add it to the location of the door on the base and your done (about 2-3 days work for a teem for adding them to all main doors to all bases)
Is this and unrealistic time period for these additions, no I do not belive so. Much of the code can be cut and pasted into different areas of the game, and many people working on different parts of it can have it done very quickly. I do not see why it is taking them this long for basic features. (I am sure they are working on things very hard, but I still belive that if they were to focus their efforts to improving the game they could do so very quickly. I see no acceptable reason for the time it is taking them to do these things)
Issue: Bugs are still running rampent throughout the game and many of their patches seem to be quick fixes that work around the issue insted of thrying to resolve it

Current: They have set up a test server set up to try and catch more new bugs in their code

Note: I belive that much of their new code is garbage code, they are not looking over it, nor are they running programs to test how that code will run with different aspects of the game on interaction with different events. This is something that you can do, sure you have to write a new program that takes and combines things and sees the resulting code run, however many gaming companies do this already and have proven that these programs do work I see no reason that the teem should not create one for their use (may take a couple of weeks to create)
Also, being a programer, I do not understand how so many problems are created in several of the new patches, the only thing I can see is that the programers are doing a slopy job of going over code interactions and QA is doing a slopy job of testing those code interations.
Issue: Servers being unable to keep up with load

Current: Attempting to make their net code better

Note: With the formentioned population problems, I belive that they could merge the 2 east servers into 1 and the 2 west servers into 1, tie the power of 2 servers to take the load of 1 cont insted of the current 1 server per cont that it is right now. This would let 2 servers keep up with the game flow when the cont is pop locked, and help solve the formentioned server pop issues. I do realise that merging them would create issues with names, outfits, etc, however I belive that they could find a solution to that, even if it were as simple as keeping the 2 databases seperate and loging the names/outfits/etc at the same time from the 2 sets (thus you can not have 2 MrVulcans in the server since it is really 2 database sets East1 and East2)

Final thoughts:
If they keep up their current rate of fixes, additions, etc, I see the population hitting below critical levels in 3 months and closing doors in 6.
I belive that this is a great game, and I know I will be there till the end, however I also belive that if they do not bump it up a notch or 3 they will lose people right and left.
It is already becoming a problem and it will only get worse if they do not start showing more results.

These are my thoughts on the matter anyway.... well back to the game ;)

2003-07-08, 07:31 PM

I love it. The game will be successful if they fix the problems. A major cool thing about this game is that people like my wife can play it and still enjoy themselves. Have you ever gone to a LAN party with people who are not good at FPS'ers, and they get frustrated easily due to being slaughtered? Well, PS makes the game enjoyable for all people of all skill levels. My wife used to hate games like CounterStrike and Battlefield: 1942 because she would get killed so easily. With the number of people playing PS and the way the game works, she is able to get decent kills and enjoy herself.


2003-07-08, 08:09 PM
I think that if Sony can get the game stable and add some new content then they will probably get a large influx of new players. Many ppl are interested in ps (many of my friends and myself) but wont buy it untill the game is stable and there is new content. You have to pay for monthly fees even if the game is buggy and boring. I for one am not willing to shell out cash for something that isn't 100%. On a side note though i really do want PS to suceed its an innovative concept that will work if they can make it stable.

2003-07-08, 08:25 PM
if they continue to add more things, ill stay but if i cant get my comp working then im gone

2003-07-08, 08:36 PM
I participated in BETA and enjoyed the experience tremendously. Although I have not yet purchased the retail version (I always give MMO's a month or so to work out the bugs) I plan on picking it up sometime later this week. I love the concept and gameplay provided in PlanetSide, and I really do hope that things get worked out and the server populations pick back up. This game is tremendously dependant on how many people are playing. I think that an answer to that problem may be locking down some of the continents so that players are all forced into more battles and more action.
Its a crucial time for the game right now. The server populations above all are going to exponentially determine the outcome of this game. I myself plan to support it to its demise. Lets hope it doesnt turn out that way.

2003-07-08, 11:32 PM
I think a big reason for the server decrease was due to Star Wars Galaxies being released. However, I believe that once the hype from SWG fades many players will start spending more time in PS.

I am very happy with PS, just recently having gotten back into the game after a month long break. I think the Liberator and the Skyguard add new and interesting elements to the game without becoming all inclusive. Sure, there are alot of Libs now, but we all know that number will decrease once the 'newness' is gone. I for one see very few Skyguards, but I love mine & wouldn't trade it for anything.

I believe that PS will live and die by the increase of content. If they add lots of new stuff every month then people will have a reason to play PS over Bf1942, CS, etc. If they don't then the consumer would be better off playing something free than paying for a game that is supposed to be updated, but isn't.

I personally hope PS is one of the more successful games, because I enjoy it greatly.

2003-07-08, 11:46 PM
Personally, I think it's the best game I've played since MOHAA....but I always love WW2 games so....

I like it becuase you don't have to just kill people, you can hack or engie or medic too. I was never very good at killing people beyond my sniper scope so I mainly just mess around with vehicles and stuff.

I've only been playing for like 1 1/2 weeks now but it's getting better and better. And as far as if I'm going to play it in the future, I'll put it this way. I tried to calculate how much time I've spent online with with MOHAA.....it was over 1000 hours, mostly spent during summer when the waves sucked....which is very often unfortunatley :( . And the community is awsome and I like how they are set barriers, I'm Terran and always will be, other people are NC or VS and are dedicated. I love that aspect, because now I can hate a person for who his is intead of just what he's like :nazi: :thumbsup:

2003-07-08, 11:52 PM
Planetside is my first MMO game ever, and I LOOOOOVE IT! It's honestly only my third CPU game ever as well :D. I was more of a console gamer until about 2 years ago, when i picked up age of empires, started a clan and got hooked on online gaming. well newayz, planetside is undoubtedly the best game i've ever played, and i will continue playing for at least another 5-6 months probably longer. Along with the obvious MMO element that i've never xperienced, the gameplay is fun and engaging. The variety in the roles u can be is also a big plus, as opposed to BF 1942 where u had 5 or 6 roles.

I think planetside will continue to fluorish as the bugs are worked out. Sure i become frustrated many times and feel like choking forkfire, but i realize that its such a huge game and considering the new content they are adding, its gonna need time to fix.

OVerall this game gets a 9.5 outta 10 from me.

2003-07-09, 12:05 AM
I've only owned PS for about a week now, but the time I've spent playing it has been genuinely fun. Really, really fun.

Planetside definately has great potential. BUT however, server stability issues/packet problems can really ruin one's experience (i.e. flying a mosquito one second, lagging out, then logging back in to find your corpse amidst a flaming wreck).

Regardless, I'm confident that this game still has longevity to it- I know I'll be playing as long as it's fun.

2003-07-09, 12:47 AM
They need to pump out patches quicker on the test server, and let them stay on there a bit longer.

2003-07-09, 01:46 AM
If they add content regularly as well as fix some of the already very game-deteriorating bugs I think it will last for quite some time. Its a great game for the casual gamer and that is a large audience of people.

2003-07-09, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by MrVulcan
Issue: Servers being unable to keep up with load

Current: Attempting to make their net code better

Note: With the formentioned population problems, I belive that they could merge the 2 east servers into 1 and the 2 west servers into 1, tie the power of 2 servers to take the load of 1 cont insted of the current 1 server per cont that it is right now. This would let 2 servers keep up with the game flow when the cont is pop locked, and help solve the formentioned server pop issues. I do realise that merging them would create issues with names, outfits, etc, however I belive that they could find a solution to that, even if it were as simple as keeping the 2 databases seperate and loging the names/outfits/etc at the same time from the 2 sets (thus you can not have 2 MrVulcans in the server since it is really 2 database sets East1 and East2)

This is a fricken awesome idea. I think it would work to solve this the best. They should jsut have it so yo keep your character, but you gotta register your name again, fr a merging of servers.

2003-07-09, 02:09 AM
this is another "game that could have been."

immense potential only to dissapoint

they ought to have learned from Shadowbane. pvp w/out content is a losing formula.

2003-07-09, 02:29 AM
Only had the game for 5 days now, so I'm not the best judge on it... but I think it will succede. The game 'works' at the current population levels (2 dots most of the time) so unless there is another playerbase dropoff it should be fine.

2003-07-09, 03:20 AM
It could go either way.

The game is fun, but bases need to be defended, more weapons are needed and the CoF on all weapons need to be reduced.

Also, they have to make coordinating large groups easier. PLatoons is a start.

Need better channels of communication.

2003-07-09, 04:34 AM
Really hard to tell at this point. I'm not really waiting for anything as much as I am interested to see how dedicated the dev team is.

The problem I would imagine is having the manpower to address the bugs AND add new content. And while I can understand its incredibly difficult to do. The fact is this game won't float if its not done.

This game is a diamond in the rough. Its just going to depend on how well they cut it.

I really like the concept of this game. But, in all honesty I'm not too impressed with the dev teams ability to address the major bugs still outstanding in the game up to this point.

2003-07-09, 04:46 AM
hi everyone, i like the concept of this game very much. i love the fact that you can go straight into the frey and kill people. i came from Dark Age Of Nerfsalot and hated that i would have 2 months just fight real people. however, as was addressed earlier, this game gets VERY tedious quickly. you raid a base, you hack the base, you secure the base, you move to the next, do it again and then run back to base #1 because its under a hack.... rinse and repeat for 6-8 hrs. i also think that they need to give us a reason to defend a base and not just zerg across a cont. like say you succesfully defend a base for 20 mins then you get 10,000 xp kinda thing. i also think that they should make it easier to defend a base and harder to raid it. one way of doing that would be to put doors on the bases(also mentioned ealier) i think that would also make people work together more if they can't jsut spawn and run in and die and do it again. also i would like to see the total # of bases on a cont decreases, down to like 4 or 5 max per cont. that would also make the battle bigger and nastier :)

Also my 2 cents.
DK :)

2003-07-09, 05:31 AM
we dont need LESS bases that would make 56k unplayable think here we are with 5 bases on 1 cont. with 3! warp gates that would not work out noooo wayyy:nono: we need better base layouts because at this point i know where everything is in whatever base i go into. but if u check next month and beyond on sony then you will see they are mixing up gameply blah blah:)

NightWalker XI
2003-07-09, 06:01 AM
Originally posted by Hamma
So, after almost 2 months, how do you think PlanetSide is going? Think it will stick around, or is it going to fail?

Personally I love PS, and I love this community. It's all I've ever wanted in a game. And I plan on sticking around for many moons to come.

But what do you think?

Its going well, I agree with you, only complaint I have is that the Devs seem to be giving priority to add ons than to bug fixes.

2003-07-09, 08:59 AM
the release of ass-tastic SWG (may the game rot and burn in hell) really hurt PS' population. you can see there is a massive population drop off every time you log on. wasn't emerald a horribly over populated laggy crap fest just a week ago? what is it now, a single yellow dot during prime time?

just have to hope people figure out how craptacular SWG is and come back to where the fun is.

2003-07-09, 09:38 AM
I have to agree, Sum, I was miraculously dissappointed with SWG. The Devs for SWG continued to talk about 'content', but when I started playing I was like, 'where's the content'? By content do they mean cookie-cutter missions that have no relevance to anything in the game? Or do they mean standing in one spot doing the same thing over and over and over and over again to get your crafting skill up so you can actually make something someone MIGHT want to buy? I'm not sure. But, anyway, my points is that SWG ISN'T fun, and PS IS FUN. That's generally important for a "Game".

2003-07-09, 10:50 AM
back to planetside.... ill play the game until i get bored but im not bored yet and its been over a month (which is a long time for me to stay on ANY game).

ill try to get my character to br 20 and cr 5 and then make a new one on another server and empire or something. i know ill be playing this game for a while especially because of all the improvements/addons the devs and putting in.

2003-07-09, 12:52 PM
As has been posted before, people who complain about the flight model are used to flying airplanes.

If you think of the vehicles as helicopters, the flightmodel is actually quite good, and very playable.

Picture the helicopter Airwolf, which had "afterburners" in addition to its normal helicopter stuff, and something like the reaver really flys in quite a similar fashion to how Airwolf did in the TV show, without the loops of course.

It might be nice if you could loop and roll, but this simplified flight model is more than sufficient to provide for good entertainment.


Happy lil Elf
2003-07-09, 06:19 PM
What bugs me about the flight model is that for how simple it is it still manages to gave a few annoying bugs. Most of the time in order to fly in a straight line I have to fly slightly crooked which just bugs the hell outta me.

If you play PS for the content, you're gonna get bored and probably rather quickly. If you play it to get together with people you know and use teamwork and tactics to screw some people wearing different color uniforms over you'll probably have fun for quite awhile.

2003-07-09, 06:25 PM
well the game is great. there were many bugs but its all good. the game is a blast and i plan on sticking around until i get bored which will be a while.

2003-07-09, 07:40 PM
I enjoy the game, but would really enjoy it more if they put more effort into fixing lag, frame rate issues, and bugs.

I'd take better stability and playability over adding more vehicles / content any day of the week.

2003-07-09, 08:00 PM
*takes a deep breath*

lest ye be wanting mineself to devolve unto truly prodigious amounts o' flaming/ranting/general cursing do not be getting me started on yon flight model.

2003-07-09, 09:12 PM
/me backs up

no ones complaining heh heh.....

/me runs

2003-07-16, 06:09 PM
bump :)

2003-07-16, 07:54 PM
K, I'll reply, cause Hamma loves it when I do.

This game is good. It's not worth 13 dollars a month. People are going to start leaving in flocks. There aren't enough updates. The community communication is lacking. Many people find the game boring. The community is all that is holding this game together, there are many other games that are more fun and are free or don't have a monthly fee.

I'm afraid this game is going to die off. I'm worried that things are going to keep going at the rate right now, and then people will keep leaving. I don't think the community is really growing, as the original hype release has died, and people aren't really attracted to the game.

Hehe, now tell me not to play the game ;).

2003-07-16, 11:24 PM
I continue to enjoy it because I find the core gameplay satisfying and varied, and I enjoy the outfit I play with. Though every game eventually wears out its welcome, I'm definitely not cancelling PlanetSide anytime soon.

2003-07-16, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by 1024
It's my favorite game. Ever. E-V-E-R.

2003-07-17, 12:08 AM
Game Scale-8.7
FPS Scale-9.4

It's a great FPS, but it's a decent game. This should have been started a year later, and released in 04.
I do not need an incentive. Handicap yourself by lagging alot, and simply killing someone is a challenge. I challenge myself to get kills despite my lag. My goals are-
Get 1,000 Kills
Get 250 Kills in Reaver
Achieve BR20
Achieve CR5
Have Fun
Meet Awesome People
Grow a Mustache (err, forget this one)
Take over a Sanc!
Stop lagging. (In me dreams!)
Kill Hamma (With a TR on Emerald-TK anyone?)
Take 1,000 bases
Become Millionaire (err, forget this one too)

I'm a self-motivated person, and the people that are staying seem to be as well.

2003-07-17, 01:12 AM
I'm utterly convinced that everyone that says 'planetside has no point to it!' is not an FPSer at heart. there's absolutely, positively no point to counter strike (as an example. you could insert battle field, or Tribes 2, or, or, or...) is there? seriously, you play the match, get the scores at the end then *pfft* they're gone and the next map comes up and you play again. and again. and again.

ever heard someone say there's no point to counter strike?

I think of every base as a round of the other games, just that it has no time limit and there's a helluvalot of maps at the same time.

2003-07-17, 02:12 AM
eh, the community is still growing, our forum regs are still steady

2003-07-17, 03:38 AM
Ok, here's what I think...

They need to crank out patches more and add more content faster. I'm really looking forward to platoons and Lodestar but, it was like a month ago that they mentioned them and they still aren't out. I know they are working hard but, we are paying them good money. They should at least try a little bit harder. IMO I don't think the game isn't worth $13 a month which is why if they are gonna keep the monthly fee at $13 a month then they better add more weapons, vehicles, content, etc...

IMO at the rate they are going, they are gonna lose more and more people until the war actually will have an end! Who knows! I maybe wrong! But, until then I'll try to stick around until the end.

:ncrocks: :trsucks: :vssucks:

2003-07-17, 10:38 AM
I enjoy playing PS, but I would like to point out two major faults with it.

Fault one is the pricing. Is this game worth $13 a month? Its gonna depend on your utility curve. I don�t mind throwing $13 away per month, but we certainly don�t get $13 worth of value per month. I remember back in the day when we would go out to the computer store. We would buy a game and expect it to work properly. We would pay a one-time fee to purchase this game and receive the value of playing the game. Now, we pay a one-time fee to purchase the game and another monthly fee to play the game. Even though we pay all of these fees, the games now are infinitely more unstable. As a gaming community, we allow this to happen by throwing away our monthly fee�err paying our monthly fee. I gladly pay this fee, so please feel free to call me a hypocrite.

Fault two is that it is hard to find a good fight. I think its fair to say that it can take a quite awhile to find a good spot where the action is exciting and the sides are even enough to have the exciting fighting continue. If one side outnumbers the other side too much, the outnumbered side usually leaves. And capturing empty bases is tons of enjoyment =P.

I hear everyone say that SWG has taken away the players for planetside. However, I personally don�t know one person who has left planetside to play SGW. I came to this game with about 15-20 friends to start an outfit. Between the two reasons that I listed, along with fairly high computer requirements, the remaining list of players is down to 4. They went back to SB, EQ, tribes 2, and counterstrike.

Personally, I like this game. I think it is visually appealing. I really enjoy the lasher, lancer, and the phoenix (this is the best weapon to use while intoxicated hands down!). The MMO part�I could live without. The game is basically squad versus squad, or maybe platoon versus platoon. I think it would be a better game if it were just a 30 vs. 30 vs. 30 game. Hanging around waiting for bases to capture is meaningless and mind numbing, IMO. I will continue to play until I find something better as long as looking for good fights doesn�t get too long.

Vis Armata
2003-07-17, 10:41 AM
Imbalance the game in favor of defense, take out that lattice system and we've got a fine, stable game.

Personally, getting into an outfit has made the game better than I thought possible, and I feel privileged to play with a fine group of guys.

2003-07-17, 02:33 PM
I agree with many of the points that Gabsux has made.

What did happen to expecting a game to work well right out of the box? What other industry on earth could ever hope to keep costemers if they were not delivering in a timly fassion, and what other industry could hope to survive if they kept having their service cut off to their costemers (crashes-server & user side)

Yesterday I was playing and there was 1 dot on, you couldnt find a fight no matter how hard you tried, 3 people took an entire cont w/o seeing ANY enm forces (im sure the other 3 people playing were prob on a different cont wondering where we were too :lol: )

It is as simple as this, they are not delivering in a timly manner. A new vech should take about 2-3 days to create from the ground up, new weapons about the same. Every base defence weve ever wanted, perhaps a week or 2 at most. These are not unrealistic numbers, I am a programer, and have modded several games, I know that I used to be able to add a new weapon in a game *once I got the model* in a couple days work working myself, and they have a teem of people working on it, there is no reason they arent adding a weekly vechicle/or/weapon, no reason at all.

Also, we are now falling below the min population to play this game. Things like the example above are happening time and itme again due to people leaving. And I too do not belive SWG took them, I dont know anyone who went to swg myself, but I do know several that went back to UT2003.

The end result is this, if they dont deliver on a more timely mannor very soon, the world population will fall to a point of completely unplayable levels sooner than I want to belive.
Already I am seeing Markov maxing out at 3 dots the other day (3 dots!) and the less people in game, the more people that will leave due to being unable to find good battles.

Now I do enjoy this game, and im not going anywhere, however I belive that if they dont do something fast, they could very well lose the game within 4 months time. (and adding 1 more vech wont do it ;) )

2003-07-17, 02:40 PM
Excellent game. Needs some work still, but it's early days, and I certainly be sticking around a while.

The most needed (and simplest) changes IMHO are in the XP system... there has to be some real incentive to both gain and hold territory. XP for a successful defense should be as rewarding for a successful attack. I say "territory" for a reason too.. get the map divided up into chunks to capture, and lets see some more hills/bridge/plains (mass armour ? :cool: ) battles rather than just base-base-base-base. Why not some cities too ? Nothing too ambitious but, something a bit different.

In the slightly longer term, the other thing I'd really like to see is "aircraft" modelling improved. The current set-up (400m ceiling ? 200 kph speeds ? no loop ? no roll ?) is just kiddie-crap. I'm not asking for "Warbirds", but maybe something a bit more realistic is in order ? Why not make them sub-orbital too.. that would be an interesting challenge and would really sort out the pilots from the part-timer flyers.

Happy lil Elf
2003-07-17, 02:52 PM
I like it but I think it's missing the one thing that's kept games like Tribes alive for this long: Competition.

What I and I'm sure many others who come from competition backgrounds would love to see is the outfit competitions. Something like TWL but with SOE backing it. I personally know a lot of people who left PS to go to games like Tribes 2 and RtCW: ET because there is competition there. And not the kind of competition where the more you play and the more people you have in your outfit the better you do.

2003-07-17, 03:25 PM
I also agree with Gabsux. The $13/month seems high for what PS offers. But PS has only been available for a couple of months and is still going though growing pains. Who knows... maybe with new features introduced in a few more months the players will come back.

I've been hearing about people leaving PS for other FPS games, but didn't really believe it. But I have been noticing that the T2 servers are becoming more populated again.

2003-07-17, 03:38 PM
3 cheers for outfit competitions

bring this and im a loyal subscriber. as it is, when WoW or Homeworld 2 or any other decent game comes out, I'm done with PS.

2003-07-17, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
K, I'll reply, cause Hamma loves it when I do.

This game is good. It's not worth 13 dollars a month. People are going to start leaving in flocks. There aren't enough updates. The community communication is lacking. Many people find the game boring. The community is all that is holding this game together, there are many other games that are more fun and are free or don't have a monthly fee.

yes thats pretty much how i feel, i played fer like 5 hours a day fer a month then it was like, why? personaly unless they put stuff in that actually shows that the planet isnt just bases towers, and bridges, and give you something to fight for more than the bit they give you in the manual then i think PS is fighting a loseing battle.

2003-07-17, 10:41 PM
its awesome id like to play it for a long time to come.:thumbsup:

2003-07-17, 11:17 PM
Just compare fun levels

Wolfenstein ET vs PS

Both have 5 "maps/bases" WFET actually has 6

PS is 50 bucks then 13 bucks a month. WFET is Free, and Free.

WFET has battles of 30vs30. PS is CAPABLE of 100vs 100 vs 100 battles, but the largest I've seen has been under 100 total.

They both have classes.

PS has vehicles.

PS has you bastards, and that's the only reason I still play.

2003-07-18, 03:10 PM
PS is an MMO, no game can compare to that, you can bring up the amount of maps, the price, etc etc.

Nothing beats the fact that you are free in PS to go wherever you want, the game doesent reset every 15m.