View Full Version : My planetside rant.....
2003-07-08, 08:25 PM
Ok i need to preface this. I love planetside, but there are certain things in the game that just bother the crap out of me, not bother to the point of wanting to quit mind you, but make my teeth grind none the less. For each I will try and provide a fix action.
Lag issues. These include but are not limited to. Doors not opening, dooors not being able to be hacked, vehicles not being able to be used. Possibly spawn tubes not opening also could fall into this category.
Fix action: None i can forsee, I dont have enough knowledge of the technical issues that causes a whole basefull of people to not be able to open one door for no apparent reason. It strikes people reguardless of empire, connection type, location. Hire more coders and assign them to QA positions.
Stability issues: These are perhaps my least serious of all problems, personaly for me stability is not a huge issue, my game CTD's maybe once an evening sometimes more sometimes less. Still The other issues like lockups, there seems to be one rather dependable one when i jump off stuff, (especialy in the sanctuary).
Fix action:Same as above.
Max Balance:Alright take this as you will but terran MAX's are by far the most powerfull in the game. The pounder max especialy, the lockdown ability just makes it worse. A pounder MAX can kill a agile armor type, in two possibly even less hits, this in my mind is unacceptable, the terran strategy seems to be to MAX run to a base tower, wait for someone to open a door either from the outside or the inside, and kill everything inside, even around corners. A pounder MAX can literaly kill me before i can fire my decimator as i come through the doorway. This whouldnt be so annoying if they only dominated in doors but, out of doors any other faction infantry just has to be off their game a little bit and the TR will figure out the proper handle to hit in their general vicinity and kill them in maybe 3-6 hits.
Fix action:Make the other MAX's more effective. Leave their armor as is, two decimator shots should still kill any given max thereby giving infantry a prayer. The NC max should have it's shield signifigantly increased to compensate for how worthless it is now (doesnt even stop a single striker round completely). I whould sugest that vanu max's be allowed to move like normal troops (save no surge and retaining their MAX run mode)
THis is the short list since i need to get back to work....
2003-07-08, 08:34 PM
giving one MAX, and one MAX only, AoE damage is just wrong. letting it do that around corners is just icing on the ass-ream cake. the dual cycler always should have been the A-infantry MAX and they pounder should have been redone. switching them was just damn stupid.
I'm still in the air about their use of zeroping netcode.
2003-07-08, 08:35 PM
If we're talking about MAX's maybe we should talk about the NC Sparrow MAX *cough*. How bout they have the lock on a vehicle drop if they aren't ACTUALLY ABLE TO SEE THE DAMN VEHICLE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!! Should make it like the striker where you actually have to maintain a lock to hit something. Why would you even allow that? Get a lock on something, turn around and unload all your missiles and be able to hit it without being able to see it anymore is a bit... bs maybe?
2003-07-08, 09:14 PM
the sparrow needs 2 be in sight now but now its near useless cuz it has a long lock on time
2003-07-08, 09:25 PM
the nc max shield needs to be looked at, it is worthless.
2003-07-08, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by BLuE_ZeRO
If we're talking about MAX's maybe we should talk about the NC Sparrow MAX *cough*. How bout they have the lock on a vehicle drop if they aren't ACTUALLY ABLE TO SEE THE DAMN VEHICLE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!! Should make it like the striker where you actually have to maintain a lock to hit something. Why would you even allow that? Get a lock on something, turn around and unload all your missiles and be able to hit it without being able to see it anymore is a bit... bs maybe?
Seriously there is no comparison between the striker, (a gun that locks on to everything MAX size and larger) and an AA Max which only locks on to airplanes. YOu still have to have line of sight to the airplane, the reason it is the way it is because of the rate an airplane can move and the slow tracking on a max cannon. Besides considering you can burn away anytime you get a lock anyway it's not ab ig issue
2003-07-08, 10:46 PM
The Sparrow MAX has a great advantage to anything that flys. Mainly BOmbers which can't burst away. There's only a few tactics you can take once a lock is on your plane. You can fly very close to the ground and dodge through trees making them hit them, not an option on some planets, and you have to do this because they can CHASE YOU ALMOST FOREVER! You can burst off really fast leaving those missles in the dust the only full proof plan. Last option is taking the missles like a man and in the bomber that's all you can do since the thing is about as agile as the town drunk.
I'm not saying they should change it that much but they should give the bomber a chance against them...(maybe you can shoot down the missles would be nice..give the rear gunner a purpose). For just 2 pts the sparrow max is a great buy.
Also I would like the say the pounder is not that powerful! quit your bitching! 2 plasma grenades dead on to anyone below MAX armor kills them 3-4 grenade shot kills from a MAX(a supposed big and bad combat suit) is nothing to bitch about seeing as it takes some skill to fire the damn things, and if you run close to a pounder it ends up killing itself. The thing CAN NOT kill anything armored that moves because trying to hit a tank with these things is impossible, and even if it does it takes a couple full clips to take one out, so switching it to anti-infantry was a great move. Ground planting is not that turns you into a stationary target and if you try to do it well in combat you usally plant in time to die and if you try to unplant your usally are too late, it's an ability with costs..unlike a shield(which might need to be stronger I agree) or jumpjets.
I have no major complaints about the MAXs at there current state.
2003-07-08, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by BLuE_ZeRO
If we're talking about MAX's maybe we should talk about the NC Sparrow MAX *cough*. How bout they have the lock on a vehicle drop if they aren't ACTUALLY ABLE TO SEE THE DAMN VEHICLE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!! Should make it like the striker where you actually have to maintain a lock to hit something. Why would you even allow that? Get a lock on something, turn around and unload all your missiles and be able to hit it without being able to see it anymore is a bit... bs maybe?
Maybe they should just let phoenixes have an alt fire mode that works like a striker, and ditch AA max lockon mode altogether? I'd be happy, hehe.
2003-07-09, 12:18 AM
hmmm notice how TR's are saying nerf AA mx, and NC's are saying its underpowered...
1. You CANNOT always afterburn away from those things. Sometimes u can sometimes u cant. so thats not a valid excuse
2. I've flown behind mountains and still had the missiles hit me. Unacceptable
3. Striker has limited range and it sometimes fails to lock on to many things.
4. TR maxes are unique from the other two. Think about it.
NC- missiles
VS- things that are like missiles but slower
TR- Flak- totally different
NC- missiles
VS- ditto energy
TR- Bullets from cyclers- TOTALLY different
NC- Shotgun ammo
VS- energy again
TR- grenades- not so much different but still.
And if u wanna say that TR maxes are better, then make it one of TR's strenghts. lets see...
NC strengths
1. fricking n00bie hammer (HA)
2. Med assault (gauss rifle)
3. Tank (vanguard)
4. anti vech (its equal with striker in my mind)
5. heavy buggy (think its equal with maurader)
TR strenghts
1. maxes
2. Anti vech (its equal with phoenix in my mind)
3. heavy buggy (also think its equal with enforcer)
VS strenghts
ummmm im trying to find some ah there we go
1. mobility- teh vanoo can yoose teh jetpakcorz!
So yeah there you go. Without outright saying the NC are the best empire, I implied it.
2003-07-09, 12:49 AM
Also I would like the say the pounder is not that powerful! quit your bitching!
Whern't you just complaining about an anti air max a moment ago?
2 plasma grenades dead on to anyone below MAX armor kills them 3-4 grenade shot kills from a MAX(a supposed big and bad combat suit)
More of the same, it's not the number of shots it takes people out with it's the quickness, and the fact that no other max has similar capabilities. I cant say for the vanu max but the NC scatter max whould take 3 shots minimum, possibly more to kill an agile, those same three shots from the TR max can take out a CC full of agiles in some bases.
is nothing to bitch about seeing as it takes some skill to fire the damn things,
Aim at door way, depress mouse button, repeat as needed. Or in the case of outdoors, fire upward at an arc, guestimate based on gradeschool physics, fire test rounds (since you can carry enough to take out a platoon)
and if you run close to a pounder it ends up killing itself.
If you can get close the guy muyst have been reloading after kill the rest of your squad, plus with all the armor they have they can take a lot of upclose and personal shots.
The thing CAN NOT kill anything armored that moves because trying to hit a tank with these things is impossible, and even if it does it takes a couple full clips to take one out, so switching it to anti-infantry was a great move.
I want to see the antivehicle max made anti infantry and a completely new max drawn up for antivehicle work, maybe a verson of the pounder whos shells are more impact but little or no splash.
Ground planting is not that turns you into a stationary target and if you try to do it well in combat you usally plant in time to die and if you try to unplant your usally are too late, it's an ability with costs.
How vulnerable are you planting in frront of a door, or in front of spawn tubes,, not very, plant two pounder max's at the top of a flight of stairs stick an engie behind them, nothing is coming up those stairs for a long time.
Heaven forbid the TR who bitch about the JH so much (which I dont use by the way because i'd rather my points elsewhere) give up their cheaper more heavily armored non enemy seizable version.
2003-07-09, 01:33 AM
I wasn't bitching about the Sparrow MAX..don't think it needs changing. I just hate that damn thing, but really it seems fair compared with the others.
2003-07-09, 01:39 AM
Yeah the pounder MAX is kind of rediculous, what is funny however is that most people who cert it are incredibly stupid. There will be a pounder guarding a CC along with other TR and the second someone opens the door the MAX unloads all his ammo, usually killing half of his teammates. Funny stuff. :)
2003-07-09, 04:46 AM
Think of the Pounder a 'temporary' MAX. Most of the people who use it can only use it for what... an hour? By that time, their grief is too high to do anything (talk to Saint if you don't believe me).
2003-07-09, 04:55 AM
Right now, I'm just sick of the stupid bugs. Getting stuck in respawn tubes is getting old really fast.
NightWalker XI
2003-07-09, 05:02 AM
Door bugs and Spawn tube doors bugs are driving me up the wall and them fucking lockups too
2003-07-09, 05:06 AM
Where the hell did the suicide command go? I so love the fact that if i get stuck in a tube, or fall through the world, or hang in mid air (has happened twice now) if someone isnt available/wont shoot me, my only recourse is to recall. Why oh why did suicide get removed.
NightWalker XI
2003-07-09, 05:11 AM
Originally posted by Lilbird2431
1. fricking n00bie hammer (HA)
2. Med assault (gauss rifle)
3. Tank (vanguard)
4. anti vech (its equal with striker in my mind)
5. heavy buggy (think its equal with maurader)
TR strenghts
1. maxes
2. Anti vech (its equal with phoenix in my mind)
3. heavy buggy (also think its equal with enforcer)
VS strenghts
ummmm im trying to find some ah there we go
1. mobility- teh vanoo can yoose teh jetpakcorz!
So yeah there you go. Without outright saying the NC are the best empire, I implied it.
WTF u on about, for one the Jackhammer is highly useless at mroe than 20 feet, so while a dude using JH has tog et clsoe you can kill him with Cycler while he moves, if you can do that at 20 feet you suck.
Cycler > Gauss anyday so I don't see how thats a NC satrength
Also Phoenix is NOT equal to Striker, both take 3 shots to kill a MAX but your shoots way fast while we have to reload after each shot, therefore you can kill MAXes faster, how is that equal?
2003-07-09, 05:35 AM
Because you dont have to be in the Line of Sight of the target to hit your target. Where as you do with the Striker. I'm sure Missle Lock is common and annoying to see. And so is Phoenix missles coming from behind hills and walls. It evens out IMO.
so while a dude using JH has tog et clsoe you can kill him with Cycler while he moves, if you can do that at 20 feet you suck.
You generally don't have 20ft to manuever around in the stairs, basements of bases and in towers. They places where success is won and lost. And Jackhammer+Surge is incredibly common. Not to mention, you close distance much faster running forward than you do running backwards are strafing which the Cycler guy would be doing when trying to keep distance.
In terms of the TR, the best counter for the NC Jackhammer is the Max Pounder. But those have a 5 min time limit, and only gained in building equip terminals. Also, since the weapons are AE, like all AE weapons, any attacks made on infantry close quarters combat range does a lot of damage to Max as well. The creator of this thread mentioned a Pounder max could kill someone in Agile in two or less shots. So can the Jackhammer which has no time limit and can be aquired at any equipment terminal.
2003-07-09, 05:38 AM
2003-07-09, 05:59 AM
Its a Rant thread. Not your typical standard post that often does get turned into a JH thread. Those do suck. And when it comes to many of the JH threads, NC are just as guilty of turning them into JH threads by making the posts trying to defend it. Both sides of the coin are equally guilty of the JH Threadjack.
However, this is a rant thread. Why would you not expect to see the Jackhammer mentioned here? Get a clue.
NightWalker XI
2003-07-09, 05:59 AM
Cease are you a twat?
For fucks sake, indoors a MCG or Lasher as sjut as good as a JH, thats what the weapons where made for, close combat, stop the fucking whinning, JH isn't overpowered, ever heard of thworing grenades around corners?
Guess when I was VS I killed alot of JH users with my Lasher, dunno WTF you crying about it for, and Phoenix control is only advantage, Phoenix damage is lower than Striker and we have to reload, when the NC fighting means is meant to be one strong hit logn reload instyead we get one weak hit logn reload, great...
Have you ever played all 3 sides?
I have...
2003-07-09, 06:46 AM
i really dont think any1 is cryin .. just statin their opinion
2003-07-09, 08:51 AM
warning, warning, bullshit alarm, bullshit alarm. no way in hell is the lasher as good as the jackhammer.
quothe the raven 'have you played all 3 sides?'
the door bug, where you cant hack the door is not actually a bug. There is in fact a timer, that onced hacked wont let you hack the door again for a period of time.
i agree there r some times, where the door wont open for no reason or the cc cannot be rehacked and that needs to be fixed.
the lasher is fine at the moment, only in mid to close combat.
this updated i dont think is really going to fix the voice of the ppl.
i think what needs to be done, is have two firing modes, 1 for faster ROF but less damages or less lash area for outdoor. the the other with slower ROF for indoor.
at the moment, the lasher is still a very nice weapon, my KPD(kills per death) is about 5 to 1 with the lasher alone, i think that is pretty good. my personal opinion is that the jackhammer needs to be beefed up mainly so they stand a chance against me.
2003-07-09, 10:09 AM
first of all nightwalker lay the fuck off of cease.
Now the phoenix. In case u didnt realize the Striker takes FOUR hits to kill a max. Yes sure after 3 its down to health alone, but u still have the AGONIZINGLY LONG RELOAD TIME in which time said max can cap ur ass and go get repaired. Or you could tell me to pull out my secondary weapon usually either a chaingun or cycler. thats very good and all but still u have to wait to put wepaon away and take another one out. oh and dont get me fucking started about how badly the fucking phoenix owns aircraft. Striker takes about 6 or 7 hits to down a reaver. you know how many a phoenix takes? about 3 maybe 4. so the two weapons are equal. I DONT WANT TO NERF NETHING!
and the gauss rifle is nearly equal with the cycler ill givie u that, but it still deals more damage with about the same recoil, so ill loot it whenever i get a chance.
not gonna even bother replying to the crap about the n00bhammer.
and u wanna nerf the pounder, AGAIN? I remind u its been nerfed once b4, which is most of the reason the fricking smacktards switched from TR to NC. I MEAN WTF IT WAS A CHANGE ON 2 FRICKING THINGS!
ok im done. (grabs 3 gallon bucket of water to douse flames out)
2003-07-09, 10:19 AM
VS strenghts
ummmm im trying to find some ah there we go
1. mobility- teh vanoo can yoose teh jetpakcorz!
I own you wiht my jetpack......oh wait ... just an easier target when im in the air:eek:
so here is the list of VS strengths:
exactly......there is NOTHING!:mad:
so stfu cause the only empire which got a reason to complain is the one with the "no entry in strengths"-list
2003-07-09, 10:46 AM
First, if you're racking up grief with a Pounder you ain't doing it right. I can go hours without a single grief point in a Pounder.
Second, the Pounder gets owned outside of bases and towers. Yes, bases and towers is where battles are won and lost and they are very valuable there. As has already been mentioned, many tower/base sieges involve coming from an AMS where the Pounder isn't available.
Third, at least on the Johari server there are FAR more NC and Vanu MAXs then there are TR. I started out with the Pounder but actually dropped it after not that long and just recerted in it once I decided that the MCG was just as useless as I'd feared. I was in a tower battle against NC and MAXs were absolutely flooding out of that tower. I'm sure it would be incredibly intimidating to see Pounder's and DC's flooding out of a tower like that, but I've never seen it happen on our side.
Maybe it's different on the other servers, but it seems to me you'll have an issue proving that there is a balance problem if not that many players are even using the weapon.
2003-07-09, 10:49 AM
Here's my official response to every balance bitch heretofore mentioned:
Boo Fucking Hoo.
2003-07-09, 11:17 AM
Nightwalker, never did I say the JH was overpowered. Never once did I cry. I simply countered your argument. You make is sound like putting distance between you and a jackhammer is incredibly easy. You and I know better.
As far as playing all 3 empires -- I only have played 2 thusfar. TR and NC. I made a Jackhammer monkey purely to see what that gun was all about. I can certainly understand why NC doesn't want this weapon changed in any way.
NightWalker XI
2003-07-09, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
Here's my official response to every balance bitch heretofore mentioned:
Boo Fucking Hoo.
True that...
Lilbird2431: Fuck you ya prick, go and mind your own business!
Cease: Dude your complaining the JH is too good while on stairs, etc
Your NOT supposed to win with Med Assault VS Heavy Assault while indoors, thats how it works, sure the JH is strong but to the poerson who said I was bullshitting, fuck you too asshole.
If you can't kill a JH user with a Lasher then you suck donkey balls and yeah why would I swap empires when TR MAX got nerfed?
If I wanted 100 kills a day I'd still be TR, I swaped cause I don't like TR looks (yes the looks, I don't like the goggles and the MAX'es look inflatable and also cause my friend was VS but he quit now so I went NC)
Dude, make another account, wherever, get heavy assault from the start with any of the other two empoires, well maybe not TR cause MCG isn't that good but a Lasher is JSUT AS GOOD as a JH, don't believe me fine, I don't give a rats ass
2003-07-09, 01:04 PM
Why dont we get rid of every weapon except suppressor standard exosuit and empire specific pistols?
Oh wait, then evertone would complain that the mag-scatter "pwns" indoors and that the beamer couldnt be used for more than a laser pointer.
So ditch the empire specific pistols and give everyone an AMP instead. Then no one can complain about weapon balance.
(what does AMP stand for anyways?)
2003-07-09, 01:18 PM
Automatic Machine Pistol :)
2003-07-09, 01:22 PM
ok thanks katana :D
2003-07-09, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by Crono
Think of the Pounder a 'temporary' MAX. Most of the people who use it can only use it for what... an hour? By that time, their grief is too high to do anything (talk to Saint if you don't believe me).
I've never been above 300 grief in my Pounder. If anything the Pounder will teach you when to hold your fire, which is a valuable skill in the game. Used with restraint, the Pounder is NOT a grief machine.
And it's not overpowered either, just really good indoors and especially defending. But it gets cut down like any other MAX unit, I've been killed enough times to know. Experienced enemies generally know how to deal with a MAX and aren't intimidated by the Pounder.
2003-07-09, 02:12 PM
Dude, make another account, wherever, get heavy assault from the start with any of the other two empoires, well maybe not TR cause MCG isn't that good but a Lasher is JSUT AS GOOD as a JH, don't believe me fine, I don't give a rats ass
Tell ya what. Im off tomorrow and the next day. Why don't you make a Vanu on Markov. Cert in HA and we'll meet up somewhere and you can go one on one with my Jackhammer monkey and own me with that Lasher. Indoors, outdoors, wherever you want to face off. We'll go 50-100 times and see who comes out on top.
Just name a time convenient for you.
2003-07-09, 03:51 PM
pounder overpowered? well, it's kind of a definition thing. I think the amount of damage it puts out and thus it's resulting time-to-kill against infantry is just right. it's an Anti-Infantry MAX, it should spank infantry.
the problem is, that it can apply that time to kill to everything in a radius, and can do it around corners/down stairs as well. that's the overpowered part.
2003-07-09, 07:09 PM
This was never meant to be a nerf the TR Max post, nor a Jafckhammer post. I personaly dont want either nerfed I'd like to see the other AP max's brought up to par or the pounder Max completely reworked and replaced. My complaint with the pounder is not how few shots it kills with but how many it can kill simultaniously with those same shots, and that it can do this to people without actual line of sight.
As to the Jackhammer/Lasher/MCG issues I hope ( I know it wont really happen) that all you stupid fraggers will shut up after they get done buffing them all up a bit. (people already circle strafe the hell out of me with the MCG i'm sure this will just get worse once the COF is tightened.
Tazz: are you sure about the door thing? I might be tempted to believe this if it wernt so inconsistant. Also do you have any official word to back this up? If this were the case it whould be nice if some kind of dilaog came up, and if people with hacking/advanced hacking could bypass it.
2003-07-09, 07:56 PM
hey nightwalker fuck off cease is my outfit mate.
2003-07-09, 08:05 PM
oh yeah, the lasher improvements were fucking WONDERFUL. we got more Rate of Fire. that's EXACT-A-FUCKINGLY what each and every Vanu that's ever used the cobbled together piece of shit asked for isn't it? ISN'T IT? we didn't ask for more bullet speed so people stop playing matrix with us, or lashes that actually *gasp* lash, or actually do damage so we can actually kill people with it! no, we all asked for more RoF.
higher RoF with 20 rounds per clip, I want to stomp on the bean bag of whatever dickstain is reponsible for labeling that a 'fix'.
(minor apologies for the rude tone, I'm just sick and tired of getting half assed fixes to even more half assed weapons)
2003-07-09, 08:09 PM
Have they even released anything that would improve it lately? I thought they were going to upgrade the MCG and Lasher in the next patch to make them on par with the JH. Should wait until then to criticize the update.
2003-07-09, 08:44 PM
I feel no compunctions against critcizing it now, before testing it. their idea of making it 'on par with the jackhammer' is to increase the lasher rate of fire as stated in the latest patch notes. the amount of increase is totally irrelavant. you can't hit the broad side of a barn before the barn moves with the current lasher. burning through your clip faster isn't gonna help that.
2003-07-09, 08:50 PM
Played with the Lasher on the Test Server.
That's what the server is there for.
My rating on the RoF change: Whoopie-fucking-do.
And to that dude that says that the Lasher is as good as the JH at CQ...dude, I wanna see you get your ass handed to you by that other guy with the JH monkey.
In fact, I hate the JH so much, I got rid of the damn cert with my NC character because it is simply NO fun to Surge, Kill, Surge, Kill...heal myself...repeat. In addition, the JH with AP ammo RAPES maxes indoors...or wait, you've got surge too, so it rapes outdoors as well.
VS weaponry needs help. The Pulsar is finally right. The rest, including the Lancer (gasp) ARE not good for their intended roles.
Our Pistol is a Glowstick.
Our HA fires Disco Balls of Mild Discomfort.
Our AV weapon simply SCREAMS the location of the person firing it.
Our AI max gets EASILY overwhelmed.
Our AV max has a pathetic clip size...and it's burn is gay. Burning a Vehicle? Lol
Our AA max is...a four foot pile of shit. I mean, really...what's with the glowsperms?
The, it makes nice sounds. Although, the fixes to it on Test are keen.
That leaves us with Common Pool shit and the MagRider...ManMower, FagRider...DeathStar whatever you want to call it. The Mag is the only thing we have worth 3 certs...and it should be 4.
That's why you see so damn many Mags. They work well at mowing the HORDES of Jackhammer wielders down....only most of em have Phoenix missles too. Every empire in the game uses what works best for them most.
TR-MA/AV/Maxes/HA/Heavy Buggy
VS-AV/ ...
The VS "maneuverability" advantage is enforced on us. We NEED to come at you with EVERY vehicle we can to get the odds on our side. Unfortunately, only 2 are not common pools...and only one of those is any good.
I've digressed alot, and lost focus. You JH advocets really piss me off that way.
/rant off.
2003-07-10, 01:44 AM
couldn't have ranted it better myself :)
2003-07-10, 12:25 PM
i agree as well.
btw how do u get into the test server? its not on the list of servers when i log on...
2003-07-10, 01:10 PM
any1 else notice how the starter of this thread snuck in a nerf request after a few things that are universal requests
2003-07-10, 01:31 PM
You Vanu guys complaining are retarded.
VS is hardly underpowered, I would take a Lasher any day over a Chaingun, and the Lancer any day over the Striker/Pheonix. The Magmower owns, the Pulsar is nice, Max jump jets own if the max pilot doesn't suck... the list goes on.
The teams are relatively balanced, stop fucking crying.
Lashers own. If you can't kill with it, it is because you suck, not because of any fault in the weapon.
2003-07-10, 01:36 PM
I notice you're TR. played AS Vanu lately?
2003-07-10, 01:41 PM
Yah, I'm Vanu on Emerald.
2003-07-10, 02:37 PM
Copy the ENTIRE PS directory to a new one.
Then run the PlanetSideTest.exe in the directory. Play then as normal.
2003-07-10, 02:42 PM
He'd take a Lasher over a Chaingun.
The question is, why?
You've got 100 round drum, you've got FAST projectiles...even with the COF they are fucking near impossible to dodge at >20m...
The Lasher...well, it makes nice sounds. I love to gleefully dance out of the way of its glowy balls of mild annoyance and blast the owner with whatever pistol I'm holding.
It embarasses them that way.
Trust me when I say that most Vanu would take a Pulsar over the Lasher in almost every circumstance...and the normal shotty after that for CQB. But shit, what do I know, I play only 2 Vanu on 2 servers.
2003-07-10, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Cease
Right now, I'm just sick of the stupid bugs. Getting stuck in respawn tubes is getting old really fast. well its the only plac to use hte restroom, so might as well go while u can.
2003-07-10, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Tryndamere
VS is hardly underpowered, I would take a Lasher any day over a Chaingun
WARNING: The statement you have just said is totally bogus.
in all seriousness it is......
you dont actually mean that..... i bet most nc would take a chaingun over a lasher.. well at least i would..
2003-07-10, 02:47 PM
as tr....i would take a lasher over me chaingun....since the mcg sucks penis.....
2003-07-10, 02:47 PM
I saw an NC using a Mini-Chaingun. :lol: :rofl: :lol:
2003-07-10, 02:55 PM
I mean do they wanna show pity upon us?
2003-07-10, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by NightWalker XI
Cease are you a twat?
For fucks sake, indoors a MCG or Lasher as sjut as good as a JH, thats what the weapons where made for, close combat, stop the fucking whinning, JH isn't overpowered, ever heard of thworing grenades around corners?
Guess when I was VS I killed alot of JH users with my Lasher, dunno WTF you crying about it for, and Phoenix control is only advantage, Phoenix damage is lower than Striker and we have to reload, when the NC fighting means is meant to be one strong hit logn reload instyead we get one weak hit logn reload, great...
Have you ever played all 3 sides?
I have... actually a pheonix missile does more damage than 1 striker missile
I saw an NC using a Mini-Chaingun.
35% of the people on markov nc say that the heavy assault cert is only useful if you can loot a mini chaingun
2003-07-10, 05:25 PM
but strikers always come in threes :mad:
2003-07-10, 05:29 PM
<For the Test Server>
Look in the folder you have PS installed and go through all the programs you'll see a test server.exe file, put it in it's own folder and then run it.
It took me a good 2 hours when it came out to get it up-to-date on cable. But then again at that time my cable company was having cable box problems or something.
Have fun hope I helped, and didn't forget anything.
2003-07-10, 05:38 PM
Huh how the F did that last post I made happen? OH well...
2003-07-10, 06:41 PM
Lashers ignore virtually all infantry armor, are area of effect, kill in 3-4 shots, and do a ton of damage to vehicles and MAX's without switching ammo. The balls travel fast enough to destroy people at close range unless you're in standard armor or something.
Don't believe the hype that people say about it tickling, etc. They're just trying to be funny.
When you play against people who know how to use lashers, you'll see for yourself that they can be used effectively. The chaingun on the otherhand is far less effective than the cycler at all ranges above 10m. Within 10m the JH and the lasher both can kill faster than it (especially when they up the ROF on the lasher). When they buff the chaingun by decreasing the rate at which its COF expands, then I'll re-evaluate my position. The huge CoF is mainly the reason it sucks, so changing that should help it a lot.
2003-07-10, 08:08 PM
lasher AoE? AoE what, 3-5 buggy lash damage that may or may not lash?
2003-07-10, 09:39 PM
lol yea, it doesnt lash in mid-flight (what it is supposed to do), but rather on impact, and it does lame damage.
2003-07-10, 09:58 PM
Actually, I was playing Vanu this morning and I love the Lasher, even against NC w/jackhammers. If you get surge too, you can back up as fast as they move forward, hehe. When I got in close, I got owned. When I was able to keep my distance and lead my fire, I owned them. I'm serious.
As an NC, I was always disappointed that the JH had no damage after about 20 feet and dropped it in favor of the thumper and a sweeper backup. In my opinion, saving 1 pt and getting a more versatile weapon was better for my playing style, since I'd rather not rush every enemy head-on.
2003-07-11, 01:11 AM
Don't be fooled, the Lasher can do damage.
Assuming your target is too stunned by the fact that you are actually shooting at them with one to dodge. And I don't mean balls out dodging, I mean the leisurely side-step.
Oh, and it can hurt tanks and all that. All the while providing the gunners with BIG "please place return fire RIGHT HERE" signs.
The MCG in CQB is far more effective, the projectiles travel faster. And the JH just plain kicks bum.
2003-07-11, 01:29 AM
I'm almost certain surge doesn't work in reverse...
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