View Full Version : latest news with the least crap from OF

2003-07-09, 01:55 PM
doing my duty as a loyal PSU fan, I've combed through the reams and reams of crap on the Offical Forums and I bring you the latest news:

In the next major patch, we will be updating the Heavy Assault weapons and Medium Buggies for the Terran Republic and Vanu Sovereignty.
TR MiniChaingun: The TR MiniChaingun received a 50% increase in bursting duration before recoil kicks in.

VS Lasher: The VS Lasher received an increased rate of fire to make it more comparable with the other Heavy Assault Weaponry.

TR Marauder and VS Thresher: Both of these vehicles were given an increase in armor points. Now the NC Enforcer, TR Marauder, and VS Thresher are equal health-wise.

VS Thresher: The VS Thresher had both its damage increased (against soldiers and vehicles), and its lifespan extended (so the projectile can travel further). This is to make it more comparable to the NC Enforcer and TR Marauder (in terms of damage potential).

Timing on these updates has yet to be determined, but we expect them to go to Test Server and then Live next week.

Victor Wachter
Community Relations Representative
Many questions can be answered by reading the PlanetSide Game Info and FAQ

well, what think you all?

2003-07-09, 02:08 PM
Hmm, I seem to remember the exact same thing on PSU last night. Whatever, I think thats fine, the MCG needed a boost, and the lasher, well I can't say i've tried the lasher. (or whatever its called) i don't see why our buggy needed a boost but hey the more opportunity to kill you freaking smurfs that own me all the time the better.

Have any of you TR or VS noticed that when there's a buncha fire going around, no one seems to care like it's an urgent matter. But as soon as the jackhammer rings out everyone pulls out their cyclers and starts looking around like some guy's gonna pop outta nowhere and blow everyone to hell. i was defending a CC yesterday with like 4 other guys. ONE NC with a JH came into the room and killed 3 of us and injured the last guy beofre we killed him. i think I need to talk about the sniper being boosted. The sniper DOES NOT KILL anyone that has reinforced armor on, how utterly ridiculous, a head shot wont kill a guy. And i know there arent any hitboxes, I'm just saying this is ridiculous, the sniper is always and always will be one shot one kill, not this 2 shots bullshit.

2003-07-09, 02:13 PM
The bolt driver should not be a one shot kill weapon.

you'd have hoardes of snipers running around massacering armies left right and centre

2003-07-09, 02:31 PM

posted this last night =)

2003-07-09, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by Bismarck

i think I need to talk about the sniper being boosted. The sniper DOES NOT KILL anyone that has reinforced armor on, how utterly ridiculous, a head shot wont kill a guy. And i know there arent any hitboxes, I'm just saying this is ridiculous, the sniper is always and always will be one shot one kill, not this 2 shots bullshit.

No. Just no. It is already very easy to kill a crouching enemy with the bolt driver in under 4 seconds, so why make it possible to kill a reinforced armor (the heavy infantry armor, mind you) in under a second?

Sniping is a skill in PS, especially when nailing moving targets. As such it requires patience and practice. If you find yourself frustrated with the bolt driver, perhaps it just aint for you.

So yeah, the bolt driver is good the way it is (if I were a dev I might make the reticule snap a bit slower, though.)

2003-07-09, 04:03 PM
Read our news page :p


2003-07-09, 04:13 PM
Im in reinforced and i get killed by snipers.. Specially in the big battles when im already hurt .. Theres no way that it should be a 1 shot kill