View Full Version : Question for VS only, rest of you can SOD OFF! Especially you Newbhammer folk!
2003-07-11, 09:18 AM
Hey fellow VS'rs which do you guys like more the Quasar or the Comet? I'd use the comet if it had more rounds, but the quasar just seems very inneffective vs other max's and vehicles too but it does very well vs infantry.
Give me your thoughts please!
2003-07-11, 09:59 AM
Quaser- it does its job very well.
Comet stinks to high heaven against vehicles, ok vs max, and ok vs infantry.
Happy lil Elf
2003-07-11, 10:08 AM
Buy whatever MAX you want, Vanu MAXs look neat on my bumper.
This comment brought to you by your dumbass title.
2003-07-11, 10:10 AM
quasar = not bad against infantry, but the ap mode was nerf'd beyond the point of even using it. (normal mode does more dmg with 60 shots[2 ap clips])
comet = need faster projectiles, bigger clip, and STACKING plasma dmg.
starfire = SHOULD NOT have lower dmg at range, plasma dmg should stack, need faster projectile speed, tracer shouldnt be as long
ps, i played vanu in beta, right now i have 2 vanu alts (br15/cr1 and br9/cr0)
2003-07-11, 10:36 AM
Forget all your MAX suits and get a magmower. If you get a gunner, you can even be an anti-air sniper.
2003-07-11, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by Ghost06
Forget all your MAX suits and get a magmower. If you get a gunner, you can even be an anti-air sniper.
you get my newb of the day award, congrats!
2003-07-11, 11:03 AM
What does "SOD OFF" mean, anyway?
I dont see why the faction with all the lazer guns and hover stuff need the common pool stuff, their versons of common pool stuff should have the lazers and hovering and stuff. It wouldent be too hard, replace the tires with jets or something and change the bullets of the common pool guns and add some fancy stuff to them.
Ive used the Vs max, it might not be the best fighting thing, but the jets are the best thing ever, you can get into soo many places others can't.
Happy lil Elf
2003-07-11, 11:18 AM
I think sod off is like fuck off, but british :p
2003-07-11, 11:53 AM
Ya, buy the ManMower.
Sure, it's no good inside bases, but then, neither are your MAXes.
2003-07-11, 01:01 PM
If you're looking to buy a cert in one or the other, I'd recommend picking up the Quasar first. It's much more versatile than the comet. The comet is really only useful indoors against other MAX and infantry. It is by far the worst anti-vehicle MAX in the game. Nobody actually uses it for what it was intended for.
2003-07-11, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by aiwest420
you get my newb of the day award, congrats!
You've obviously never been in a reaver sniped by a magrider you didn't even see (for the first shot atleast). Before you accuse me, please think. For the same amount of certs that you could be in an AI/AV max for, you could drive an infantry plow. Much better than the under-effective VS MAX suits.
2003-07-11, 01:37 PM
my br15/cr1 vanu char on johari has magrider cert.
i dont ever leave without a gunner (unless i just need to drive somewhere quickly) because i know for a fact i will get owned by tanks/reavers/libs,etc.
and the main gun is really only effective againt a reaver that are not moving fast.
seriously, if you keep getting hit by the mag main gun, START MOVING MORE AND STOP HOVERING LIKE A NEWB.
2003-07-11, 02:00 PM
I think sod off is like fuck off, but british
Yeah, but the "sod" being short for "sodomy". Those British have the strangest insults.
2003-07-11, 03:06 PM
You need to find better gunners, the magrider gun can tag moving reavers pretty damn well-- as good as anything that isnt guided in fact. It also does substantial damage-- I'm guessing 5-6 hits to blow up a reaver.
Magrider is the best anti air tank by leaps and bounds.
2003-07-11, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by aiwest420
my br15/cr1 vanu char on johari has magrider cert.
i dont ever leave without a gunner (unless i just need to drive somewhere quickly) because i know for a fact i will get owned by tanks/reavers/libs,etc.
and the main gun is really only effective againt a reaver that are not moving fast.
seriously, if you keep getting hit by the mag main gun, START MOVING MORE AND STOP HOVERING LIKE A NEWB.
Lol. I'm not even a pilot. Have you ever seen how quickly a gal moves? Exactly. The rail cannon on the magrider moves pretty quick, and is DIRECT FIRE, unlike the arching fire of the prowler and vanguard. All you need to do to effectively take out air targets is run over infantry while you wait for the sucker to stop (most probably to fire at infantry). When reavers get close, it's also much easier to fire at them. When they stay far and rocket you, it's easy to strafe away. I've witnessed this (and taken place in it) too often for you to influence me.
2003-07-11, 03:55 PM
quasar = not bad against infantry, but the ap mode was nerf'd beyond the point of even using it. (normal mode does more dmg with 60 shots[2 ap clips])
comet = need faster projectiles, bigger clip, and STACKING plasma dmg.
starfire = SHOULD NOT have lower dmg at range, plasma dmg should stack, need faster projectile speed, tracer shouldnt be as long
ps, i played vanu in beta, right now i have 2 vanu alts (br15/cr1 and br9/cr0)
You give out the newb of the day award, and I give you the dumbass arrogant 12 year old of the day award.
Speak in more absolutes why don't you~
2003-07-11, 04:37 PM
I hate all MAXes, being the grunt that I am I find them utterly pointless. I used to have the TR AA max. I killed alot of people but it was so cumbersome and just not fun at all. I used it once, killled 10 VS and left it. Plus you cant do anything besides gun, can't hack or engie or anything. I know some of you guys swear by them but they just seem pointless. They get pwned by vehicles, and by a large squad of infantry. Personally I'm always in a large squad for that purpose alone. Although that NC max that shoots missles (dont know the name) is pretty good. And the jump jets are freaking awsome, too bad the weapons on VS maxes blow in general. I've found only one good purpose for maxes, and that is, of course, CC guarding. If you've got 2 Maxes at the doors of the CC, aint no one getting in. Escpially if your TR, you can lock your poistion and all. Sorry for my rant in your thread, but I feel the need to speak my opion.
And BTW, if you tell someone not to come, it will only incite more and more of them.
EDIT: Hey look I've got 69 kills! lol
2003-07-11, 06:47 PM
I am VS, and I have to agree with the 'get a magrider' sentiment. for three certs you get a bumper and sort-of-effective driver gun for anti-infantry and a direct fire anti-vehicle weapon of neato proportions. just be prepared to spend alot of your time educating the unwashed masses on what exactly client-side hit detection means.
but if you absolutely INSIST on getting a gimpified MAX suit instead of spending certs to get special assault, heavy assault or anti-vehicle, go for quasar. at least it works in it's assigned role of anti infantry, just not as well as the other empire's MAXes do. the comet is a joke in it's assigned role of anti-vehicle.
2003-07-13, 03:01 AM
Buy whatever MAX you want, Vanu MAXs look neat on my bumper.
2003-07-13, 08:08 PM
Seriously, the Magrider.
NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING gets the attention of a swarm of infantry quite like an approaching Magrider.
2003-07-13, 08:19 PM
I've been playing around with the Vanu maxes lately, and, seriously, I like both the AI and AV maxes. I can never keep the names straight, but the AV max is my favorite. It was nice to be able to jump OVER a tank trying to run me down, for once, turn around and blast it. I got several prowlers that way yesterday.
I must admit, though, that the magrider idea has least you can pull that away and repair it yourself. I don't like going all-max unless I have a nearly dedicated repair-guy right with me.
2003-07-13, 08:53 PM
I don't have any experience outside of the shooting range with the Comet, but the quasar is awesome. I saw through infantry with it. when it comes to AI MAXes or AA MAXes, I always win (if I'm not at a disadvantage). Although it seems to chew through ammo rather quickly.
But heres a tip for others who use Quasar or want to: Don't go for vehicles unless they are helpless or crippled (Adv. Targetting lets u see vehicles' health) or naturally weak (Bas, Wraith, Mosq, Harasser, etc.). Last thing you wanna do is show a Van or Prowler where you are. cuz then even jumping cant save you :(
2003-07-13, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Revolver
I don't have any experience outside of the shooting range with the Comet, but the quasar is awesome. I saw through infantry with it. when it comes to AI MAXes or AA MAXes, I always win (if I'm not at a disadvantage). Although it seems to chew through ammo rather quickly.
But heres a tip for others who use Quasar or want to: Don't go for vehicles unless they are helpless or crippled (Adv. Targetting lets u see vehicles' health) or naturally weak (Bas, Wraith, Mosq, Harasser, etc.). Last thing you wanna do is show a Van or Prowler where you are. cuz then even jumping cant save you :(
Very good points!
I'd also add--to my previous comments--that using a combination of trees, steep terrain, your auto-run, and faster turning-radius can help you husband your max energy for jumping. The trick regarding the jumping is that you have to pay attention to where the turret(s) are facing and whether the tank has to go up-hill or around a tree to get at you. Having gunned for them alot, I know you can't change direction really fast, so learn to anticipate where the driver will drive and which way the gunner will shoot.
Also remember the tank's primary weakness...directly above. Even if you do only a short jump, but land on top of it, you take far less damage than if you get run over by it, and you can shoot down the whole time. Use every available cover you can, and learn to run away when you get more than half damaged.
Oh, and make friends with every repair guy you meet, hehe.
2003-07-14, 02:09 AM
...vanu max doesnt have a faster turn radius, though it should, we being the mobility people and all...
2003-07-14, 09:54 AM
Wow, I'd love to see some Vanu MAXes jump a hill....
"OMFG! I almost popped one with my reaver cockpit!!!!"
2003-07-14, 07:17 PM
but never forget, we have our jumpjets that got pummeled in the testicles with the nerf stick. I could have understood nerf to total power so your jumps are lower or to recharge speed so you needed to choose your fewer jumps wisely. nerfing both of them by, what was it 1/3 apiece, was just a shot to the balls and totally uncalled for.
2003-07-14, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Katanaboy
...vanu max doesnt have a faster turn radius, though it should, we being the mobility people and all...
I meant that tank turrets don't turn nearly as fast as vanu maxes can move, if you keep relatively close to them. Also, it is FAR harder to turn a tank and maneuver than to do the same with a max, especially if the tank is a Vanguard.
2003-07-14, 11:46 PM
oh, i see, sorry :)
Anyway, its hard to get that close to a vanguard, because
A) The vanguard runs you over, even when you try to fly over it
B) You get hit by the 150mm cannon and die (three shots and the max is gone)
2003-07-15, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by Katanaboy
B) You get hit by the 150mm cannon and die (three shots and the max is gone) That takes about 6 make an attempt to evade. Do you have any clue how hard it is to hit a jumping MAX w/ the 150mm? Damn near impossible!
2003-07-15, 02:09 AM
yes, but you can only jump once or twice before having to wait the 20 seconds to recharge the capacitor...and then the cannon shoots us
2003-07-15, 02:58 AM
The Quasar max is very good...second best AI max in my opinion.
Although making AP rounds cost double was a definate mistake.
I can usauly beat the NC's AI max quite easily outdoors or in by jumping over his head and shootign him in the back.(yes it does work indoors to a lesser extent.
Against a TR pounder MAX I have much more trouble. Most of time time i try to get close to them so they kill themselves.
The Comet Maxis not nearly as good. Its decent at killing other maxs but not very good at killing infantry or vehicles.
Its clip is way to small and its orbs travel too slow. I don't think the burning damage should stack.
I haven't had much experiance with the starfire MAX...i seems to suck...It looks pretty though =)
2003-07-15, 03:01 AM
Is the Magrider really that great?
I haven't driven one in combat, but when I play NC or TR, any time a mag gets near, it doens't take long to waste it with AV. Despite all the the hype I've never ran in terror form a mag, or any other tank for that matter. I don't know, I think all tanks in PS suck, and need a major armor improvements. I mean IT's A TANK. Aren't tanks supposed to be tough as hell to blow up except from another tank? I think they should quadruple the armor on all tanks , and half the speed.
2003-07-15, 03:16 AM
Though generally (correct me if i'm wrong) i believe tanks almost always have at least one weak spot...the ass :P
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