View Full Version : Max's

2003-01-01, 03:11 PM
Hey, anyone know how fast a vanu max can run compared to a soldier in light armor? And i don't mean them running at 70 kmph, i mean just regular running, moving.

Also, at 70 kmph, does it use energy, stamina, what exactly does it take up to use this ability?

2003-01-01, 03:37 PM
I haven't seen any stats on that. I would think in a normal movement pace the infantry will move much faster. Where as when the MAX is in sprint mode it'll move at maybe 30mph or so. It's all just guess work right now anyway. Have to play the game to find out for sure. Or ask Hamma. :doh:

2003-01-01, 03:40 PM
*Waits for Hamma*
You'd think that the Vanu max would beable to run about as fast as a normal troop if all it has is jump jets. I mean if it was a jet pack it would be different but being able to jump high is supposed to be equal to doubling your rate of fire or a shield that lets no damage get through? I don't think it is. I mean if it had a superior anti-infantry weapon and anti-vehecular weapon then the others i thin it'd be fair but all the weapons seem equally effective.

2003-01-01, 07:32 PM
I dunno about fairness, but the Vanu Max sure as hell looks cooler than the others.:cool:

2003-01-01, 08:12 PM
Apparently, the MAX moves slowly when walking (slower than an infantryman), but it can sprint, and when it sprints, it moves quite quickly.

2003-01-01, 08:20 PM
THey are very fast (when In sprint mode) as for side by side comparison I didnt see it so I cant really say :( Im sure they are slower than the other armors

2003-01-01, 08:30 PM
kick ass MAX's will be fast

2003-01-01, 10:58 PM
smoke Jumper mentioned somewhere that normal (jogging) speed of standard armor is 6 meters/second.
which is about 20 kilometers/hour

2003-01-02, 12:38 AM
Yeah but as I asked earlier, won't the Vanu max be outmatched by the other max's with it's only special ability being jump jets? Also, i'll ask again, what does sprinting take up, energy, stamina, what?? Can it only be used once every 20 minutes or something?

2003-01-02, 12:43 AM
Sprinting doesn't take anything, it's has an on-off button, you just have to be willing to sacrafice your ability to fight while its on. Don't underestimate the shock value of Jump Jets Venoxile, on an open field the VS might be at a disadvantage but anywhere where your visablity is decreased (forest, swamp) the VS MAX will be deadly.

2003-01-02, 12:47 AM
Outmatched in a firefight, yeah, but the VS MAX will excel in other areas. That armor will probably be able to get into places nothing else in the game can, and I get the impression that if a TR MAX tried to use its special with a VS MAX around, the VS MAX could just leapfrog the TR MAX and kill it without any fear of reprisal.

I guess the VS MAX is just going to be a bit less tankish and a bit more jump-trooperish.

2003-01-02, 12:48 AM
The VS max can get to thoes hard to reach high spots on cliffs and snipe away. So I don't call that being out match by the TR max that has a high rof or by the NC max that has a shield. Each max as well as each side has there ups and downs.

2003-01-02, 01:28 AM
If the TR max plants himself into the ground, the VS max could just jump over him and lay waste to his back because they couldn't turn around, right?

2003-01-02, 01:51 AM
Yeah that's why if i use a VS MAX i'll fear the NC one more than TR.

Also we don't know yet the armor and firepower of each MAX. Yeah the VS will have less armor but how much less? And what about weapons? In other words we don't know yet if the VS MAX really is at a big disadvantage on a 1 on 1 situation in the open field.

2003-01-02, 02:00 AM
Well said.

2003-01-02, 09:54 AM
hmm, it won't suck to run from place to place in a MAX suit thanks to sprint... you'll be just as fast as a tank and you can sprint forever. However if driving a place from place to place sucks then sprinting in a MAX will too hehe.

As for the VS MAX, that comet weapon is interesting.. the burning effect of it allows for some interesting tactical choices along whit it's boosters =)

2003-01-02, 10:43 AM
Do you people really think a TR MAX would be stupid enough to anchor when fighting someone who never shuts up about how they will win because he is anchored.

2003-01-02, 11:08 AM
If they are, they don't deserve to be piloting a MAX in the first place. That said, I think they'll end up well balanced and each will be fun to play in its own way.

2003-01-02, 11:16 AM
Only maxes can sprint, it's a MAX ability.

you're mixing up surge and sprint. surge drains stamina for extra running speed. Sprint does not use endurance.

Walking dosn't reduce endurance, running reduses it, i think firering does to.

2003-01-02, 11:48 AM
Walking reduces endurance? I doubt normal walking does that..

Maybee hamma can come set this straight? Lotta confusion here hehe

2003-01-02, 12:25 PM
Walking/Running stamina was a real hindurance when I played. But dave made a post a few weeks ago stating that they made some changes.

First off, in normal armor there is normal runing, and there is surge. As I understand it, your normal running wil not decrease stamina anymore. However, surge being an implant will use your stamina.

As for MAX Sprint/Run mode. I dont think it is related to stamina in any way, afterall it is a mechinised armor. Why would it use stamina? The few seconds I got to mess with the MAX didnt really give me a good idea of how they work. So I am just guessing here.

2003-01-02, 12:33 PM
Here is Dave's post about stamina:

2003-01-02, 01:14 PM
PKay, you got into that exclusive beta thingy?

2003-01-02, 02:28 PM
I wonder, could it be possible to combine sprinting and jump jets in a vanu max? I mean could you make gigantic freakin leaps across plains? And what does jumpjets use up? Do you have to haul around a bunch of gas in your suit or something? Or can you only use it once every 10 minutes or something while the energy thingy recharges?

I also think that adrenaline would be an awesome thing to add to planetside, getting so many kills in a short amount of time that you do more damage, or run faster, or your rate of fire increases or something. I think that would be really sweet in large battles to keep alive. So you lose something everytime you die, other then having to find a transport back to the battle.

2003-01-02, 03:09 PM
why would being hyper make your bullets do more damage or increase the rate of fire on your gun?

2003-01-02, 03:16 PM

2003-01-02, 10:14 PM
If you want special boosters, special moves with extra damage, hyper mod, and all that other stuff go play UT2003 or something from the Quake series.