View Full Version : Will you be able to lean?

2003-01-01, 07:24 PM
Will you be able to lean in Planetside? I consider leaning an important part of an action game and it would piss me off if you couldn't in this. I only have considered it really important since I played the Tom Clancy's Raven Shield demo :cool: Anyone who has played it will prolly agree with me.

2003-01-01, 07:28 PM
I'm an old skool rogue spear player, and leaning is not necessary in an outdoor combat fps, in fact it would be really g*ay in forest combat where people are leaning from behind a tree picking guys off.

2003-01-01, 07:30 PM
But it would be realistic... in real gun fights, people can lean. I think its stupid to limit movement without it. But I could live without it, I played tribes, HL, stuff like that and they are great. So... is their leaning or not?

2003-01-01, 08:15 PM
I'm not sure if you can do this, Its not somthing I tried when I played. :( Hopefully Dave will read this thread ;)

2003-01-01, 08:18 PM
I would agree with leaning, it is a very important technique in Ghost Recon as well. It is something a person would do in real life if they were in a fight & only had a few trees & bushes to use as cover! I don't see where it would be a problem, instead of exposing your whole body, you could just "peek" out. It consists of using skill, everyone could lean, as long as people couldn't glitch and abuse it!! Glitch, meaning shooting through trees or buildings, and not being able to be hit. The person glitching could see you, but you wouldn't be able to see them basically. So I would be in favor only if it was impossible to glitch!:brow:

2003-01-01, 08:25 PM
Raven shield has a perfect leaning system IMO. Couldn't play that game without it. Cool gore too, can splatter blood on walls and stuff.. that was a little off topic.

2003-01-01, 08:37 PM
Hopefully SJ will be able to enlighten us on this issue, would suck if there were alot of glitching going on!:ugh:

2003-01-01, 09:31 PM
I like a lean myself (I was also pro prone - which mean's I probably just jinxed this) but a much better technique is to back up. Instead of sticking your hole damn torso around a tree, just back up. As you back up you don't present more of a profile, yet allow your self a larger targeting field. Once under fire you can move back up to the tree, - I know it works awesome in FPS's and Paintball.

2003-01-01, 10:53 PM
leaning probauly won't be all that important because this game will be more fast paced than rogue spear. probauly like delta force 2 with more health and cover. Hopefully it will be available for those who wish to persue the stealth aspect of the game

2003-01-01, 10:56 PM
Planetside is going to be fast paced. Not like Ghost Reacon or Raven Shield. So no leaning I think.

2003-01-01, 11:38 PM
Leaning is also a useful tool in Return to Castle Wolfenstein, which is my primary game. It is great for watching around the corner on defense and when the enemy reaches you, you can jump out and tear him up(of course he can't see you). The only difference in Wolf and the afore mentioned games is you can't shoot while leaning, only look.

Wolf is pretty fast-paced, but it's still quite useful. I could envision it being a good tool within the the bases in Planetside, especially if you are cloaked and don't want to turn the corner and run into the chest of a MAX.

2003-01-02, 01:09 AM
If you've ever played MOHAA online (at least this is what comes to my mind) you know how people lean-dodge back and forth really quickly. I think that's annoying as hell. Very unrealistic that they can lean back and forth so quickly. If it were slower I think it could benefit the game. Not really a major detail though. Most action will be outright fighting imo, not hiding and being REALLY stealthy (enough to need leaning).

2003-01-02, 01:17 AM
leaning should be in.

indoor combat would be queer without it.

sof2 is superfast and they have leaning and its great.

2003-01-02, 01:24 AM
Whats to prevent you from leaning real fast in real life? You could, but it would screw up your accuracy really badly, like in Raven Shield