View Full Version : Ammo type

2003-01-01, 08:49 PM
I am wondering how effective the different ammo types are when not used against their intended target. In particular, how well does AP ammo work against infantry? Does it function well enough to JUST use AP ammo all the time, or will it truly pay to switch to the appropriate ammo type?

2003-01-01, 09:35 PM
It most definatly pays to switch heh, anti armor doesent work well against people, and vice versa. SO you will need to carry both types.

2003-01-01, 09:48 PM
Thx Hamma! Hmmm...that will make things interesting for those of us with the choice of ammo type.

2003-01-01, 10:50 PM
Just wanted to add to what Hamma said. Some of you might be wondering why the heck wouldn't an armor piercing bullet rip somone apart ??? But the problem is an armor piercing bullet goes in and out, its ridiculous it takes up to 8 or 9 shots to kill somone (If you read the book or saw the movie who might have even been there you hear the rangers and delta force complaining that the bullets go in and out). In black hawk a problem with the ammo they went in with was it was armor piercing. That is why in the news I read that the terrorists could have an american rifle but prefer the AK series because when it hit's the target the bullet curves to stay in length wise damage much more tissue and giving the medic one hell of job!

2003-01-01, 11:44 PM
AP ammunition sucks unless you want your target to die very slowly (blood loss/gradual organ failure).

2003-01-02, 12:06 AM
The AK series of rifles is the most produced series of rifles in the world and is one of the most reliable. Plus since they are mass produced round the world they are a hell of a lot more avaliable than the American M16A2 that our boys use. With the 47 version you could throw a handfull of dirt in chamber, put in a clip, chamber a round, and fire of a shot with no jamming or anything. Duriablity, rugade design, and full auto that's why most orginazitons choose the AK series not the armor pierceing ammuniton that the black hawk insident soldier may have been using. The Russians designed the AK and after the wars in the middle east that they tried to invade, left most of the equipment and weapons there because it would cost them too much to haul it all back since the berlin wall fell and the cold war was over. The country sold off some of its weapons of war to make up for the unstablility of there ecconomy. That's why a lot of teh middle east nations and even China and Korea has the AKs because of the wars that occured and the arms Russia sold or supplied to thoes nations. That's just a little history, sorry if i went off on the deep end.

2003-01-02, 01:33 AM
Holy crap you guys know a lot about guns... well I do too. I guess its something to expect with the FPS crowd.

2003-01-02, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by SpecialOpRanger
The AK series of rifles is the most produced series of rifles in the world and is one of the most reliable. Plus since they are mass produced round the world they are a hell of a lot more avaliable than the American M16A2 that our boys use. With the 47 version you could throw a handfull of dirt in chamber, put in a clip, chamber a round, and fire of a shot with no jamming or anything. Duriablity, rugade design, and full auto that's why most orginazitons choose the AK series not the armor pierceing ammuniton that the black hawk insident soldier may have been using. The Russians designed the AK and after the wars in the middle east that they tried to invade, left most of the equipment and weapons there because it would cost them too much to haul it all back since the berlin wall fell and the cold war was over. The country sold off some of its weapons of war to make up for the unstablility of there ecconomy. That's why a lot of teh middle east nations and even China and Korea has the AKs because of the wars that occured and the arms Russia sold or supplied to thoes nations. That's just a little history, sorry if i went off on the deep end.

erm no, first off, in Somalia the rangers were using the M4 carbine. second it is called a Magazine, not a clip, China and Korea have AKs because they produce clones of them. and you sure as hell did go off the deep end, try learning your history before teaching it.

2003-01-02, 02:13 AM
LoL, SpecialOpRanger, i was watching a special on the AK on history channel and that is almost the exact thing they said about. Good Job Man You Knwo Your Weapons Of Destruction.

2003-01-02, 02:14 AM
again, the reason terrorists seem to have primarily AKs is b/c the AK is the most produced weapon ever. the ammunition acts the same way as the m-16, except the m16 i believe has a greater muzzle velocity, but when using normal rounds, they both do a 180 turn after about 8cm of penetration and begin to fragment from the rear, shredding any blood vessels nearby and creating a rather large internal cavity

2003-01-02, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by DarkJaguar
erm no, first off, in Somalia the rangers were using the M4 carbine. second it is called a Magazine, not a clip, China and Korea have AKs because they produce clones of them. and you sure as hell did go off the deep end, try learning your history before teaching it.

Well unless the history channel has been feeding me lies then i argee with him

2003-01-02, 08:50 AM
Its also important to note that just about all the weapons have both types of ammo you can put in your inventory.

2003-01-02, 08:53 AM
The Delta guys had M-4s, the Rangers had M-16s

2003-01-02, 09:42 AM
Bah the real question is:

What bout the Vanu and the energy ammo? does it work only vs troopers or is it able to damage vehicles aswell?

2003-01-02, 12:16 PM
Yeah Hamma - can you give us more about ammo in general?

Does the Flechette Rifle need two types of ammo, or does the nature of the flechettes work well against infantry and armor at close range, without the need to specify type?

Does a Cycler, Repeater, and Amp use the same exact ammo, or is ammo specific to the weapon? How about shotgun type of weapons, can I share an ammo pool between a rifle and a shotgun?

And any info you can add about beam weapons and ammo would be appreciated!

BTW, I am talking about the game, Planetside. No need to check the History channel folks. ;):D

2003-01-02, 12:28 PM
I dont know specifics about the ammo and what weapons it fits in. If the weapon is anti-vehicle in nature, it probably doesent have anti-personell ammo. But again, I dont know enough about the specifics such as what ammo works in what weapons.. etc

2003-01-02, 12:30 PM
The Cycler is a drum-fed assault rifle. The AMP is a pistol. I seriously doubt they use the same ammo.

The Punisher and the NC rifle might use the exact same ammo. Other than that, I think it'll be completely different from one weapon to the next.

Unless they use some weird nano-pool clip-reservior explanation, in which case it'll be pretty much anything with anything (unless you're Vanu).

2003-01-02, 02:12 PM
On the contrary, VS already has any ammo with any gun. All of our guns use the same ammo. A very neato function. :)

2003-01-02, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Dio
On the contrary, VS already has any ammo with any gun. All of our guns use the same ammo. A very neato function. :)

Actually, I wouldn't be at all suprised to find that pistols and lancers take different sized batteries... AA vs D, or whatever.

And perhaps you can swap power around between what's in your inventory, heck if I know.

2003-01-02, 10:25 PM
NavyBeans I've seen that same documentary about 3 times now lol. At least some one who did see that thing knows what I'm talking about. Were did China and Kroea get the design from? The AK's that the Russians sold to them.