View Full Version : launchpad problem

2003-07-12, 04:21 PM
P4 2.66Ghz, WinXP Pro, 512mb SDRAM, geforce MX440 128

when i start up the launchpad, it errors.
it worked fiune before, just a few days ago it started erroring. what i had to do was start the test server launcher, which worked, and then once it got to the 'Play' button, id quit and thne the original would work. But now neither are working. the error contaisn no information. please help, as now i cant play.

2003-07-12, 05:11 PM
Test server?...


You DID create a seperate folder for running Planetside on the Test Server, RIGHT?...

Oooooh. If you didn't and ran the test patcher in your main PS directory... I think a reinstall is the only answer at this point. Sorry man. :tear:

2003-07-12, 05:13 PM
nope they are separate, they are even on different partitions.

2003-07-12, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Call-The-Gestap
nope they are separate, they are even on different partitions.


Oooooookay. Probably not that then. Hmm. I'd still try a reinstall and see if it happens again. (Obviously my launchpad works fine, and there was a recent update. Might just have been a bum download, shit happens.

2003-07-12, 05:47 PM
yeh ill give it a go, thanks for advice.

2003-07-12, 06:01 PM
nope, still not working.

2003-07-12, 07:30 PM
Well I'm stuck then.

Anyone else?

2003-07-13, 02:43 PM