View Full Version : Comparison of Faction Vehicles

2003-01-02, 01:50 AM
Which Factions do you think have the coolest vehicles? I think they all look pretty cool but how can those NC and TR vehicles top the Vanu hover vehicles? jawdrop: :drools: they are friggin cool. Why have cannons when you can have beams? Havn't you ever played homeworld? BEAMS ARE SUPERIOR !!!:

2003-01-02, 03:32 AM
I mentioned this somewhere else, but, the bottom is left wide open...has to be the weak points on their hovercraft!
Beams, yup I do like sunbeam bread! Too much tech. can kill ya!!:lol:

2003-01-02, 03:37 AM
mmmm VS, one big EMP and everythign they have will just............not work.

2003-01-02, 03:51 AM
The Vanu vehicles will allow them to attack quickly but both TR and NC have stronger vehicles so unless they cn use that speed advantage the Vanu 1 on 1 will lose if the players are equal

2003-01-02, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by TG_NightHawk
I mentioned this somewhere else, but, the bottom is left wide open...

So a landmine would really F*** them up? :rock:

2003-01-02, 08:26 AM
That's IF landmines affect Vanu vehicles

2003-01-02, 09:16 AM
mmmm VS, one big EMP and everythign they have will just............not work.
And you think the TR or NC will be any diffrent ? :rolleyes:

Traditionall land mines would not be affected by hover tanks but here we are a few years into the future and the land mines prob have motion sensors and whatever... Hover is good cuz less moving parts = less things that break..



2003-01-02, 09:37 AM
I havn't heard annything about the Vanu vehicles having less armor and more speed than the rest, as far as i know thats only been confirmed for the MAX suit. Now it is kinda likely that the Vanu specific vehicles in general will share the MAX's traits but it hasn't been confirmed yet.

But annyhow, i think the VS heavy tank will have the hardest hitting gun. I mean look at it, you have to move the whole damn tank to fire the big gun... so going by the harder to use = better thinking it should be the best gun =)

edited for lame typo bleh

2003-01-02, 09:38 AM
Speaking of EMP, if those weapons existed, which I'm not sure they would, They'd basically be the artillery of PS. Everything, even armor and suits would be useless.

2003-01-02, 09:40 AM
There is no MAX tank. It's like a tank but it's a suit. The heavy tanks will haev the biggest guns and most armor by far.
Also Heavy tnaks are harder to use. They need two people. Gunner and driver

2003-01-02, 09:44 AM
theres EMP like grenades =)

2003-01-02, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by Zatrais
i think the VS heavy tank will have the hardest hitting gun.

IIRC, the NC Vanguard has the largest (hardest hitting) gun in the game.

2003-01-02, 10:59 AM
And you know that because?

Last time i checked theres been virtually no info released about the VS tank what so ever.

2003-01-02, 11:08 AM
he knows that because its common knowledge, the NC tanks advantage is that it has a huge gun

2003-01-02, 11:19 AM
Ah, so you've seen the inside of the Vanu and know how much of the gun thats inside it's hull. For all we know it could be bigger than the NC one.

I can't remember reading that a dev stated that the NC tank's gun will do the most damage. Show me a link and i'll belive you. If not then i'll make up my mind once some info on the VS tank has been released.

Camping Carl
2003-01-02, 11:43 AM
Why have cannons when you can have beams? Havn't you ever played homeworld? BEAMS ARE SUPERIOR !!!:

Homeworld rocks! :rock:
And Zatrais, it does make sense because the NC tank has only one big gun, and they stress damage over rate of fire. So naturally their tank would do the most damage in a single shot.

2003-01-02, 11:54 AM
it has one 20MM and one 150MM

but yes it does make sense that the NC has the most pang pr shot, but we don't know what kind of gun there is on the VS tank. Seeing how it's also fixed into the bulk of the tank it's gonna be harder to use and that might mean it's going to be the hardest hitting one. Must be a reason for why the VS tank is the only tank where main gun isn't turret mounted.

All i'm saying is don't jump in and say who has the best, biggest or most damaging gun til we have some hard facts on the VS tank. =)

2003-01-02, 12:04 PM
Yall are forgetting that VS have full access to the common pool vehicles. I'm sorry to mention this, but think about it.. Hover vehicles, mixed with ground based vehicles provide the most unique combinations for varied attacks. Then factor in that we use energy weapons, have more mobility, and our MAX's are just down right ornary when it comes to movement.. well.. you be the judge.

2003-01-02, 12:10 PM
From the looks of the pic The Vanguard has one 150mm gun and two 20mm guns. BIG GUNZ! :drools:

2003-01-02, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Zatrais
All i'm saying is don't jump in and say who has the best, biggest or most damaging gun til we have some hard facts on the VS tank. =)

VS or any other tank. We need the full facts on them all before you can do a proper an viable comparison. But when the game actually comes out, they will probablly be well balanced, one better in one thing, the other in another thing.

2003-01-02, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg
VS or any other tank. We need the full facts on them all before you can do a proper an viable comparison.

Some dev (smokejumper?) has been quoted as saying that the vangard has the most powerful gun in the game.

2003-01-02, 01:10 PM
Well, obviously the VS tank will have some other attribute to help out the fact hat its gun is not turret mounted (I hope, to balance it out...).

2003-01-02, 01:57 PM
Look at an overhead view of the Magrider. You will see that the main gun is directly inline with the driver's hatch. What does this mean? It means the driver will fire the main gun and the gunner will be firing the turret weapon. This makes sense since the traverse of the main gun is dependent on the driver. So that is a unique feature of the Magrider, the driver as main gunner. Will this be an advantage or disadvantage? I would say disadvantage in most battlefield conditions just because of sensory overload and the need for the driver to both drive and shoot.

One serious disadvantage for the Magrider is its inability to fire in a hull-down orientation. Hull down is a good tactic the NC and TR tanks can use to limit their profile and make them less vulnerable to enemy fire. Magriders will have to crest a hill to bring their main gun to bear.

So Magriders cannot be used in the same ways that an NC and TR tank can. And this will make armor battles very interesting indeed.

2003-01-02, 03:07 PM
Each side has advantages and disadvantages on all the vehicles and weapons so they are all good

2003-01-02, 03:21 PM
The Hull down is a great point Vauss, but realize that the turret, while fixed... must be able to move up and down.. but not left and right... unless I'm way off on this? Fixed to me means able to move, just not on a turret. Otherwise how can the Magrider hit objects that are behind even the smalled 2 foot rise?

2003-01-02, 04:01 PM

from what I can see, the Magrider can elevate but can't traverse. So traverse has to be under the control of the driver. This also means, I think, that the Magrider has some pretty fine control of its hovering ability so you can easily bring the main gun to bear. If it didn't it would be difficult to get the fine control you need to accurately target distant objects. Now, there may also be a limited traverse option, which would be cool. Somewhat similar but more restrictive than the TR anchored MAX. If the Magrider has limited traverse on the main gun, than it might still be controlled by the gunner. You just have to get the driver to get it within a zone of say, 20 degrees from target. If the gunner controls the main gun then Magrider cooperation between gunner and driver will have to be of a higher order than in the Prowler and Vanguard. I can just see a Vanu gunner screaming, "Traverse right, traverse right!! Prowler!"

2003-01-02, 04:02 PM
also if you think about it, beam wepons have no physical force so no recoil
they have no ballistic trajectory so no artillery
and beam wepons generate a LOT of heat, so most of the VS tank would probly be heatsinks if they didn't want it to be a single use vehicle.

2003-01-02, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by Zatrais
All i'm saying is don't jump in and say who has the best, biggest or most damaging gun til we have some hard facts on the VS tank. =)

All I'm saying is that a dev was noted as saying the Vanguard had the most powerful gun in the game. I trust them.

BTW, how useful is a tank when you can only fire forwards? One of the most important aspects of heavy armor manoeuvre warfare is being able to fire in a direction up to 180 degrees from the direction of travel.

Even if the VS tank turns out to have the biggest gun (unlikely) you'd have to stop and turn around to fire at a pursuer. Once a vehicle leaves the main gun's arc of fire, it's going to be tricky to turn the whole tank around especially versus an air vehicle.

edit: took head out of ass

2003-01-02, 04:06 PM
you mean VS right?

2003-01-02, 04:58 PM
How usefull the VS's heavy tanks main gun depends on the damage it does and what kind of weapon it is. If it's a straight fire lazer, i.e lanser on steroids then bleh =/.

I'm hoping the main gun is something like the comet on steroids but whit limitied homing aswell so thats it's not overly hard to fire. Course how much homing (not alott) there should be depends on who fires the gun, the damage of it and travel time. Basicly, the gunner holds a target in the sights, waits for lock on and fires.. that would be a cool thing =)

2003-01-02, 05:04 PM
The VS tank also seems to have a pretty big gun on top... I don't see why it would be at a disadvantage, because the gun on top looks like it can be moved around.

Camping Carl
2003-01-02, 06:51 PM
Well, the vs tank's lower gun seems like an artillery weapon to me, a grenade launcher maybe?

2003-01-02, 07:27 PM
I hate the vanu, but I'm pretty sure their tanks can strafe. That would be would good damn advantage.

2003-01-02, 10:22 PM
The VS has hover, so it would seem it should have more mobility, especially with that being the VS emphasis. Traversing sideways, possibly using the whole tank as a turret (hovering backward or to the side). Should still have a bigger gun then the TR. Although I have read somewhere that the Vanguard has the biggest gun (and heaviest armor) in the game, it also fires slowest and is the least menuverable.

TR high RoF (twin guns, twin MGs), VS menuverability at the cost of armor and firepower.

2003-01-03, 08:59 AM
TR heavy tank has the most armor...

But something i'm wondering about.

NC gives up ROF for more pang pr shot

TR gives up damage pr shot for a higher ROF

thats 1 negative for 1 positive..

now, why the hell should the VS give up firepower and armor for mobility (thats 2 negative for 1 positive)? Alott of people seem to think that the VS weapons will be weak... beats me why people think that... hell VS has the most hightech weps, why would an empire use them if they're weaker than the traditional ones?

2003-01-03, 12:48 PM
Check all the info on the NC and thgeir tnaks. It says alot that the NC tnaks have the most powerful guns, espevially on their tanks. That's the advantage of the NCs.

2003-01-03, 12:48 PM
Yeah i think so too but i let the little NCs and TRs poke their fun at the VS. They will simply rue the day more when i blast them with my plasma cannon. :)

2003-01-03, 03:00 PM
think like this, the VS give up HALF the firepower of the and and HALF the armor of whoever, then it equals out to -1/2 -1/2 + 1

2003-01-03, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Camping Carl
Well, the vs tank's lower gun seems like an artillery weapon to me, a grenade launcher maybe?

I'd have to agree, not on the nade launcher but on the artillery. If you look at this pic (http://www.planetside-universe.com/image.php?picid=20081&filetype=jpg) you can see the top gun is like any other turret and the bottom one seems to only move up and down.

2003-01-03, 03:31 PM
So the Vanu has the best of both worlds :p One turret moves up and down, and the other can rotate like a normal turret... (brilliant wording :p ).

EDIT: So if the bottom gun is a turret then it must have some sort of special explosive shell.

2003-01-03, 03:43 PM
I think the gun on the bottom of the VS tank shoots something like what comes outta the plasma turret in Tribes and Tribes 2, but a little bigger :D :cool:

2003-01-03, 03:55 PM
Didn't the devs clearly say that no for of artillery would ever be implemented in PS? I seem to recall that, but i'm unable to dig up a source to confirm it =/...

I think it was stated in the old official forum, but thats been closed.

2003-01-03, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Zatrais
Didn't the devs clearly say that no for of artillery would ever be implemented in PS? I seem to recall that, but i'm unable to dig up a source to confirm it.

AFAIK, artillery and other such pieces were removed to 'speed up gameplay' and prevent weapons spamming.

2003-01-03, 04:08 PM
However, the TR MAX anti-vehicular weapon is an indirect fire heavy grenade launcher so in some respects it could be considered a poor man's MLRS. Especially in anchored high ROF mode.

2003-01-03, 04:13 PM
Yeah they didn't include an artillery unit but nade from above = artillery to me.

2003-01-03, 05:38 PM
From the pics of all the tanks it looks like the VS has the only independant turret unless the TR chain gun turret moves indepant of the main gun. The NC tank dosen't have an independant turrent all of its guns are on one turret faceing the same way. So the VS may have less armor but, it can cover two directions at once with its guns unlike the NC tank unless, it's the same thing with the chain gun turret if it's fixed on the TR tank. With the pics on the tanks though I like the traditional look of the Vanguard the best but, it's almost a tie with the VS tank on looks. The TR tank just looks a little strange with two main cannons if it had one big gun instead of two smaller ones it would look a bit better.

2003-01-03, 06:10 PM
Yeah yeah yeah... Tank this. Tank that. Love tanks. But no one is talking about the buggies.

I think that some people will really hate being in buggies, while others will really love them.

People who can't stand getting shot out of a vehicle will tend to steer clear of them (and the quads).

People who like speed, as a rule, will love the lighter vehicles.

In terms of raw firepower, I think the TR buggy is going to come out on top. 20mm cannon + grenade launcher. That means it can engage two seperate targets (not including ramming).

In terms of single shot power, the NC buggy definitely comes out on top. That thing looks like an over-sized pheonix, and may well be guided like one. Getting sniped by that thing wouldn't be much fun, no matter what you're wearing (or driving for that matter).

And, of course, the VS wins in the manuverability department. Strafing might not be as much of a deal on something that's already quite manuverable (as with the tank), but quite useful none the less. And lets not forget the ability to cross water. That alone will give the VS a significant advantage on a number of continents.

"Bridges? We don' need no steenkeeng bridges!"

And I'm not sure vanu have to reload either, now that I think about it. There's no way those batteries will fit into a beamer, but they all use the same sized "clips".

Vanu might not be so bad after all... so long as you're willing to give up your masculen... er... genes.

2003-01-03, 06:21 PM
TR has a high ROF, the NC have pound for pound the more firepower, and the VS have manuverability. As far as crossing water I remember reading some where that the VS vehicles will sink if they go too far out. I don't think that the going over water would really matter.

2003-01-03, 06:23 PM
AGH! THEY AREN'T CALLED CLIPS! MAGS how hard is that MAGS! as in MAGAZINES! and im not talkign about the damn VS powercells.

2003-01-03, 07:25 PM

The Prowler chainguns are directly in line with the main guns and are not on a separate turret. The NC 20 mm cannon are offcenter so they will have a slightly different aimpoint than the NC main gun.

Your point about the VS Magrider being able to engage two targets at once is valid so long as it is the driver who fights the main gun and the gunner on the turret. This would help balance the fact that the Magrider cannot fight the main gun in a hulldown position.

2003-01-03, 07:30 PM
Yeah VS weapons rock since they all use the same clips as any other VS weapon, TR and NC will have to find the right clip before being able to reload if they round out of ammo out in the field, plus they have to figure out the right amount of each clip before they leave. Clips, clips, clips, it's all about the clips.


Ok not that's out of the way back to the vehicles.

I do indeed think the TR buggy will be dangerous as well as the NC but i'm anxious to know the specs on the particle cannon or whatever. That's what sucks we can't really compare anything since we don't have the info. :(

2003-01-03, 07:43 PM
Isn't the Vanu tank the only one that doesn't have a turret...Sort of useless for defending but I guess the MAXes can defend.

2003-01-03, 07:50 PM

What tank are you looking at? Or you just trying to bring down the VS.

Our tank kicks ass! (http://www.planetside-universe.com/image.php?picid=20152&filetype=jpg)

2003-01-03, 08:01 PM
I thought the Vanu's cannon wasn't turreted..heh..So it has no turret..and I wasn't bad mouthing it but stating a fact. Those type of tnaks existed and they weren't useful for defending..

2003-01-03, 08:13 PM
I know i was just playing (i always am :D).

Seriously though i think the VS tank will be a very good threat to the other empire tanks. Our tank is the only 1 that can target 2 different targets at the same time(or so it seems anyway from the pics) and it will most likely be faster and more maneuverable. Yay for us! :p

2003-01-03, 09:01 PM
As long as you start off with a better position. If not you'll always be starfing which will allow the turret to track you a little better than the VS tank can.

2003-01-04, 02:26 AM
From what I can tell about the NC vehicle trends, they are mainly for takeing out other vehicles. They leave the infantry to be delt with by infantry.

The Vangaurd has the BFG of the game, most powerful bullet, but low ROF. This makes it an exelent tank buster, but it has limited anti-infantry ability. It has 2 20mms, but those are just ment to keep infantry from runing up and hacking at it with knives until it dies. If you like big explosions, but dont like enemy tanks, hop on in.

The Enforcer has a rocket launcher on top. While this hasn't been stated directly by a dev, the weapon on top has openings in the front and back(the one in the back being for loading and the rockets propelent to escape). This sudgests it it for takeing out enemy buggys and tanks, and again limited anti-infantry ability aside from its front bummper.

From what I can tell about TR weapon designs, they are for infantry support. This supports the TRs history of fighting against under-funded and poorly equiped foes.

The Prowler has duel main-guns for takeing out smaller vehicles such as light tanks and buggies, but lacks a little bit of a punch against heavier armor. Its duel-chainguns are for suppressive fire and, again, destroying buggies.

The Marauder is an infantry blending machine. 20mm chaingun for makeing swiss cheeze, and a greanade launcher for light-tanks, buggies, and groups of infantry. If you want some nicely tenderized meat, this is your vehicle.

Not enough is known of the Vanu vehicles to make any speculations.